February 18, 2010, - 4:27 pm

If They Can’t Secure Their Guns, How Can They “Secure” the “Homeland”?

By Debbie Schlussel

More Keystone Koppery at the Department of Homeland Security. On the one hand, 200 guns lost from thousands of agents is a small number. However, the 185,000 number is misleading, as a far smaller number of the 185,000 DHS employees are actually issued guns.


But one is a problem, especially if they fall into the hands of criminals. Part of the problem, also, is that Homeland Security–especially ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)–repeatedly issues guns to people who are not trained law enforcement agents and whom the regulations forbid from carrying one. Cronyism often wins out, such as friends of John Torres, former director of ICE Detention and Removal Operations.

The guns have been found in a fast-food bathroom, an idling car in a convenience store parking lot, a bowling alley, a toolbox in a truck bed, and even on a car bumper.  Stupid, stupid, stupid. And on that note, I’m reminded of a story told about a retired FBI Special Agent, who worked counterterrorism in the Detroit area (incompetently so). He was allegedly cheating on his first wife with another agent, and they went to Disney World together. But then, he and his fellow FBI agent lover had their guns stolen. They’d locked them in their car trunk and other parties saw and stole them, once they left the lot. That’s how the agent’s wife found out he was cheating on her. The agents must file a report, when their guns are stolen, lest it be used in a crime and they are framed, etc.

The nation’s Homeland Security officers lost nearly 200 guns in bowling alleys, public restrooms, unlocked cars and other unsecure areas, with some ending up in the hands of felons. The problem, outlined in a new federal report, has prompted disciplinary actions and extra training.

Most of the misplaced weapons — including handguns, shotguns and military rifles — were never found. “Most losses occurred because officers did not properly secure firearms,” says the Homeland Security inspector general report.

At least 15 of the guns ended up in the hands of gang members, criminals, drug users and teenagers, inspector general Richard Skinner found. His report documented 289 missing firearms from fiscal year 2006 through 2008, although not all were lost because of negligence. Some were lost in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and others were stolen from safes.

The report is the first accounting of guns lost by Homeland Security’s 185,000 workers. . . .

Although the number of guns lost is only a small fraction of Homeland Security’s 190,000 firearms, any lost weapon “is a very serious matter,” said Hubert Williams, president of the Police Foundation, a think tank on law-enforcement issues. “It reflects the competence of the officer.”

The report does not say if any of the guns were used in crimes.

Read the full Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General report.

You can bet that they were used in crimes. Why wouldn’t they be? It’s the perfect crime. You use a fed’s gun and it gets traced back to them.

Hey, I wonder how many of Janet Napolitano’s girlfriend DHS appointees have been issued guns. How many of them will lose them?

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17 Responses

Gee, and I wonder what kind of paperwork they had to complete to get their guns? You darn near have to put down how many times you farted in the 4th grade in order to get your permit in some states.

Maybe it’s a good thing I stay home with my daughter. I would have blown my aorta because of all this stupidity.

cirrus1701 on February 18, 2010 at 5:22 pm

I remember one INS numbnut in particular. He left his weapon in a public restroom at LAX. The weapon was recovered, and this person was actually promoted to supervisor shortly thereafter. One true story of many Deb., no surprises…

#1 Vato on February 18, 2010 at 5:40 pm

Good story, scary story. Great choice of graphics also. GLOCK Model 29, caliber 10mm AUTO. Very serious whup-ass round.

Rocky on February 18, 2010 at 5:45 pm

Easy fix: Lose a gun, lose your job.

Sadly, this kind of logic only works in the private sector.

With the Feds it’s more like: screw up and move up.

Sam Adams on February 18, 2010 at 6:19 pm

That’s an awesome saying. It really fits the governmental job structure!

cirrus1701 on February 18, 2010 at 6:52 pm

How can these morons lose their weapon? Their firearm should be their life. Nothing should be more important than the security of their firearms. How the hell else are these agents supposed to protect the general public and themselves?

All of these idiot agents should face the same type of proceedings that a military person would who lost his rifle. If it is not lost in combat, a general court martial could take place. These DHS morons should face jail time if it is proven they were negligent.

Jarhead on February 18, 2010 at 6:54 pm

    Although I can’t speak for those that have lost their weapon. I can thankfully say I have never lost mine. How many of you commented actually read the OIG report, not just the article posted by Ms. Debbie? She provided the link. Or are you that didn’t read it just the same ones that comment about DHS on everything. Did you read about some of the weapons were lost in the 9/11 WTC bombings? I read the article and the report. I also read that some of the weapons were stolen from a closet inside someones home. And those agents that have lost weapons have been issued discipline, including being removed from the service. It’s not just ICE, which has its share of misfits, but Secret Service and CBP as well. As a young agent I must admit I have left my weapon in my g-ride. I was just fortunate not to have it stolen. I refused to take my weapon into my apartment where my kids were. After I purchased a home I did buy a safe that I kept in my garage that I would place my weapon in every night when I got home. As far as your comment about the military…were you aware of the young black 2nd Lt that lost his weapon (only to have been taken by his commander from his tent, to teach him a lesson about accountability) during the Vietnam War? I feel like Paul Harvey, and the rest of the story all of a sudden, but anyway, that Lt. went on to become a 4-star general. General Colin Powell was his name.

    I know for a fact that under the direction of Mr. Dinkins (not kissing ass here, just know for a fact) that your about to see some significant changes at ICE. I am excited about these changes and I know that it will change the way ICE does business.

    ICE VET on February 18, 2010 at 9:19 pm

      What kind of change will there be ?

      alvin on February 18, 2010 at 9:46 pm

      “I feel like Paul Harvey, and the rest of the story all of a sudden, but anyway, that Lt. went on to become a 4-star general. General Colin Powell was his name.”

      Was that supposed to be reassuring in some way? I doubt that too many here are into Colin Powell worship. General Powell was a very political creature when he was in and out of the service. It was really nice how he managed to get his son, Michael, a nice FCC job during the Clinton and Bush Administrations.

      Worry01 on February 19, 2010 at 6:32 am

      You need to put the pipe down and come up for air…

      IceNoMore on February 21, 2010 at 8:18 am

Helping terrorists feel safer every day.

The Terrorist's Advocate on February 18, 2010 at 7:35 pm

The only change I see coming out of ICE is less enforcement. ICE is well known in the government as a disaster and it gets worse by the day. Rumors are that there is some kind of reorganization afoot. My guess based on the actions I’ve seen coming from senior leaders it will only lead to more demoralization of its workers and encourage more illegal aliens to violate the law because current management won’t enforce the law.

belugajedi on February 18, 2010 at 10:09 pm

    You nailed it! That’s been a gradual process since customs took over. Now that they’re totally at the helm they will engage their plan for global ineptitude.

    The legacy INS pansies that bought in and drank the koolaid can be found under the desks with a glazed doughnut look on their mugs.

    IceNoMore on February 21, 2010 at 8:15 am

There seems to be a tremendous lack of discipline at DHS.

Worry01 on February 19, 2010 at 6:35 am

How can they secure the homeland? Obviously, they can’t. Most of us out here know they’re mostly incompetent, don’t believe in their purpose–protecting the homeland from what they know is bogus, made up terrorists, and are just picking up their paychecks, hoping no one asks them to actually do anything responsible.
That’s why many of us demand our 2nd Amendment rights so that, when the chips are down and we have to defend ourselves and our families, we know we can take care of number one and clan because no one else is going to. You are on you own.

Sandy Barringer on February 21, 2010 at 1:32 pm

it doesnt mean a damn thing who is in charge of ICE OI, they are gonna do what the A/S, Napolitano and the Obama Administration are gonna do. You can already see a change in policy, less worksite raid, less aliens being detained etc. Im sure the new OI director will be a much needed welcomed breath of fresh air compared to that other idiot who ran OI who is now at IPR Center, hopefully not for long. The previosu OI director made a lot of subordinates do a lot of stupid unnceccessary things, mostly at her directio and NOT because people were telling her too.n

Lets hope the echoes of a dramatic restructuring are in store because ICE sure as hell needs it.

ICEVET, don’t get too excited at thee changes because they ain’t coming from Dinkins, they will be coming from A/S Morton and higher and they won’t be pro-enforcement minded. Detenetion reform is already one major issues on the table and the detention system in place will no longer be in a couple years.

ICEscraper on February 22, 2010 at 8:30 pm

Or “lose” 6 bullets in a prison and lose 5 days vacation. There is no work ethic, officers are corrupt, but they are diverse!

FeFe on February 28, 2010 at 11:58 am

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