February 17, 2010, - 1:19 pm

Attn, Team USA: Again, I Couldn’t Care Less

By Debbie Schlussel

Longtime and recent readers know my feelings about the Olympics.  Not only don’t I care, but I despise the Olympics for what it’s turned into and who it won’t memorialize.  I wrote about it on Friday and also many times over the years.


But that doesn’t stop the aggressive PR flacks from Team USA and the US Olympic Committee from constantly beseeching me to gush over them on this site.  You’d think that my first lack of response to their e-mails would be a hint.  But it isn’t.  So, I had to respond forcefully and bluntly.  Below is my e-mail response to the Team USA people, followed by a couple of their publicist’s e-mails:

From: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: Follow up on my Olympic email
To: Liza Peiffer lizap@teamusanews.org

I am not interested in the slightest in promoting the spoiled prima donnas of Team USA.  Clearly, you are not familiar with my work.  If you were, you would know that I’m sickened that the IOC still has refused to memorialize the Israeli athletes.  And Team USA is a huge part of that b/c the USOC–on which the athletes in Team USA have a voting rep–refuses to push the issue and simply doesn’t care.  I’m also disgusted that there isn’t a single true amateur on Team USA.  Here’s just a tiny sample of what I think about the Olympics in specific and Team USA in general:

[BTW, readers, I urge you to join our Facebook group, “The IOC Should Memorialize the Israeli Athletes Murdered in Munich in 1972,” founded by reader and FB friend, Ken Goffstein.]

And where was Team USA in 2002, when Mitt Romney, who headed the Salt Lake Olympic Organizing Committee, attacked Americans for cheering Team USA on American soil, just months after 3,000 Americans were murdered in cold blood by Islamic terrorists?  No peep from Team USA–wouldn’t wanna upset the big guns and those countries around the world who hate us, right?

It ain’t 1980, where you had solid, working-class, amateur Americans representing the best of our country against our enemies and beating them.  Instead, today, you have multi-millionaire pro hockey players.  Yawn.  Who cares?  It’s only exciting, when it’s embarrassing, like when Chris Chelios and Brett Hull destroyed furniture in a temper tantrum.  So sad, too bad.  But, again, it isn’t 1980, we aren’t beating–or even competing against Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda on the ice or on the slopes.  And I simply don’t care.

BTW, how much U.S. tax money goes to subsidize these prima donna spoiled brats?  A lot–as you know–because USOC is a tax-deductible and tax-subsidized (American taxpayers pay a ton for these rich athletes’ security from government agents) organization.  Snowboarder Shaun White recently told “60 Minutes” that he makes $10 million per year and took the reporter for a ride in his second $300,000-plus Lamborghini (he crashed the first one), which was parked in the garage of his multi-million dollar Malibu mansion decorated in tacky Sopranos “chic.”  That’s “amateur”?  PUH-LEEZE.  Why should US taxpayers pay for his security?  The Rolling Stones and Aerosmith pay for their own.  And really–women’s hockey?  Get real.  No-one cares.  If I want to watch women pretending to be men playing hockey, I’ll watch a Florida Panthers game.  If you want my attention, put the Hanson brothers on the team.

Tanith Belbin, a Canadian, was allowed to get her US citizenship sped up on the fast track (so she could compete in the last Winter Olympics), while many other more worthy candidates (who fought Islamic terrorists and helped us with intelligence) still wait.  That’s “Team USA”?  Not in my book.  Ditto for her ice dancing.  Isn’t that for the Lawrence Welk crowd?

Go Team USA?  Not really.  I couldn’t care less.  And I don’t want my readers to support Team USA.  I want them to support the actual USA and the far more important issues that face it.

There’s a lot to wave the flag for.  This ain’t it.
Debbie Schlussel


From: Liza Peiffer lizap@teamusanews.org
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 1:48 PM
Subject: Winter Olympics
To: writedebbie@gmail.com

Hi Debbie

Tomorrow, February 12, the world will gather to watch top athletes from around the globe compete in the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. Athletes from Team USA, who have been training their entire lives will take the stage to represent our country. I’m writing with the hope that you could share the news about Team USA with the readers of Debbie Schlussel.

Anyone who registers on Teamusa.org will have access to the latest info and will receive exclusive updates throughout the games. I’ve put all that information including some very cool Team USA widgets and banners into this social media news release here:


Please let me know if you are able to post or tweet and if you could send me the link that would be fantastic. By spreading the word we can all help support our Team USA athletes bring home the gold.

Thank you so much,


Liza Peiffer,
Team USA News


From: Liza Peiffer lizap@teamusanews.org
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 1:57 PM
Subject: Follow up on my Olympic email
To: writedebbie@gmail.com

Hi again Debbie

I sent you an email last Thursday and I hadn’t heard back so I wanted to try to reach you again. As you know, the Winter Olympic Games are in full swing right now in Vancouver. Athletes from Team USA, who have been training their entire lives have been taking the stage to represent our country. I’m writing with the hope that you could share the news to help support Team USA with the readers of Debbie Schlussel.

Anyone who registers on Teamusa.org will have access to the latest info and will receive exclusive updates throughout the games. I’ve put all that information including some very cool Team USA widgets and banners into this social media news release here:


Please let me know if you are able to post or tweet and if you could send me the link that would be fantastic. By spreading the word we can all help support our Team USA athletes bring home the gold.

Thank you so much,


Liza Peiffer,
Team USA News

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13 Responses

Debbie, it sounds like spam! I’m frankly sick of it. I wondered if they even bothered to read your response. You can never tell if there is actually a live human being behind the message.

That’s another reason not to support Team USA.

NormanF on February 17, 2010 at 1:23 pm

I totally agree with you Debbie, The IOC have been remiss in not
remembering the Israeli athletes! That is a terrible insult to Israel and her friends.

I am shocked at the amount of money thrown at TeamUSA and USOC and query their amateur status too considering that the UK athletes couldn’t train for almost a year because the covering body went bust!

I’m also surprised at the emails pleading with you to like them as it doesn’t look professional!

Chriscarroll50 on February 17, 2010 at 1:50 pm

Great post, Debbie. USOC is a diseased agency.

DS_ROCKS! on February 17, 2010 at 1:56 pm

I had to laugh a few years back when the then lastest version of “The Dream Team” basket ball team just barely won a bronze and the team itself couldn’t care less. Absolutely disgusting. It’s a shame Obama couldn’t be more like his hero, Carter, and keep us out of the Olympics to protest something (maybe Global Warming). Of course, I was infuriated when Carter did that because those were actually amatuers who many would never get the second chance to play in the Olympics. I often remind morons who say Carter wasn’t a bad president of this act of his and remind them, also, that that was because the Russians were in AFGANISTAN.
Olympics are a farce.

Bob on February 17, 2010 at 1:58 pm

Gosh, I used to love the Olympics…and rooting for USA and Australia…but this is enough to make me reconsider. It’s disgraceful.

Skunky on February 17, 2010 at 2:03 pm

i’d love to see an israeli version of the hanson brothers on the ice in the olympics versus the best the arab countries can offer. actually i’ll take that in any event. cause we’d pummel the camelshit out of em

drdean on February 17, 2010 at 2:50 pm

Wow. Being born in 1973 and not really paying attention to the Olympics until 1984, I had assumed a memorial had already been done. It’s really pathetic that the IOC has dragged its feet.

Richard on February 17, 2010 at 2:50 pm

Just follow the money…..

Shootist on February 17, 2010 at 3:13 pm

I don’t have any interest in snowboarding (should not be an olympic sport) of any sort and that red headed loser can go poof for all I care. That does not stop me from supporting my country and the numerous athletes that are fullfilling their dreams by being at the olympics through hard work and dedication. Debbie leave the hockey players alone obviously you know nothing of these athletes or the sport.
Should there be a memorial for the Israeli athletes, no question, but why punish the entire team USA.
The debate as to “professional” or not will rage on forever and I am not sure what the answer is. If we don’t they will etc etc.

mdreb on February 17, 2010 at 4:21 pm

CTV has the Canadian television rights for these games – this below is their description for Israel on their website. Obviously saying Israel has NEVER been a legitimate country!


Population: 7,112,359
Languages: Hebrew (official), Arabic, English
Large Cities: Jerusalem (capital), Beersheba, Nazareth, Tel Aviv
Expected athletes: 5 athletes (3 male, 2 female)
Location: Asia

Borders the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Egypt to the south, Jordan to the west and Lebanon and Syria to the north … Created May 14, 1948 from a League of Nations mandate after the British withdrew from their mandate of Palestine and the UN partitioned the area into Arab and Jewish states, an arrangement which the Arabs rejected … Has led to tension and ongoing conflict between the two sides.

Jim on February 18, 2010 at 9:08 am

I think the Olympics is to determine who the worlds greatests athletes are. Doesn’t matter if they’re paid or not. I do agree with Debbie that the 1972 murder victims should be memorialized.

Truth on February 28, 2010 at 7:07 am

The only international competition I’m interested in is the Israeli Rugby Team—I want them to get good enough to challenge the New Zealand All Blacks and kick those antisemitic scumbuckets all over the field. I hate the Kiwis.

Occam's Tool on January 12, 2011 at 6:58 pm

Just because they are professional athletes doesn’t mean they are all prima madonnas.

Bigglestheman on January 12, 2011 at 11:25 pm

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