September 12, 2007, - 5:07 pm

57 Soldiers Wounded, 5 Killed; U.S. Says “Show Restraint”

Let’s say Al-Qaeda or Hezbollah or some other Islamic terrorist group sends a rocket into an American Army base. Let’s say 57 out of 69 U.S. soldiers at an Army base are wounded as they sleep, and five are killed.
Would the U.S. just sit back and take it? Or would we start attacking the mountains of Pakistan and maybe–if we did the right thing–the palaces of Riyadh?
Or would America “show restraint”?

Father of Israeli Soldier

Tries to Get Info on Fate of His Son After Palestinian Attack

HELL NO. Nor should it. So why are we asking Israel to do the same in the face of such an attack by Palestinians, yesterday? And why are we asking Israel to act in the embarrassing way we once acted when our troops were attacked in Beirut while they slept?
It’s absurd.
Just before the Jewish New Year, Palestinians sent a rocket into an Israeli army base near Ashkelon, north of the Gaza Border, early Tuesday morning. With at least 57 soldiers wounded and five dead, it was also the highest casualty toll of any single Palestinian rocket attack.
So what does America do? U.S. officials urged Israel to “show restraint,” fearing it could jeopardize “new peace efforts with the Palestinians”.
HUH?! What “peace efforts”? This is a never ending war. Restraint is for idiots. And dead people. Who makes peace with these barbarians as they are committing mass murder?
America would never again take a bombing like the one in Beirut in the early ’80s, without a response. Why should Israel?

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29 Responses

Israel should purchase Russia’s newest “Dad Of All Bombs” or one of our MOABS and re-test it in Gaza. How’s that for ‘restraint’ Condi?

justamomof4 on September 12, 2007 at 7:07 pm

I don’t blame the Arabist anti-Semites in the State Dept. I blame the Israelis themselves. Don’t they know how to defend themselves anymore? Is Israel not a sovereign nation? Idiots. They seem to have the same mentality as the Jews during WWII. Passively suicidal. I stopped giving money long ago.

lexi on September 12, 2007 at 7:16 pm

I do believe Israel should show restraint…to a certain degree. Rocket attacks with no injuries are a good example of this. Rocket attacks with injuries and / or deaths should be dealt with swiftly and with much larger rockets. Why doesn’t Israel just push these savages into the sea and be done with them. So all the world will probably get mad, but who cares. Enough is enough.

tita2juju on September 12, 2007 at 8:11 pm

Not responding with appropriate force is INSANITY. There should be 50 and dead and 600 maimed tonight in Gaza from an Israeli response. That is the only language of a “peace process” these murderers will understand. Kill 1–we kill 10. Injure 1–we injure 10.
Sadly Debbie, I am sure that we would NOT respond differently today than we did to the bombing of the barracks in 1983 by a hizbollah murderer–we’d tuck tail and run. Ronald Reagan ran from these thugs!

BB on September 12, 2007 at 8:11 pm

Just another example of the inconsistent GWOT that Pres Bush has conducted.
Maybe if the ‘Palestinians’ threatened to kill Pres Bush’s father we would have taken care of them, too.

zyzzyg on September 12, 2007 at 8:26 pm

Bomb them back to Kingdom Come. Nobody cares!

lonewolf on September 12, 2007 at 8:57 pm

dont listen to condi…go get some!!!!!
Just another example of the inconsistent GWOT that Pres Bush has conducted.
Maybe if the ‘Palestinians’ threatened to kill Pres Bush’s father we would have taken care of them, too.
Posted by: zyzzyg
was that supposed to mean that threatening a U.S presidents life,wasnt a big deal?
any way,wars gunna be heating up,plenty of ass kicking gunno be going on,by BOTH the U.S and Isreal

patriot10 on September 12, 2007 at 10:50 pm

Not responding with appropriate force is INSANITY. There should be 50 and dead and 600 maimed tonight in Gaza from an Israeli response. That is the only language of a “peace process” these murderers will understand. Kill 1–we kill 10. Injure 1–we injure 10.
Sadly Debbie, I am sure that we would NOT respond differently today than we did to the bombing of the barracks in 1983 by a hizbollah murderer–we’d tuck tail and run. Ronald Reagan ran from these thugs!
Posted by: BB
dont forget carter,if he would have delt with iran in 1979,ALOT of the shit going on today wouldnt have,or clinton when they drug our men through the streets,all the presidents showed us as weak,and know were paying for it…like i said though screw condi,GO GET SOME!!!

patriot10 on September 12, 2007 at 10:53 pm

Not responding with appropriate force is INSANITY. There should be 50 and dead and 600 maimed tonight in Gaza from an Israeli response. That is the only language of a “peace process” these murderers will understand. Kill 1–we kill 10. Injure 1–we injure 10.
Sadly Debbie, I am sure that we would NOT respond differently today than we did to the bombing of the barracks in 1983 by a hizbollah murderer–we’d tuck tail and run. Ronald Reagan ran from these thugs!
Posted by: BB
dont forget carter,if he would have delt with iran in 1979,ALOT of the shit going on today wouldnt have,or clinton when they drug our men through the streets,all the presidents showed us as weak,and know were paying for it…like i said though screw condi,GO GET SOME!!!

patriot10 on September 12, 2007 at 10:53 pm

sorry,didnt mean to DP

patriot10 on September 12, 2007 at 10:54 pm

Israel will do nothing because it’s leftist government cares about the enemy mre than it’s citizenry. It’s electorate hasn’t learned the horrors of the Nazis and appeasement. They’re doomed!

warpmine on September 12, 2007 at 11:35 pm

Israel can defend itself if necessary, as we saw with the air (and perhaps special forces) attack on a Syrian missle base (probably nuclear facility) this past weekend.
The problem with Gaza is that Hamas WANTS the Israelis to reoccupy. Why? Two reasons. First, Hamas believes it will become a devastating, long, and bloody business for the Israelis. Second, it will give Hamas’ allies in the West and in the media a chance to replay the story about Israel as brutal occupier.
So far, the Israelis have shown restraint because they don’t want to go back into Gaza. So, they’ve resorted to targeted attacks on Hamas political and military leaders and on missle batteries (where Hamas has placed civilians as Hezbollah had done in Lebanon last year).
Eventually, a Kassam will hit a school in Sderot and kill a bunch of kids. At that point, Olmert and company will be forced to go back to Gaza. The idea will be to create a security cordon between Israel and Gaza. Of course, the international left will howl as the poor “Palestinians” are cleared from buildings in the cordon. The Israelis will also have to reoccupy the border between Gaza and Egypt in order to interdict arms shipments.
The problem with this plan is that Hamas probably already has rockets with greater range and accuracy than the Kassams. There is no perfect solution at this point.
The situation in Gaza may be less important than a pending war between Israel and Syria (and its allies Hezbollah and Hamas). This would be a tough 3-front war. Syria has already begun to mobilize reserves (always tricky in a dictatorship, where a mobilized Sunni army might decide to turn around and march on its Alawite masters).
I believe the leaked US plan to bomb Iran is really a message to the mullahs to stay out of any war between Israel and Syria. I believe that, without Iranian help, the Syrians will most probably lose a war with Israel. The Israelis certainly won’t fight like they did in Lebanon (a war they were 10 days from winning in any case, before Condi Rice made the Israelis stop). That might be the end of Assad, which is why he has been so reluctant to engage the Israelis.
Israel faces very difficult choices at this point. Clearly, Iran will get the bomb, as Germany has now refused to support sanctions. The US is unlikely to take military action, and a President Clinton or Obama may be inclined to deal Israel away in a settlement with the Iranians (which would certainly please the crowd which quite obviously controls the Democratic party as we saw this week with Petraeus. The left wing of the Democratic Party wants Israel destroyed, no doubt about it).
So, if Israel is going to make a move against Syria or Iranian nukes, the time is now.

sonomaca on September 12, 2007 at 11:40 pm

Israel should not even exist as a Jewish state! The Palestinians have every right to kill the Jews until they end their occupation.

AHDoubleXL on September 13, 2007 at 1:49 am

Well at least the State Department is on board with Ron Paul, the do nothing presidential candidate.

Cpilot on September 13, 2007 at 5:28 am

First off AHDoubleXL, you’re a pig. Second, I’m a flag waving American, but I have to say, on this issue, America STFU.

John Cunningham on September 13, 2007 at 6:36 am

Patriot 10
My point about (no less than) chest thumping Reagan is that even he didn’t have the guts to do what should have been done. We know Carter was/is a spineless jellyfish who took every opportunity he could to deal away America’s leadership in the world–whether the Panama canal giveaway, or the toppling/betrayal of the Shah in Iran or in his brokering the Sinai giveaway to Egypt by Israel. They sure support Israel now, right?
There are very few leaders in the free world who understand that thugs only understand one language–FORCE. Every day I read about some concern that some bleeding heart group disapporoves of us standing up for ourselves. These are the same crowd whom dhimmi Carter represented as their patron saint–WE CANNOT LISTEN TO THESE APPEASERS ANY MORE. Too much is at stake.
Now I will concede one thing–if we respond with overwhleming force–it will get a lot worse before it gets better. We will pay in our own blood and it will cost money. There will be cries of brutality! and lack of patience, etc—well tough crap! After we have destroyed these people’s ability to make war–they will get the message–so yes it will cost us dearly. There is no other way.
Israel has walked a tight rope of maintaining close ties with countries like the US who require them to maintain resstraint-at the same time facing the real cost of survival–they have no choice. When Israel took out Saddam’s nuclear weapons program back in the era when we were backing him (gag)–Israel did it against our country’s demands. Now tell me appeasers–should Israel have sat by and let him build nukes?
There are too many countries in the west filled with people who will become dhimmis rather than fight. They are the ones who gave the slimey/lying faggot Arafat the Nobel Peace prize–because he held out his AIDS filled hand saying he wanted peace for the cameras AT THE SAME TIME HE WAS CALLING HIS COUNTRYMEN TO BE HOMICIDE BOMBERS AND SUCH. We are such idiots in the west.

BB on September 13, 2007 at 7:56 am

Wasn’t “restraint” the reason six million Jews were murdered by Nazis? I wonder how history would have been different if the Jews in Germany had have met the Germans with guns. Am I wrong?

Rich B on September 13, 2007 at 10:01 am

Israel should turn Gaza into a parking lot and the sooner the better.
I am so sick and tired of America telling the Israelis to use restraint with those animals.
America should do the same thing with Iran.

ScottyDog on September 13, 2007 at 10:47 am

Debbie,Ehud Olmert is the leader of Israel,so there will be no meaningful response.As long as Israel has an electoral system that keeps Quisling hacks like him in charge,then the future is not bright for Zion.

scott on September 13, 2007 at 10:47 am

justamomof4 is right. Restraint means limiting the response to one bomb. The added benefit is that parking lots don’t get much coverage by the MSM.

jeebie on September 13, 2007 at 11:15 am

I hope Americans are prepared to be at war with every muslim on Earth, until it is finished, because that’s what it’s going to take to end these conflicts. They will never stop attacking Americans, Israelis, Jews, Christians, Europeans, Westerners, infidels, etc, etc, etc…We need their oil, anyway. To hell with this charade, they are ALL our enemy. Animals FIGHT for resources, or they die. Choose one.

steve ventry on September 13, 2007 at 1:03 pm

CPilot, obviously you have the limited intelligence which brings you to make personal attacks on others, much like all in the American Extremist movement. How about focusing on the issue. Israel as a nation has no right to exist.

AHDoubleXL on September 13, 2007 at 4:31 pm

Israel should not even exist as a Jewish state! The Palestinians have every right to kill the Jews until they end their occupation.
Posted by: AHDoubleXL at September 13, 2007 01:49 AM
Do you have fever with those spells? Dont pay attention to this dhimmi scumbag. He/She cant help it if they have JDS (Joooo Derangement Syndrome)

RadicalRightWinger on September 13, 2007 at 5:02 pm

He doesn’t sound like a right wing neo-nazi even with the Hitler reference. My guess is he’s some unassimilated Muzzie 5th Columnist living in Debbie’s backyard of Dearbornistan. Hmm – maybe the immigration authorities actually did their job and deported his sorry ass back to his kitty litter sandbox of origin?
Hey Achmed, it must feel good to get back on the net after Hamas turns the power back on. Hahahahaha.

JasonBourne81 on September 13, 2007 at 6:15 pm

Actually the US has shown restraint in the past for many Islamofascist provocations. Granted, it was mostly what we would call US inattention, lack of interest, or just plain naivete. But by golly we didn’t start lobbing missiles or parachuting troops into the enemy’s strongholds. Instead we remained aloof, showed the world what civilized people we are, and let the Islamofascists do it again. And again.
Obviously the US government thinks this kind of advice to the Israelis shows we have hope for some illusional ‘Peace’ between Israel and the Pseudostinians and other Muslim dictatorships. We’re wrong for thinking it means anything more to Muslims than that the West is weak, but we’ll keep on trying it, won’t we? And service men and women will keep being wounded and killed, as will innocent civilians, while the Islamofascists boast of how toothless we are, and how powerful they are.
Suicidal, but it’s been the policy of the US for decades regarding Israel. And itself.

benning on September 13, 2007 at 7:35 pm

for you to question Irael’s right to exist is to question the word of the living G-d. He is the one who gave them the land–you are the squatters and someday you will be either converted (from your moon god allah of mo to the true G-d ) or you and your people will be gone from occupying the underbelly of ISRAEL for good.
To Abraham, Isaac and Jacob he swore:
“I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee.”
That’s not my opinion–that’s the word of the living G-d. You have a choice to make.

BB on September 13, 2007 at 10:05 pm

AHDoubleXL, what would the palestinians do with Israel, turn it into another garbage dump like all the other palestinian communities? Nobody wants that!

steve ventry on September 14, 2007 at 1:58 am

Steve Ventry…I would have said “dung heap” rather than garbage dump

scott on September 14, 2007 at 11:29 am

Hitler wasn’t right wing, he was a lefty. He wanted the government to run everything.

steve ventry on September 15, 2007 at 7:20 pm

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