July 13, 2005, - 3:19 pm

Michael Moore Film Festival Update; Ted Nugent Spouts Off

By Debbie Schlussel
Over a month ago, I wrote about the upcoming set for Traverse City, Michigan, this summer. The festival, sponsored by the far-left Center for Alternative Media and Culture, now has some All-American, conservative competition, with the Traverse Bay Freedom Festival, sponsored by American Film Renaissance and organized by Traverse City patri-ette Genie Aldridge. The Freedom Festival, at the end of July, will show the films, “Michael Moore Hates America,” “Top Gun,” and a Reagan documentary.
The Detroit Free Press got something wrong about this, though. Under the photo of Michael Moore in the article about this film festival, the caption reads, “Michael Moore is the whipping boy of the conservative movement.” No, the United States is the whipping boy of Michael Moore.

My favorite depiction of Michael Moore, complete with food stains and double-fisted hot-dogs (from “”)

Then, there is Ted Nugent, aging rocker, proud gun-owner (an NRA Board Member) . . . and deadbeat parent of an illegitimate child he fathered during his marriage? Yes, that’s the guy. (He says he paid “minimal support” until now, even though he acknowledged it was his progeny.)

I despise Michael Moore as much as the next guy (or girl), and I’ve written against him, here and . I’ve had my own in-person run-ins with the calorically-endowed fake-umentarian, debating him at his 1997 Michigan premiere of “The Big One” (to which I was, surprisingly, an invited guest, and he insisted on sitting next to me), and debting him, last year, on Howard Stern’s radio show, regarding the lies of his . (He wrote about my one-vote loss in a Michigan House race in his book, “Downsize This.”)
But Ted Nugent’s not exactly the ideal anti-Moore spokesman, right now.
I used to like the “Motor City Madman.” We testified together, before a Michigan Senate committee, in favor of legislation to conceal and carry guns (which, thankfully, is now Michigan law).
But, less than a month after being ordered to pay child support (he was served during a ZZ Top concert) for a 10-year-old out-of-wedlock child he fathered during his current marriage (he’s had several marriages and relationships), he’s spouting off against Moore and considering a run for Michigan Governor (he lives in Crawford, Texas; he left his Jackson, Michigan home because of mold).
Says Ted of Mikey Moore: “He’s quite a beast of burden, isn’t he? Nothing makes me look better than Michael Moore. He stands for everything I don’t believe in and I stand for everything he doesn’t believe in.”
Like cheating on your wife, abandoning your illegitimate children, etc., etc., etc. . . . .

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5 Responses

Ted Nugent is scum. Glad to see that just because you both agree on Michael Moore (and I assume on his pro-gun views) you can see old Ted for who he really is. Good piece, Debbie.

hairymon on July 13, 2005 at 8:02 pm

The organizers of the Traverse Bay Freedom Festival are doing themselves a disservice by showing “Michael Moore Hates America” as part of their line-up. It plays right into far-left’s hands. It doesn’t appear that The Center for “Alternative” Media are showing any of Moore’s propoganda films. Jaws, High Noon and Young Frankenstein are all fine films (although I prefer Blazing Saddles), lacking in overt political commentary, as far as I know.
If Traverse Bay wanted to show films with a patriotic slant, instead of showing an anti-Moore film and a Reagan documentary, should have opted for something like Patton or Saving Private Ryan.
Keep “Michael Moore Hates America” in reserve to counter showings of F911 and other MM tripe.
And as far as The Nuge goes, musically I’ve never felt the need to go beyond the Great Gonzos album. There are some good songs there, but I’ve heard some of his other stuff, and it all tends to blend together with a bland sameness. Rock should never be boring.
Politically, while I appreciate his pro-2nd Amendment campaigning, deadbeat dadism is never acceptable and, unless he and his wife have an agreed-to open marriage, he should be ashamed for fathering a child out of wedlock and cheating on his wife.

Yngvai on July 14, 2005 at 11:18 am

Here’s another great little blurb about The Nuge regarding his draft dodging from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Nugent:
Nugent dodged the draft during the Vietnam War. In an interview for the Detroit Free Press (July 15, 1990), Nugent described how he avoided the draft: He claims that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last ten days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside pants caked with excrement and stained by his urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment, he says. His quote: ? but if I would have gone over there, I?d have been killed, or I?d have killed, , or I?d have killed all the Hippies in the foxholes? I would have killed everybody.?

Clompo on July 14, 2005 at 12:39 pm

I always thought that Nugent was getting an embarrassing pass from a lot of conservatives, including guys like Rush, Hannity, columns in the WSJ etc., but never had anything specific. Now I do.
He would have to renounce a lot of stuff and confess a lot of sins for the average person to be willing to vote for him. And he would have to be believable. I don’t see how that could happen, and I don’t think it should happen.
That said, SOMEBODY has got to stop Dick Devos. His Amway-Quixtar history makes him a disaster waiting to happen.

Tom at BizzyBlog on July 14, 2005 at 2:24 pm

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