September 4, 2007, - 2:44 pm

Designers at the Muslim Fashion Show: Arab Museum Shows its Islamist True Colors

Detroit’s deceptively-named National Arab American Museum has shown it’s true colors: It’s a Muslim Museum. Not an Arab one.
Sunday, the museum will hold a Muslim fashion show for women, featuring “stylish yet modest clothing.” (A single hair on an ugly woman, if exposed, might turn on the entire Muslim male population with dire consequences, apparently.) But if the museum were truly about Arabs (not Muslims), it would divorce itself from Islamic dress. Most Arabs in America are Christians, and they don’t cover up. (And most Muslims in America are NOT Arabs).
To crib off of a Jay Leno joke, here are the likely designers featured at the “fashion show”:

Sexy: Muslim Feminist Fashion Show

* Anti-Christian Dior;
* Donna Koran (not to be confused with Evil Zionist Donna Karan);
* Khomeini Klein (not to be confused with Evil Zionist Calvin); and
* Jihadi Armani.
The Muslim fashion show is emblematic of the Islamist nature of the Museum. Sure, most of the exhibits (in addition to the Anti-Israel wing and temporary anti-Semitic exhibits) are of Christian Arab-Americans who are mainstream in American life, like Doug Flutie and Jamie Farr. But they are using the Christians’ images to make us think that the Muslims–who run and control the Museum–are the same as Flutie and Farr. They ain’t. It’s pure propaganda.
In fact, one of the Arab Americans featured in the museum is Erin Brockovich attorney, the late Edward Masry. But, , unlike the museum’s message, Masry–a Syrian Christian–was pro-Israel. He told a newspaper:

My father was a Christian from Syria who came to the United States in 1912 because of repression in his native country. He was one of the first to give money to Israel in 1948. His sympathies were pro-Zionist, not pro-Arab.

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22 Responses

My Christian Arab American friends would object to a museum portraying Arab style as these medieval penguin suits objectionable.

JasonBourne81 on September 4, 2007 at 3:38 pm

I am a third generation Lebanese Christian (Actually more southern than most Texans ) who is appalled at what I see today. I do not identify myself with Arabs, Muslims, or anyone else of that part of the world. I identify myself as an American! An American veteran at that!
The muslim appeasers of this country would be more than happy to lead us straight into the slaughter house like sheep. The radical fundamentalist muslims *holes want nothing better than to cut out throats, and destroy our success. I for one prefer living in the 20th century vs. a fly infested cave out of the bronze age.
Everyone also has to remember that it’s not the muslims out to destroy us, but rather it’s the Pelosi types out there that seek to destroy us from within because they are gutless to preserve our American culture and Sovereignty.
We either defend the American traditions -or- learn to live happily back in the stone age ruled by foul smelling nut bags from the middle east.

RC Flyer on September 4, 2007 at 3:47 pm

Are jews from the arabian peninsular dispalyed in that museum? Why not include other fundamental groups originating from the middle east? What about the druze and the zoastrians? The muslims can use a little diversity there lol.

Jew Chick on September 4, 2007 at 4:11 pm

Muslims and fashion? That’s an oxymoron. Although in the upscale Tyson’s Galleria in McLean, VA the Muzzie women are covered up all right, but their tablecloths have Swarovski (I’m assuming)crystals sewn on. Muzzie bling.

lexi on September 4, 2007 at 7:25 pm

A propos of Calvin Klein, I was in the northeast Bronx the other day, where my aged mother still resides. The area is increasingly Muslim, and most of the small shops are now either managed or owned by Muslims, primarily Pakistanis. I had to make a purchase in one of these shops, and noticed that hijab worn by the cashier, a young girl of about eighteen, was patterned with numerous CK (i.e. Calvin Klein) logos. I was at once both chagrined and bemused to see the Calvin Klein imprimatur on a hijab, but then I considered that hijab might be a knockoff, and counterfeit, or if genuine, produced without Klein’s personal knowledge or approval. I was tempted to ask the girl if she knew that the logo on her hijab stood for Calvin Klein, a Jew, who, as a Jew, is a target of Allah’s wrath, and doubly so since he is also reputed to be homosexual or bisexual. I held my tongue, however, and made no comment. I sincerely hope that if in fact Calvin Klein (both the man and the company) is in fact marketing apparel intended for Muslims, that the profits from such items go directly to Zionist and Jewish causes, and to other allied groups fighting the global jihad. Let the dollars flow in the right direction, for once.

commonsense on September 4, 2007 at 7:37 pm

Hey Jew Chick, I’m going to repeat your post here with one suggestion to follow: “Are jews from the arabian peninsular dispalyed in that museum? Why not include other fundamental groups originating from the middle east? What about the druze and the zoastrians? The muslims can use a little diversity there lol”. Posted by: Jew Chick at September 4, 2007 04:11 PM
OK, now for my suggestion. They should apply your ideas to the New Arab school in New York City that is “supposed” to be about arab culture. However, I woun’t hold my breath.
P.S. I’d still Love to meet you some day. Sorry I just had to say it again LOL.

OneIrishJew on September 4, 2007 at 10:41 pm

Hey, is that a woman or a man under those bed sheets (2nd from left)?
I have one burning question:
What the heck is the guy taking a picture of? Five pairs of eyes? Hey, look that’s Fatima on the left, No . . . wait, . . . she’s on the right, or is she the one in the middle?
I am so confused by that image. The guy might as well have a camera without any film loaded. He is taking a USELESS picture!!!!
This shows the extent of how much moooslims are backward people. Very uninspiring, very bleek, very 7th century!!!!

God&America on September 5, 2007 at 1:38 am

Hey, is that a woman or a man under those bed sheets (2nd from left)?
I have one burning question:
What the heck is the guy taking a picture of? Five pairs of eyes? Hey, look that’s Fatima on the left, No . . . wait, . . . she’s on the right, or is she the one in the middle?
I am so confused by that image. The guy might as well have a camera without any film loaded. He is taking a USELESS picture!!!!
This shows the extent of how much moooslims are backward people. Very uninspiring, very bleek, very 7th century!!!!

God&America on September 5, 2007 at 1:38 am

Muslim fashion show? I thought that was a pic from a Muslim bowling alley.

Shy Guy on September 5, 2007 at 1:57 am

Commonsense…Are you talking about the Pelham Bay area of The Bronx? 20 – 30 years ago, those savages would’ve been run out of that area if they dared set foot there. It’s too bad even THAT neighborhood has been infiltrated by muzlums.

Thee_Bruno on September 5, 2007 at 6:01 am

“The guy might as well have a camera without any film loaded.”
I thought the same thing. I’m still laughing at that squatting dude in the potato sack taking the photo. Why the squat? What a bunch of tools.
Second from left is showing some snazzy yellow sneakers nonetheless. Quite the fashionista is that big sexy gal! May want to lay of the falafel though. Perhaps UM could use her(?) on defense considering their misadventure in the “Big House” this past weekend.

Southernops on September 5, 2007 at 5:02 pm

To Thee_Bruno:
The area of the Bronx in question is the Pelham Parkway vicinity, where the Muslim presence is now very significant, and increasing. Muslims are also conspicuous elsewhere in the Bronx, such as in the Montefiore Hospital area around Jerome Avenue, the outskirts of Parkchester (Castle Hill Avenue), and, yes – Pelham Bay. Hijabs everywhere, along with an occasional burqua; nearly all of the Muslim women are accompanied by numerous children, their fecundity being particularly egregious. Apparently, the events of 9/11 have had no noticeable effect in curbing the entry of these people into our midst, and the ignorance and stupidity of our government, which has made no significant attempt to alter our suicidal immigration policy, has placed us squarely upon the path to societal ruin.

commonsense on September 5, 2007 at 9:53 pm

Commonsense…you are correct in everything you say.
Yes, the Pelham Parkway area is starting to get overrun with these 7th century bastards. In fact, the famous, long-standing synagogue along Pelham Parkway is constantly under siege – being vandalized. The congregation is resorting to putting up unsightly fencing to help curb the onslaught. However, you don’t hear shit about this being a bias crime from the local LIBERAL politicos – yet if it were a mosque under constant attack, those same hypocritical, feckless politicians would be marching in the streets flagellating themselves with chains.
You’re also correct regarding the various locations around The Bronx that you mentioned. Especially around the Montefiore Hospital/Jerome Avenue area – fucking halal shops with the usual burqa throwbacks.
And, as you mentioned, their fecundity is the only reason for islam’s growth because these brood sows breed like the roaches they are.

Thee_Bruno on September 6, 2007 at 12:50 am

Commonsense…..also take note of the fact that there are a lot of Albanian muzlums infiltrating the Morris Park area and Arthur Avenue. The men don’t wear the dirty nightshirts and the women don’t walk around in burqas or hijabs, but they’re muzlums just the same. A lot of it we can thank Bill Clitoon and his phony “Wag The Dog” war.

Thee_Bruno on September 6, 2007 at 12:54 am

Thee_Bruno: I didn’t know about the synagogue’s being vandalized (I assume you’re referring to the Pelham Parkway Jewish Center), but I’m certainly not surprised given the increasing numbers of you-know-what group. Of course, I’m sickened to learn of this, regardless. Actually, I don’t see how the neighborhood synagogues can persevere, given the sharply declining number of Jews in the area. And I share your feelings, completely.

commonsense on September 6, 2007 at 2:43 pm

3Bruno and Commonsense:
You bothy touch upon a cornerstone of “peaceful Jihad”: namely Muslim reproductive patterns in western countries. Jihad is the duty of all Muslims to advance the Islamic religion. Those that cannot actively fight must fund or otherwise enable the Jihad. Thus, women in Islam act as Junior Jihadist incubators to further Jihad warfare.
If you think Muslim breeding patterns are alarming here, you really ought to visit Europe. Europe is engaging in demographic rot. Its native populations have extraordinarily low birth rates, while taxpayers subsidize unemployed, uneducated Muslim “refugees” to relocate to Europe from their kitty litter sand boxes of origin, to live on the dole in state housing unemployed, and to engage in Islamic sensitivity training that is in reality watered down acquiesence to Sharia law. Many neighborhoods in France, the Netherlands, and Denmark are Sharia governed neighborhoods the police nor other public officials dare go for fear of civil disorder.
America needs to wake up while Europe sleeps.

JasonBourne81 on September 6, 2007 at 3:58 pm

Furthermore, and this goes to my point, is that Muslims in Europe tend to have 5 or more Junior Jihadists per family.

JasonBourne81 on September 6, 2007 at 3:59 pm

To JasonBourne81:
Yes, you are absolutely correct. I am fully aware that Muslims in the West are using demography as a weapon – they are intentionally increasing their numbers in order to establish a significant power base here and elsewhere in infidel lands. And I am also aware that this tactic is, albeit obliquely, one that is referred to in the Koran as a means of waging warfare, as qital, or actual armed combat, is not always necessary, or feasible. As you imply, jihad takes many forms, including migration to and settlement within infidel lands so that Muslim beachheads can be established and then reinforced by maintaining a much higher birthrate than that of the unsuspecting and ignorant infidel inhabitants of the host countries. The transformation of Europe into Eurabia is a deadly real phenomenon, as you know.

commonsense on September 6, 2007 at 9:24 pm

Ah yes, Commonsense. Islamic 5th Column beachheads are well in place in the slums of Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Leeds, and Birmingham. Peaceful Jihad does also include many things: reproductive patterns, disingenous public relations (see CAIR, Muslim Student Association), fraud, bogus charities, and much of the frivilous litigation we have seen involving Muslims.

JasonBourne81 on September 7, 2007 at 2:44 pm

OK, You guys outlined the problem very clearly, (i.e. “Peaceful Jihad does also include many things: reproductive patterns, disingenous public relations (see CAIR, Muslim Student Association), fraud, bogus charities, and much of the frivilous litigation we have seen involving Muslims.”) to quote JasonBourne81.
Now, what can/must we Freedom-Loving Americans do to deflate the jihad tires, and rid ourselves of this religion-of-hate that is really a devil cult?

God&America on September 8, 2007 at 8:27 am

OK, You guys outlined the problem very clearly, (i.e. “Peaceful Jihad does also include many things: reproductive patterns, disingenous public relations (see CAIR, Muslim Student Association), fraud, bogus charities, and much of the frivilous litigation we have seen involving Muslims.”) to quote JasonBourne81.
Now, what can/must we Freedom-Loving Americans do to deflate the jihad tires, and rid ourselves of this religion-of-hate that is really a devil cult?

God&America on September 8, 2007 at 8:27 am

“Shows ITS true colors.”

arlo on July 8, 2010 at 5:16 am

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