July 12, 2005, - 12:29 pm

Me in South Africa’s MAIL & GUARDIAN

By Debbie Schlussel
I am in South Africa’s major English language newspaper, the Mail & Guardian, in an apparent repeat of Paul Harris’ article in the Guardian of London. The article quotes my about Steven Spielberg’s upcoming Stockholm Syndrome-esque movie, “Vengeance,” which humanizes the Islamic terrorists who murdered the Israeli athletes in Munich in 1972.
As I’ve , I disagree with part of the reporter’s premise. He writes, “Now director Steven Spielberg is taking on another Jewish issue, with a film on the aftermath of the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.” No, Mr. Harris, this isn’t a “Jewish issue.” Terrorism is EVERYONE’s issue. Forget 7/7 already?

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2 Responses

Of course it’s everyones issue, although it always strikes me strange that it’s the ones that affect Jews and rarely anyone else that are always highlighted.

stiegs5 on July 12, 2005 at 2:49 pm

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