August 12, 2007, - 12:29 pm

It’s Mega(hed)-Official: Smiling Muslim “Just Fireworks” Terrorists are Islamic Jihad, Tied to Al-Arian; Trained in Scuba @ Fla. Keys

Well, you can’t say I didn’t predict this (). –the Smiling Mugshot “Just Fireworks” Muslim terrorists–are tied to Islamic Jihad founder and American frontman, .
Surprise. Surprise. In investigating Pipe Bomb possessors, Mohamed and Megahed, the FBI searched a house owned by a man who now occupies a house owned by Sami Al-Arian co-conspirator and co-defendant, Palestinian Islamic Jihad official Sameeh Hammoudeh. Sounds confusing, but that’s how they work. Like the Mob, terrorist groups have a million interlocking companies, directorates, and property (including houses).

Mohamed and Megahed: Smiling (& Laughing) at America’s “Justice” System

That these two men were caught with pipe bombs just a few miles from a Navy installation that houses nuclear material AND enemy combatant terrorists tells us something we’ve already known (unless you’re George “Islam is Peace” Bush or Herr Keith Olbermann: Islamic Jihad is now in America working to attack America. And another thing we’ve already known: Sami Al-Arian and Islamic Jihad were working with Al-Qaeda and got their funding from it and Bin Laden. So, Islamic Jihad was likely doing Al-Qaeda’s bidding with the “Just Fireworks” terrorists.
Here’s the report, courtesy of reader Duane, from the St. Petersburg Times:

TAMPA – The FBI on Saturday raided a home in Temple Terrace in connection with two University of South Florida students who stand accused of carrying explosives in a Toyota Camry.
Agents executed a search warrant about 8 a.m. at 12402 Pampas Place and stayed several hours, said FBI spokesman Dave Couvertier. The home is owned by Noor Salhab, property records show.
A neighbor said Thursday night that Salhab and his wife are living in a rented home nearby on Soaring Avenue. Records show the owner of the house on Soaring Avenue is Sameeh Hammoudeh, a co-defendant in the trial of Sami Al-Arian.

Oh, and by the way, above is the latest photo of the two “Just Fireworks” terrorists. Do they look worried to you? Or do they look like two kids who are laughing because they are about to make a mockery of a court system and a country that treats them as criminal defendants like O.J. rather than a national security threat?
**** UPDATE #1: Did a Muslim couple connected with the Smiling Mugshot “Just Fireworks” terrorists stage anti-Muslim graffiti on their home post 9/11?
I wouldn’t put it past them. As we saw with their cohort, Islamic Jihad frontman Sami Al-Arian, they will say anything to garner our sympathy and help their cause. Check this about from Tampa Bay’s FOX 13:

According to the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser, the residence is registered to Noor Salhab. He is listed with the Greater Tampa Association of Realtors, and a Google search showed him to be the owner of Pal Realty.
FOX 13 interviewed Salhab and his wife, Ana Salhab, in 2001, when the house was targeted with anti-Muslim graffiti shortly after the September 11th attacks.

So, who do you think really wrote the graffiti? I checked, and the “perpetrator” was never found. Gee whatta surprise.
**** UPDATE #2: Smiling Mugshot “Just Fireworks” Terrorist had hobby the FBI warned us about.
Remember when the FBI told us to be on the lookout for Muslims training to scuba dive? Well guess what the St. Pete Times is now reporting? The Megahed Family claims their son is innocent because:

The message: Youssef Megahed is a typical college student, a mechanical engineering major who loves grilling out and scuba diving. Not a terrorist.
The young man’s father, mother, sister and two brothers said they came to the United States because of the country’s freedoms and they believe the evidence will exonerate him.
“We have faith in the justice system,” said his sister, Mariam Megahed, 18, a student at Hillsborough Community College.

Well that would be no surprise. All terrorists come here because of our freedoms, which they take advantage of. “Exonerate” him? Worked for their bud Sami Al-Arian. Of course they have faith in the “justice” system.

Megahed’s family said they have never met Mohamed, but that Megahed had gone on other road trips, including a recent drive to Key West.

Hmmm . . . What a great place to practice that scuba diving and whatever else, unnoticed.

The Megaheds say they don’t know what was in the car trunk. Youssef Megahed usually carried equipment for grilling, they said.

That’s the ticket. The pipe bombs were for grilling . . . Americans.
Gee, that clears it up. Thanks, Megaheds.
I mean we all grill our (halal) burgers, ribs, hot dogs, and steaks on pipe bombs. How could I have forgotten?
Oh, yeah, and shish-kabobed Americans get grilled on pipe bombs, too.

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9 Responses

Just throw the two damn dirty bedouins the hell out of this country!! Put their sorry ass-faces on the no-fly-list, and don’t EVER allow them to set one foot on OUR US soil.
God Bless America

God&America on August 12, 2007 at 1:29 pm

Just throw the two damn dirty bedouins the hell out of this country!! Put their sorry ass-faces on the no-fly-list, and don’t EVER allow them to set one foot on OUR US soil.
God Bless America

God&America on August 12, 2007 at 1:29 pm

God&America, “throw…out of the country”. But, all they’ll do is take a course in Spainish and come back later.

John Cunningham on August 12, 2007 at 1:56 pm

I would like to know how to nominate you for a pulitzer.. If that means anything anymore.
As for these guys.. turn them into the pork sausages they are. Why do we allow foreigners into this country to cause all kinds of mayhem? Is every politician in Washington stabbing us in the back? There is a large and conservative movement in this country. With the right person, we can still accomplish a lot.

lonewolf on August 12, 2007 at 2:05 pm

*The young man’s father, mother, sister and two brothers said they came to the United States because of the country’s freedoms and they believe the evidence will exonerate him.*
No, they came here to set up a Muslim state for their descendants. We have had six years since 9/11 to put a halt to Muslim immigration and secure our borders, and we haven’t. If anything, judging from all the Muslims around the D.C. area, the pace of Muslim immigration has increased since 9/11.
I wish there would be a Republican candidate who would be brave enough to run on a platform of ending ALL Muslim immigration into our country.

Gabe on August 12, 2007 at 7:42 pm

Wait a minute. What are they doing here?
We are fighting them over there so that we don’t have to fight them over here. And, it wasn’t the military or wireless electronic surveillance that brought these guys to justice. It was local law enforcement.
This is not the first time that local law enforcement did what needed to be done. I am thinking local law enforcement is our best bet to deal with illegal immigration, too.

zyzzyg on August 13, 2007 at 8:55 am

Gabe, ending all Muslim immigration is unfortunately a “pipe” dream.
I tell my friends that if everyone in the western world knew as much about Islam as I do that Muslim immigration would end overnight, but some of them just don’t want to hear it. On the brighter side, I’m starting to gain headway with some of them. I’ll never stop trying to convince them that Islam is a religion of hate and world dominance.

stevecanuck on August 13, 2007 at 10:07 am

Gabe said; “If anything, judging from all the Muslims around the D.C. area, the pace of Muslim immigration has increased since 9/11.”
I went to Tysons Corner, VA last year and I was appalled at what I saw. You can’t swing a dead pig without hitting a 7th century savage.
Thank the LIBS and the feckless politicians who cave-in to them…they are destroying this country. AND, I’m not talking only about the muzlum barbarians…it applies to every Turd-Worlder who sneaks into this country to tear it down. They come here and refuse to assimilate…yet demand that WE accomodate THEM!
I’m beginning to think that all the wars we fought and won throughout our history were not worth it. Not worth the sacrifice if we let America sink into a Turd-World abyss. And we are doing exactly that!

Thee_Bruno on August 13, 2007 at 10:55 am

BTW, is that smiling barbarian related to that other Egyptian – Omar Sharif? Looks like it could be his son.

Thee_Bruno on August 13, 2007 at 11:51 am

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