February 5, 2010, - 10:56 am

Quote of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel

When I was a working man I didn’t want to go to a concert for some bastard to talk down to me that I should be thinking of some kid in Africa.


I’m sorry mate, do it yourself, spend some of your own money and get it done. . . .

It makes me mad when people try to use politics or charity for publicity.

Do a charity gig, fair enough, but not on worldwide television

AC/DC’s Brian Johnson

Amen, brother.  I think this guy is my new hero.  And not just ‘cuz at age 62, he can still perform the repertoire of “Back in Black.”  But because he knows how to aptly describe celebrity PR “dirty deeds done dirt cheap.”

AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson has lashed out at charity work done by Bono and Bob Geldof, saying they should do it in private.

In his only Australian interview, the outspoken singer said he and his Grammy-winning band prefer to help in private with no press conferences.

“I do it myself, I don’t tell everybody I’m doing it,” Johnson said.

“I don’t tell everybody they should give money – they can’t afford it.

“When I was a working man I didn’t want to go to a concert for some bastard to talk down to me that I should be thinking of some kid in Africa.

“I’m sorry mate, do it yourself, spend some of your own money and get it done. It just makes me angry. I become all tyrannical.”

Johnson said AC/DC’s aversion to playing at charity events goes back to turning down a slot at 1985’s Live Aid.

“Bob Geldof is a canny lad. He did what he thought was right at the time but it didn’t work,” he said. “The money didn’t go to poor people. It makes me mad when people try to use politics or charity for publicity.

“Do a charity gig, fair enough, but not on worldwide television.”

Johnson and his group is about to start a tour in Australia, where he made the comments.

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16 Responses

i’ve always felt that these supposedly good works
were nothing but self-glorifying publicity stunts

ever notice that jimmy carter makes sure the cameras are rolling when he tries to absolve his failed presidency ?

elmer bittlinger on February 5, 2010 at 11:11 am

Good thing Australia hadn’t been hit by the tsunami, Brian would have to bite his tongue! No charity! What a selfish bastard.

Andrew Marriott on February 5, 2010 at 11:37 am

    If I may, let me ask you to read it again. He did not say “no charity” he said do it privately and not for publicity.

    Zippy on February 5, 2010 at 11:51 am

    Did you actually read what he said? Where did he say that there should be no charity? Mr. Johnson simply stated what has become all too true. Too many stars, celebrities, and politicians engage in such “charitable” activities simply to promote themselves. Also, why jam up people for money who may not have enough themselves, while giving little or nothing yourself to the cause you are promoting? Is self-promotion really an act of generosity? Is a such a person superior to one who actually gives secretly without any expectation of praise or personal gain?

    Worry01 on February 5, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    He did NOT say he didn’t give. He said he didn’t ADVERTISE it.

    Therefore, he is NOT a “selfish bastard.” But YOU need to learn how to read. Does that make you a DUMB *******?

    Alan Leslie on February 6, 2010 at 3:32 am

There is a brilliant Jewish proverb my mother always repeated to me as a kid, that escapes me right now. Essentially saying that anonymous charity is ‘real’ charity. When I see Hollywood celebs dishing out mashed potatos at the homeless shelter on Thanksgiving, I want to hurl chunks. I recall George Harrison complaining that the proceeds for his 1971 Concert for Bangladesh were held up for nearly a decade by the IRS. He was a decent man and his intentions were genuine, but I couldn’t agree more with the ACDC frontman.

#1 Vato on February 5, 2010 at 11:37 am

The truth hurts but I’m glad someone had the guns to say it! Good for him.

This brings to mind some of the other people I know of who give generously and never do it in front of a camera. Sanda Bullock gave a mill to Haiti, and a mill to Indonesia. Her generosity was a footnote, she didn’t come out and demand people match her like Madonna did.

Prince is another one who gives alot of money to charities and never does it publicly.

Like Brian said, people can’t afford to give and give and give, not with 10% unemployment. Now that the celebrities raised over 45 million for Haiti, I continue to see clueless Joe Biden still out there begging people to give more money to Haiti….Donate, donate, donate. Enough all ready! Sorry they had an earthquake, shit happens! I still don’t see New Orleans, or the gulf cleaned up.


perception of truth on February 5, 2010 at 12:09 pm

Bono is a knob…..Admitted he hasn’t given any $$, but IS raising ‘public awareness’, (whatever that means)..One more thing you forgot….Ever notice how Bono seems to go pedal to the metal into ‘save-the-world’ mode whenever there is a new U2 release????

Not Ovenready on February 5, 2010 at 12:45 pm

“I continue to see clueless Joe Biden still out there begging people to give more money to Haiti.”

Is this the same Joe Biden who reportedly gives only $100 or so a year to charity?

Raymond in DC on February 5, 2010 at 12:58 pm

Wow. Very good! It’s like going to see Paul McCartney and watching a 20 clip on the importance of a vegan diet..Of course then I would go out for a beer a meaty burger afterward.

sharon on February 5, 2010 at 1:37 pm

Heh. AC/DC just got even more awesome.

Kresh on February 5, 2010 at 3:02 pm

That is what charitable giving was all about in the distant past. Also, Mr. Johnson reaffirms an old trusism that ostentatious giving is not charity, but self-promotion. I am very glad that he said what he did.

Worry01 on February 5, 2010 at 4:21 pm

Always did like AC DC. What’s funny is that even after all the abuse this guy did to his brain his whole life he’s smarter than 90% of the college educated idiots that teach and hold office. The ones telling everyone else how to live THEIR way.

Joe on February 5, 2010 at 4:37 pm

I could not agree more. Re-recording that awful “We Are The World” is just another ego trip for those involved. They honestly think we have been sitting around all this time just waiting to buy a crappy song to help Haiti? People who give to charity on a regular basis probably hit the internet to give a donation online within hours of hearing the news.

Aunt Judie on February 5, 2010 at 5:11 pm

I may be dating myself, but I still miss Bon Scott. I think it was Day on the Green #5 back in ’79 he was sitting on Angus’ shoulders as they made their way out to second base during “Whole Lot of Rosie”.

Richard on February 5, 2010 at 8:07 pm

I grew up on AC/DC, first with Bon Scott, then with Brian Johnson. These guys STILL rock.

Sharon, I’m with ya there! Nothing better in the world than enjoying the meatiest, most tasty burger you can find and washing it down with the beer of your choice after some celebutard preaching the “benefits” of a vegan lifestyle. (READ: preaching at you saying anything other than vegan is harmful for you.)

Jon on February 5, 2010 at 8:47 pm

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