August 7, 2007, - 12:23 pm

Army & Air Force to Discipline 7 Officers over Religious Outreach

Did you read the media story about the seven officers against whom the Army and Air Force are considering disciplinary action?
A Pentagon Inspector General report attacks the officers for appearing in uniform at at “often identifiable Pentagon locations” to assist a Muslim Embassy, an Islamist group, in the production of a fundraising video.
Among those accused are Army Brigadier General Vincent Brooks, deputy commanding general of the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood in Texas, Robert Caslen, commandant of cadets at the U.S. Military Academy, and Air Force Major Generals Peter Sutton and John Catton (the latter two were in the video).
Oops, I lied. Silly you for believing. The soldiers are not being attacked for helping Muslims. That would never happen. Nevah Evah. Our government calls that “outreach,” and it is highly lauded, applauded, and encouraged. You’d never hear of an Inspector General report–or even an initial investigation–were that the case.
Actually, the charity was Christian Embassy, an evangelical group. When it involves Christianity, it’s criminal.

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2 Responses

I just read the WaPo article. This is OUTRAGEOUS! If our so-called leaders don’t see this for what it is and “do the right thing”, they are just helping to fuel their eventual removal. Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and values and they have promised to uphold those values. If we have entities like that skank lawyer Weinstein (no offense meant, Debbie) stirring up b.s. crap, we have to make them aware of their derilictions. The silent majority needs to start making some serious noise about activities like this. I have yet to be able to find anything describing a separation of church and state that would apply here.

FreeAmerican on August 7, 2007 at 3:00 pm

I am missing something. I want to see the tape to make up my own mind.
Embassy Chritians have been in and out of the Pentagon over the years. This time they took a camera in and interviewed various officers, who may or may not have participated in their sanctioned activities in the Pentagon.
This is much ado about nothing. It’s akin to an ambush interview, but the abushers are people you know and trust, just asking apparently innocent questions.
I can imagine a possible scenario –
“Hey General how’ya doin’? Great day, huh? You’re doing great work. We’re doin’ great work. Glad you came by for one of meetings. Did you like the meeting? Look forward to seeing at the next one. OK, see ya.”
The General responds, “fine – yep, great day – thanks – yes you are – thanks for being there and having me, your support really helps us all – I will be happy to attend, you do great work – OK, see ya.”
And for this people are getting their shorts in a bunch?

zyzzyg on August 8, 2007 at 9:02 am

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