August 3, 2007, - 1:30 pm

UPDATE: Oakland Cops Raid “Your Black Muslim Bakery”

about theory that prominent journalist and editor Chauncey Bailey was murdered in Oakland, CA
As it turns out, their theory appears to be far more than that. I’m sure it’s no coincidence that, early this morning, Oakland Police concluded a year-long investigation by raiding Your Black Muslim Bakery, arresting 19, and seizing all kinds of arms inside the bakery. Because, after all, you do need an AK-47 to protect your pies, cookies, and cakes.

And now, Los Angeles TV Station KCBS is adopting Little Concrete Piranhas’ speculation (without proper credit, of course–can’t be caught agreeing with or citing a blog), noting:

Longtime Oakland journalist Chauncey Bailey was reportedly researching an investigative piece into Your Black Muslim Bakery before he was shot and killed just yesterday morning.

Ditto for Associated Press:

Oakland Deputy Police Chief Howard Jordan said the pre-dawn raids of Your Black Muslim Bakery and three other locations were part of a year-long investigation into several violent crimes, including “murder, robbery and kidnapping.” He did not identify the other three locations.
Jordan would not say whether the raids were related to the brazen daytime shooting death a day earlier of journalist Chauncey Bailey, who was gunned down near the Alameda County courthouse in downtown Oakland.
Nineteen people were detained, but Jordan refused to provide further details and scheduled a news conference for later in the day.
Bailey, editor of the Oakland Post and a longtime reporter for the Oakland Tribune, had written stories about the bakery. KCBS-AM reported Friday that Bailey had been researching a new investigative piece about Your Black Muslim Bakery.
Television stations reported that S.W.A.T team negotiators and various high-ranking police officials were at the bakery to oversee the operation.
The late Yusuf Bey founded Your Black Muslim Bakery in 1968 as a haven for struggling urban families. It sells natural baked goods alongside books by Malcolm X and other black leaders.
Bey’s reputation later took a hit as he defended himself against rape allegations in Alameda County. Most of those charges were later dropped, and one was pending when he died in 2003.
More recently, Bey’s son and other men were identified as the young toughs who bashed liquor bottles in Oakland corner stores and berated the Muslim owners for selling alcohol to the black community.

Oh, and by the way, you know those miniature Sweet Potato and Bean Pies you sometime see at Muslim-owned (as most are) gas stations? If you buy those, you are supporting Black Muslims who usually sell them to the gas stations or have them there on consignment.
Your Black Muslim Bakery did that in California, and other similar split-off from the Nation of Islam make and sell them at gas stations around the country.

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4 Responses

OT,but somebody is finally getting it….

patriot10 on August 3, 2007 at 1:50 pm

Hey Debbie,
Ever see any bakeries with the names like Your White Jewish Bakery or Your White Christian Bakery??? Sound a bit odd to you? I wonder how long they’d last.

TheAwakenedOne on August 3, 2007 at 5:26 pm

How’s about: “Your Black Mindless Bakery”?!
How’s about: “Your Honkey White Ass Ain’t Allowed In Here (‘cept the white bitches) Bakery”?!
How’s about: “Bakery?! What the Hell AM a Bakery, Anyhow”?!
How’s about: “Your Black-Owned Machine Gun Bakery Ta’ Takes on The White Devil Honkey Bakery”?!
How’s about: “Your Black Owned Bakery Where We’s Can Not Only Jump, But’s We’s Can Also Slay The Honkey Ass, Bakery”?!
How’s about: “Allah And His Seventy-Two Hoes Bakery, Bakery”?!
Dem poor black folks believin’ in Satan that way….fo’ shame!!

Thee_Bruno on August 3, 2007 at 10:39 pm

Most Muslims are SCUM !

mochamadness on June 10, 2014 at 9:21 am

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