February 2, 2010, - 12:49 am

Sarah Palin Endorses “Lindsey GrahAMNESTY”; Gives $1K to Israel-Hater

By Debbie Schlussel

Over the last couple of weeks, a number of readers asked me what I thought about Sarah Palin supporting and actively campaigning for amnesty, global warming theory, and “I would close Gitmo” Republican, John McCain.  That, I can understand, since he’s the moron who idiotically catapulted the empty skirtsuit to fame in the first place.


That’s Conservative? Sarah Palin Endorses Sen.  GrahAMNESTY

That said, it’s not just McCain.  The Sarah PAC also gave $1,000 to Team Graham, the campaign committee of amnesty supporter and “don’t torture terrorists” Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, whom Rush Limbaugh appropriately calls, “Lindsey Grahamnesty.”  And her support is specifically for his primary.

And then there’s her support of Rand Paul, which many readers (including Shy Guy) have also contacted me about.  Yup, the son of Ron Paul.  While I don’t know if Paul espouses the 9/11 Truther and other wacky rhetoric (some of it anti-Israel and anti-American) of his bizarro father, it’s usually the case that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

I was worried about this kind of stuff as soon as Palin publicly stated she’d get involved in campaigns and endorse candidates.  I immediately feared that she will ultimately endorse Hezbollah Paul Welday (who openly loves CAIR, took money from Iran as a lobbyist, enabled Muslim Medicaid fraud and resulting anchor babies, and sent almost $100 million in U.S. tax money to Hezbollah as chief of staff for GOP Congressman Hezbollah Joe Knollenberg) or Islamo-pandering Andrew “Rocky” Raczkowski–both of whom have a long track record of kissing extremist Muslim butts–in their bids to replace recently elected Democrat Michigan U.S. Congressman Gary Peters.

That might still happen, as Palin also gave $1,000 to the Susan B. Anthony List, which is headed by anti-Israel, pan-Islamist Jane Hershey Abraham, and which also runs Team Sarah.  Will be writing more about Palin and Abraham in the near future.

For now, read the complete list of Sarah PAC’s donations, thus far.

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46 Responses

While I don’t know if Paul espouses the 9/11 Truther and other wacky rhetoric (some of it anti-Israel and anti-American) of his bizarro father, it’s usually the case that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Gee, instead of guessing, why don’t you ask him???

Instead you use innuendo.

That’s as bad as the Obama calling the cop “stupid” without knowing the facts of the case.

Tim on February 2, 2010 at 1:08 am

oh wait, this is the clincher….

That, I can understand, since he’s the moron who idiotically catapulted the empty skirtsuit to fame in the first place.


Ahhhhh, the true feeling come into view…..gotcha.

Tim on February 2, 2010 at 1:11 am

First off, I hope youare feeling better (and I agreed with several of your other commenters that it did sound like you had food poisoning). That said, after reading this post I thought I might throw up myself.

Bob on February 2, 2010 at 1:18 am

I called sarah palin a george bush clone six months ago. My comments were ignored on repeated websites and all the palin drones act like she is george washington its a joke. The kicker for me was when she signed on with fox news. Not to mention the extensive length of interviews she did for her shitty book. The bottom line is republicans are stupid as hell. They watch fox news and just elected john mccain as president I mean what else do you need to know? Republicans are dumb and seem to be getting dumber by the day. Politics really don’t matter anymore its time to start preparing for a major terrorist attack store up on food and water, prepare for hyperinflation stuff like that. I would celebrate if I never had to hear sarah palins annoying voice again.

tyler on February 2, 2010 at 1:24 am

I support Rand Paul entirely. He is a breath of fresh air. I don’t like Lindsey Graham. McCain is going to retire after this next term so I’m not worried about him plus since getting a taste of how much his “reaching across the aisle” benefited him he has reformed himself and has been holding the line against Obama. While I am all for strong conservatives I’m not for going stupid. I’ve seen good prolife men who because they don’t offer up red enough meat get slandered as “Rhinos” when they were no such thing. I’m a big supporter of Marco Rubio because he is not the typical politician, the same for Rand Paul, the same for Pat Toomey, the same for Patrick Hughes and down the line. I support Sarah Palin because she is real and I believe she really understands the role of government. She is not George Bush in a skirt. I recommend anyone who hates her read her book and study her record. I would also suggest the same for McCain. As for Graham the guy is just as annoying as hell.

Mael on February 2, 2010 at 2:20 am

A few good names such as DeMint and Bachman, but a number of hacks, too. The mixture does show that Palin ma,es no distinction between good and bad. She has clearly come out for open borders, and doesn’t distinguish between good and bad. McCain’s opponent in the primaries, J.D. Hayworth is one of the most articulate proponents of stopping illegal immigration, and deserves the support of every conservative.

It will probably be a close primary, and even if Hayworth wins in spite of Palin, she clearly has no political future once conservatives in general understand what she has done.

Little Al on February 2, 2010 at 2:37 am

    “A few good names such as DeMint and Bachman, but a number of hacks, too.”

    Just shows that she’s only human. That she can make mistakes. Also, maybe she supports the hacks because they’re strong in *some* areas.

    “The mixture does show that Palin makes no distinction between good and bad. She has clearly come out for open borders, and doesn’t distinguish between good and bad.”

    Uh, you already said that.:-) But seriously, where exactly does she “come out for open borders”?

    “McCain’s opponent in the primaries, J.D. Hayworth is one of the most articulate proponents of stopping illegal immigration, and deserves the support of every conservative.”

    Maybe, but didn’t he vote in favor of the Republicans big spending sprees?

    “It will probably be a close primary, and even if Hayworth wins in spite of Palin, she clearly has no political future once conservatives in general understand what she has done.”

    I don’t know about that.

    KVL: Hmmm . . . it seems like the only thing you do know about is how to blindly defend Sarah Palin, which is the only subject of your comments. You are sent here by the Palinbots to defend her, no matter what she does. It’s tiresome. Perhaps Obama and Hitler were good in some areas, too–so by your logic, they are candidates for a Palin endorsement? Well, she already endorsed the “right to privacy,” which is the fictional basis for Roe v. Wade, so anything is possible for that idiot. DS

    KVL on February 2, 2010 at 6:05 pm

      “KVL: Hmmm . . . it seems like the only thing you do know about is how to blindly defend Sarah Palin, which is the only subject of your comments.”

      I’m just speaking my mind. Nothing more, nothing less.

      “You are sent here by the Palinbots to defend her, no matter what she does. It’s tiresome.”

      I’m doing this all by my self. No one’s sending me.

      “Perhaps Obama and Hitler were good in some areas, too–so by your logic, they are candidates for a Palin endorsement?”

      I doubt that she’d endorse either of them.

      “Well, she already endorsed the “right to privacy,” which is the fictional basis for Roe v. Wade, so anything is possible for that idiot. DS”

      Where did she say that?

      KVL: To Katie Couric. As a Palin fanatic, you should know this. DS

      KVL on February 2, 2010 at 8:36 pm

Debbie you were right about Sara Palin all along.

Zippy on February 2, 2010 at 2:49 am

    zippy, Debbie was right all along about her. Also, Graham did nothing for SC. he is just a empty suit. we beggged him to back close the border’s positions and he choose not to! Palin can get on foxnews all she wants, I refuse to watch.

    lindap on February 2, 2010 at 8:05 am

      Yes, I know all about Pantywaste Graham as he is the turncoat senator from my state. How he got reelected is beyond me as every Republican in this state hates him. That Palin would rally the voters for McCain and donate to Graham (and he still has 3 more years left), proves every single thing Debbie has been saying is too true. I wouldn’t vote for Palin for dog catcher and the other 2 well I think they are traitors.

      Zippy on February 2, 2010 at 5:07 pm

BTW, I have read Sarah Palin’s book, and it has severe limitations. As far as discussion of issues goes, it is virtually one-dimensional dealing with energy issues, and a few self-serving comments about bailouts, but no serious analysis of our economic crisis. A few one-sentence cliches about supporting Israel, but no serious foreign-policy analysis. BO says he supports Israel too. The tea parties are becoming a little like politicians’ saying they support Israel; most of them say it, but don’t really support.

A politician who really wants to be in the forefront has to be in the leadership re analysis and also needs to address the issues discussed in this blog.

Little Al on February 2, 2010 at 2:51 am

    Well, it is hard to get a good ghost writer for such a thin subject. I hope that some of Palin’s hardcore supporters are beginning to wake up to the fact that she is less than she pretends to be. Sarah Palin was more or less obligated to give it least minimal support to John McCain, since he had placed her on the ticket back in 2008. But, the endorsement of Senator Lindsay Graham was an entirely optional matter. Mr. Graham’s support of climate change legislation and weak stance on illegal immigration is pretty typical RINO stuff. He has been reprimanded by his own state party over his antics.

    As for Rand Paul, it is pretty clear that he is a libertarian, as is his father: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rand_Paul#Political_views

    He does not like the Patriot Act, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Department of Education, etc. Libertarians, outside of the economic sphere, tend to be nearly indistinguishable from leftists. So, why would Sarah Palin, who is allegedly a social conservative, support such a person?

    Worry01 on February 2, 2010 at 6:28 am

A note to Tyler: Republicans nominated McCain, not elected McCain and even that can be argued because his nomination was cemented in early primaries where Libs could vote across lines and Huckabee stayed in the race just long enough to seal the deal. Republicans aren’t stupid. Libs are evil. And most politicians are self-serving.
The Arizona Primary is August 25th. Lots of time to pour money into Hayworth’s campaign and send McCain to the world of lobbying (for illegal aliens). Come to think of it, that week in August is when most people take vacations. We can all take a two week vacation to Arizona (so it’s 110 degrees there in August), claim we live there, register and vote for Hayworth (Sounds like an Acorn scheme).

Bob on February 2, 2010 at 3:49 am

Wow, thanks for revealing this…I’m sure it will enlighten many, hopefully they are not too infatuated to see beyond the things they like about Palin to see what we really need representing us. Maybe she is unaware of their anti-Israel leanings??? Perhaps you should inform her & other potential candidates?

I had no idea about the Susan B Anthony List founder…that’s a shame. Thanks for being an investigative watchdog.

@freedom4usa on February 2, 2010 at 3:53 am

Ms Lohan Graham is the epitome of a sissy who gets to play with the big boys and always gets smothered with his own sweater. He can go cap and tax South Carolina all he wants, but he never should come to Missouri, or I will give his sweater a workout.

Real Men don't like Taxes on February 2, 2010 at 8:44 am

But she’s an endless source of humor.

The Terrorist's Advocate on February 2, 2010 at 9:29 am

Palin is an idiot, fool and an imbecile. The problem is too many Republicans drink their red color kool aid just like democrats drink their blue color kool aid from Obama. I agree with tyler that she is another Bush. I hear people espouse Palin and I quit talking with them because they are like the Obama people. They think she could do no wrong.

Ask any Palin supporter why they would support her after quitting her governorship? They will never say she quit and that she was forced from her office.

Now for Ron Paul, he is a stone cold Libertarian. We need more Libertarian voices because the limp Republicans cant get it up. The problem with Libertarian beliefs is they think being isolationist will solve everything. Great in make believe, but not realistic. So we must support our allies like Israel and Europe. Palin is trying to coat-tail off Ron Paul. This airhead will name drop Ron Paul and then she thinks she will gets those followers. HA!!

CaliforniaScreaming on February 2, 2010 at 9:47 am

    “Ask any Palin supporter why they would support her after quitting her governorship? They will never say she quit and that she was forced from her office.”

    Actually, *both* are true. SHe quit because she was $500,000 in debt over her legal bills and she and her husband made only $200,000 at the time. They had to take a second mortage out on their house. Besides, she had less and less time to do her job.

    KVL: It’s funny. The only time KVL comes on this site is to blindly defend Sarah Palin no matter what she does (and attack me–and those attack comments have been removed). DS

    KVL on February 2, 2010 at 6:11 pm

Debbie, I don’t know if you agree with Sultan Knish or not so don’t flame me. He has a very negative article about Rand Paul today.

mk750 on February 2, 2010 at 10:09 am

Palin needs to be a member of a local school board. After being stabbed in the back by McCain’s staff (which incidentally helped galvanize my negative views of her) she feels the need to endorse the Arizona bum. JD makes McCain look like the RINO he is.

Paul is a Jew/Israel hating isolationist. Perhaps he can get Cynthia McKinney to be his press secretary.

Rick on February 2, 2010 at 10:12 am

IF every voter who realized there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the Dems & GOP, joined the Libertarian Party and donated just $10 a month, the political landscape would change.

BonzerWolf on February 2, 2010 at 10:16 am

    If you like the Libertarian Party, Ron and Rand Paul would be your best alternatives in Republican politics. If you want to be a lefist who wants low taxes, that is the party for you.

    sorrow01 on February 2, 2010 at 4:48 pm

You convinced me. Knollenburgs another jerk.

Joe on February 2, 2010 at 10:42 am

Such diversity of opinions about Sarah Palin! Oh wait-no diversity-Y’ALL find fault and heap on abuse. Conservatives doing the work real liberals won’t do, as they don’t like coming here.
I like Sarah Palin; she rocked the RNC convention while tied politically to the 1001 year old man.
She has faults and defects, just like all of us. She also has some strong positives, in my opinion, and if she is nominated for national office, I’ll vote for her. Don’t strain your backs, heaping on all that abuse, now. If you continue to snipe at any Conservative who shows up, throwing deck chairs off the Titanic while Obama laughs all the way to a second term…

DQ: Diversity is something liberals prize. But since you prize it, too, I’d love to see some diversity of IQ level in the Palin fanatic group. Sadly, there isn’t any, as it’s all low. There is no critical thinking whatsoever, and the woman can do no wrong, no matter how many stupid things she says and does. Obama will be laughing all the way to a second term if Sarah Palin is the nominee against him or has any power in who becomes the nominee. That’s the problem. You can’t refute the criticisms of Palin, so you resort to empty slogans about diversity. Nice try, no cigar. DS

Douglas Q on February 2, 2010 at 11:21 am

    The road runs both ways, Debbie-obviously you are going to hate on her no matter what. Fine and good-that’s what opinions are for.
    I don’t have Palin up on some pedestal, and I do actually apply critical thinking. Right now I couldn’t care less about politics-I’m getting sick up and fed with the whole rotten deal.
    But to hear liberal hatred talking points coming from the fingertips of Conservative posters…yeah, I made a positive comment about Sarah Palin. But only to make the point that as long as we fight among ourselves, Obama has it made.
    Thus endeth the uncritical thinking.

    D: Sorry, but anyone who says we can’t point out her repeated stupidity and non-conservatism, simply because you believe she’s a conservative, is a mindless Palinmessiah believer who needs to get off your Kool Aid addiction. That’s not critical thinking. You can’t face the facts, and you have yet to refute a single fact about Palin we’ve pointed out. Your response with some nebulous BS about not criticizing Palin is simply absurd and a waste of time. This isn’t about hate. It’s about pointing out the facts about her actions, and your refusing, still, to face those facts. DS

    Douglas Q on February 2, 2010 at 2:28 pm

This whole thing smacks of political cynicism on her part. It seems as if she isn’t backing candidates she believes in, just buying political support for herself with the money of her donors.

By doing that she’s thrown away the only thing about her that appealed to voters in the first place. How stupidly shortsighted.

Sultan Knish on February 2, 2010 at 11:39 am

    So it finally has been said. She’s a political opportunist who will make her fortune at Fox for the next 3-7 years and then when her looks start to fade, make her bid to re-enter politics.

    mk750 on February 2, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    She is turning out to be a real flop on Fox, so I think she is looking for a soft landing elsewhere. However, aside from those who do their trolling here, I would imagine that even some of her less fanatical supporters are beginning to have second thoughts Sarah Palin. She have been given a number of opportunities to comment on Fox, but has had little to offer so far. Palin is proving that she cannot handle even a neutral to sympathetic forum without a script or worshipful audience. Do we really want to waste time and money on someone who thinks she can bluff her way to the top?

    Worry01 on February 3, 2010 at 3:59 am

I think some people don’t understand that being an isolationist is not being anti-Semitic. I hear it all the time. That is total BS. I don’t agree with with Israel 100%, but I support Israel as a strong ally. I understand why people would want to be isolationist. But is not realistic if you want to have friends and allies. However if your strong ally goes rogue, must we defend or support all its action? I don’t think so. No one agrees with someone 100% of the time.

CaliforniaScreaming on February 2, 2010 at 11:46 am

Being isolationist is not being anti-semitic. However some candidates are both isolationist and anti-semitic.

Some are at the very least isolationist and anti-Israel, in that they blame Israel disproportionately. That’s a category Ron Paul fits into.

Of course to be fair, Ron Paul also blames America for terrorism against it. Which just shows he tends to empathize more with the terrorists, and is hostile to the countries being targeted by Islamic terrorists.

Sultan Knish on February 2, 2010 at 11:52 am

Debbie, Please provide proof with your allegations regarding Rocky Raczkowski. All research I have found on Rocky has shown him to be quite the opposite of what you are indicating here on your blog. Rocky has 24 years of Military experience and just returned from the Horn of Africa in September.

S: When he ran for the U.S. Senate, he repeatedly pandered to the Islamic community in Dearborn, bragging to them how he speaks Arabic and is on their side (his Arabic is a joke–he can’t speak it). He hung out with Hezbollah and HAMAS supporters of every extremist stripe. Everything about him is a lie, including his campaign video, which claims, among other things, that he was named Andrew as a baby. Actually, his birth name is Andre, which he later changed legally. He was tight friends with Kwame Kilpatrick, with whom he studied for the bar. Even Kwame passed, but he failed, several times and isn’t an admitted lawyer in Michigan (or anywhere else). I know Rocky personally, and if he gives you his word about something, your excrement in the toilet is more valuable. DS

summer on February 2, 2010 at 2:50 pm

CNN (many months ago) featured Paul Begala’s views on Sarah Palin. I’m not a fan of Begala. He gave a devastating critique of Sarah Palin (which I’m quite certain the media would pick up on and use). Basically he called her a quitter (someone who could not stick with any job whatsoever — when things get tough, she quits.)

Worse, though, I think that in politics the media creates a “storyline” (and because many also lack critical thinking skills, they’ll use all the easy negative stereotypes). What is the media stereotype for Palin? Well, not only is she portrayed as stupid, uneducated, and ditzy; she’s also mocked with the “evangelical” stereotype/label. She’s used as a comedic figure (ie, a laughing stock)for both the media and her political opponents.

I don’t see how a Palin (or anyone else for that matter attempting to make a political run — like a republican version of a Blagojevich with the big hair) could overcome such hurdles…And, it is a guarantee of a Obama second term if she is the Republican candidate. That’s the reality. (I believe the same is true of that Louisiana fellow, Bobby Jindal, btw.)

J.S. on February 2, 2010 at 2:53 pm

To Bob. Not all republicans are idiots but a lot of republicans don’t do the critical thinking necessary so we avoid another george bush. George bush did a ton of damage to the republican brand it will take a long time to over come what he has done. The same thing is happening now with obama and the democrats. I’ve just noticed that people who like palin can never find any flaws with her. I was a palin fan at first and I heard Michael Savage ripping her and I disagreed with him but being open to the truth which I am I quickly changed my mind on her. If republicans are unable to change there opinions when the truth comes out we will get another john mccain or george bush its that simple. Debbie is trying to help that from happening and I will comment on as many sites as I can to tell them the truth about palin.

tyler on February 2, 2010 at 5:25 pm

Its good to find a website where people aren’t all lock step into the same mindset. Some of the most pathetic comments in the world can be found at hot air and newsbusters. Theres never any questioning of sarah palin or fox news. I visited newsbusters for a couple years and they never found one story of liberal bias at fox news. There really pathetic.

tyler on February 2, 2010 at 5:41 pm

I have heard it said that Palin may have endorsed people because they’re strong in particular areas…for example, McCain is strong in defense matters and has fought to defeat the Senate Healthcare Bill, Rand Paul is known for border security and fiscal responsibility. As someone said, you can’t please all of the people all of the time. You can’t just cater to your dissenters and try to satisfy the people who want to knock you down on your every move. Also, Alaskan Republican Jewish Coalition member Terry Gorlick is familiar with Palin and worked with her on some matters. He said that: “Sarah’s absolutely pro-Israel,” he said, referring to conversations with her and comments she’s made about Israel’s security and its importance to the United States. He noted that as governor she signed a resolution honoring Israel for its 60th birthday.

If she supported someone who is anti-Israel, maybe she just was unaware of it.

KVL: She’s just an unaware fool, period. Rand Paul is not “known” for anything other than being a nut. DS

KVL on February 2, 2010 at 5:52 pm

    “KVL: She’s just an unaware fool, period. Rand Paul is not “known” for anything other than being a nut. DS”

    Then we should let her know what Paul is really like. That’s the best way to deal with the situation.

    KVL: Uh, you and the Palinbots are the ones who think she’s this great conservative. So she should know at least one of these things. In fact, she’s an empty vessel who knows nothing, and it’s not our job to teach her. At age 46, she should know this stuff. And she either doesn’t or doesn’t care. Epic fail. It’s funny how you give the benefit of the doubt for her every screw-up and idiocy that you’d never give to Obama. I’m consistent. I demand excellence, NOT mediocrity. That includes an ignoramus who knows nothing–ie., Palin. When you can come on this site for others things, fine. But we’re tired of your blind, non-stop Palin defense no matter what. You’re like the blind lefties who defend Obama no matter what. Many of them have woken up. When will you wake up on Palin? Waking up on her and calling her repeated idiocy out is the best way to deal with her. Blind support isn’t. DS

    KVL on February 2, 2010 at 8:33 pm

      It is time to give your Palin adoration a rest. Her clay feet with her most recent endorsements indicates that Sarah Palin is either ignorant about the persons she endorses, or does not really care. In either case, her actions are not really acceptable. The McCain endorsement was understandable, due to her status as his former running mate. However, her endorsements of Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham goes over the top and out the window, especially in the case of Paul. She must consider her oddly named son Track to be a murderous thug in light of what Mr. Paul has said about our deployed troops in Iraq. Sarah Palin is a mixture of ambition, ego, ignorance, and deception(not very good). She makes messes, in the case of her daugther Bristol, that she never feels she has to attend to. Sarah Palin has put her ambition above all else, and it shows all too clearly now.

      Worry01 on February 3, 2010 at 4:18 am

Americans often decide who to vote for based upon almost any criteria except the issues. That’s the real reason we have so many dopes in public office.

The Terrorist's Advocate on February 2, 2010 at 6:00 pm

Endorsed Graham-nesty for what? He’s not up for re-election until 2014….*ahem*

Kate on February 2, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    You may wish to actually look at this: http://query.nictusa.com/cgi-bin/dcdev/forms/C00458588/449901/sb/23

    There was a $1000 contribution made to the Graham campaign. Also, the fact that Mr. Graham is not up for reelection until 2014 is especially telling. There was no need for Sarah Palin to do this other than for the purpose of showing appreciation for the man. This was not an act of party solidarity.

    sorrow01 on February 3, 2010 at 6:01 am

@summmer – Debbie replied:
“he repeatedly pandered to the Islamic community in Dearborn” & “He hung out with Hezbollah and HAMAS supporters of every extremist stripe”.
So, this is how Rocky supports Israel? Thanks, but NO THANKS! His help for “the cause of Israel” is no better than “this administration”.
The bitter truth can seem cruel sometimes.

theShadow on February 3, 2010 at 8:55 pm

Debbie and the Shadow,

You have both got to be kidding me. I know Rocky Raczkowski better then you Debbie! He has fought against islamists in the war twice! He has visited Israel and supports Israels self determination. I am starting to get turned off to you because all you do is put down anyone that differs or points out facts. I have asked Rocky if he would sit down with you and he said he would be more then happy to. Would you? Contact him directly at rocky@rockyworksforus.com. Sit with him and see for yourself if what you say is true or not.

Rocky doesn’t hang out with supporters that are extermists. For the last 8 years he wore a uniform in the war and ran a national company! All of you should really get to know him, he has my support and support of many conservative jews in the area. Contact him and see for your self that he would be more then happy to discuss anything you want – on the record!
DW W Blfld

Anti-1-world order on February 15, 2010 at 12:32 pm


I love what you do. You are standing on principle and are exposing Palin for the RINO that she is. For that I commend you. But I must say, if you would apply the same scrutiny and investigative discernment you do against Sarah Palin, you would clearly see that 9-11 did not happen in the manner of the official story. Additionally, you should look at the 1,000 architects and engineers who have come and and explained that those buildings were demolitioned. WTC 7 was never even hit by an airplane and fell at free-fall speed.

John on February 17, 2010 at 6:50 pm

Sarah Palin will not be going away any time soon as I had hoped, unfortunattely she is endorsing the strangest candidates I have ever seen. Sarah ran for VP as John McCains sidekick, John McCain is a member of the Council on Foreign relations, I’m sure they back Sarah Palin since everything she does seems to benefit them like endorsing the Seas Treaty. Rand Paul is a weirdo, period. Sarah Palin is screwing up the Republican party and I am pretty sure that is what she is supposed to do, she was a guest on Fox news, owned by Rupert Murdoch, a CFR member and an Arabian Muslim Prince with a very bad background. Sarah Palin has an agenda and I believe it is doing things to make the Republicans lose,she manzaged to bulldoze her way into the TeaParty and make it her own, nothing like hopping on the bandwagon. The open Borders is another CFR project, the North American Union is their project. Sarah Palin is an opportunist and I dont’ believe a word she says about anything. I sincerely hope Republicans wake up and do the right thing, we may never have a chance like this again and I would hate to see her blow it. I didn’t read her book, It didn’t interest me enough to plunk down any money to help her out. This is a woman who should stay out of politics because she will not really get anywhere now that people are wise to her and know where her loyalties lie, it isn’t with us. We don’t need anymore muslim sympathizers in office and Lindsay Graham is a disgrace ot the Republican party, he is just a little fop who should get out of the party and join th edems which is where he belongs, he constantly votes with them so why not jus tgo with them since he agrees with them more than his own party. Sarah Palin is just a black eye on the Republican party. Who is she anyway? she left her own state as Gov. when someone snapped their fingers, probably the CFR and the hell with the people who voted for her in Alaska, we dont’ need anymore Lindsay Grahams or Sarah Palins, read the candidates backgrounds and how they have voted in the paswt and make your own judgement, dont’ listen to Palin, she is another Newt goingrich, also a CFR member, just looking for a place to crawl into.

MadHatter on August 3, 2010 at 10:14 am

It looks like you look at everything from the lens of Israel/Jewish people.
How about looking at things from the perspective of an American conservative?

Henry on May 19, 2011 at 11:37 pm

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