July 31, 2007, - 3:37 pm

Religion of Food Stamp Fraud; Terrorism-Related Activity in S. Florida

It’s no surprise that Muslims are constantly being caught in food stamp fraud, Medicaid fraud, welfare fraud, you name it. If they can rip it off from the infidels (the American taxpayers), it’s considered “halal” money (permitted money) and actually the preferred kind of money. And it’s an easy less-detected way of getting money to transfer to terrorist activities in “the old country.”

Muslim Food Stamp Fraud Ring Members Mohamad Issa & Waleed Aluiyun

It happens here in the Detroit area all the time. Michigan State Police Detectives are constantly telling me stories, and it almost always involves the “Religion of Peace”–Pieces of Paper Called Food Stamps. That’s why the latest story of a Muslim food stamp fraud ring in Florida, which defrauded U.S. taxpayers of at least $4.2 million is no surprise to me. And it’s no surprise that their religion got nary a mention in the story, even though it’s newsworthy that ALL FOURTEEN members of the ring were Muslim. I’m sure, though, that they were all members of the “Religion of Peace” is just a coincidence, right?
Oh, and one other thing: Since generally food stamp fraud is investigated and prosecuted at the state level (and if the Feds are involved, it’s usually the Secret Service and Dept. of Treasury), there’s only ONE reason the FBI–the lead federal law enforcement agency for all terrorism investigations–is involved: terrorism. The members of this ring probably were, indeed, sending the money to terrorists. And the FBI knows it.
So where was the money going? Hezbollah? HAMAS? Islamic Jihad? Al-Qaeda? Could be any of them . . . and likely is at least one of those:

Authorities early Tuesday morning raided a Liberty City market suspected of fraudulently processing $4.2 million worth of food stamps.
In all, 14 people were arrested across South Florida, including two employees of Diamond’s Grocery Store, 6600 NW 22nd Ave.
Mohamad Issa, the store manager, will face charges of money laundering, organized scheme to defraud and grand theft.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement says the market allowed customers to redeem state-issued food stamp debit cards. But instead of food, the market owners gave the customers cash — taking a cut for themselves, agents say.
”These are people who are stealing from the taxpayers and needy people who are suffering,” said Amos Rojas Jr., FDLE’s regional director.
Agents also arrested Jehad Hasan, 38, of Kissimmee, a former registered owner of the market. His brother, Naser Hasan, was also arrested.

Eleven others — customers who should have bought food but instead received cash — were also cuffed Tuesday morning, FDLE said.
State agents, aided by the FBI and Miami-Dade police, at 6:01 a.m. barged into the 24-hour store, formerly known as Gina’s Supermarket.
Agents say they are looking at food stamp claims between July 2004 and March 2006. The investigation, known as Operation Cash-n-Carry, began in July 2006.

No surprise that one suspect’s name is Jehad, since this is the Food Stamp Jihad. Ironically, the surname of the chief perpetrator, Mohamad Issa, means “Jesus” in Arabic.
But I thought Jesus said, “Turn the other cheek,”–NOT steal the Infidels’ tax money.

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9 Responses

Liberty City, isn’t that where the Miami six, or seven or eight came from? The crew that had their eye on the Sears Tower.

John Cunningham on July 31, 2007 at 3:56 pm

I remember when I lived in the middle east that some muslims came back from visiting Europe or the USA and how they used to mock the “infadels” who eat pork and how silly and dumb the “infadels” were in their lifestyle and all.
Hey, religion-of-peace people. Instead of following your mohammed and his HATE & MURDER teachings, pray to the REAL God that he shows you the right path to the REAL religion-of-peace, that of Jesus Christ, who taught LOVE & COMPASSION!!
You say you don’t know how to pray? Here’s how: First ask Mary, mother of God to help you. Pray to her so that she shows you the way to her son, the TRUTH!!
Only by your conversion to Christianity (don’t worry, we won’t FORCE you to convert, we’ll just pray for you), will there be peace on Earth!!
I’ll give you one piece of evidence that what you are following right now is NOT the religion of peace. The word muslim comes from two arabic words; “mu” means no, or not; and “slim”, “salam”, “saleem” means peace. Put the two together, and you have mu-saleem which, in arabic, means NOT-PEACEFUL.
Think about that, and seek the true God.

God&America on July 31, 2007 at 4:46 pm

I remember when I lived in the middle east that some muslims came back from visiting Europe or the USA and how they used to mock the “infadels” who eat pork and how silly and dumb the “infadels” were in their lifestyle and all.
Hey, religion-of-peace people. Instead of following your mohammed and his HATE & MURDER teachings, pray to the REAL God that he shows you the right path to the REAL religion-of-peace, that of Jesus Christ, who taught LOVE & COMPASSION!!
You say you don’t know how to pray? Here’s how: First ask Mary, mother of God to help you. Pray to her so that she shows you the way to her son, the TRUTH!!
Only by your conversion to Christianity (don’t worry, we won’t FORCE you to convert, we’ll just pray for you), will there be peace on Earth!!
I’ll give you one piece of evidence that what you are following right now is NOT the religion of peace. The word muslim comes from two arabic words; “mu” means no, or not; and “slim”, “salam”, “saleem” means peace. Put the two together, and you have mu-saleem which, in arabic, means NOT-PEACEFUL.
Think about that, and seek the true God.

God&America on July 31, 2007 at 4:46 pm

The welfare-fraud link
Chicago Sun-Times, Apr 9, 2006 by Frank Main
AMAR ABU SIESSI is among the latest store owners charged in Chicago. After a mix-up with his bail a week ago, ABU SIESSI was accidentally let out of a federal lockup. Now, he’s a fugitive.
ABU SIESSI’s corner store didn’t have scanners to ring up food quickly, shopping carts or a large inventory. Yet the store claimed to do hundreds of dollars in sales a minute and redeemed 82 percent of what a Dominick’s in the same neighborhood redeemed.
Federal prosecutors said ABU SIESSI used fake names — KHALED BEH and KHALED Al MARA BEH — to set up bank accounts to which he’d funnel the money he stole from the Link program.
Federal agents counted about 80 Link users standing outside one South Side grocery to get cash. They were waiting for the state to credit their cards with benefits after midnight — the first day of the month. Federal agents watched the cardholders “yelling, jostling and shoving in line” outside the store.
A store employee came outside to say everyone would be let in one at a time, according to a federal. When the store opened, agents saw people going inside and leaving without groceries. Later that day, an informant wearing a hidden recorder received $180 in cash and store owner ANWAR HADDAD took the remaining $180 by making eight phony food sales.
In a detention hearing last year for MUNTHIR HAMAD, who faces charges related to food-stamp fraud, prosecutors alleged that he sent thousands of dollars a month to his girlfriend in Palestine.
One law enforcement source said at least 25 percent of the Chicago food-stamp fraud cases he has reviewed showed bank transfers to overseas accounts. Though prosecutors in Chicago have made no direct links from food stamp fraud to aiding terrorism, HATEM FARIZ, a Chicago grocery owner, has been charged with ripping off $1.6 million from the Link program at his store. FARIZ also is accused of helping terrorists in a federal case in Florida. Prosecutors have not publicly linked his suspected welfare scam in Chicago to his alleged funding of the PALESTINIAN ISLAMIC JIHAD. FARIZ faces a retrial on a conspiracy charge in the Tampa, Fla., case after a jury there deadlocked on the same charge last year. The jury acquitted him on 25 other counts.
Food-stamp fugitives
As authorities in Chicago keep searching for stores scamming the program, they’re also hunting for at least five other fugitives besides ABU SIESSI who are charged with food-stamp fraud. Investigators believe FOUAD Al AWAWADA, ISMAEL HUSSEIN, SALAH SULIMAN MASHAL, RAAFAT EZALDIN and MOHAMAD ABURKBEH have fled overseas.
Al AWAWADA was sentenced in 2004 to 70 months in prison for stealing $801,000 from the food-stamp program at his store. A federal judge let Al AWAWADA attend his daughter’s wedding before he was supposed to surrender to prison. He never returned. “We think they’re in Jordan,” deputy U.S. marshal Rich Walenda said of Al AWAWADA, MASHAL and HUSSEIN.

dm60462 on July 31, 2007 at 5:40 pm

Is there no end to the ugly things these people will do? Disgusting!!!.
God and America, all I can say is WOW!!!That muslim not peaceful thing is amazing. I have never heard that before.

TheAwakenedOne on July 31, 2007 at 9:49 pm

Debbie, i lived in miami years ago and even then food stamp fraud in the muslim ghetto marts was well known. it turns out that the opportunity to rip off the government is the main reason these guys like to run marginal businesses in bad areas. the feds must have thought they liked selling candy bars to hoodlums.

Anonymous1 on July 31, 2007 at 10:20 pm

Scams like this have been around for a long time. Whenever there is “free” (taxpayer funded) money/services offered the “victims” pour out of the woodwork like roaches. Any religeon, race or ethnic group can participate and do. The Govt. is partly at fault as they do not investigate the victim at the application stage. I know 1st hand of a guy that got food stamps while he was on strike at a steel mill. After the strike was over he went back to the welfare office to stop getting the stamps. They said, “No, you continue to take them until someone else applies or we will lose the allocation”. He got them for another 2 months..

Lostinamerica on August 1, 2007 at 8:44 am

this is funny story when i read it i was laughing like crazy just i wanna show you guys how this bitch is full of hateness pragides iam jehad hasan the owner of this story iam proud to be amuslim but this story has nothing to do with religion here in u.s.a massmedia are controlled by the jewish any thing happened and will happen they will stick to the muslim people

jehad hasan on May 18, 2011 at 10:05 am

hi guys hope every body doing well this who called debbie is some thing else just i wanna understand one thing what religion got to do with that story if yoyu wanna do it that way i can tell the biggest crime in the states was done by acristian guy is that mean all the cristian are criminals is this guy who did the crime is represent cristian people you guys tell me like i said this woman shame on her to be that way this is proof that she is full of hateness and pragides by the the way guys this story or i mean this case was dissmiss from the court and her iam free practising my freedom in this country god bless america because the justice is here all the justice is here
god bless americaaaaaaaaa

jehad hasasn on June 15, 2011 at 11:59 pm

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