May 8, 2008, - 3:04 pm

Your Day in Illegal Alien Rape of Minors News

By Debbie Schlussel

While The ICE Princess, Julie L. Myers (useless, racist chief of Immigration and Customs Enforcement), is planning her luxe tax-funded vacation to South America and warehousing her kid with the nanny, Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez is a new father.

The illegal alien raped a ten-year-old American girl who just had his kid. I guess those phony workplace arrests of illegal aliens aren’t really working, are they? Well, they are working in the sense that somebody gets to go on TV and pretend she’s doing her job, then gets a tax-funded vacay to Argentina:

Sources close to the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office have confirmed the shock of a 10-year-old giving birth to a baby girl Saturday at Madison Memorial Hospital.


Guadalupe Gutierrez Juarez: Illegal Alien Rapist of 10-Year-Old

The girl was allegedly raped by 37-year-old Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez, who is an illegal immigrant currently in the Fremont County Jail on rape charges.

Gutierrez-Juarez was arrested April 29th after a pregnant child came into a medical facility for treatment.

He is being held on $250,000 bond, but he will not be released if the amount is met because he is an illegal immigrant.

Gutierrez-Juarez will appear in court for his preliminary hearing on May 13th.

Heckuva Job, ICE Princess.

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