July 24, 2007, - 1:00 pm

BREAKING: FBI Raids Dearbornistan Hezbollah Charity, But Lets Many Others Remain Open for Biz

**** UPDATE #3, 07/25/07: OUTRAGE: FBI/USDOJ allow Al-Mabarat . Raid was all a show for the TV cameras. ****
**** UPDATE #2: , Hezbollah Charities. BUT FBI picks Islamic Terrorist as pointman & holds apology session. ****
**** UPDATE: Making my point even more, I looked up GCO’s tax returns. On its latest return, 2005, the charity reported (assuming they didn’t lie and that’s a big assumption) only $176,693 in funds distributed, compared with millions sent to terrorists by the charities I list below–LRD and Al-Mabarat–which the FBI allows to remain in business. FYI, GCO’s officers are Mike Safiedine (of the gas-station owning Safeidine family), Hussein Hammoud (of the famous Hammoud Hezbollah supporting, cigarette-smuggler clan), and Ahmad Jaawar. When will the FBI arrest them and freeze their assets? Hazimi Accounting Service, Inc. was the charity’s “accountant,” FYI. ****

Show Raid:

FBI Raids Piddling Hezbo/HAMAS Charity, But Keeps Others Open for Biz

The FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit want your kudos for raiding the Dearbornistan-based Goodwill Charitable Organization (GCO) on Warren Avenue, this morning. It is an arm of the Martyrs Foundation, funding Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Islamic Jihad, and helped fund Hezbollah in last year’s Hezbollah-Israel war. It is tied to Al-Qard Al-Hassan, a terrorist-financing organization.
But while the charity is now designated as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity by the Department of Treasury, the FBI in Michigan continues to allow (LRD) and to remain open for business in Metro Detroit, as I’ve repeatedly noted on this site. LRD openly funded HAMAS to the tune of millions and is believed to be funding Al-Qaeda terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere. Al-Mabarat is headed by Hezbollah spiritual leader Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah and sends millions back to Hezbollah in South Lebanon.
Why won’t the FBI touch these? While the agency raided LRD almost a year ago, they haven’t done a thing to LRD and continues to hang out with LRD officers and officials. He’s refused to shut them down, while they continue to apparently fund those who blow up our soldiers.
So, while the FBI tipped off its favorite ass-kissers in the press at the Detroit Newsistan and resident Islamist Niraj Warikoo at the Detroit Free Press, and while it makes headlines, the agency is doing NOTHING when it comes to larger charities sending millions to Islamic terrorists from their Metro Detroit bases.
No kudos from me for the FBI raiding small potatoes for headlines, but turning a blind eye to major players dealing gazillions to Islamic mass-murderers of our troops and others.
While the government has frozen Goodwill Charitable Organization’s assets, it refuses to do so for LRD and Al-Mabarat–like fighting one tumor only and allowing the rest of the cancer to metastasize.
FBI Special Agent Mark Green–one of the agents who works the Hezbollah beat in Michigan–I know you’re reading. So why won’t you raid Al-Mabarat and freeze its assets? Is this part of a deal with Sheikh Fadlallah not to make waves?

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3 Responses

While the government has frozen Goodwill Charitable Organization’s assets,
Freezing assets? The feds should be liquidating those assets to fund their efforts to shut these charities down – and publicize this action far and wide.

justamomof4 on July 24, 2007 at 1:35 pm

ciao, great blog! 🙂

Miss Welby on July 24, 2007 at 2:33 pm

Debbies does it, again.
She’s one tough cookie!

Thee_Bruno on July 25, 2007 at 9:29 am

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