July 19, 2007, - 11:11 pm

Thanks, Larry Elder: Talk Show Host, Columnist Brings Attention to Case of Robert Mustaq John

Thanks to nationally syndicated columnist and radio talk show host, Larry Elder, the “Sage from South Central.”
He featured me on his Los Angeles-based, national radio show, today, to discuss the case of –the Muslim alien resident of Brooklyn who sent me the death threat about which I’ve written recently, and who was supposed to be sentenced on July 12, but didn’t show up. (Robert Mustaq John is trying to become a U.S. citizen.)
I meant to post an alert about this, so you could listen. But I was so sick, today, that I didn’t get to it, and then, too overwhelmed to properly get to it. (My apologies to you and to Larry. In the future, Larry can be heard on these stations around the country.)

The Brilliant Larry Elder: Author, Columnist, Talk Show Host

Larry and I discussed the of hate crimes versus the FBI’s and U.S. Department of Justice’s nonchalance, lack of concern, and easy treatment of Muslim hate crime perpetrators against non-Muslims. We also discussed my 2003 New York Post column (an ) that elicited Mr. John’s death threat against me, the subject of which was a planned FBI award to “former” Islamic terrorist (which was revoked after my column).
I am very fortunate that I have a voice that is heard and good, patriotic friends like Larry Elder who help amplify it. But there are plenty of other non-Muslims like me, whose cases are treated with indifference and scorn by the FBI and USDOJ and never prosecuted. That is the real tragedy in this, almost 6 years after 9/11.
Thank you, Larry Elder. (Thanks also to all of Larry’s many listeners who sent me well-wishes and words of support. Your notes to me are very much appreciated.)
You can help influence the sentencing of Robert Mustaq John, by sending a snail-mail letter to the Judge (his sentencing is now scheduled for July 31.) In your letter, please reference United States of America v. Robert Mustaq John, Case No. Docket No. 06-CR-854, letters to:
The Honorable Joan M. Azrack
United States Magistrate Judge
U. S. District Court
Eastern District of New York
225 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn, New York 11201

Thanks to the many readers who’ve already sent letter to Magistrate Azrack.

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5 Responses

You’re allowed to be over whelmed. For some reason you have to go through this. It’s not your fault, it’s his fault. It only seems that the world has gone nuts. It hasn’t.

John Cunningham on July 20, 2007 at 5:03 am

Get well soon.

Jeremiah on July 20, 2007 at 5:43 am

I heard you on his show via Sirius 143, Debbie–the whole interview pretty much. Larry Elder really seems to be an ally who gives a rip about this situation. We hope to hear you on there more often.
Like the rest of us, Lary Elder really found your victim impact statement on this muslim-bully-nut case to be most compelling. Kudos to Larry for getting the word out there.

BB on July 20, 2007 at 5:55 pm

Debbie, I’m not sure he will be getting much justice here. Maybe we could send him on an all- expenses-paid, one-way trip to Palestine. While there, he could receive some real justice, courtesy of an IAF drone.

Anonymous1 on July 20, 2007 at 8:41 pm

I’ve always been a big fan of Larry’s (as well as Debbie!), so it’s nice to see him spot on take a cue from Debbie. Kudos to you both!

PhilEBinson on July 23, 2007 at 8:16 pm

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