July 19, 2007, - 3:27 pm

Baywatch Babes for . . . Kucinich?

Yesterday, I told you how ‘s Presidential campaign. When a celebrity supports a candidate, that actually lowers the candidate in my eyes. Who needs ’em?
That said, guess who gave to far-left whack-job Dennis Kucinich’s campaign? Well, you probably don’t remember her, since her post-“Baywatch” fortunes did not match up with those of her silicone-valleyed co-stars (she was relegated to damsel-in-distress movies of the week on Lifetime). But Alexandra Paul–apparently quite a lefty–is a big Kucinich fan, giving him $1,300.
(“Days of Our Lives” soap opera actress Deirdre Hall and “Will and Grace” star Shelly Morrison also gave the geeky commie more than a Grand each. Appropriate, since he is kinda like the “Will & Grace” candidate.)

Alexandra Paul: Formerly of “Baywatch,” Now of Kucinich Krazy-Land

Like throwing money into the Malibu oceanfront, where the show was originally shot.

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5 Responses

Isn’t that “the virgin Connie Swayle” from Dragnet the movie? She is the perfect donor for “the idiot Dennis Kucinich”. Good Grief!

Southernops on July 20, 2007 at 10:00 am

Adam Sandler and Kelsey Grammer are not lefties and I am glad that they are (as I am ) supporting Rudy Giuliani who (as a resident of NYC) I can attest was a great mayor. Dennis Miller is also supporting Rudy. Anytime a Hollywood type supports a GOP candidate it is a rare thing.

Ripper on July 20, 2007 at 10:34 am

Which character is Dennis more like, Will or Grace? He kind of reminds me of Gilligan’s loser brother.

TheOmegaMan on July 20, 2007 at 11:00 am

Rudy Giuliani is an open border advocate and has personally made millions off the NAFTA superhighway being built in Texas.
“At the center of negotiations for multiple legs of the Superhighway Corridor throughout Texas, is none other than Rudolph GiulianiĆ­s law firm which landed the Comprehensive Development Agreement for a widening of Interstate-35, now referred to as the TTC-35, in addition to the Master Development Plans for State Highways 121 and 130 among other legs of the TTC. All negotiations for Cintra were and are presently handled by the law firm, Bracewell & Giuliani, LLP, of which Republican Presidential candidate, Rudolph Giuliani, has been a senior executive partner since March 2005. His law firm is the exclusive legal counsel for Cintra. Bracewell & Giuliani is comprised of 400 attorneys, based in Houston, TX with offices in New York City, Washington, D.C., London and Kazakhstan.”
“Most interesting to the whole story is not only has Mr. GiulianiĆ­s involvement in the NAFTA Superhighway not ever having been publicly addressed, but how a foreign company is awarded the building of a mass highway system, versus maintaining it, for the first time in U.S. history, and negotiated by the law firm of the top Republican candidate running for President of the United States. And truly disturbing is how such will not only have national and homeland security and sovereignty implications but how it is deliberately being kept away from the Halls of Congress.”
If you like GWB and his open borders you will love Giuliani as he supports the SPP or North American Union.

ScottyDog on July 20, 2007 at 3:08 pm

She’s an eco-nut – an Ed Begley Jr. type.
Solar panels, battery car etc,etc.

CarpeDiem on July 20, 2007 at 5:49 pm

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