July 12, 2007, - 12:50 pm

Where I Am Today & What I’m Saying: Sentencing of Robert Mustaq John, Muslim Alien Hate Crime Perpetrator

Today, I am in Brooklyn at U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, delivering my Victim Impact Statement at the sentencing of Robert Mustaq John, who sent me photos of Daniel Pearl in mid-beheading and telling me–“JEWgirl”–that I would be next. Here is the text of my statement:

Deborah K. Schlussel

May 18, 2007
The Honorable Joan M. Azrack
United States Magistrate Judge
Eastern District of New York
225 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn, New York 11201

RE: Victim Impact Statement
United States v. Robert Mustaq John
Docket No. 06-CR-854
Dear Magistrate Azrack:
I am writing this in the hope that you will take this into account when you sentence Robert Mustaq John for sending me death threats to my e-mail address. I would like you to know how I have been negatively impacted and affected by Mr. John’s actions. I am his victim and the object of his hate, Debbie Schlussel.
When I first opened the e-mail from Mr. John, I was shocked, outraged, and very afraid for my personal safety and that of my family members. That has not changed, to date. Mr. John’s e-mail featured the subject line, “JEWgirl, you might be next.” It featured photos of the late Jewish journalist Daniel Pearl in various states–with a gun to his head and in mid-beheading with blood gushing over his chest from his neck being sliced. Above it, in big, blood-red capital letters, Robert Mustaq John‚Äôs e-mail screamed: “KILL ALL KIKES.”
As I am sure Robert John is aware, Daniel Pearl was assassinated by Al-Qaeda because he was a Jew and an American. Not only was he beheaded, but when they found his body, it was cut up into ten pieces like a slaughtered chicken. This is what Robert John wanted me to fear. And he has succeeded in spades.
For almost four years, I have had horrible nightmares of having my residence broken into by the likes of Mr. John. I have woken up just as my mind was dreaming of masked men pulling out swords and getting ready to behead me–just like on the Al-Qaeda video of Daniel Pearl’s murder–and just like in the pictures in the e-mail Mr. John sent me. That is a dream that haunts me now, constantly, since I’ve received Robert John’s e-mail.
I have never met with nor have I ever had any contact with Mr. John, other than being the victim and recipient of his anti-Semitic, bigoted death threats and hate. I never asked him to contact me, and I most certainly wish he had not. It would have saved me almost four years–so far–of nightmares and distress. Four years of headaches and anguish.
I am in a constant state of fear. My residence, which has several windows, has the shades drawn, day and night. I never get to see the sun shine in because I am afraid of snipers shooting at me. I constantly leave through back and side doors and time-consuming alternate routes and am constantly looking all around me on the rare occasions that I travel in and out of my residence. It is, as I said, a constant state of fear and hyper-awareness. And I have to limit my trips outside because I never know when someone like Mr. John or one of his associates will be looking for me. Any noise, any slight abnormal sound in the middle of the night keeps me up indefinitely because I never know if it is Mr. John or one of his friends, relatives, or allies. This will never change. Mr. John changed my life forever, for the worst.
I have had to tell my parents, including my father who is not well, about these threats, for their personal safety as they are frequently in my presence. My father is now very seriously ill. He was not in such a condition before I told him of Mr. John’s threats to my life and limb. Although there are many factors that contribute to our health, stress like that which Mr. John has caused my family has certainly contributed negatively to the health conditions of both of my parents.
My grandparents, survived the Holocaust and Nazi-occupied Europe. My mother is an immigrant from that life, who was born in Bergen Belsen Camp in Germany. My family thought they left that life of hatred and violence against Jews behind. But now, with Mr. John uninvitedly entering our lives, we see that Nazism didn’t die. It just took a new form and a new geographic location.
My experience with this whole disturbing episode that never ends has been extremely negative on the so-called “Justice” side, as well.
It is bad enough that I was a victim of Mr. John, but I was also victimized by the Justice Department. After I received Mr. John’s death threat, I immediately called the Detroit office of the FBI. Instead of a swift investigation, I was stonewalled and mocked by two FBI agents–Robert Ouellet, the Special Agent originally assigned to the case, and his supervisor, Bill Edwards. Both of them belittled the threat and threatened me. Agent Ouellet–on his initial phone call to me–told me that his daughter didn’t like the women at a Jewish sorority and that the Jewish sorority girls at the University of Michigan, where his daughter was a student, are spoiled, haughty, and obnoxious. I was not sure why his anti-Semitism–on top of Mr. John’s threat–was expressed when he was supposed to be investigating an anti-Semitic death threat against me. In the months thereafter, he was too busy writing a book on our tax dime to investigate Mr. John. He told me that he, as an FBI agent, gets death threat every day and hung up on me. His supervisor, Agent Edwards threatened me not to write about my mistreatment on my website. He told me that Mr. John didn’t really mean it, and that I should just forget about it and not pursue it. Gee, why didn’t that excuse work for John Dillinger? Mr. John only “didn’t really mean it” when he got caught and interviewed by federal agents. Agent Edwards told me it would be too difficult to indict Mr. John because then he’d have to pay to fly from New York to Detroit to be arraigned and Federal Marshals would have to accompany him. Not only was that a lie, but I–the victim–have been victimized again, as I am not a wealthy person, but paid to come here to pay tribute to this criminal with my presence to speak to you, Your Honor, at his sentencing.
Then, the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Michigan, decided not to pursue the case because politically correct U.S. Attorneys Jeffrey Collins ad, later, Stephen Murphy–a current Bush nominee to the Federal Court of Appeals‚Äîdid not want to upset the Islamic community. Is this what our “Justice” Department has become–an instrument of political correctness at the hands of the religion of the hijackers, the religion of the murderous beheaders of Daniel Pearl? My case would have died in the great American abyss, but for the fact that I spoke out about it on my website and in media forums. If I did not have a voice, Mr. John would remain without a criminal indictment, without a criminal record. During the almost four years that I have waited for justice against Mr. John, I’ve watched an extremist imam, Hassan Qazwini, who is an open supporter of terrorism and proud friend of Hezbollah spiritual leader Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, get swift justice against two non-Muslim e-mailers who sent far more benign e-mails to him than that which Mr. John sent me. I read articles about how Mr. Qazwini’s e-mailers had their homes raided by the FBI–one of them was a quadriplegic veteran–while Mr. John has been treated with kid gloves.
I watched and waited in 2004 as the men were swiftly indicted and pled guilty, while I had to whine and cajole and complain to deaf ears, finally getting justice years later because I had the fortune of getting a new FBI agent and dedicated Justice Department attorney finally working on the case and pursuing it. But even then, I first had to endure 9 months of rude questioning from an incompetent Justice Department attorney, Lisa Krigsten, who did nothing on the case and harassed me along with Detroit’s U.S. Attorney’s Office, asking me about my writings and questions at public events, critical of the U.S. Attorney’s softness for extremist Muslims. Ms. Krigsten had an FBI agent call and repeatedly question and harass me about these things, which are completely unrelated to Mr. John’s death threats against me. When a new Justice Department civil rights attorney–a competent one–finally picked up the slack, he told me that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit was using up all of the Grand Jury time to prevent this case from moving forward. It is bad enough that lawyers had to fly in from Washington to pursue this case that a politically-motivated U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit would not.
Mr. John, I am told, is a Muslim foreign alien who is trying to obtain citizenship in the United States. He is Exhibit A that the so-called “Religion of Peace” is not so peaceful. We were told after the 9/11 attacks that those who committed them were “hijacking their religion,” that this is not Islam. But, in my experience, based on Mr. John’s actions, it seems that the religion is certainly populated by a disproportionate share of so-called “hijackers of a religion”–and far too many of them have one thing in common: their hatred for Jews and their desire to see them killed by Al-Qaeda, as Mr. John quite expressly wants to see happen to me. He sent me that e-mail specifically because he is a Muslim and specifically because I am a Jew, as evidenced by his words in the e-mail and on its subject line and the photos of a well-known Jew being executed by beheading by the most well-known terrorist group.
Mr. John got my e-mail address either from my well-read website or from a New York Post column I wrote at the time. It was my public address. He wrote me to silence me, to get me to stop writing about Islamic terrorists and thugs like himself, who want to take away our First Amendment rights. It will not work. But since he has certainly instilled fear in me for the safety of myself and my friends and family, he has achieved part of his goal. He may have never contributed to funds for terrorism or planned a bombing, but his e-mail to me was a different kind of terrorism. And we cannot tolerate it here in the United States of America.
Your Honor, Mr. John is not the type of citizen we want or need in the United States. He needs to be sent a message, as do all Muslims in our country and around the world: Third World bigotry and anti-Semitism is not acceptable on American soil. Islamic barbarism, like the beheading and dissection of Daniel Pearl–a human being, is not something to be cheered on and celebrated in our country. It is something to be condemned and punished to the fullest extent of the law. It is bad enough that he was allowed to plead to only a Misdemeanor, while the benign e-mailers to the Muslim extremist leader in Detroit are now convicted felons. I guess when you are a Jew and the perpetrator is a Muslim, equal punishment does not exist for the same crime. Now that he has pleaded to a Misdemeanor, please don’t let Mr. John get off completely without a harsh punishment to fit his crime and the harm it has caused me and my family.
Today, I hope you send a message to Robert Mustaq John, to his co-religionists, to the murderers of Daniel Pearl, to all who will learn of this case that you strongly condemn his actions by sending him to prison and doing whatever is necessary so that our authorities at Citizenship and Immigration Services, at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and at the Executive Office of Immigration Review will all know that Mr. John is not the type of potential citizen who should be welcomed and remain free on American soil. Mr. John’s continued freedom makes the rest of America–especially “JEWgirls” and “KIKES” like me–extremely unsafe. With me, it was an e-mail he sent, with someone else, he may carry out his threats.
Thank you for your time in reading this statement and considering my plight. I hope you will sentence Robert Mustaq John to at least a year in prison, if not a much harsher punishment.
Deborah K. Schlussel

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54 Responses

Great Victim Impact Statement, Debbie. I wish more victims of Muslim enemies within, made statements as powerful and truthful as yours. Stand and fight the Global Islamic Jihad.

FreethinkerNY on July 12, 2007 at 3:18 pm

This is just incredible.I’m so proud of you for pursuing scum like this subhuman S.O.B.I’m also in awe of your courage.Please keep up the good fight & work you do on behalf of our country.
I’m very,very sorry to learn of your father’s condition and will keep him in my prayers.
Peace be with you.

billybob on July 12, 2007 at 3:45 pm

I’m very sorry that you have been through all of this pain and torment.
Nobody in our government gives a rat’s ass how you or I are treated. What a despicable thing to do to you. The insult to the injury is that not one of these traitors will ever be held accountable for their actions!! Is this nothing more than a game to our law enforcement officials?
The other side of the coin is that if you shot this scumbag while he was attempting to hurt you or a family member I guarantee that the jail would have been built around you right where you stood!!

newinnewark on July 12, 2007 at 3:49 pm

Debbie,as one of your faithful readers I am so proud of you.You met the challenge with determination, strength, and total confidence! I will also keep your father in my prayers as well as you and your family for continued safety.

California Tammy on July 12, 2007 at 3:50 pm

I had no idea you were going through this. I’ve only been coming to your site after hearing you on Smerconish in Philadelphia for the first time about five months ago. What are they going to do with this bastard?

John Cunningham on July 12, 2007 at 3:53 pm

This is incredible. I, too, had no idea that you were going through all of this. Your victim impact statement is very powerful.
Very sorry to hear about your father’s illness, Debbie.
Dr. Schlussel – I will be praying for you – I know many of us will be.
Stay safe Debbie!

CarpeDiem on July 12, 2007 at 4:07 pm

Brave woman.

Jeremiah on July 12, 2007 at 4:44 pm

Debbie, I’m at a loss of words…It is disgraceful that you had to go through all that because of that dirtbag.
I’m also very saddened to hear about your father’s condition.
Take care.

Witch-king of Angmar on July 12, 2007 at 4:50 pm

Such passion and eloquence is rare and to be commended. Kindly keep us informed of the outcome.
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justamomof4 on July 12, 2007 at 4:58 pm

Time to quote myself on DS: “Warrior Jewess Extraordinaire.”
Best wishes, Debbie, for you and your father. Someone’s got to deal with the ‘holy’ vermin, especially when most Americans won’t even recognize them. With a thousand more like you, the infidels might snap out of it in time.

gringoman on July 12, 2007 at 5:12 pm

And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, In this way you shall bless the children of Israel, saying to them,
The LORD bless you, and keep you:
The LORD make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.
NUMBERS 6:22-27

WillPower on July 12, 2007 at 5:14 pm

Let’s hope that bastard gets to spend a long time in prison for what he did to you.
Keep up the good fight, Debbie!

cinerx on July 12, 2007 at 5:17 pm

From south of the M-D line, my familiy extends heartfelt hopes and prayers for justice, grace and mercy for you and your family (especially your dad).

Southernops on July 12, 2007 at 5:45 pm

Perhaps you should perchase a gun for your own protection if the mighty vigilant government isn’t going to do its job shielding you and us from the would be murderers from a certain religious backround that preaches blood shed. Seriously now, we should be threatning and intimidating the next piece of nasty work who tries to pull a death scare that grotesque as that. I hope this cretin rots alive in prison.

Jew Chick on July 12, 2007 at 7:15 pm

I get email worse than that. I don’t want them in jail, I want the freedom to do something about it.

steve ventry on July 12, 2007 at 7:29 pm

I’m so proud of you, Debbie, for what you’ve done here and what you continue to do. It takes great strength to do what you do–to tell the truth.
My prayers are with you and your father. From the little I’ve read about him on the internet, he seems like a great man.
If you’re ever in Austin, Texas, give me a buzz and I’ll treat you to some Tex-Mex.

barrypopik on July 12, 2007 at 8:36 pm

I wrote Debbie a letter two years ago. She thanked for my best wishes and its more than fair to say she has a lot of friends. But she’s made quite a few enemies as well.
I’m glad to see justice done for her in this case. If she had wanted to, she could have opted for a normal life and not just blogged. My feeling is after this, she’ll come come more out of the shadows for she doesn’t want Islamofascists to control her life or that of her family. It takes a brave woman to stand up to them. For Debbie, remaining silent isn’t a form of safety; its just another form of prison.
My heartfelt congratulations on a hard-won verdict. Please don’t ever give up and remember G-d is the one who makes you free and you’re in the thoughts and prayers of friends here in America and around the world. We may not be your blood family but we are proud be to YOUR family and stand beside you.

NormanF on July 12, 2007 at 10:43 pm

This barbarian should spend hard time in prison, and then be deported to the third world pestilential hellhole from whence he came, never to return. Hopefully, the remainder of his miserable, undeserved life will be nasty, brutal, and short.
Worse still is the indifference and outright hostility shown by our own government, particularly the justice department. The irony sickens. It is abundantly clear that the federal government is no longer to be relied upon for protection or for social justice, provided that those in need of such protection are Jews and perhaps others in the mainstream. I am seriously considering buying a rifle and learning how to use one in self-defense. Jews must learn to fend for themselves. Too many in our country have gone over to the dark side, and the number is growing.

commonsense on July 12, 2007 at 10:53 pm

Debbie: You are a courageous person. Not many people would be able to stand up to the Islamic evil head on, as you are doing. Thank you for showing that it can be done. Or MUST be done. I am praying for you and your family.

lexi on July 12, 2007 at 11:58 pm

That was very passionate and articulate, Debbie. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I have to wonder, after reading about your abominable treatment by some FBI agents, how many of them are in Saudi Royal pockets.
I hope that after the anti-Semitic Muslim does his time in an American jail, that they send it back from whence it came.
PS: I’m sorry to hear about your father.

Freudianslippers on July 13, 2007 at 12:05 am

You are a strong and eloquent woman, and you will endure long after your tormentors. Please continue to voice our concerns, and pursue those who wish to do us all harm. NEVER be silenced by those who contribute nothing of value to our society.
I will pray for you and your family, especially your dad. To quote my late nephew: “Be strong.”

Belle patriotic on July 13, 2007 at 12:12 am

This fool and the shameful people at the FBI obviously picked on the wrong woman. Good for you, however this whole story shakes my faith in the system, very depressing.
It looks like you handled it, but is there anything we can do for you?

dianainsa on July 13, 2007 at 12:36 am

You people are hysterical. This clown typed 9 words, he doesn’t even actually threaten anyone. He was an idiot for pleading guilty. Obviously, it’s offensive, and we shouldn’t be letting these people into the country, but I get email where they actually threaten me. I laugh at them and send them email back and tell them what I think of their mothers. And I thought she lives in Michigan, he was 1000 miles away? And nightmares? Come on.

steve ventry on July 13, 2007 at 2:32 am

Debbie, I just feel sick after reading your letter and about the nightmare you have endured trying to get this pondscum to justice. I am FAR MORE DISTURBED, however, by the string of idiots and Jew-haters in the FBI, the Justice Dept, and the Attorney General’s office than by this one wicked ROPer. We expect stupidity and evil from stupid and evil people, and sadly, the ROPers have earned a very bad reputation for their entire group. But from the so-called normal citizens who are supposed to be looking out for our safety and well-being? Must we start expecting stupidity and evil from them, too? I am so disgusted by it all, and so despairing, that should I ever be in a similar situation, I would have these wicked cowards to contend with on top of being a victim of a crime.
As you said, what if you were NOT a well-known blogger? A person of intelligence and determination? A person who probably has a few connections in high places? A person who has resources of various types? A person who had the time to pursue justice? What if you were a single, working mother, or very poor, or uneducated, or for any one of a hundred reasons, unable to follow this through to the end?
Our justice system does NOT protect the innocent. I currently have two judgments against people who have harmed me, and I cannot collect on either of them for various reasons. There is currently a rape trial in the Midwest in which the judge has banned all words referencing “rape.” The whole point of a trial is to try to get at the truth and the jury will decide innocence or guilt — but I’ve never heard of an alleged rape victim being prohibited from using the word “rape” in her testimony! What the heck? What is happening to our legal system?
Anyway Deb, kol hakavod to you and I pray that THIS judge will uphold the principles of justice she has sworn to uphold.

AmericanJewess on July 13, 2007 at 3:03 am

Steve, I’m surprized at you. We recently had a NASA astronaut drive in a diaper 900 miles. I’m sure you know the story.

John Cunningham on July 13, 2007 at 3:04 am

I am so sorry for your pain.You are being heard,you make a differance.

storagemanager on July 13, 2007 at 5:33 am

Your letter was so courageous! I am so sorry for what you and your family have gone through. I have never viewed the murder of Mr. Pearl and this is the first I have ever seen of it. I’ve never felt such outrage, contempt, and disgust, both for members of our so-called law enforcement community or for the Islamic community. The basic idea in the Book of Revelation is that you are either one one side or the other – period. Well, you’re either a member of the community of human beings or a collaborator/sympathizer/member of the community of murderers. Islam is NOT a religion as true human beings understand. It is a cult/religion of war, murder, racism, and slavery. I simply cannot believe so many people are asleep at the wheel on this. Good luck today and tomorrow, and every day from now on. You are agreat example of courage and justice!

FreeAmerican on July 13, 2007 at 8:09 am

That was a masterful piece of writing and I hope the judge looks at it hard and long before sentencing this putrid dog to hard time. No one should ever have to be subjected to what you have been through, especially in these times we live in. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and I wish for justice in its truest sense on your behalf.
Keep your head up, your courage strong, and continue on with your work. I applaud you for all you do.

1shot1kill on July 13, 2007 at 8:34 am

Way to go Debbie. That scumbag made a big mistake messing with you. Needless to say, I am impressed by your courage and fortitude.
God bless you and your family — especially your Dad.

Richard Ryan on July 13, 2007 at 9:05 am

You are brave indeed. My thoughts and prayer are with you and your family.
Obviously, Steve has never really been a victim of a crime,nor is he Jewish, and of course he is not a woman. He doesn’t understand. Having been attacked as a teenager by a man who lived 7 blocks away from me. I understand how fear can creep in. Many years after, when I had my first child, I paniced at the thought of taking her out by myself. I felt vulnerable while I was placing her in the car seat. I would lock the 2 of us in the backseat of the car, hook her up, then get out of the car and get into the front seat. I did that when I absolutely had to go out with her by myself.
As far as I’m concerned, I think that Allah is not the same as God, just a perverted copy.

Five on July 13, 2007 at 9:31 am

I doubt they will, but they should bury this bastard for his criminal actions. Nobody deserves to be terrorized in this fashion, and it’s clear from Debbie’s statement that she has truly been terrorized.
With any luck at all, he’ll be put under the prison!!

EverVigilantSheepdog on July 13, 2007 at 11:02 am

Allah is the Bizarro God.

TheOmegaMan on July 13, 2007 at 11:21 am

Dear Debbie,
First of all, I am so sorry for what you are going through. If all of us in this society had but a fraction of your guts, knowledge, clarity about the threat we are facing and the willingness to take it on, YOU would not be in this situation.
I still think you need to have a TV show. Yes, the stations would think that your topics would be very controversial but Debbie, we need to bring this to the general public. We, on this blog are not the general public. We are an insightful
bunch that pays attention to what’s happening in the world and in this country. The rest of this country is asleep.
Is there any hope that you would be able to do a show? You have so much to share with the people of this country.
I wish there was something I could do to help you out with this horrible situation.

TheAwakenedOne on July 13, 2007 at 12:15 pm

I admire you for your knowledgeable writing and your eloquence but I admire you most for your tremendous courage. Itís dangerous to do what you do, that is, to stand up against, speak out against and expose Islam for what it is. But someoneís got to do it, and you have the courage to do so.
My heart goes out to you and your family.
Youíre in my thoughts and prayers.

Rocky on July 13, 2007 at 12:24 pm

Five, women USED to be safe, when we didn’t rely on the law. The law is destroying our country, because you or I will go to jail if we lift a finger against people like the e-mailer. Guys like him used to be afraid of us, but now they laugh because we’re hamstrung by PC and the ‘law’. I’m not scared of this guy one little bit, but I am scared of going to prison for a ‘hate crime’. I hope this government falls apart and we can visit our enemies without fear of prison, in the meantime we have to sit here and take it!

steve ventry on July 13, 2007 at 2:00 pm

With all due respect Steve, what planet are you living on. Click on the link below and read what happened to 26 year old Rebecca Griego. She was Ôø?threatened and stalked by an x boyfriend. And then in April of this year he went to her offices at the University of Washington with a six-shot revolver. He emptied it, killing Griego,then himself. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/310031_uwshooting03.html
Steve, words and threats can result in deadly action. Debbie has every right to be concerned for her safety.
Debbie, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family…especially your father.
God Bless,

dances with trout on July 13, 2007 at 2:12 pm

I am sorry you have had to endure such threats in the USA, what an indictment of our border security.
Take care, Debbie.
I have received mysterious phone calls myself. The RoP cannot take criticism.

interestinconundrum on July 13, 2007 at 4:09 pm

Then this seals it, the death busters ARE running everything and they are working side by side with the islamofacists in overtaking america.
Debbie after reading all that, it just makes me wanna learn how to shoot a gun and get a licence so I can BLOW OFF THE HEAD OF ANY FUCKING ISLAM FACIST THAT EVEN DARES STEP ON MY BLOCK!!
Everyone…why are we sitting here? It’s time…not tommorrow..not next year…not when hilary gets in office…but RIGHT THE HELL NOW to overthrow all the death busters in the government, the FBI, in the CIA, in the white house, etc. It is time for us to take back our country. To drive out all these anti-human islamo facists. It’s go time…and if I have to lead millions of you myself down to D.C…I’ll do it.
No longer can I sit here and find out that a beautiful but brave woman like debbie is being threaten by shit called islamo facists who gets to do what they want thanks to the death busters running our country.
I say bring it on. Call us “racists”. Call us “anti-muslim”. Tell us we’re “irrelevant”. But if they’re gonna call us something…call us flag waving son of a bitches.
I’m sorry for the use of language, but I’m too angry after having to learn that Debbie is in fear of her life becuase the death busters could give two shits in the bucket about ANY OF US. I’m ready to lead what I call The Million Patriot March to D.C…..anyone with me?

Squirrel3D on July 13, 2007 at 5:44 pm

It sounds pretty much unanimous (Steve Ventry–what’s up with you–I am going to take your post as reverse sarcasm–because you no doubt really wanted to show what an a__ it would take to think like that–we’re all “just hysterical”–haven’t you noticed many stalkers actually attempt to carry out their threats??? Get your head in the light bro!!)
Yes Debbie, perhaps the best thing you are doing for us is showing us some courage. Mark my words, when you are doing the right thing as you are in putting this vulgar threatening puke on notice that we have had it with their SH__! –it makes us all a little bolder–it sure ought to.
Perhaps the biggest service you are doing for us all is showing us how our justice system is kissing muslim butts like this–while at the very same time it is trying to give you–A G-D FEARING DECENT WOMAN–treatment like you are the criminal. John Stossel or someone like him should pick up your story and do an expose. Uncle Tom’s Cabin had an effect–I think your story would too (book). People need to see the effects of our government’s constant pandering to bullying violent muslims.
Abu Porno, Ice Princess, Serpenthead–Debbie’s pet names for you have cast you in your true light–and this case shows clearly as anything that you people are traitors to citizens of the United States. If I were you guys, I’d clean up my act quick. When Debbie explains the outrages of the way you all railroaded her–you will be held to account!

BB on July 13, 2007 at 7:37 pm

Sign me up for the march. It’s showtime!!

newinnewark on July 13, 2007 at 11:16 pm

BB and “dances with trout”, there’s a big difference between a genuine stalker and some twerp who takes 30 seconds to type an email and attach a photo. I’m sick and tired of people like you abusing me, when you don’t even have a modest ability to reason. And my WHOLE POINT is, wannabes like this emailer used to keep quiet because nobody would call the law, they would beat the shit out of him. Now, if you do that, YOU go to jail. We can’t defend ourselves anymore.

steve ventry on July 13, 2007 at 11:35 pm

squirrel, amen. Stay mean. Using the law to address these people is the problem, it’s what keeps us tied down. If this guy can go to jail for typing, “u MIGHT be next”, they can put us in jail, too. Then they can sue you in civil court and take your house and everything else. The law isn’t the answer, it’s the problem.

steve ventry on July 13, 2007 at 11:47 pm

You are an idiot. Pull your head out of your ass…your words are muffled.

Highrise on July 14, 2007 at 7:17 am

Highrise, you are the idiot. Good luck depending on the government to protect you, stupid. The government is what’s bringing in the precious muslims, stupid. Idiots like you would be the first to call the police on someone like me, so you can get a pat on the head for not being hateful. Cowards like you are the reason we’re being flooded by muslims and mexicans in the first place. Why don’t YOU pull your head out of your ass?

steve ventry on July 14, 2007 at 9:54 am

Highrise says it best Steve V. You think what? ..that we should ignore hate threats except for a vigilante solution? You head IS up your a__. Your modest ability to reason needs help, bro.
It amazes me to hear the morons like you, Steve, who think ignoring the perps and perhaps some anarchy is preferable to forcing change the right way–through free speech and “the system.” I also hate how hard it can be and how long it can take–but anarchy is the solution of our enemies. We CAN force the change in our government by getting enough people educated and motivated. I have seen the progress. I am starting to hear certain pols beginning to take up “the cause” the right way–BECAUSE they have become aware of the muslim threat and they realize many people have had it with ignoring the muslim butt kissing that has become SOP.
Your “solution” is the quickest way to defeat ourselves–to disqualify ourselves as lawbreakers as a starting position–“beat the shit out of him” or to just sit and take it.
No, the answer is in doing what Debbie is doing with her life–educating, educating, educating–standing, fighting, NOT BACKING DOWN, in the full light of day–she is exposing the truth. At some point, we will reach critical mass–we will have the necessary political will to get the needed changes done.
We just had one example of this in the shutting down of the “immigration reform” legislation. The effect of the informed citizenry speaking en masse backed them down. This may be the beginning of a tide.

BB on July 14, 2007 at 12:39 pm

BB, these laws will simply be used to shut ME up, throw ME in jail, and confiscate MY property. They won’t stop the muslim invasion, and they won’t stop the mexican invasion. The legal system is causing it. If you continue to follow the law, and continue to be on the look-out for ‘haters’ like me or that emailer, making sure that we get visited by the cops and thrown in jail, and continue to wait for the law to preserve your country, you will lose everything. And you ARE going to lose everything. You’re too timid to even allude to taking action in an ANONYMOUS POST; in person, you must be worthless as tits on a boar hog. Go get fitted for a burka, you worthless, PC coward.

steve ventry on July 14, 2007 at 3:03 pm

Congratulations Debbie, I am glad that your persistence paid off.
Getting crimes prosecuted can be extremely frustrating for law enforement, too. It can haunt you for the rest of your life. Your case is a good example of how timing, a changing of the guard, and political concerns can breath life into a case.
The sad part about this clown’s bid for citizenship is that the five year required history of moral character, which doesn’t mean squat anymore, reset itself after his date of offense. To the pathetic citizenship process it is merely a speed bump.
I have had the FBI look at me like I’m high on a lot more serious reporting than on this case. They simply don’t have the experience that their position requires and this is covered up with their “cross-dressing when no one’s looking” type of creepy lives. Somehow getting hired at the Bureau requires a personality profile similar to a repressed homosexual or a psychopath.

code7 on July 14, 2007 at 8:27 pm

Our country’s finished. You people would be the first to call the cops on anyone who tuned this guy up. Newsflash**The Mexicans have won, there are too many to stop. The Muslims have won, there are too many to stop. Now, the Asians are flooding in like the Mexicans. Your PC Saviours, Rush and Sean, haven’t told you that yet, but I drive over 500 miles a day, there are Asians EVERYWHERE. It’s only the beginning! Kiss your White culture good-bye, and good luck letting the police handle it for ya! (Be on the look-out for any radical, hateful anarchists.)

steve ventry on July 15, 2007 at 3:31 pm

You mixed Religion (Muslims), Race (Asians), and Mexicans (nationality) into the immigration problem. Most Americans don’t have a problem with those immigrants that have adopted our way of life, based on the U.S. Constitution and American values. But there is a war going on out there on a world wide level between those that are here for the money and want us to live like THEM (no respect for the law or truth);
and, those Americans that want them to live like US. If you don’t think our way is better, fine, go live somewhere else, like where they wipe their butt with their hands and drown female offspring. Like I’ve said before, “It’s about the money” quit mixing in race, religion, and nationality playing the same old tired song.

code7 on July 15, 2007 at 7:50 pm

Muslims, Asians, Mexicans (or hispanics), Whites and Blacks all act as a group, it doesn’t matter whether they are a race, religion, or nationality.
The hispanics, dominated by the Mexicans, are going to turn their turf into Mexico, C. America, S. America, whatever makes you happy, “code 7”. They are teaching their kids spanish, they fly hispanic flags, and they teach their kids about Santa Anna, NOT George Washington. They’re teaching their kids that the Alamo was a victory, and that the bad gringos took the N. American continent from them, which isn’t even true.
The Asians, Chinese, WHATEVER, have already set up ‘Chinatowns’ where they don’t assimilate and they are not loyal to America, certainly not to the White Founding Fathers, the English, and the French who conceived and built this country. They are loyal to their race, not to our country. Now, they are flooding in like gangbusters, and they aren’t going to become Americans, they are bringing their countries here.
The muslims may as well be a race, too. It doesn’t matter if they are bound by religion, ethnicity, or sect. They are opposed to Whitey and his society. They are opposed to freedom. They come here to cash in on the economic bounty that WHITE, WESTERN EUROPEANS invented and created. And when they become, say, 30% of a given area, they will pass sharia that says you have to shut up, now, and make allah happy.
I don’t know why people like you believe the current flood of LEGAL immigrants is going to assimilate, it isn’t happening. Go to Chicago, it is becoming Mexico. I was just drove through southern Indiana into Owensboro, KY, every 10th car had Mexicans in it. They weren’t there 5 years ago. I could go on all day, it’s everywhere. They aren’t becoming Americans, they’re invading, and it’s only just beginning! In 10 or 20 years, tops, you’re neighborhood will be completely transformed. I hope you like living in a foreign country, because that’s where you will be living.

steve ventry on July 15, 2007 at 11:29 pm

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