July 11, 2007, - 12:17 pm

Happy 80th Birthday, 7-Eleven!

One of my favorite American business icons (yes, owned by the Japanese, but still run by Americans and headquartered here) turns 80, today.
Happy Birthday, 7-Eleven!
Here’s hoping for many more years of modern convenience in America.

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2 Responses

One of my favorite American business icons (yes, owned by the Japanese, but still run by Americans and headquartered here.Hmmmm,around where i live their all run by muslims

patriot11 on July 11, 2007 at 2:20 pm

ICE needs to start hanging out at their local 7/11’s during the lunch hour. ICE could apprehend more illegal Mexicans in 30 minutes than they have in 30 months of SWIFT “like” work-site enforcement! ICE would save the taxpayers big bucks, since they wouldn’t have to TDY agents all over the country to make civil misdemeanor arrests at meat packing plants and ballistic armor factories. There’s a 7/11 (or knock off) full of illegal Mexican workers in EVERY town in America at the lunch hour.

J Leyn on July 12, 2007 at 1:24 am

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