July 10, 2007, - 3:25 pm

How Can We Secure Our Borders . . .

. . . If we don’t even know where they are? From today’s Wall Street Journal front page, “As for Canada, Finding the Border is a Bit of a Trick“:

“They talk about securing the border, well, nobody ever came to talk to us,” Mr. Hipsley [Kyle Hipsley, deputy chief of the U.S. section of the International Boundary Commission, charged with keeping up the U.S. border with Canada] said. He circled around Lake Memphremagog, just west of Beebe Plain, turned north up a dirt road and stopped at a border gate with a rusty padlock on it. “That’s what we don’t understand. What could be the most basic thing you’d think of? How can you protect it if you can’t see it?”
Mr. Hipsley got out of the car and jumped the gate. “That’ll shake ’em up,” he said. “Border Patrol will be here in a minute.”

Where’s the Northern Border?

He knew the roadway had sensors buried in it, products of heightened post-9/11 vigilance. There were cameras in the trees, too. But where the road fell off into a gully running down to the lake, the undergrowth was 10 feet high. “If you have a camera up on a pole, nobody’s going to see you,” Mr. Hipsley said. “There’s no way. You just walk on through.”
Between 2001 and 2006, the Border Patrol caught 56,883 people sneaking into the U.S. from Canada. Most came from countries where a Canadian visa is easier to get than an American one. In this sector, a 295-mile stretch from New Hampshire to Ogdensburg, N.Y., the patrol caught 12,334. With instructions from a smuggler, the interlopers usually tramp through the brush to a waiting car. Once, Mr. Hipsley ran into a family of Russians at this very spot. They were looking for a bus ride to New York City.

So, how many didn’t the Border Patrol catch?

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5 Responses

That bus full of smuggled aliens drops them off next to the ICE HQ in DC, too.

code7 on July 10, 2007 at 5:53 pm

I don’t think the question is so much how as when?
You gotta actually try first before assessing if there is a problem.

Cpilot on July 10, 2007 at 6:39 pm

go to maine/ new brunswick border my property i can cross the st. croix river and never see a border patrol agent but see footprints wonder who and what from. there is a big trade for oxy pain killers in the area. but the border is so concern when i go over to buy my 6% budweiser and my 6 gallon flushing toilet.sometimes i think the agent act more of tax collectors than protector of people we dont want.

PNAMARBLE on July 10, 2007 at 8:05 pm

The Canadian border has been wide open as far back as one can think. It’s no secret; there’s been bootlegging during Prohibition, drug/cigarette smuggling on the Indian Reservations, and the list goes on. It’s never been a major area of concern because legacy INS’s panties were always in a twist over how to put a dent in the Mexican invasion. In the meantime, the first waves of Chinese, Korean, Pakistani, Arab, and nationals of other countries were pouring in from Canada because: a) Canada’s “immigration” policies are weak, b) there was never a formidable presence of Border Patrol on the northern border, and c) the knuckleheads in HQ didn’t have a clue what the hell was going on in the first place (as usual).
The only way to shut BOTH borders down is with the military or, at the very least, ramping up the Border Patrol’s mission to effect complete shutdown. We could stand to learn a lot from other countries as to how they secure their borders. Look at Israel; their military patrols their borders continuously and can tell you within a half-hour what’s been in or out, that is, if it makes it in to begin with. It’s time we stopped pandering to the whiners and worrying about being offensive to the masses of turds who we don’t want in here anyway.

1shot1kill on July 11, 2007 at 8:41 am

Our borders could be secured with the U.S. Border Patrol Agents and the technology we currently have, if the BP Agents were allowed to patrol.
The failed Border Patrol strategy of “Hold the Line” etc which has BP Agents sitting on “X’s” to allegedly deter illegal aliens from entering is why we are in crisis. This strategy has allowed the BP to Quadruple their ranks, but it doesn’t keep anyone out of our country.
Let the Border Patrol Agents do their job!

EverVigilantSheepdog on July 11, 2007 at 10:13 am

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