July 10, 2007, - 12:48 pm

New Adam Sandler Mossad Agent Hairdresser Comedy Sounds Funny

In general, Adam Sandler comedies start out with a funny premise but end up being stupid movies. I’m hoping “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan”–which begins shooting in September and comes out in 2008–will be different. Its premise sounds funny.
The film–written by Sandler, Judd Apatow, and the always funny Robert Smigel–is about an Israeli Mossad agent who fakes his death to realize his lifelong dream of becoming a hairdresser in New York. When he discovers that the Manhattan salon at which he works is owned by his Palestinian terrorist nemesis, he is pressed back into action.
Reader Andrew, whose acquaintance has been cast in “Zohan,” writes:

In a comedic side plot, Sandler’s character keeps giving a fellow hair-stylist tips on how to pick up women, not realizing that his coworker is gay. My colleague’s brother plays the gay coworker.

While it sounds promising, one hint that it may not be is the signing of pop singer Maria Carey to play herself. Sandler’s fellow SNL alum, Rob Schneider, has also been cast.
When I initially read Andrew’s tip, I expected it to be yet another film by a leftist Jewish Hollywood type, who is not exactly pro-Israel (plus I find Judd Apatow and his movies to be completely tasteless and stupid). But Andrew points out that Adam Sandler is not only very pro-Israel, but, last year (during the Israel-Hezbollah war), he donated 400 Sony Playstations to children in Israel, whose homes had been damaged by Hezbollah rockets.
So, yes, Muslims. You can now add Adam Sandler to your “Evil Zionist” boycott list.
Stay tuned for more on “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan.”

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9 Responses

Call me a sicko, but I liked Adam Sandler in “Anger Management.”
Is Sandler Jewish? Even if he’s not–I think he will be terrific as a Mossad man.

BB on July 10, 2007 at 2:07 pm

Adam Sandler as a hairdreser and in the Mossad? Sounds like Buster Keaton and the Keystone Cops, so it should be funny. On a serious note, I would have thought Arabs would have boycotted Adam Sandler long ago just for making the Hanukkah songs – that is how petty the Arab boycott of Israel is. They Arabs literally boycott anyone they can label as a Zionist, and even companies that do business with companies who do business with Israel or sell to businesses or people in Israel. So much for the “religion of peace” because you can’t have peace with people you won’t even drink a cup of coffee with.

Boycott Watch on July 10, 2007 at 3:30 pm

From the ‘Hannukah song’, where he says
When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree
Here’s a list of people who are Jewish just like you and me
I thought he was, although I stand open to correction.
I don’t know what his politics are, although culturally, I believe Conservatives would normally hate him – I know Michael Medved does. That said, he has been supportive of US troops, and I’m glad to read here that he supports Israel against the global Judeophobic Jihad. Given how sick I am of just about every celebrity being a Left wing wacko, I’m thrilled to read that he’s at least right on the leading issue of our time – Jihad. For which I’d continue to see his movies – whether he’s teaching kids to pee outside the restaurant where they won’t allow the use of the restroom (Big Daddy), or his introduction of cursing in ‘Happy Gilmour’. Really, I’ve never seen an Adam Sandler movie I didn’t like, so I’ll watch Zohan whenever it’s out.

Infidel Pride on July 10, 2007 at 4:49 pm

I overlooked the Mariah Carey part, but I hate her as a singer. Hopefully, her presense in this movie won’t end up in it’s getting the same fate as ‘Glitter’. Although, if she’s playing herself, that means she’ll sing. Ugh – need to block my ears.

Infidel Pride on July 10, 2007 at 4:58 pm

I cannot stand Adam Sandler movies which are so numerous as of late that there seems to be nothing else on every weekend.
What is the attraction to this guys movies.
If you have an IQ above 80, how do you stand it?

ScottyDog on July 10, 2007 at 4:59 pm

Debbie, Rob Schneider seems to be in all of Sandler’s movies just to say the line “You can do it” in some funny accent. It’s a kind of cameo thing, probably from some card game Sandler lost.

Anonymous1 on July 10, 2007 at 9:58 pm

B”H To give your readers the full breadth of the joke: Hairdressers do VERY well financially here in Israel. I don’t hear a lot of people laughing at hairdressers here, straight or gay. They’re the ones who laugh,…all the way to the bank. It’s not so far-fetched of a premise for an Israeli to dream of being a hairdresser, nor (unfortunately) emigrating to New York.

Ben-Yehudah on July 11, 2007 at 6:17 am

the hollywood is totaly run by zionist jewish, zionist rule USA, thats why i dont watch jewish-hollywood shit movies….

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