July 2, 2007, - 4:13 pm

Sad Sign of the Times: Environmentalists/PETA Beat Down Patriots, History

Need a sign that enviro-nazis and People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans (PUTAh) are winning . . . and that Americans are dumbing down our sense of history, honor and patriotism?
As we near the celebration of our nation’s birth, the Fourth of July, the Center for Civic Innovatoin at the Manhattan Institute reports that fewer and fewer schools are taking their names from Presidents and other American historical figures, and more and more of them are being named for bodies of water, trees, and animals. It’s about the influence of lesser topics over important ones like history and the founding of our country. But it’s also about PC-culture–no-one wants to upset anyone by picking a “dead White man.”

Nature Beating Out the Founders

Still, if you are one of those Black militants who doesn’t care for schools being named for “dead white men,” this is your issue, too. Not only are fewer schools being named for Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, but fewer schools are being named for George Washington Carver and Martin Luther King, Jr., also.
More of this sad story, which is stark evidence of the Granola-ing of America causing its dumbing down:

Public schools across the USA are increasingly more likely to be named after bodies of water, trees and animals than historical figures, a study reports today.
The shift toward names such as Skyline High and Owl Creek Elementary represents a decline in the civic mission of school names, suggesting schools are not taking advantage of a key teaching opportunity, an author of the study says.
“It’s a reflection of what our priorities are,” says Brian Kisida, a research associate at the University of Arkansas. “Clearly, we can’t change all the school names to honor leaders and expect everyone to rush out and start voting. But the name provides an opportunity to teach about values . . . and create effective citizens.
“I attended Eisenhower Elementary School in Davenport, Iowa,” he adds. “If I hadn’t had a reason to know who Eisenhower was, I probably still wouldn’t know. But my school used its namesake to give us something to think about.”
The study, published by the Center for Civic Innovation at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, analyzes school names in Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio and Wisconsin.
* Less than 5% of schools nationwide are named after presidents.
* Five public schools in Florida are named after George Washington, while 11 are named after manatees.
* In Arizona, public schools are 50% more likely to be named after a natural object, such as a mesa or cactus, than a current or former leader.

Up next: Jerry Garcia Junior High? Maybe. And in that case, the “high” is a double entendre. And a double cultural downer.

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4 Responses

I don’t think the issue should be whether or not we’re naming our schools after past leaders, but rather should a school being named after a person directly relate to a student’s learning of them. If a school needs to be named after Lincoln or Carver for the student to know anything about them, then they aren’t doing their jobs in the public schools. I wouldn’t care if my kid’s school was named after a piece of peat moss if he could tell me a few things about American history and what an adjective is.

AlternativeThought on July 2, 2007 at 5:02 pm

I think the ultimate display of this occurred in 1992 — on the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s landing in the New World (yes, I know about the Norse thing but I going with what’s generally celebrated here) when the Mayor of New York David Dinkins cited any Columbus event as a celebration of shame and inhumanity for the genocide of a thousand cultures, and that low-key regard went right up to the White House. Most should recall just how muted that 500th anniversary was. Somehow it’s lost that Columbus’s incidental “sin” was hardly unique; every civilization here today had to trample another to get the top of the heap. You just don’t hear much of the vanquished that’s all. That doesn’t condone the process or make it less detestable; it’s simply the way of the world. Some might call it Darwinism. To disdain Columbus by denying his achievement is rewriting history, unfortunately a PC cornerstone today.
A student respecting a past distinguished personality begins with name recognition of a structure or object of significance upon which that person’s name was conferred upon and understanding the reason the honor was confered and what achievement or impact they made on our greater society. It’s one major way how society bestows honor on a person of note and it’s important that youths appreciate this to respect the very concept of honor, which is being lost today in spades with youth who almost have a “Peta regard” of equating animals with a human being most every way including “pride”. This issue links heavily with geography and as a NYC resident I find myself appalled that _most_ NYC high school students don’t even know West Point is in New York, much less just up the river from NYC, and far less what West Point represents in leadership and courage in our nation’s history.
I don’t know how to cure this, especially when I see children’s programming on the Family and Disney Channels belittling history as a laughable and irrelevant general knowledge point and a nuisance school requisite that’s in the way of strutting fashion and pop “music” indulgences. Maybe making history sexy too somehow, but then it’d lose its sacred value I’d guess.
James Greenidge
Queens, NY

jimwg on July 2, 2007 at 9:31 pm

See Evan Sayet’s talk about Modern Liberals and you will see why they tear down the Founding Fathers. Basically, Modern Liberals (as opposed to normal liberals), tear down what is good and elevate what is evil. Believe it or not, it’s done out of a sense of justice. The movement took root in the 60’s and it has taken over Western Europe and our own Democratic Party.
This video is a must-view if want to learn why liberals are like they are.

Al on July 3, 2007 at 12:56 am

Jerry Garcia High School? I’m sure someone in Nancy Pelosi’s district will make that a reality.

Kalifornia Kafir on July 3, 2007 at 12:31 pm

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