January 6, 2010, - 2:52 pm

Funny Abdulmutallab Terrorism Monologues of the Week

By Debbie Schlussel

These two monologues about Northwest Flight 253 Islamic terrorist Undiebomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and the resulting increase in security screening strictness are only mildly funny . . . until the money shots at the end of each:

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5 Responses

Miss Schlussel:

That WAS hilarious!

I’ve never watched his show.

Maybe I’ll have to start watching.

By the way, what’s your opinion of the sweatshirts created by those fifteen Arab-American students for the Class of 2011 at Edsel Ford High School?

I put the photograph on my own blog.

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee on January 6, 2010 at 3:48 pm

The first was pretty funny, the second one – hillarious!

No thanks to the ‘truly impeccable security screening’ at the airports, but, thank G*D that we can laugh about this instead of mourning the loss of over 300 people.

theShadow on January 7, 2010 at 12:10 am

Until today, I was able to watch the Kimmel Youtubes here in Israel. Not any more:

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

Debbie, if you have any influence on the network, please ask them to let the rest of the world laugh along with them.

Shy Guy on January 7, 2010 at 1:43 am

The TSA just can’t get good help for half the cost of living.

The Terrorist's Advocate on January 7, 2010 at 8:48 am

Don’t know why it is also censored in Britain!

Hyder Ali on January 11, 2010 at 11:36 am

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