June 29, 2007, - 2:37 pm

Weekend Box Office: Some Very Good Choices, Much Better Selection than Usual

There are some great movie choices out, this weekend and over the extended holiday, early next week:
* “Live Free or Die Hard“: This third sequel to die-hard is non-stop action, exciting, patriotic, and fun movie experience. Det. John McClane and a computer hacker sidekick defeat cyberterrorists from destroying America over the Fourth of July. One of the best movies of the year, so far.
* “Sicko“: Standard Michael Moore fare–clever and entertaining propaganda that doesn’t tell the truth and misses what’s actually wrong with our healthcare system. Don’t believe the hype.

* “Ratatouille“: This cute, entertaining animated eye-candy delight is something both you and your kids will enjoy. A rat, Remy, wants to become a top chef in Paris. But who wants a rat cooking in their kitchen. So, Remy teams up with aspiring human cook, Linguini, to produce culinary delights that meet the approval of even uber-snobby French food critic, Anton Ego (Peter O’Toole).
While I couldn’t help but be bothered that a rat is in the kitchen (the ick factor), I loved this. Great family entertainment, which explores lots of relationships and shows French snobbery for what it is. Could have done without the statements made on anti-rat prejudice in society. On the contrary, some prejudices are good and necessary.

* “Transformers“–Because this movie is in theaters on Tuesday, I’m prohibited from posting my review until Monday, but I very unexpectedly loved this high-tech, sci-fi movie. The best of Director Michael Bay’s flicks, by far. Very cool, though a lot of sexual content and four-letter words in a movie aimed at kids. Stay tuned.
* “Evening“–Didn’t see this chick-flick because of a scheduling conflict, but intend to and to post a review, coming soon. Stay tuned.

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3 Responses

debbie where do you find time to views these movies but you couldnt review artie lange beer league wish i had the life.

PNAMARBLE on June 29, 2007 at 4:56 pm

Live Free… wasn’t bad adventure stuff. However, there were 3 scenes where the bad guys were positioned to kill the Bruce Willis’ character but didn’t (“stick up your hands”; “don’t move”; “drop the gun”), allowing you know what. Siskel and Ebert used the term “idiot plot,” to describe laughable narratives where one would have to be an idiot to even suspend disbelief. If they ever give an award on same, this film would win it hands down.
“And, yes, some of the death-defying scenes in the movie are too incredible to be believed.”

supercargo on June 30, 2007 at 9:03 pm

Wow, it looks like I might actually have a couple of movies I can go to, it’s been a couple of years. Die Hard sounds good, and I have all the Pixar movies, I didn’t know Rat-whatever was a Pixar movie.

steve ventry on July 3, 2007 at 7:56 am

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