January 4, 2010, - 4:37 pm

What Happens in Vegas

By Debbie Schlussel


Not sure what’s up with Las Vegas today, but I wonder if these things are related:


First, there was the shooting, earlier today, at a federal courthouse, which–sadly–killed one federal court security officer and injured a deputy marshal.

And now a dead body has been found at Las Vegas City Hall.

We may never know because, as I’ve noted on this site before, Las Vegas’ mobster lawyer Mayor, Oscar Goodman, has this nasty habit of trying to silence well-sourced tips of terrorist and potential terrorist acts in Vegas.

We still don’t know who the shooter is, but we know he was hiding his weapon under a black trenchcoat.  And one eyewitness appears to be saying there might have been a second shooter:

The 65-year-old officer died in a shootout this morning at the Lloyd George U.S. Courthouse, 333 Las Vegas Blvd. S. A 48-year-old deputy marshal who was shot remained in serious condition at UMC. . . .

Authorities believe the shooter acted alone, Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal Roxanna Lea Irwin said. . . .

Jon McGovern, who runs a hot dog stand outside the Courthouse Bar & Grill, said he was setting up the stand around 8 a.m. when he heard two or three “pops” in quick succession that were followed by other shots that “went in cycles.” He said at least 30 to 40 rounds were fired.

“It sounded like a fireworks show,” McGovern said. . . . He didn’t see law enforcement until three to five minutes after the shots were fired.

“It was really bad reaction time, I thought,” McGovern said.

Mario Fenu, a defense attorney, said that about 8 a.m. he was walking on the sidewalk next to the courthouse heading toward the entrance when he heard a “pop.”

He said he thought it might be a gun but didn’t think it was near him because of the way sounds reverberate off the building, so he kept walking.

Five seconds later he heard “five pops” in succession, he said.

He said when he turned the corner he saw a man who didn’t appear to be a police officer in an “attack stance” aiming “a long gun” at the entrance of the building. This shooter was hiding behind a column.

Then he saw another man with what appeared to be a long gun.

As Fenu ran away, he said the barrage intensified, possibly as marshals returned fire from the courthouse.

“I go to gun ranges and don’t hear that much ammo,” Fenu said.

Earlier today, I posted live video of the shooting, and he’s not kidding. It’s more ammo in a few seconds than I hear at the gun range.

So, dead body near the City Council and shooting at the courthouse–related?

Like I said, we may never find out, if certain people in Vegas have their way. Fortunately for us, what happens in Vegas, doesn’t always stay there. (Just ask Tiger Woods.)

**** UPDATE: Reader Shel writes:

Just as a lark, I punched this into Google search box: “second shooter at Las Vegas courthouse?

The fourth item listed is a blurb from a site called “nowpublic.com” – never heard of it.

However, amazingly it states: Jan 4, 2010…….Two possible shooters were involved in the Las Vegas Courthouse…..Police are trying to catch the second shooter who fled the scene…..

When u click on the site the news story has been altered or updated. Can’t locate full article.

Interestingly, most related stories mention that some local-yokel officials have already come to the conclusion that there was only one shooter and it was NOT terror related. HTF do they know that?

Good question. How do they know and why the cover up on that website?

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20 Responses

If it was an Islamist attack, expect the cops and the Feds to describe it as an “isolated incident.” All to make sure that what happens in Vegas…. stays in Vegas.

NormanF on January 4, 2010 at 5:12 pm

01/04/2010 04:20:21 PM PST Quote: “The two officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case, said 66-year-old Johnny Lee Wicks opened fire with a shotgun at a security checkpoint, touching off a running gunbattle with deputy U.S. marshals.

Although the investigation is continuing, the officials said evidence points to Wick’s anger over his benefits case as the motive for the shooting.

wtd on January 4, 2010 at 7:50 pm

Filthy Muslims are attacking on every front. People will be awakened soon.
Obama has brought about the next depression. People just don’t know it.

GBo on January 4, 2010 at 8:26 pm

Now all we need is Janet-Planet Incompetano to hold a press conference in her finest bowling attire, reassuring us everything worked perfectly.

#1 Vato on January 4, 2010 at 9:44 pm

Another innocent muzzy picks up a shotgun.
Next thing you know they’ll be buying casinos like they bought up all the gas stations and party stores in Wayne County.
At least one is dead.

Joe on January 4, 2010 at 10:00 pm

Shooter is dead. He was a retiree upset about his Social Security being reduced. He sued the SS admin. Lost and got pissed. Shoots everyone, dies.


Just another day in a big country.


mrbill on January 4, 2010 at 10:49 pm

What’s going to happen when Social Security starts cutting everybodys benifits to pay to nationalize healthcare?Is this the 1st of many incidents to come?

gordito on January 4, 2010 at 11:34 pm

It’s NEVER terror even if it is. They originally said that the July 4 Lax shooting was not terror and then quietly a year later they admitted that it was.

What they don’t realize is that intelligent people see right through this and realize that we are in far greater danger than we realize. Just look at the ridiculous denial that is occurring in the Nidal Hassan case.

Facts Life on January 5, 2010 at 8:10 am

No 2nd shooter. No conspiracy. Biased assumption can be put to bed.

Allen on January 5, 2010 at 9:10 am

    Where exactly are you getting your information??? A source name would help back up your sarcasm.

    Doug on January 5, 2010 at 11:09 am

The public is very lucky that most terrorists appear to be incredibly incompetent.

The Terrorist's Advocate on January 5, 2010 at 9:27 am

Why has this story disappeared into thin air??

Doug on January 5, 2010 at 11:10 am

Why has this story disappeared into thin air??

Because there’s no story. It was one shooter upset about supposed racism and his cut in benefits.

Allen on January 5, 2010 at 11:24 am

    You still haven’t answered my first questions. Also,there were too many shots fired to believe that just one shooter was involved. What about the other dead person at the City Council?? Why was this person killed?? This thing doesn’t pass the smell test.

    Doug on January 5, 2010 at 12:43 pm

      While conspiracy theories are always much more interesting, I hope you’ll allow me to shed some light on both incidents since I work, and was working, within a couple of blocks where BOTH incidents took place yesterday. (The second incident was a suicide, by the way.)

      A co-worker of mine is employed across the street from the courthouse at the Historic Fifth Street School, the “white building” where the gunman was shot down. This employee was as close to the shooting as the man who taped the now famous video on his cell phone, which appears to have been recorded from the approximate location of Fourth Street and Lewis Avenue (about one block away). The reason so many shots were fired is that A NUMBER of marshals were shooting back at the gunman.

      Regarding the other incident, yesterday a man jumped to his death from the top floor of a multi-level parking garage. I don’t know if this is related, but a man tried to commit suicide in a very similar manner from the same location within the last couple of weeks, but was talked down by police on that occasion. You’d think if this fellow yesterday was a gunman he’d continue shooting, aiming at windows including those in the nearby building where I am located…

      JJ on January 5, 2010 at 3:04 pm

        Thank you for the explanation!!

        Doug on January 5, 2010 at 4:24 pm

” a man jumped to his death from the top floor of a multi-level parking garage”

May I ask how you know this? Do you know the race of the man?

starviego on January 5, 2010 at 9:31 pm

    Information regarding suicide victim: White male adult. Age 50.

    JJ on January 6, 2010 at 1:08 pm

Hello Debbie,

Read what you said about Oscar Goodman and I think you are to harsh with him.. Oscar is colorful and carries around a lot of mob history, but he is also pro-Israel, anti terrorist and he does not hide his opinion about controversial subjects. Maybe you are right and I am wrong but I think that had there been an islamic terrorist attack, Oscar would have been the loudest voice describing the incident and itching for a show-down. Oscar is a warmhearted all american gangster who became a great politician. Oscar Goodman stand heads above Senator Harry Reid.

best wishes

James Just on January 5, 2010 at 10:13 pm

The black trenchcoat is the key here. Since the early ’90s there have been about 40 mass shooting events in which the perps have worn a black trenchcoat. In about none of these is there any plausible motive, just like this latest case. So there is definitely a pattern connecting all these seemingly disparate events.Early 1990s

The violent, satanic black trenchcoat culture makes its first confirmed appearance in the nation of Norway, of all places. Obscure young musicians pioneer the genres of “black” and “death” metal. giving concerts while painted with ‘corpse’ makeup. Taking their extreme philosophies seriously, which included role-playing of vampires in the case of the most notorious of the group, they commence a campaign of church arson attacks, later degenerating into several murders.

Clay Shrout, 17, murdered his parents and two sisters,
He wore all black every day with combat boots and [b]black trenchcoat[/b].

Barry Loukaitis, 14. Frontier Jr. High School, Moses Lake, Washington. Dressed in all black, [b]trenchcoat[/b], 3 dead, 1 wounded.

[b]Black trenchcoat[/b] wearing Rod Ferrell, 18, and others are arrested for beating to death a Florida couple.

“Kentucky Occult Teen Killers” six [b]black trenchcoat[/b]- wearing young people plead guilty to killing a couple and their daughter.

Killings at Columbine High School planned and executed by the [b]black trenchcoat[/b]-wearing ‘Trenchcoat Mafia’

3 teens arrested for planned attack on their high school in Hoyt, Kansas. Each possessed a [b]black trenchcoat[/b].

October, 2001
Five teens from New Bedford, Massachusetts are arrested for planning an attack on New Bedford High School. They wore long [b]black trenchcoats[/b].

Four young people are arrested in Loudown County, Virginia for the stabbing/slashing death of one of their fathers. “The suspects favored all-black outfits, long [b]black (trench)coats[/b].”

Daniel Hawke Fears, 18, Sallisaw, Okla. (2 dead, 7 wounded) He went on a 20-mile shooting spree, apparently targeting people at random. “He… always wore a [b]black trench coat[/b].”

Oakton, Virginia 19-year-old Josh Cooke mowed down his parents in the basement of their home with a shotgun. Cooke wore a [b]black trench coat[/b] ….

Joseph Hunter Parker, 30, killed two people with a samurai sword at an Albertson’s supermarket in Irvine, California(Orange County). He was wearing a [b]black trenchcoat[/b] and green beret when he was shot to death by police minutes later.

Oaklyn Public School, Camden, NJ
Matthew Lovett, 18, and two boys, ages 15 and 14; wearing [b]black trenchcoats[/b], arrested after they attempted to carjack vehicle; on their way to attack school with numerous weapons.

Josh Magee, Malcolm High School, Malcolm, Nebraska
Arrested after pipe bombs and a rifle were found in his car outside school as he contemplated attacking: “Magee was dressed in camouflaged pants and a [b]black trench coat[/b]….”

Jeff Weise, 17, wearing [b]black trenchcoat[/b], shoots seven at Red Lake HS, MN.

Lafayette, CA Goth killer Scott Dyleski, 18. Convicted of murdering his neighbor, the wife of noted “CourtTV” commentator Daniel Horowitz. Wore a [b]black trenchcoat[/b].

Tacoma, WA Mall Shooter Dominick Sergio Maldonado, 20, of Tacoma, 6 wounded(1 critical)
Wearing long [b]black trenchcoat[/b] when he began his rampage.

[b]Black trenchcoat[/b]-wearing Jacob D. Robida, 18, New Bedford, Massachusetts gay bar slasher/shooter.

Kyle Huff, 28, Seattle rave slayer, 7 dead, owned a [b]black trenchcoat[/b], attacked a party of goth ravers.

Hans Van Themsche, 18, wearing a [b]black trenchcoat[/b], shot 3 people on an Antwerp street.

Alvaro Rafael Castillo, 19, Orange High School, Hillsborough NC 1 lightly wounded, suspect’s dad dead at home. Wore a [b]black trenchcoat[/b] in the attack.

Kimveer Gill, 25, Dawson Junior College, Montreal, Cananda 3 dead, 18 wounded. Wore a [b]black trenchcoat[/b] in the attack.

Memorial Middle School, Joplin, MO Thomas White, 13, fired a round from an assualt rifle after walking into his school wearing a long, dark green trenchcoat.

ex-student Sebastain Bosse, 18, Geschwister Scholl School, Emdetten, Germany (1 dead, 5 wounded) Wore a [b]black trenchcoat[/b] in the attack.

John “Jack” Odgren, 16, Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, Framingham/Sudbury, Massachusetts
Stabbed a 15year old boy to death in the school bathroom. “Two juniors yesterday said the student now accused of the killing often wore a [b]trench coat[/b] to school.”

Sulejman Talovic, 18 SLC, Utah, Trolley Square massacre shooter. Used a shotgun to kill six and wound four more. Wore a [b]dark trenchcoat[/b] during the attack.

Asa Coon, 14, Success Tech HS, Cleveland, OH 1 dead, 4 wounded
A goth, he often wore [b]trenchcoat[/b] to school.

Matthew Murray, 18, kills 4, injures many others in two locations. Was wearing a [b]black trenchcoat[/b] at the New Life Church attack in Colorado Springs, according to some media accounts.

Stephen Kazmierczak, 27 Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Ill., 6 dead
Some accounts had him wearing a [b]black trenchcoat[/b].

Fabeltjesland nursery/day care stabbings, Belgium, Kim de Gelder, 20
De Gelder was known for wearing a [b]long dark coat[/b].

OAED Vocational College, Athens, Greece, Dimitris Patmanidis, 19 1 dead, 3 wounded
Fellow students and college staff described the gunman as [b]a loner who favored black clothing and long overcoats[/b]

Georg R., 18, a student at Carolinum-Gymnasium in Ansbach in Bavaria, Germany, attacked his school with an ax, knives, and molotov cocktails. Georg R. wore a [b]black trenchcoat[/b] everyday to school and also yesterday on the day of the attack.

15yr old arrested for planning attack on Monroe Woodbury High School, Monroe, NY. He was planning an attack on April 20. He had purchased a [b]black trench coat[/b] to resemble that worn in the Columbine High School attack.

Johnny Lee Wicks, 66, wearing all black and [b]a black trenchcoat[/b], assualts federal courthouse in Las Vegas with a shotgun, killing one and wounding another.

starviego on January 6, 2010 at 8:56 pm

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