June 27, 2007, - 7:26 pm

Chris Webber’s “Artifacts”

NBA millionaire and frequent is exhibiting his collection of “artifacts” at Detroit’s Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History.
But several artifacts from his collection are missing, including these ():

* Webber’s federal indictment for lying under oath;
* Webber’s long arrest sheet for drug, rape, and fraud charges;
* Webber’s guilty plea and sentencing documents from federal court;

* Gambling ring chief Ed Martin’s dual set of books noting hundreds of thousands of dollars of “loans” to Webber when he was an “amateur” University of Michigan basketball player;
* the bag of marijuana found in Webber’s bag at a Puerto Rican airport;
* Webber’s Lincoln Navigator with secret compartments to hide illegal drugs and devices to obscure and hide license plates;
* Webber’s driver’s license–the one he refused to show to a police officer, whom he then slapped, and from whom he fled (in the Navigator) during a traffic stop.

Yup, it seems Chris Webber forgot in his museum exhibit.
Pity. Read more on and .

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3 Responses

Do black basketball players live to break the law? What sort of example do they set for the younger generation?

Chuck W on June 27, 2007 at 10:01 pm

What example? Simple….be a thug.
That’s why he’s never winning a ring.

Squirrel3D on June 27, 2007 at 11:39 pm

Yeah, Chris Webber sounds like a thug and a bad role model, but that has nothing to do with the artifacts themselves. Webber collected valuable historical items that are of vital interest to the African-American community like signed letters or documents from Frederick Douglass, and Martin Luther King Jr.
Debbie, if you really want to do a service, you should focus on the bad people Rudy Gigoloiani associates with:
Giulianiís South Carolina Meltdown
Posted on Jun 26, 2007
Rudy Giuliani is no stranger to ill-advised staffing choices, but his latest picks to head up his South Carolina campaign have caused the candidate some real headaches. First, Thomas Ravenel had to resign, presumably from legal trouble related to cocaine. Now his father (and replacement) is in hot water over past racist comments, including a reference to the NAACP as the ìNational Association for Retarded People.î

Norman Blitzer on June 28, 2007 at 3:58 am

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