January 4, 2010, - 2:05 pm

’09 Leftover/’10 Preview: Another Religion of Peace Christmas “Gift” – Muslim Aliens Are Raping My Neighbors

By Debbie Schlussel

This one is from the Detroit suburb of Southfield.  It wasn’t covered in any of the mainstream media.  I saw it in a mostly advertising/classifieds newspaper Detroit area residents get in the mail, C & G Newspapers.  But, hey, C & G and its reporter, Jennie Miller,  deliver the real news, rather than whitewashing it and shielding us from the truth.  So, the paper has my respect versus the crap in the mainstream Detroit birdcage liner. It’s a crime those in other countries with a critical mass of Muslims in their population are experiencing and which we will experience at a growing rate.


Muslims Raping My Neighbors: A Growing Crime

Yes, it wasn’t at all wise to get in the car with a stranger, but no-one deserves this in response:

Police find rape victim at gas station

A 24-year-old Brighton woman told police she was raped when officers found her at 12:25 a.m. Dec. 21 in the 21000 block of Telegraph Road.

The woman was taken to Haven, a sexual assault and domestic violence shelter in Pontiac, for treatment and assistance. Her assailant is described as a Middle Eastern man with a thick Arabic accent and a pockmarked face, approximately 40 years old, wearing a black skull cap, a red jacket and tan pants.

Ah, more “Religion of Peace” “peacefulness” at work on American soil.

According to police, an officer on patrol in the area of Nine Mile and Evergreen saw the woman walking through the parking lot of a closed gas station. She walked up to the door and tried to open it.

“He approached her, asked if she was OK, and she started crying and advised the officer that she’d just been raped,” said Lt. Nick Loussia of the Southfield Police Department.

The woman reportedly had been waiting for a friend to pick her up outside the Kmart on Telegraph, just south of Eight Mile. A man approached her and asked if she needed a ride. She accepted, and got into the vehicle, police said.

The man drove north on Telegraph, and at one point asked her if she wanted to have sex. When she said no, he became agitated and yelled at her, police said.

“He pulled into a back parking lot off of Telegraph Road, where the assault took place,” Loussia said, adding that afterward, the assailant dropped the woman off at an unknown address. “She stated that he drove her into a subdivision and pulled into a driveway, and she jumped out of the vehicle and ran.”

The suspect’s car is described as a maroon four-door vehicle that smelled as if it were brand new, police said.

As I keep saying, more and more and more of this will be occurring on our streets and in our neighborhoods because we continued to allow Muslim alien rapists like this into our country, without a single obstacle to their immigration.

And I wonder how he got the “smells like new” car? You can bet it wasn’t the legal way.

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22 Responses

Hitler was the devil himself who came in human form believing that with it he could take over the world and when he found out that he could not achieve his aim he disappeared to in to HELL.There has been this puzzling and hypothetical question,where is Hitlers body,and these dozens of speculations
that he shot himself and that Eva braun his wife drank poison, some said he drank poison and died.There is no way we can solve this problem if we don.t come to a conclusion that he disappeared.Everyone should know that life weired the day he was born.

NNADINMA NWOKOMA L on January 4, 2010 at 3:05 pm

This woman is lucky to be alive, I hope they catch this bum, however its just another way to poison our society with fear and greif, her life now is forever changed and she will be living in fear from now on without proper psychological care.

seahawker on January 4, 2010 at 3:14 pm

Muslims are the new organized crime in America and they make the Mafia look civilized in comparison.

NormanF on January 4, 2010 at 3:14 pm

Were will this lead?

Look at France right now.

England and the Netherlands are next with the USA not far behind.

Sam Adams on January 4, 2010 at 3:25 pm

Glad DS is doing the job the MSM won’t do. We need to know about this stuff. Please keep the lights on em, Debbie.

BB on January 4, 2010 at 3:47 pm

“It’s a crime those in other countries with a critical mass of Muslims in their population are experiencing and which we will experience at a growing rate.”

Sooner or later we will have a Bosnia on a continental scale here. Although the Latinos will be the dominant culture by then. Euro-Americans will be bit players at best.

JLin on January 4, 2010 at 3:48 pm

No disrespect but i guess that your country didnt practical fall from heaven or something? Although i doubt that this happen but let me play along….. you are talking like this was the first crime to happen in US and that Detriot is just a peaceful lovely neighbourhood that everybody lives the “American Dream”!!! Just stop blaming others (muslims) for everything that occurs in this world!!!? I bet that if you found a spider in your house and it terrified you, then the next logical choice is that its a muslim!!( in case you dont understand i am being sarcastic!)

DR: Question: Does the spider eat only halal meat? Does it support Hezbollah? Just kidding (in case you don’t understand I’m being sarcastic!). Anyway, good to know that you, as a Muslim, consider rape and terrorist attacks on planes to be the equivalent of a spider in my house. DS

Dr. Rami on January 4, 2010 at 4:22 pm

    I am not being offended because we all have the same problems in our countries and no body can deny it… but apparently Debbie ( no disrespect i dont know if its a miss/es) has a little bit sensitivity towards muslims,by the way i never been a supporter to any of the muslim groups, but i just spent my last 10 min reading nothing but articles about muslims did that and muslims did this. I would like to gladly sit down and discuss this logically with anyone who has doubts or fears muslims. I am not denying the evidence but dont tell me that this was the first rap crime Detroit have ever seen!!!

    Dr. Rami on January 4, 2010 at 4:44 pm

      “Her assailant is described as a Middle Eastern man with a thick Arabic accent and a pockmarked face, approximately 40 years old, wearing a black skull cap, a red jacket and tan pants.” This was from the article, which quoted the police report.

      Yes, let us discuss this logically. Debbie never said this was the first rape ever. Also, let us be fair, what are the chances of someone dressed like this person and having a thick Arabic accent being a Hindu or Buddhist? In addition, we have seen frequently enough in more than a sufficient number or articles that rape is not considered to be a serious offense in Islamic societies, and the women who are foolish enough to report such crimes often find themselves accused of adultery or sexual immorality. This leads the males in such societies to take a rather casual view of the matter, and this is carried over into Western countries they migrate to. The old tu quo que arguments are stale and becoming more moldy by the day.

      sorrow01 on January 4, 2010 at 6:36 pm

    “Although i doubt that this happen but let me play along….. you are talking like this was the first crime to happen in US and that Detriot is just a peaceful lovely neighbourhood that everybody lives the “American Dream”!!!”

    On what basis do you doubt that this incident happened? There is no need to play along. Do you realize, which I think you actually do, that filing a false police report over such a matter is an offense in and of itself? As for the rest of your statement, it really is hard to take it seriously. The “everybody else does” it excuse is usually dropped in middle school and not used by adults. If you do have a doctorate in any subject, which I rather doubt, it must have been a diploma mill if you got away with such weak analytical skills while working on it.

    sorrow01 on January 4, 2010 at 6:45 pm

If that “black skull cap” was the Muslim “yarmulke”, it just shows the level of their religious hypocrisy. Worn allegedly out of respect for Allah, apparently he thinks Allah doesn’t mind that he brutally raped a woman. After al, she is an infidel to be “subdued” and humiliated.

Yes, I fear it is coming to America, as it’s already come to Australia, Sweden, France, and wherever in the West one finds that Muslim critical mass.

Raymond in DC on January 4, 2010 at 4:27 pm

Dr. Rami

It’s not blaming another group if the evidence shows it to be true. Debbie nicely gave links to several stories and studies showing that this is a known issue. Many Muslim men think that they have every right to have their way with a woman if she is alone, not wearing a veil, and wearing western clothing.

Just because a fact offends you, doesn’t make the fact wrong. It is the same thing with Hispanic men thinking that drunk driving is no big deal. This fact may offend hispanics, but the evidence proves that it is true.

jimmyPx on January 4, 2010 at 4:33 pm

yes Dr.Rami
Only muslims attack women.Don’t you EVER doubt Debbie ! Roman polanski,Charlie sheen,…all had converted before attacking their victims (and I’m NOT being sarcastic!)

john john on January 4, 2010 at 5:01 pm

[Raymond in DC – Worn allegedly out of respect for Allah, apparently he thinks Allah doesn’t mind that he brutally raped a woman.]

I have read that in Iran they believe a woman who dies as a virgin goes straight to “paradise” regardless of any other circumstances in her life. Therefore, when a virgin woman is sentenced to death, she is raped prior to the execution so she cannot go to “paradise”.

I_AM_ME on January 4, 2010 at 5:20 pm

And if caught, he will claim that because of his religion it was not rape. That her lack of a burka drove him crazy. And a liberal judge will set him free.

pat on January 4, 2010 at 5:27 pm

D-D-Debbie! Welcome back! I thought maybe you’d gone to Yemen on a “reverse jihad” or something!

We may never know how those swarthy lads became a “culture” of dickless misogynists, but I suspect it had something to do with camels and long, lonely nights in the Sahara.

trout mask replica on January 4, 2010 at 6:10 pm

Debbie this is very scary news – I know it must be especially hard for you to report on this since you have been the victim of repeated threats. May God watch over you.

C on January 4, 2010 at 8:49 pm

Horrible. My guess is she’s another naive female with bad judgement. Too bad. Let’s hope she recovers and gets the counseling she needs. Let’s also pray the American public begins to turn off the t.v. and wakes up in time to save this country from the barbarian hordes amongst us.

Joe on January 4, 2010 at 10:36 pm

A time will come when these muslims will rule all over europe and we all be mute spectaters, we will just see the destruction and mass rape and conversion of our mothers and sisters .
It will happen unless we all stay together and holocaust these muslimms bastards

mr_honestin on October 10, 2011 at 2:21 pm

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