December 29, 2009, - 12:54 pm

Dearbornistan Would Have Been Perfect Place for Abdulmutallab; No Prom, Cheating Muslim Football Players Lost Scholarships

By Debbie Schlussel

In this video report by ABC News investigative reporter Brian Ross, we learn the Northwest Airlines Flight 253 Islamic terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was already an extremist Muslim in the fancy English school he attended.

We also learn that Abdulmutallab had several “problems,” which he detailed in e-mails over the last six years, including that:

*  he thought Islam forbade attending a high school prom and wasn’t sure if he should go;  and

*  he was worried because he didn’t score well on the SATs.


Terrorist Abdulmutallab Would Have Been Right at Home

at Fadlallah’s Tax-Funded, Prom-Free, Cheating Hezbollah High

Given these concerns, it’s a shame that Abdulmutallab tried to blow up a plane headed for Detroit, rather than moving to the Detroit suburb of Dearbornistan, years earlier, where he would have felt even more welcome than in the UK division of Eurabia.  And both of these problems would disappear, as they have for Muslims attending a public high school, here.

That’s because, as I’ve noted in the past, Dearbornistan has a tax-funded public high school, Fordson High, which I call “Hezbollah High.” As I’ve detailed, the vast majority of its students are Muslims (mostly Shi’ites), and the principal, Imad Fadlallah, is a supporter of Hezbollah and the cousin of its spiritual leader, Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah.

Abdulmutallab would have felt right at home because Fadlallah eliminated the prom when he took over, because he agreed with the Abdulmutallab Islamic view of the prom–that it’s haram (forbidden) under Islam. One of his first acts as principal was to cancel the prom. It was reinstated, despite his protests.

And the SATs?  Well, Mr. Fadlallah–who has been known to pressure teachers into changing grades for his Muslim students, so they can actually graduate–has that covered, too.

According to sources, Fadlallah apparently approved of his nephew posing as three of his high school’s football players and have him take the ACTs for them.  But allegedly, a brave high school counselor spoke out and turned them in.


Hezbollah High Football Players Ali Alaboody (far left) and Hassan Amen (far right)

at College Football Signings in Early ’09

Sources say that Fadlallah’s nephew, Khalil Fadlallah, a University of Michigan student (who received no disciplinary action at all for this), took the ACTs, earlier in the year, for Fordson football players, all Arab Muslims, Hassan Amen, Ali Alaboody, and a third player (whose name I’m not mentioning for now, because his name does appear on the roster of the school he signed with to play football), so that they could play college football, this fall.  As a result, sources say, the three got scholarships to play football:  Amen at Western Illinois University, and Alaboody at Bowling Green.  Their signing of letters of intent to play football at these schools was big news in the Detroit Hezbollah newspaper, the Arab American News.

When this alleged scam reportedly came to light, the sources claim, all three Fordson players lost their football scholarships.  And it appears this may be true, as Alaboody’s name was NOT on the Bowling Green roster for this year, nor is Hassan Amen’s name on the Western Illinois roster.

But, hey, if Abdulmutallab had come here peacefully instead of trying to blow up airplanes and mass murder 300 people, he’d be right at home, and all his problems–the prom and the SATs–would be solved, courtesy of Principal Fadlallah.


I sent this press inquiry, below, to Fordson’s athletic director, but, predictably, never got a response:

From: Debbie Schlussel
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:50 PM
Subject: Press Inquiry about Ali Alaboody . . .

I understand that you are the boys’ athletic director at Fordson High School.  I understand that your star football player Ali Alaboody allegedly cheated on the ACTs by having Khalil Fadlallah take the test for him at which time, he scored a 28 on the test.  I also understand that he was scheduled to re-take the test today.  Has the company which creates, runs, and scores the ACT test been notified of this alleged infraction?  Also, can you please respond to this allegation?  Have you or Mr. Alaboody notified Bowling Green of this incident?  I may be writing about this, and I would like your response as soon as possible.  Also, I would be interested in interviewing Mr. Alaboody and Mr. Fadllallah regarding this matter.  Please relay this message to them.  Where is Mr. Fadlallah intending to enroll for college, this fall?  Has that college or university been notified of this alleged cheating scandal?  Again, I look forward to your comments as soon as possible and would welcome current e-mail contact information for both Mr. Fadlallah and Mr. Alaboody.

Thank you,

Debbie Schlussel

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25 Responses

Whoever the high school counselor was that turned in these lying, cheating muslims, I say thank you. Score one for the good guys. However, will anything come of this at all? Probably not, there are too many PC idiots that will probably start crying racism. I don’t consider it racism, I consider it bias against a cult that preaches death to the infidels.

Besides, shouldn’t these muzzies shun American football? In order to play football, you must handle the pigskin!

Jarhead on December 29, 2009 at 1:24 pm

As described, it was a simple case of cheating on a college admissions test. The normal procedure, if it were followed, would have been the expulsion of those students from the colleges they were admitted to. Also, since others were involved in this, we have a conspiracy going on here. This was an attempted at fraudulently obtaining admission, student aid, and scholarships. If this were a normal situation, civil or criminal prosecution of those involved would be on the table. These students took these benefits away from those who deserved them through their actions.

sorrow01 on December 29, 2009 at 1:40 pm

Not that she’d ever meet them. Debbie is too smart for that. But in the non-response, she got the answer to the questions she had posed all the same.

NormanF on December 29, 2009 at 2:00 pm

you are my lawyer! this awesome! Debbie you are kick ass! I cannot wait for this response from the school. I wonder whom they first consulted: a. prinicple (s) b. school board c. legal dept.

lindapolver on December 29, 2009 at 2:35 pm

A culture that accepts violent psychopaths like Ryan Tucker should have no problem kissing these asses.

The Terrorist's Advocate on December 29, 2009 at 7:12 pm

Only question – was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab a Shiite or a Sunnite? If the latter, Hizbullah High would have been right for him, but if he was (more likely) a Sunnite, he’d have had a different problem – having to attend w/ all those Rafidite dogs.

IP: He’s a Sunni, but there are plenty of Sunni Yemenis and some Palestinians there, too. DS

Infidel Pride on December 30, 2009 at 12:07 pm

I thank the Lord for brave and honest people like you Debbie! We are in an epic fight of good vs. evil and each of us must be heroic in our defense of God, family, country (as in the Constitution) and each other. Light will overcome darkness, truth will prevail over lies.
Happy New Year!

Paula S. on December 31, 2009 at 10:23 pm

Debbie Can SUCK A FAT F**KING D**K!!!!!!!!

[Note from DS: I had to edit this, inserting asterisks in this typically “classy” Muslim’s comment. By the way, his e-mail address is:]

Yup Yup on January 3, 2010 at 9:47 am

Debbie: The Athletic Director during the time of signing letters of intent is also a Dearborn City Council Member. Perhaps he could answer?

Dearbornite on January 4, 2010 at 6:15 pm

first of all get ur facts right this wasnt a case of cheating. The problem was that there wasnt enough credits to get accepted into the university so there scholarships got revoked.

moe on January 4, 2010 at 6:55 pm

Lets all get this situation straight people, 1st thing is no scholarships were revoked due to cheating on the ACT. I don’t understand how they all can cheat on the ACT, and only 2 of them get caught and the 3rd goes off to play ball? The scholarships were held PENDING until they got cleared by the NCAA.The 3 boys came up 2 credits short on there transcript because of the “Brave Counselors at fordson” messing up on there Ncaa clearing acceptance by miscalculating there credits and providing the wrong classes to be taken which was the MAIN cause of jeopardizing the innocent young men that went to school excelled in football and now all of a sudden YOU (Debbie) try to make them look like there involved in terrorism and scams such as “cheating” because you don’t like “Hezbollah High” and obviously Mr,Fadallah. from my understanding from being around fordson football for many years and having the insider on everything that goes on. YOU have provided false information in the following fields 1.Fordson does have PROM 2.Khalil Fadallah does NOT attend the University of Michigan said Khalil took all 3 of there ACT? and got Ali alaboody a 28? well MY sources show khalil got his self a 24 how is it possible to get someone else a better score and especially 4 points higher in the ACT? 4.Ali alaboody was scheduled to retake the ACT with everyone else that he took it with in the room (random students no names were said) because students did not follow ACT rules and were disruptive during the Exam (from what counselors and instructors have said) and were all flagged to retake the exam. Sources say Ali alaboody retook his exam and was eligible in that field of requirement but still fell short due to the credit shortage which all 3 of the boys went through but the 3rd player took summer classes at his university and got his credit issue resolved after he graduated from fordson and before the other 2 boys could find out about that solution it was to late to take summer classes because they were suppose to report in the fall and didn’t expect to be short in there credits and received the heart breaking news on there report date from there Compliance guys from there Universities 5.YOU Claim you have talked to a “Brave Counlser” and SOURCES but yet have said 5 different wrong statements about theses Young kids, I don’t know if you are trying to tie the kids names up with “Cheating” or because they attended Fordson AKA what you call “Hezboballah high” and because there principal is Mr,Fadlallah what you say “supporter of Hezbollah and the cousin of its spiritual leader, Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah.” and seems to be your main target but no need to get into that subject I am just saying you need to check your souces before you try to ruin theses young Arab AMERICAN gentlemen (no intentions of any kind of threat at all just advice) lets encourage theses kids and help them help us out as AMERICANS to make this place a better place to live and learn in And To all the Debby doubters, it is obvious that this women has hatred toward Muslims. She is trying to tie Muslims attending Fordson High School, to the alleged terrorist. Were talking about high school students who aren’t allowed to get there hands on alcohol, but yet can be young terrorists working on improving their terrorist skills for Hezbollah. Her intentions are the intentions of a pure racist. She states that the athletic director didn’t respond to an email upon her request, why would he want to talk to someone who diminishes the reputation of Fordson. Not only is she trying to ruin Fordson Highs reputation, but she is also providing false information to people regarding the young football players who were seen as heros by the city. Good job Debbie? get your facts straight this is disgusting you actually took time to throw something like this together about theses kids like they commited a crime or something. Truth must be said and it has been, to all who read what Debbie posted up about theses kids “cheating” which story ACTUALLY makes sense, This is coming from a person that took the time to talk to the 3 kids and coaches and find out what really happened (speaking about myself) or Debbie with her “great sources” and “brave counsler”

Thank you

Coach.K on January 6, 2010 at 5:17 am

A Fordson student made a video yearbook, starting at 5:37 there is prom footage from 2009.

Also, one of the comments says “i feel bad for Ehab …haram :/ missing prom lol”

In addition, after the prom footage students go on camera and talk about their favorite moments from Senior year (Hassan Amen and Jamal Agemy are in this part) and several girls say prom.

My guess is that some Muslim students don’t attend Prom because its forbidden by their religion, but I don’t think a high school kid would go to such an extent to cover up a cancellation, especially considering that prom occurred some seven months before these allegations were brought to light.

R: Fadlallah did cancel it, but it was reinstated. DS

Rich on January 7, 2010 at 12:39 am

Wow coach K, your story actually makes sense. I heard the same thing from a couple people about the young kids,is it true Ali alaboody is looking at playing D1 ball somewhere in Colorado ? and his buddys Might join him ?

Mitch on January 7, 2010 at 9:31 pm

It shows that Ali al-aboody was on the roster

F: Wrong. That was compiled before the season started. He did not play football at Bowling Green and isn’t on their roster. DS

Freddy on January 7, 2010 at 9:36 pm

Khalil Fadallah did not attend UofM, hes friends with my brother in law and they both go to Wayne State University, Your slipping debbie you sure you know what your talking about ? you keep geting corrected whats going onn hereee

UofM Fan on January 7, 2010 at 11:16 pm

Its pretty crazy to me that in 2010 an obvious racist can attack High School students in such a way, your article at its best is marred with flaws and speaks volumes of your ignorance. At worst your setting yourself up for a liable suit. You seem to be searching for something that you are obviously devoid of in your life, what exactly is the problem ?
Did you fall in love with an arabic man who didnt return your affections? Did that leave you so scarred that you feel the need to lash out with intolerance, ignorance and pure hatred towards kids? Shame on you.

Enjoli Makki on January 10, 2010 at 5:11 pm

First of all you dirty slut get your facts straight. Your a low life white cracker that has nothing better to do other then attack “HEZBOLLAH HIGH” which is Fordson High School. Prom was not canceled at any point and time during the year. Which ever horrible counselor at FHS informed you with this information is wrong. So you and everybody up there that agrees to what your saying should go suck a dick.

Thank you for your time. BITCH

Mike on February 9, 2010 at 3:42 pm

Hello to Ms. Schlussel, and all of her readers, I see there is a lot of hatred in the messages, well for one thing Ms. Schlussel does have the freedom of speech, which is one of the reasons which makes our country so great, on the other hand we have freedom of religion, which in this case the two are clashing against each other. Now just because Ms. Schlussel makes comments about Muslims and Arabs which can be mean and hateful does not give us less of a right to be Muslim. Remember sticks and stones Muslims. We are living in a time in America where we are looked upon as the bad ones, but you must remember many cultures and religions went through the same treatment, (Japanese WWII, Irish late 1800’s etc.) The only problem is were (Muslims) going through it during a time where technology is booming, where at a click of a mouse you can create wars. Also for all you readers who are responding with derogatorry comments, I beg of you as a fellow Muslim to quit while were ahead, you are only adding power to Ms. Schlussel’s comments. Ms. Schlussel is using the simple divide and conquer method to drive us darn near out of this country. We Americans are currently experiencing a rough patch with this whole recession, so it does not matter whether you are white, black, blue, or christian, jewish, or muslim; in the end we all bleed red, pay taxes and die. In conclusion I would like to thank Ms. Schlussel for continuing to fight for freedom of speech with her blogs, because if you dont fight for freedom of speech, you do not believe in it. Ms. Schlussel you are doing a wonderful job of allowing me as an Arab-American to easily speak my mind and allow me criticize your blogs. I would love to interview you at anytime or just to sit down and have coffee to hear a little bit more of what you have to say. My email to everyone is, and yes I am from the famous Dearbornistan, also for you Blackberry users my Blackberry Messenger PIN is 312A7439. Thank you all again! Ms. Schlussel I hope to hear from you soon thank you!

Alaa Bazzi on March 26, 2010 at 4:35 pm

So you nasty jew i just wanted to let you know you make so many people laugh i enjoy reading your posts mainly because everything you say are lies and to everyone who follows you one day you will all burn in hell holding hands, haha and its actually called Fordson high school…. you must be one jelous lady to spend most of your lifetime talking about muslims, thannks i appreciate it so dearly much… just remember hell is calling for you :] take care hope you die early

Debbie the whore on June 22, 2010 at 1:57 pm

Well, once again I see the proof of the religion of peace, Islam. I know it is okay to lie to the infidel, and you guys are great at it. Pretending to be peaceful when you are just waiting for the time to kill us. Your own words betray you. Your false koran betrays you. One day the true God is coming back. and then you will have no way to get away with your lies then.

brian on January 27, 2012 at 6:32 pm

This “Enjoli Makki” individual is a total psychopath, and supporter of Hamas terrorists. She’s a nutcase militant Islamist from Dearborn Heights, Michigan who stalks individuals online who she believes are Jewish or supporters of Israel, be warned – the cultural barbarism of militant Palestinian culture is strong in her. She’s made death threats against me personally, if anyone wants to see them, I’ll be happy to share. Just goes to show how much the “religion of peace” means to these anti-Semite terrorist sympathizers. We don’t need these barbarians soaking up our welfare.

PatriotAct on September 12, 2012 at 10:18 am

    This ” Patriot Act” aka “Samuel Kirwin” aka “Samuel Gregory Kirwin” aka “Sam Kirwin” is a stalker and a liar, he has a abused and stalked several of his former female coworkers for years after being fired for a death threat he made against another coworker. He’s a drunk with multiple DUI charges and just an overall angry, dangerous sociopath. I see he has utilized this website to continue his abuse against another one of us as seen above. He has made false Rip off Reports, contacted over 100 people spreading lies on Facebook – with information he obtained by stalking- he published a woman’s information on a sexual graphic website requested she be contacted putting her life in danger. He has threatened minor children and potentially stolen pictures of minor children. Multiple police reports as well as FBI reports have been filed against him but due to his cowardice, hiding behind fake profiles it is difficult to prove. Do not believe his lies and accusations they are just more proof of his demented fantasies and his ridiculous obsession with a group of women he is fixated on.

    Tell the truth " patriot" on May 22, 2014 at 10:30 am

      Nope the proof of who’s the stalker is in the screenshots below. The above claims such as ‘multiple DUIs’, ‘stalking’ women, etc are all false. The poster above doesn’t even have any proof the above post was Sam anyway, she’s just continuing her deranged obsession.

      The stalkers include a group of internet friends such as Rochelle Palczynski of Camby, IN; Enjoli Makki of Dearborn Heights, MI, Mary Norcross of Mifflinburg, PA who have been reported and investigated by police for their stalking – including the targeting of disabled individuals, and threatening to post pictures of others’ children on a pornographic website.

      Sam Kirwin’s just a brave internet activist who’s been exposing these individuals’ sociopathic and possibly criminal behavior, and this can be proven with screenshots. A few lies were made against him simply for the police to harass him (such as falsely claiming he “impersonated” one of the stalkers on FB), but he was never charged and has done nothing illegal. In fact one of the stalkers (Tiffany Glover Williams of Kaufman, TX) actually impersonated him and another victim on FB herself, and broke felony cyberstalking laws in the process (also proven with screenshots).

      Enjoli for example is a racist who’s attacked individuals she believed to be Jewish, or who had the audacity to criticize the militant resistance in Palestine. She’s also friends online with other anti-Semites – such as Brenda Barnes and Andrea Long, who are both members of right wing homophobic, anti-gay churches – Brenda Barnes was also criminally investigated by the Brevard County, FL Sherrif’s dept for her stalking and threats against others’ children

      The author above can’t produce any screenshots, unlike us – because he/she knows she’s lying in fact based on the date of the above post, it was done in retaliation after her company LiveOps investigated her stalking of racial minorities and disabled women.

      More lies on January 17, 2015 at 10:59 pm

The haterd you have on arabs is funny. Im not even arab but your just fucking racist and you love it.

David Rothschild on January 14, 2014 at 9:07 pm

This ” Patriot Act” aka “Samuel Kirwin” aka “Samuel Gregory Kirwin” aka “Sam Kirwin” is a stalker and a liar, he has a abused and stalked several of his former female coworkers for years after being fired for a death threat he made against another coworker. He’s a drunk with multiple DUI charges and just an overall angry, dangerous sociopath. I see he has utilized this website to continue his abuse against another one of us as seen above. He has made false Rip off Reports, contacted over 100 people spreading lies on Facebook – with information he obtained by stalking- he published a woman’s information on a sexual graphic website requested she be contacted putting her life in danger. He has threatened minor children and potentially stolen pictures of minor children. Multiple police reports as well as FBI reports have been filed against him but due to his cowardice, hiding behind fake profiles it is difficult to prove. Do not believe his lies and accusations they are just more proof of his demented fantasies and his ridiculous obsession with a group of women he is fixated on.

Tell the truth " patriot" on May 22, 2014 at 10:00 am

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