June 20, 2007, - 5:15 pm

Circumcision Declines: Another Symptom of Illegal Aliens

Yet another interesting symptom of the massive illegal alien migration into America: Fewer American males are circumcised. And that’s a health concern.
Even though circumcision has been proven to help prevent the spread of AIDS and lower chances of certain types of cancers (like penile cancer) and urinary tract infections, doctors say that immigration (and liberals) have led to circumcision of American males to drop from a rate of 90% in the ’70s to 57%, today. Males in Latino and Asian countries (including Muslim countries, like Malaysia–even though Muslims are supposed to circumcise) are not circumcised, and they are exporting that trend here as they enter our borders.
AP reports:

In some states, the rate is well below 50 percent.
Experts say immigration patterns play the biggest role in the decline, which is steepest in Western states with big populations from Asian and Latin American countries where circumcision is uncommon.
Circumcision remains the nation’s most common surgery, and the United States is still one of the few developed countries where a majority of baby boys are circumcised….
About one in three males worldwide is circumcised. In the United States, the rates vary widely by region.
It is most prevalent in the upper Midwest. In 2004, according to data compiled by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, more than 79 percent of newborn boys in the Midwest were circumcised before leaving the hospital. Michigan and Kentucky had the highest rates, at 85 percent.
In the fast-growing West, the rate declined dramatically – from 64 percent in 1979 to just under 32 percent in 2004.
In California, the rate of hospital circumcisions among newborns was 21 percent. California – which has more immigrants than any other state – had the lowest circumcision rate in the study, which had comprehensive data on only 27 states.
The decline coincides with rising immigration from Asia and Latin America
Circumcision was uncommon in 35-year-old Usha Toland’s family, which has roots in India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.

Oh, and liberals and their holistic medicine and other psychobabble also contribute to the decline:

The trend has also accompanied a change in Americans’ attitudes toward medicine and their bodies.
“The rates of drug-free labor and breast-feeding all rose during the 1980s, while the initial declines in male circumcision rates began during the 1980s as well,” said Katharine Barrett, an anthropology lecturer at Stanford University. “It may have been part and parcel of the wider effort to reclaim bodies – adult female and infant male – from unnecessary and potentially harmful medical interventions.”

Sad to say, some of the lefties who populate my religion–which mandates circumcision–are contributing to the problem with a “cut-less” bris (Jewish circumcision rite):

On the eighth day of her son’s life, Julia Query welcomed friends and family to celebrate his birth and honor their Jewish heritage.
But there was no crying, no scalpel, no blood, no “mohel” – the person who traditionally performs ritual circumcisions in the Jewish faith. In fact, Elijah Rose’s “bris” differed markedly from the ceremony long used to initiate Jewish boys into a covenant with God: There was no circumcision.
“I knew before I was even pregnant that I would not circumcise,” said Query, 39, a San Francisco filmmaker whose son was born in 2002. “It’s not like you’re just cutting a piece of paper off a pad – there’s no ‘cut here’ line. It’s not made to be cut off, and I would never, ever do that to my baby.”

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78 Responses

Hey, I am not circumsized and it’s a great thing. More sensitivity for sex in a GOOD area and I keep it clean. Frankly, I don’t have to look down at my penis to know that God will remain faithful to me for the rest of my life.

sayno2fat on June 20, 2007 at 6:09 pm

Debbie, some proof please for your claim about Muslims being uncircumcised.

maagour on June 20, 2007 at 6:15 pm

This is not necessary. Modern doctors have found infant male Circumcision is unnecessary, and DETRIMENTAL to the health of the child, and later the adult.
It’s optional.
There are stats elsewhere that present evidence that the operation doesn’t prevent cancer, and the friction of the cloth against the organ is very uncomfortable.
Kindly leave us Latinos, out of it, we prefer to be intact. Thank you very much.

allat on June 20, 2007 at 6:17 pm

Oh, and I want to add, inflicting this painful operation on a person fresh from the womb, is unconscionable!

allat on June 20, 2007 at 6:21 pm

Clipped…and loving it!

Southernops on June 20, 2007 at 6:49 pm

Debbie, do snap out of it. You’re too smart for an old barbaric superstition the Hebrews copped from the Egyptians and then passed on to the Islamic wannabes. Practically nobody perpetrates this procedure on helpless male infants anymore except very traditional Jews, muslims and ignorant American medicos. Europe has always rejected it. Non-muslim Asia has always rejected it. And as you can see here, latinos are not eager to surrender part of their manhood either. Do some research, Debbie. You’ll find that even some Jews are wise-ing up. And if you think that un-mutilated women do not appreciate the un-mutilated man who knows what to do with those still-intact hundreds of nerve endings the mutilators seek to remove, well, Debbie, uh, maybe you need to expand your horizons. I haven’t posted on this in a long while at gringoman.com/ Debbie, don’t tempt me.

gringoman on June 20, 2007 at 7:07 pm

WHOA! As an extremely white American born of startlingly white Americans born of even MORE amazingly white Americans, I did not even consider circumcision for my son specifically because we are not muslim and not Jewish.

Firespike on June 20, 2007 at 7:39 pm

An uncircumcised male is more prone to disease and carries more disease than a circumcised male. That is just a fact whatever your religion or personal beliefs.

lexi on June 20, 2007 at 7:50 pm

    Yes, and washing doesn’t work. Washing leads to keratinization, and a toughened glans irritates the inner foreskin.

    Robin-Frans Winkel on July 24, 2015 at 5:07 am

You people who aren’t…that’s just nasty!

steve ventry on June 20, 2007 at 8:01 pm

We’re NOT all the same. I’m sorry…white culture is just superior.

steve ventry on June 20, 2007 at 8:04 pm

Umm..muslims circumcise. I dont know where you get your information from.
In India, there are times in small towns when busses are stopped and men are forced to pull down their pants. If circumcized, the gangs (hindus) collect those people are kill them. There is an international film (made by indians) on that called “Mr and Mrs Iyer”. I rented it from Netflix.
I am catholic. We dont circumcise for religious reasons.

markccu on June 20, 2007 at 8:06 pm

“Circumcision Declines: Another Symptom of Illegal Aliens”
That is probably the most ignorant headline ive read..especially coming from a well educated lady like yourself.
“Illegal Aliens”?!
Okay…I am not circumcized. I came here legally. And I am a well paid graduate. It just sounds so stereotypical.
My sister is married into a jewish family. I hate to say it, but if you werent jewish, you would be a white supremist. You shouldnt be that way. Well, it is your life, but it isnt right. Yes, hate the muslims. They are usually up to no good. Hate illegal immigrants. But dont just hate all non-whites or foreigners.

markccu on June 20, 2007 at 8:13 pm

You do know that babies are generally circumcised without anesthesia, don’t you? (My brother, in terrible pain, almost died from a subsequent infection.) I would not dream of subjecting a child to such mutilation. If he wants to get rid of his foreskin when he grows up, that’ll be his decision to make.

MMC on June 20, 2007 at 8:23 pm

“Even though circumcision has been proven to help prevent the spread of AIDS”
I was wondering about that. How would circumcising prevent AIDS?

markccu on June 20, 2007 at 8:29 pm

WOW! Where is circumcision of the heart? Jesus moved the law to a higher “spiritual” plane. You guys are stuck on planet earth… hello??? Don’t remain grounded or you’ll get left (did I say left?) behind.
Left behind? Now there’s a liberal byword, eh?

ReallyReallyStupid on June 20, 2007 at 8:54 pm

I love how people talk about things that they have no clue about. Case in point senior gringo. I’m not going into what Jewish Law says on this topis bec. it would be too indept, however I will say that on most things if the Europeans do/don’t something Americans should do the oppisite. Also, it’s a religious and sacred custom. Don’t demean what you don’t understand. BTW, you can call me El Guapo! LOL

OneIrishJew on June 20, 2007 at 8:55 pm

Debbie, the health and esthetic benefits of circumcision are indisputable. I’ve really had enough of these ignorant, hostile, left wing super bitch moms with their illusions of grandeur and insight: a boy not circumsized is spiritually not a Jew.

Anonymous1 on June 20, 2007 at 8:59 pm

Firespike wrote — “An uncircumcised male is more prone to disease and carries more disease than a circumcised male. That is just a fact whatever your religion or personal beliefs.”
Nice try, but there is simply no evidence of that claim. No medical group recommends it anymore.

AynaydaPizaqvick on June 20, 2007 at 9:17 pm

Ms Schlussel: You’re still not telling us on what you’re basing your allegation that “some Muslims don’t circumcise.” The fact is that your claim is bogus. Malaysian msulims DO circumcise their boys. I know of no Muslim community that does not perform this ritual because it is simply a requisite to abide by the cleanliness and purity mandated by Muslim law. If a boy is not circumcised, he cannot enter a mosk, lead prayer, perform slaughter ritual nor even marry a muslim girl because he is considered UNCLEAN.
Check your facts before you pontificate.

maagour on June 20, 2007 at 9:23 pm

markccu, I’d like to know, which race do you believe DOESN’T practice racial supremacy?

steve ventry on June 20, 2007 at 9:30 pm

There’s some doctor on the radio who has a regular program. I can’t remember his name, but I tuned in briefly the other day, and he ranted for over an hour about how opposed to circumcision he was. He went on and on, calling doctors who perform the procedure “criminal”, the parents who have their sons circumcised guilty of child abuse, and on and on. He just wouldn’t leave it alone. Made me want to sew mine back on. Have you heard this nutcase Deb?

spiffo on June 20, 2007 at 9:41 pm

A ‘tip’ for you – don’t bring this up again 😉

Infidel Pride on June 20, 2007 at 9:56 pm

maagour, YOU ARROGANT PRICK. You muslims have a lot of nerve preaching about CLEANLINESS while your people SLAUGHTER MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN, AND BABIES, ALL AROUND THE WORLD. What stellar arrogance! If I’m not mistaken, EVERY CONFLICT ON EARTH right now is due to muslims gutting people like animals, and you have the nerve to preach about “cleanliness”?? HA!

steve ventry on June 20, 2007 at 10:20 pm

Since the father of our great religious faith, Abraham performed his own circumcision, I’m quite thankful mine was done in the traditional time within eight days of birth. The extra time it would take to do the necessary hygiene probably gives me an extra week during my lifetime. I am a Jew and proud of my heritage as to the others of opposition to this thread, I could care less that you are or aren’t. There are some antidotes here but I’m not going through any of them. Let the thread die.

warpmine on June 20, 2007 at 10:28 pm

Since the father of our great religious faith, Abraham performed his own circumcision, I’m quite thankful mine was done in the traditional time within eight days of birth. The extra time it would take to do the necessary hygiene probably gives me an extra week during my lifetime. I am a Jew and proud of my heritage as to the others of opposition to this thread, I could care less that you are or aren’t. There are some antidotes here but I’m not going through any of them. Let the thread die.

warpmine on June 20, 2007 at 10:28 pm

And I’ll tell you something else, I don’t buy your holier-than-thou, “I’m so clean” BULLSHIT for one second. I take a shower every day, I’m clean, too. I don’t need any lectures from you about staying clean, you should go back to your muslim countries and teach THEM to stay clean like infidels like ME.

steve ventry on June 20, 2007 at 10:39 pm

From OneIrishJew: love how people talk about things that they have no clue about. Case in point senior gringo. I’m not going into what Jewish Law says on this topis bec. it would be too indept, however I will say that on most things if the Europeans do/don’t something Americans should do the oppisite. Also, it’s a religious and sacred custom. Don’t demean what you don’t understand. BTW, you can call me El Guapo! LOL
Posted by: OneIrishJew [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 20, 2007 08:55 PM
1. Speaking of clues, do you have any about the Egyptian origin of this practice? If not, you might check out the Egyptian wall paintings on it that are 5000 years old, well before the Israelites entered Egypt and later adopted this practice in their compact with Jaweh.
2. The practice was considered totally barbaric by the most civilized cultures of the ancient world, and certainly the Greco-Roman. Male statues, whose artistic perfection has never been surpassed in thousands of years, proudly displayed the male prepuce. As for these hysterical Jewish/muslim factoids about ‘cleanliness,” it’s understandable if you take a moment to use your IrishJewish noggin. Roman baths were a wonder of the ancient world. Italy, unlike the Israelite homeland, was known more for rivers and lakes and great viaducts and baths and rainfall, than for deserts and drought. From that you can deduce the difference between life in Italy and tribal life in the desert with respect to washing up. Need I get any more graphic?
3. You say if the Europeans do something, that’s a clue for Americans to do just the opposite? You know what? I must ask you to use your noggin again. Sorry ’bout that. Listen up now. You ready? It is NOT just Europeans, going as far back as Rome and further, who frown on this mutilation of the male member. It is also China. Japan. Korea. Most of India. In fact all of Asia outside of what the muslims conquered. It is also all of Latin America. But you do have a consolation. You’re not doing the opposite of all the world: you’re with the muslims on this!
Incidentally, on the “cleanliness” nonsense which the slicers use for their crazy “evidence,” most Asians consider themselves naturally cleaner than most Westerners, and they don’t use any recondite guidelines from either kosher or halal or the Koran ‘najis’ to reach that conclusion. Suggestion: don’t even try to slice them, or tell them that you’re cleaner. That line generally works only in America with the dummies.

gringoman on June 20, 2007 at 10:50 pm

Wasn’t all of this settled in an episode of Seinfeld?

OneIrishJew on June 20, 2007 at 11:11 pm

Two things.
First: shut the heck up, steve ventry. You’re an ignorant putz who’s giving white people a bad name. Go grab your sheet and head over to your Klan meeting already.
Second: it’s cutting off part of a baby’s penis! Without anaesthetic! Doesn’t that seem like a bad idea to you folks, just on general principles?

Doc Washboard on June 20, 2007 at 11:20 pm

So, Ms Debbie, instead of posting articles about the benefits of circumscision – and NOT knowing the reason why it prevents AIDS, don’t you think you should do research – to be able to answer, at least an academic idea?
What you’re doing is pushing for the Jewish cut, but what about the non-Jews through out the ages – that were NOT cut. Did they have AIDS?
This the ANCIENT PEOPLE have AIDS? OR don’t you know – it’s a new disease?
So who could NOT cutting the foreskin, promote AIDS?
Don’t you think the ROmans, the Greeks, the ANCIENT PEOPLES – worldwide knew how to clean themselves? Or do you think,it’s only the Jews?
ANd finally, don’t you realize that the promotions to cut the foreskins of new infants, is BECAUSE IT’S GOOD BUSINESS! It’s about more lucre!

allat on June 20, 2007 at 11:21 pm

One last point, as to the whole cleanliness argument I never made that point because this is a sacred religious practice to Jews and Muslims. But I agree with that too. Also, for all those great ancient peoples that you mentioned, they also had some of the most despicable customs and practices in human history. I don’t even want to mention what some Europeans and Asians consider to be delicacies! Again, in the future refer to me as El Guapo. JK! BTW nice website. Seriously.

OneIrishJew on June 20, 2007 at 11:32 pm

Oops I was responding to Gringoman. Damn Keyboard!

OneIrishJew on June 20, 2007 at 11:35 pm

Doc Washboard (what a stupid name), I will tell muslim nazis whenever and wherever I please, that they are muslim nazis. People like you who make ad hominem comments have no facts to talk about.

steve ventry on June 21, 2007 at 12:39 am

Steve – Doc’s comment probably has more to do with your “white culture is just superior” comment more than your comments about muslims. Just a thought.

TubeSteak on June 21, 2007 at 1:10 am

“In 15 of the incidents, police have said, a lone white male was attacked by a group of black males. Community leaders have said the groups are using graffiti and colors, which may indicate gang affiliation.”

steve ventry on June 21, 2007 at 1:21 am

Oh my bad Steve… that article totally proves that white culture is superior to all others.

TubeSteak on June 21, 2007 at 1:24 am

My son, like me, was circumsized shortly after birth, 3 years ago. There was no blood, not a drop, because they put a plastic ring under the foreskin, and tied a string around the ring, cutting off circulation. There wasn’t a tear, a scream, or a wimper. So if “doctors” are telling you how brutal of a procedure it is, you’re not getting all the facts, you’re getting facts that you’re choosing to believe.
I can’t believe no one here mentioned “schmegma,” either. The definition alone will answer questions for you re: Aids, infection, etc.

CaptShady on June 21, 2007 at 1:52 am

I can’t believe no one here mentioned the case of David Reimer.
I’m sorry but if there’s even a 0.001% chance of destroying the penis, as a parent, why take that risk? More power to you, Julia Query.

Norman Blitzer on June 21, 2007 at 3:57 am

I agree with the statement that “it’s not made to be cut off…” I’m glad no one did it to me, and I’m not an illegal. Even the thought of it. OUCH!
Debbie, I don’t think babies not being circumcised will lead to the decline of America. You make it sound so serious 🙂

cinerx on June 21, 2007 at 6:26 am

wow. just wow.
your willful ignorance is just amazing. before you start spouting ‘science’ on anything, do a little research. Really, you won’t look like quite the moron that you really are.

laneh on June 21, 2007 at 7:27 am

First of all, the phrase “muslim nazis” should, on its own, disqualify you from taking part in serious discussion of anything. What does one have to do with the other? Second, the fact that you accuse someone of being a nazi in the same breath that you spout your white supremacy bushwah is further proof of your absurdity.
What are you doing up so late anyway, sonny? Don’t you have summer school tomorrow? You know they won’t let you into eighth grade unless you make up those units.

Doc Washboard on June 21, 2007 at 8:31 am

To my “hooded” brothers: I’m not Jewish or Muslim, but I am clipped….Disease and religious practices aside, girlfriends I knew (back in my prowling days!)told me that they much prefered “old baldy” to little junior hiding benath his “skin cap”.
So go ahead my “intact” brethren and flame away. I’m just reporting from the field; albeit on somewhat dated information. 🙂 For you hyperventilating types making your charges of “mutilation” and “child abuse”: Get a grip.

Southernops on June 21, 2007 at 8:51 am

So much stupidity here, no sane person could counter it all. But I like these highlights.
First, smegma occurs in the genitals of males and females. If it’s so nasty and devastating, we have 50% more population to cut to make sure it doesn’t kill us all. Or we could just realize that it’s natural, easily washed away, and harmless. But that would require intelligent thinking, which is clearly beyond the capacity of many here.
Second, researchers assume that Langerhans cells are responsible for the alleged connection with circumcision and HIV transmission. It’s a fair enough theory, although there’s also clear evidence that those cells fight infection. Regardless, the point that can’t be denied is that the body is covered in Langerhans cells, including the genitals. Funny thing is, both male and female genitals have high concentrations of Langerhans cells. Again, it looks like we have 50% of the population not getting the full benefit of genital cutting.
Third, UTIs occur several times more often in girls than in boys, circumcised or intact. We treat girls with antibiotics because that far less invasive treatment works. We also wait for the infection to occur before “treating” it. With boys, we stick our heads in the sand and pretend like society will crumble if he keeps all the parts he was born with.
Fourth, penile cancer is rare, striking only about 1,300 (usually much older) men per year. Funny thing, though. Some European countries have the same or better rates (n/100,000) than the U.S. Yet, they don’t cut their children’s genitals. The dominant risks are promiscuity, smoking, and poor hygiene. Contrary to popular belief perpetuated here, the intact foreskin is no more difficult to keep clean. Soap. Water. They’re amazingly effective. (Also, more adult males get breast cancer every year than get penile cancer. Preventive breast tissue removal at birth for all!)
Fifth, the commandment to circumcise on the 8th day was added centuries after the Old Testament was completed. The practice was specifically added to reduce sexual pleasure. Also, initial forms of male circumcision only removed the portion of the foreskin that hung beyond the glans. After men began stretching their foreskin to look intact, custom shifted to embrace the more extreme version we witness today.
Sixth, American women are conditioned to prefer the circumcised penis. So? American men are conditioned to prefer larger breasts. Does this mean parents should force their daughters to get breast augmentation if they don’t develop to society’s “standard”? Same stupid argument. Why the double standard, other than it’s what we’ve “always” done?
Tradition can be illogical. Questioning the cutting of infant genitals does not mean that the immigrants, liberals, and/or Muslims win. If you can’t figure that out, do civilization a favor: don’t procreate. You’re not qualified.

Tony on June 21, 2007 at 9:48 am

Calm down, guys. No one is asking you to improve your health, hygiene and attractiveness by getting circumcised. If you want to go around uncircumcised, feel free. You sound like a bunch of hysterical girls. Shut up already.

lexi on June 21, 2007 at 10:17 am

Doc, just because I can see that White culture is obviously superior doesn’t mean I support the Klan, Hitler, or that I see a Grand Jewish Conspiracy. In fact, those are the very things driving Whites away from advocating for their own people. And concerning the words “muslim” and “nazi”, I can’t think of 2 words that go together better.

steve ventry on June 21, 2007 at 10:30 am

“No one is asking you to improve your health, hygiene and attractiveness by getting circumcised.”
Right, Debbie and many of the commenters aren’t asking. They think it’s okay to force. They’re saying that parents should make that choice, that it’s the only viable, correct option. Contrary to your theory, males are not free to go around uncircumcised. Males are only “free” to be cut or not cut at their parents’ whim. Infant males are treated as their parents’ property. Huge difference.

Tony on June 21, 2007 at 10:32 am

“Obviously superior” in what ways?
“Go together better” why?

Doc Washboard on June 21, 2007 at 11:20 am

It’s amazing how God continues to be ignored by many in this process. The “dietary” and “hygiene” laws in the Bible are not arbitrary – they actually make sense health-wise. No milk with meat – cholesterol & concentrated fat reduced! No crustaceans – gall bladder & digestive problems reduced! Circumcision – reduced chance for cervical cancer in women with circumcised partners! (Where do folks believe HPV comes from?) Circumcision on 8th day – clotting factor at optimum with Vitamin K at peak levels. God knows what He’s doing! And who the hell cares what Europeans are doing, anyway. Truth is absolutely NOT relative, and neither is culture. Have a splendid day, everyone!

Dougie B on June 21, 2007 at 12:11 pm

Dougie B:
Culture is not relative? Do you even know what the words “culture” and “relative” mean? I’m guessing that you don’t, because when you say that culture isn’t relative, you’re not making any sense.

Doc Washboard on June 21, 2007 at 12:35 pm

Tony–Many thanks for your extremely informative and well researched post. I wish others would take your lead and stop wasting our time with mindless drivel and ignorant rants.

MMC on June 21, 2007 at 1:10 pm

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