December 24, 2009, - 2:32 pm

To All My Christian Friends & Readers

By Debbie Schlussel

Haven’t put anything up yet today, because even though I’m Jewish and don’t celebrate Christmas, with everything closed tomorrow and me observing the Jewish Sabbath from Friday evening until Saturday evening, I had last minute things to do and errands to run, just like all of my Christian readers.  I will be putting up my movie reviews and I’ll try to put up some other things later, etc.


But I want to take this time to wish all of my Christian readers a Merry Christmas.  As I’ve said so many times before, even though I do not believe in Christ, I do believe that America has resisted becoming a Muslim nation the way most of Europe has become and will ultimately be, because it has a strong Christian backbone and heritage.  The vast majority of Americans are still Christians. And so long as America remains a Christian nation (sorry, Barack Obama, it’s NOT a Muslim nation, as you’ve claimed), I know–G-d-willing–I’ll be free to practice my religion as a Jew, here.  As I’ve previously noted, most of Europe had a strong atheist strain and many of its Christians fell away from their religion and will to survive as a religious force.  And Islam entered to invade the vacuum.

While we haven’t had the resistance to Islamic immigration that we need and the fight against its refusal to be absorbed in American culture that is required, we are still years behind Europe because of so many Americans’ Christian beliefs.  A strong Christian America is a strong America.

I wish you a wonderful holiday, full of joy, family and loved ones, friends, good health, sustenance, warmth, and shelter.  And even though I do not celebrate your holiday, I appreciate the gift you give me every day:  your readership (and comments and tips, too).

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36 Responses

Thanks Debbie.

Oscar on December 24, 2009 at 3:04 pm

Thanks for your good work–from a Baptist pastor who is a true friend of Israel.

Dennis Thurman on December 24, 2009 at 3:08 pm

Like Debbie, I share her sentiments. I am a conservative Jew who is not at all hostile to Christians. To put it bluntly, if it weren’t for American Christians, Israel would have been gone years ago. It is no surprise that Israeli tourism is mainly made up of the Christian-Americans not Jewish-Americans (unfortuantely).

So I would also like to thank the American Chrisitian community for their support as well as wish them a “Merry Christmas”.

Joe on December 24, 2009 at 3:11 pm

Babu, a proper student of history would recognize that Christianity has taken a form, and played a role, in America quite different from that in Europe. It’s thus provided both the kind of welcome to Jews and invitation to help build this great country that Europe never did.

Apropos, I’m currently reading Christopher Caldwell’s “Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West”. Highly recommended. It describes that very situation in Europe and the increasing role of Islam that Debbie references. It’s also an object lesson we in the US need to take to heart.

BTW, Deb, love the “Santa meets Hasid” drawings. Merry Christmas to our Christian friends, Seasons Greetings to all.

R: Babu has been banned and his anti-Semitic, pan-Muslim comments deleted. That said, I appreciate the warm sentiment meant by you here. However, to clarify, just like with Christians who came here, no-one, including Christians, “welcomed” the Jews to America or extended us an “invitation to help build this great country,” nor did we need the invitation. We were along with Christians from the beginning, nothing otherwise. Jews have been a vital and active part in American history from before the founding. We’ve fought in every war and played a prominent role from the beginning. It’s not just Haim Solomon or Judah P. Benjamin, but many, many others. We came here on our own and took part of our own volition in every stage of American founding and history. DS

Raymond in DC on December 24, 2009 at 3:40 pm

I will be “devil’s advocate” here and state my disappointment that Debbie’s message to Christian friends is demonstrated by a picture of Santa Claus.

Christians are followers of and believers of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. The sad but real conflation of Christianity and Gentility in the Jewish mind is frustrating given that Jesus is a Jew as were all of his Apostles and the first Church. Everything a Christian believes is the product of the Jewish mind.

As it is written “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power unto salvation for all who believe, to the Jew first, then the Gentile”.

Richard Anderson on December 24, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    Sorry, could you spare us this? Debbie is not a Christian, and why should she pretend to be just to satisfy you? If you really cannot handle that, you do not have to come here. She is not pushing Judaism on you, so why you should push your belief system on her?

    “The sad but real conflation of Christianity and Gentility in the Jewish mind is frustrating given that Jesus is a Jew as were all of his Apostles and the first Church. Everything a Christian believes is the product of the Jewish mind.”

    The quote from you above is for the birds. There is no conflation. A Christian is not a Jew, nor is a Jew a Christian. That matter was settled in the First Century A.D. Finally, Jews refer to all non-Jews as gentiles. It was never a term used specifically to refer to Christians, and it actually predated Christianity.

    Worry01 on December 24, 2009 at 9:03 pm

    I met Him 30 years ago. I was 29. It still brings tears to my eyes that He took His time to save me, so unworthy of salvation, and so late in years.

    To Him be the glory… I look forward to the day that we share His Victory eternally.

    Follower of Messiah on December 25, 2009 at 11:51 am

Dear Debbie!!

Thank you for all your kind comments on Christians. I too am a supporter of Israel and her people.


In the spirit of the season: Joy, Peace and Harmony among people… we Christians and Jews find a GREAT BOND of LOVE and RESPECT!!

Sewsalot on December 24, 2009 at 4:13 pm

Indeed, the true antidote for radical Islamism is an increase in the quality and quantity of Christianity here and around the world coupled with the election of leaders who will obey the U.S. Constitution without exceptions.

ramjordan on December 24, 2009 at 4:20 pm

you are the best. and its awesome to have the privledge to email or post here. thank you very much. I fully support your work and your line of thinking. I support Isreal want her success. G-d will never ever leave Isreal. anyways…have a awesome renewing haunkkah, LindaP

lindapolver on December 24, 2009 at 5:42 pm

Thank you, Debbie! A very merry Christmas and a very good Sabbath to you!

Mack, an ‘umble Catholic and a friend of Israel

Mack Hall on December 24, 2009 at 5:55 pm

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Blessed Winter Solstice. May the new year bring you health, and happiness. On this night we pray for America and Israel-I believe we are both going to need it.
Take care Debbie, you rock!

perception of truth on December 24, 2009 at 7:02 pm

I’m a Christian who does not much “celebrate Christmas”, though it is nice to get together with family, and I appreciate the good will sentiments passed back and forth at this time.
Debbie, may God richly Bless you now and in 2010 and beyond.

Douglas Q on December 24, 2009 at 7:38 pm

The Muslims don’t recognize the Jews in the Middle east.
The Protestants don’t recognize the Catholics in
Northern Ireland.
The Baptist don’t recognize each other in the bars in Texas.

Have a most excellent government mandated day off in America, Debbie.

Brian on December 24, 2009 at 8:21 pm

Debbie, Christmas greetings from CT-Stan. And as we American-Italians like to say


Bob Porrazzo on December 24, 2009 at 11:42 pm

Joe: you miss the point of the post; Debbie’s not saying that Jews are intolerant of gentiles, she’s saying that the strong Christian foundation of America is what keeps us from laying down as quickly as Europeans are doing in the face of Muslim militant islamization of their new host countries.

DS_ROCKS! on December 24, 2009 at 11:51 pm

Richard: Jews aren’t confused about the fact that Jesus was a Jew.

DS_ROCKS! on December 24, 2009 at 11:53 pm

Very insightful post, Debbie. Brava!

DS_ROCKS! on December 24, 2009 at 11:54 pm

Christians are followers of and believers of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.

Richard Anderson on December 24, 2009 at 3:55 pm


No. Christians are the followers of a Jew whom the later and newly formed religion of Christianity proclaimed as its “messiah”.

Should we Jews all become Bolsheviks because Jewish born Karl Marx was the Bolshevik movement’s “messiah”?

Even assuming that Jesus actually ever existed, the concept of your religion is completely pagan and contrary to the Torah. There is a total disconnect in essential theological doctrines.

If you want to understand us better (and I have my doubts), I suggest you read Why the Jews Rejected Jesus: The Turning Point in Western History. I don’t agree with everything the book says but it’s overall rationale and assessment is correct. And maybe you’ll learn something, heaven forbid.

Shy Guy on December 25, 2009 at 12:24 am

I’m a different Joe.
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Debbie. It’s a shame so many people can be so damn tight assed when looking to debate anything. Not to mention down right mean. So goes the world now a days. G’night.

Joe on December 25, 2009 at 1:52 am

I wish all the Christian posters on this website, and all Christians everywhere, a Merry Christmas and I wish everybody on this website a happy, healthy New Year.

Miranda Rose Smith on December 25, 2009 at 2:37 am

Christianity is actually decling and buying into the Pally propoganda,

Are evangelicals abandoning Israel?
A Christian columnist is lamenting what he calls a “steady erosion” of support for Israel among evangelical leaders.

Laura on December 25, 2009 at 4:33 am

Happy Christmas everyone. Debbie, about your resistance to Islamic onslaught i’m not sure about that, with Christianity here and especially Evangelism falling alarmingly,

New Generation Expresses its Skepticism and Frustration with Christianity
As the nation’s culture changes in diverse ways, one of the most significant shifts is the declining reputation of Christianity, especially among young Americans. A new study by The Barna Group conducted among 16- to 29-year-olds shows that a new generation is more skeptical of and resistant to Christianity than were people of the same age just a decade ago.

But what if the problem is in the “product” itself?
June 05, 2007
The persistent decline in mainline Protestant church attendance of recent decades, especially among the educated, suggests that the church’ s evangelism efforts may have deeper problems than just poor sales work.

Southern Baptists seek revival as evangelism sputters
By Adelle M. Banks Updated Friday, June 01, 2007
statistics from the nation’s largest Protestant body paint a picture of evangelism in decline.

Fundamentalism and the Decline of Christianity
April 02, 2005
Today, if you identify someone as a Christian, most of the people I know will assume that you mean a narrow-minded, self-righteous bigot.

The negative connotation has made considering Christianity as an option unlikely for many well-informed people. Is it any
wonder that a shrinking number of people in America are willing to call themselves Christians?

Alistair on December 25, 2009 at 4:53 am

Happy Christmas everyone. Debbie, about your resistance to Islamic onslaught i’m not sure about that, with Christianity here and especially Evangelism falling alarmingly,

New Generation Expresses its Skepticism and Frustration with Christianity
As the nation’s culture changes in diverse ways, one of the most significant shifts is the declining reputation of Christianity, especially among young Americans. A new study by The Barna Group conducted among 16- to 29-year-olds shows that a new generation is more skeptical of and resistant to Christianity than were people of the same age just a decade ago.

But what if the problem is in the “product” itself?
June 05, 2007
The persistent decline in mainline Protestant church attendance of recent decades, especially among the educated, suggests that the church’ s evangelism efforts may have deeper problems than just poor sales work.

Alistair on December 25, 2009 at 4:55 am


Here’s something that will cheer up (almost) everyone’s spirits.

Shy Guy on December 25, 2009 at 6:16 am

Thanks Debbie
Yes, we Christians are friends of Israel, of course
And yes, I’m glad America is still a Christian nation where freedom is alive and well, despite the current president elect.
I wish you and yours a Wonderful New Year ahead, blessed with joy, peace, happiness, health and prosperity.
Jackie in Aus 🙂

Jackie AUS on December 25, 2009 at 7:32 am

There is a big distiction between Europe and America- both then and now, as far as religious ‘practices’ are concerened. This country wasn’t founded by any ‘invitation’ (I know my mother’s Cherokee ancestors, didn’t put out vacancy sign, to say the least). The point is that Europe, being what it was in terms of it’s narrow mindedness- both from the Catholic Church, and the Anglican church which aschewed atholicism, but was just a much a persecutor- drove people from everywhere to seek a life on the north american continent that was free of prosecution fo rbeliefs. Catholics persecuted in Great Britain founded Maryland- Quakers founded Pennsylvania- obviously Puritans settled in New England, and even they ‘drove’ others to look elsewhere as in the case of Roger Willliams and Rhode Island. Jews were persecuted everywhere in Europe, so, the incentive to leave when you are strong in your beliefs was the product of Europe’s own intolerance.

The point is that America’s earliest roots are based on freedom of religious choice and expression. If you take this issue to its foundational level, both Judaism and Christianity in all its forms, have this is common- the ten commandments and a belief in the Almighty- if you appreciate the fact that everyone has a right to worship as they choose, and the principles of the ten commandments are the basis for your actions in life, it is there you find the greatness and the uniqueness of America.

Rather than quibble between ourselves (Jews and Christians), it’s far better for us all to be mindful that the real enemy to our religious freedoms, commonality and harmony are the Godless and those who choose a religion of hate, murder and oppression. It’s hard to tell which of those two is the more dangerous to our society.

I wish everyone here a most happy and joyous holiday season.

Mistress_Dee on December 25, 2009 at 8:13 am

    Right on MD! The greatest threat to our Freedoms comes from the Heathens who run the G-DLESS Corporate, Military “STATE”. Both Christians and Jews believe in one Creator,the Lord G-d of Abraham.
    The only difference is: who is the Messiah? and; who is our Lord and Savior? Has he been here and done that as Christians believe, or has he procrastinated and not been here yet as the Hebrews believe? That is the only question. Who has been Saved, and who is still waiting for their Savior…All else is nothing more than a Kansas City Shuffle. i.e. A diversion/distraction

    Who Cares? on December 25, 2009 at 5:52 pm

Thanks Debbie. May Christians and Jews futures grow strong together.

CaliforniaScreaming on December 25, 2009 at 11:38 am

DS_Rocks said (to me):

“…you miss the point of the post; Debbie’s not saying that Jews are intolerant of gentiles, she’s saying that the strong Christian foundation of America is what keeps us from laying down as quickly as Europeans are doing…


Yes, I understood that point when Debbie stated:

“… I do believe that America has resisted becoming a Muslim nation the way most of Europe has become and will ultimately be, because it has a strong Christian backbone and heritage. The vast majority of Americans are still Christians. And so long as America remains a Christian nation (sorry, Barack Obama, it’s NOT a Muslim nation, as you’ve claimed), I know–G-d-willing–I’ll be free to practice my religion as a Jew, here.”

My post (#3) was made not so much to agree with this point, but just to express my appreciation to those Christians who have supported Israel. As you know, collectively, the US Congress and most (recent) US administrationshas been very pro-Israel. If it were not for this support Israel would be on her own.

Getting back to Debbie’s quote about America being a “Christian Nation”, I’m not as confident as Debbie that that alone will always guarantee that we’ll “be free to practice (our) religion”, live in security, or that the US will be pro- Israel. I believe Christian-America is split in its support of Israel and that this support can tilt either way depending on the day’s current events.

For example, after 9-11, anti-semitism and support of Israel was at a high-point. Today, with the current financial meltdown, Bernie Madoff, and Barack Obama as president, support for Israel seems to have declined. This is just my perception.

The following poll from the ADL shows a mixed-bag: Some good news and some no-so-good news. My appreciation of the American Christian community is to that half that supports Israel and the American Jewish community.

Joe on December 25, 2009 at 12:36 pm

And on the seventh day, He rested…

It is my sincere hope that whether today, tomorrow, the following day, or the following week is “your seventh day”, all of us will take time to appreciate our family, our friends, our fellow workmates-bosses-clients-buyers-suppliers-neighbors, and all others with whom we interact. Why? Because, by and large, we – Americans – can live together without murdering each other. This alone is reason enough to be thankfull we are here. I intend to take a deep breath of fresh air, slowly exhale, smile, relax, watch some movies, read, and plan a course of action for 2010. Please, everyone, take a week and “chill”. Please…just take a week to think.



ps Debbie. continue doing what you do. It is valued.

Dennis on December 25, 2009 at 1:35 pm

Merry Christmas Y’all, may the Lord bless you all.

Debbie thanks for the Christmas wishes. I hope you have a good Sabbath and great new Year. What you said here i’d like to comment on, as it’s worrying.

‘The vast majority of Americans are still Christians. And so long as America remains a Christian nation ‘

Would that were so, it’s worrying.Too many of our youth are converting to Moslem. That’s what happens when the media are always painting Islam in a positive light.

how to reverse the trend below? How anyone can want to follow this blight of paganism is beyond me. That coupled with the fall in Christianity, Evangelism especially means that many are buying into the taqiyaa, and Obama is just a symptom this began before he was even running for the Presidency.

It may be late for Eurabia, but there is hope here yet. Ban the mosques, like the Swiss did.
Young people find stereotypes a challenge
The News Journal
September 9, 2007

Drew Marshall could have been any of the dozen or so university students studying and sipping coffee at a Newark cafe.

Until he offers an Arabic greeting.

Marshall, or Ahmad, as the 23-year-old white American from Hockessin now calls himself, converted to Islam two years ago.

Turning Muslim inTexas
” state of Texas, Islam is the latest big draw. The Bible belt is transferring its allegiance to the Qur’an

Charles Withers on December 25, 2009 at 1:46 pm

Thank You Debbie. Love the cartoons! Mutual respect is definitely what our religions need.
While we dicker about our differences, let’s not forget the main message of Christmas: Peace on earth to ALL men of good will.
Also let’s remember what Christ said: “whoever is not against us is for us”.
Have a Peacefull Holiday

theShadow on December 25, 2009 at 5:41 pm

Genesis 12:3 – And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you

As a devout Christian, I take the living word of G-D as seriously as breathing. As long as I can remember I’ve blessed Israel, the children of Israel and prayed for the peace of Jerusalem as earnestly as any prayer offered.

Thank you, Ms. Schlussel for remembering us as we remember you and yours. After all, we wouldn’t have a Christmas if one of yours hadn’t taught us well.

Jack Mackenzie on December 26, 2009 at 1:22 pm

Thank you for your kind words regarding Christianity. If it weren’t for the Jews, there would be no Christians. This household will pray for Israel until the end–which may not be that far off, if our current crop of malevolents-in-office have their way.

Linda J Hutchinson on December 27, 2009 at 1:43 pm

Dear Debbie:
Thank you for the kindness that you extend to Christians. I love the Jews and all brave people who stand up against the muslim murderers, as now I am praying for the resistance in Iran.
I have admired your web site for several years now and read all of your entries.
G-d bless you Debbie!

James Tooley on December 28, 2009 at 1:19 am

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