December 22, 2009, - 11:09 am

HOprah / HObamas Watch: Wow, They Are Really Milkin’ This Thing; Plus VIDEO Parody

By Debbie Schlussel

How could you forget Oprah’s “Christmas Pimpin’ America on the Obamas” prime time special (and trust me, it wasn’t “special” in any sense of the word)?  I mean, it was only on a week before last Sunday.  You know, the one where Obama modestly and humbly (and hyper-inflatedly) graded his woeful first-year performance as President, “a solid B+.”


Well, in case you missed it–and many Americans did, as it did horribly in the ratings, getting beaten by football and other far superior entertainment–ABC is showing it to you . . . again. They know what’s “good for you.”  And, hey, it’s up against the ratings loser, “Jay Leno Show.”

Yup, tonight, at 10:00 p.m., ABC is wasting an hour of primetime television to rerun something no-one wanted to watch in the first place.  I’ll save you the trouble, courtesy of Jimmy Kimmel, who gives us a much more entertaining abbreviated version of the special.  (I, myself, will be watching CBS’ “The Good Wife,” instead.)

You’ll have to excuse the bathroom humor, but when I hear either of the Obamas or Oprah, it’s all fertilizer.

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19 Responses

Out here at 10:00 PST we have on the HOprah POS, Anderson Cooper, Greta van Susteren and Keith Olberman. This is going to be one tough choice… NOT!! The TV gets turned off and the laptop fired up.

Jarhead on December 22, 2009 at 11:35 am

At least they aren’t bumping Desperate Housewives again.

Pinandpuller on December 22, 2009 at 11:36 am

Geez I’ll get to miss it again.

Joe on December 22, 2009 at 11:39 am

A waste of another hour, when these three things should be on prime time news:

1. “Joy Tiz says that while you were busy with holiday preparations and screaming in horror as the Politburo met behind close doors to wreck the health care system; Obama quietly returned twelve Gitmo detainees to their homelands.

The US has transferred 12 detainees from its Guantanamo Bay prison camp to Afghanistan, Yemen and the Somaliland region, the Justice Department says. Six Yemenis, four Afghans and two Somali detainees were sent to their homelands over the weekend, it said.

Obama acknowledged in November that he would miss his January deadline to close down the camp.

The US plans to send 116 detainees to their home countries or to third countries willing to accept them. Third countries willing to accept them? Might this be a bit open ended?

Merry Christmas from the White House.”

2. “Nelson Acosta reports Cuba accused Barack Obama on Monday of being “imperial, arrogant” and dishonest during last week’s global climate conference in the latest sign of deteriorating relations between Havana and Washington.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said in a televised press conference that Obama lied during the United Nations summit in Copenhagen and is making a habit of it after less than a year in office.

“He lies all the time, deceives with demagogic words, with profound cynicism,” Rodriguez told reporters.

“In this summit there was only an imperial, arrogant Obama who doesn’t listen, who imposes positions that even threaten developing countries,” he said.

Rodriguez also said Cuba and other poor nations have refused to recognize the agreement because they weren’t permitted to participate in its development.

He singled out comments Obama made during a news conference in Copenhagen, when Obama said no agreement had yet been reached but he was confident one would before the summit ended. “Obama knew he was lying, that he was deceiving public opinion,” the foreign minister said.

When asked if Cuba was serious about forging a climate agreement given that President Raul Castro declared Copenhagen a failure days before it ended, Rodriguez said, “Cuba’s prestige is well-recognized in international negotiations.”

“It was an open secret that countries would not reach an agreement,” he said.

The much-heralded gathering sought a global reduction in the emission of “greenhouse gases” blamed for warming the earth’s climate but ended only with the delegates taking note of a nonbinding accord struck by the United States, China, Brazil, India and South Africa to combat climate change.

Cuba joined Venezuela, Bolivia and and Nicaragua in opposing formal U.N. adoption of the deal which they and other developing nations saw as an imposition by powerful nations.

“The Copenhagen summit was a failure and a deception to world public opinion. The cause is clearly evident — lack of political will by the developed countries,” Rodriguez said.

3. The Post & Email is reporting that earlier this month, Barack Obama made his first official move to corrupt and undermine the 2010 elections. The move consisted in the little noticed appointment of a technical adviser to the Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC) of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC).

Ed Smith has now been appointed by Obama to the disastrous U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC’s) Technical Guidelines Development Committee as one of their new “Technical and Scientific Experts” — this is the equivalent of appointing the sitting Vice President of Exxon Mobil to an EPA advisory committee.

The Official Press Release of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission read as follows:

Edwin B. Smith, III, vice president of compliance and certification at Dominion Voting Systems. Before joining Dominion Voting Systems, Mr. Smith was vice president of manufacturing, compliance, quality and certification at Sequoia Voting Systems. He also served as the operations manager at Hart InterCivic and the senior director of operations at K*TEC Electronics. He holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix and a Bachelor of Science in engineering technology from Texas A&M.

Both Sequoia Voting Systems and Dominion Voting Systems have been at the center of infamous voting irregularities in different elections across the country, according to Brad Friedman’s article on the subject, which appeared in the Gouverneur Times at the end of November.

At his blog, Brad Friedman explains who Edwin B. Smith is:

Smith is the guy who, after years of paying a crackpot contractor named Mike Gibbons to do this and that for Sequoia with loads of federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) tax-payer cash, assigned him to do an “independent” analysis of Sequoia’s touch-screen machines after they failed in NJ’s 2008 Super Tuesday election. That was just after Smith had sent a letter threatening two Princeton computer scientists with legal action “to stop any infringement of our intellectual properties, including any non-compliant analysis,” if they performed the actually independent analysis of the machines as they were tasked by NJ election officials to do. (Additional outrage/irony shortly thereafter uncovered by The BRAD BLOG: Sequoia didn’t even own the Intellectual Property rights to the machines in question. Rather, the IP rights were, and are still to our knowledge, owned by Smartmatic, a Venezuelan firm tied to Hugo Chavez. Sequoia lied to both federal investigators and state election officials about that relationship.)

Taken from the

perception of truth on December 22, 2009 at 11:57 am

Sorry for the long post above, but while America sleeps our Republic disintegrates.

perception of truth on December 22, 2009 at 12:00 pm

Oh, man!!! I was going to have a Watch Oprah Christmas with the Obamas viewing party.

I did rather enjoy Oprah Christmas with the Detroit Lions where Coach Jim Schwarz gave himself a solid A- because they won 2 games this year.

And, Oprah Christmas with Kim Jong Il was entertaining. Oprah and Kim Jong jumping on his bed was a hoot, then it was touching when Kim Jong gave himself a solid C- for his performance this year but Oprah teared up and convinced him to grade himself to a solid A to enhance his self esteem.

Too bad Oprah wasn’t around during WWII. We could have understood how Hitler’s poor childhood made him grow up with a lot of anger in his soul.

Jeff_W on December 22, 2009 at 12:25 pm

Excellent news. I get to not watch it a second time.

tempus fugit on December 22, 2009 at 1:13 pm

Didn’t know it was on the first time.
Didn’t know they were going to run it again.
There are some things in life that are worth being ignorant over.

Steve Cordts on December 22, 2009 at 2:47 pm

America’s Funniest Home Videos is a winner. Watching the Oprah and Obamas french kiss is a loser.

Has anyone whose ever seen Michelle Obama really think has a ‘keen sense’ of fashion?

Local FOX 2 News may win the hour.

P. Aaron on December 22, 2009 at 3:02 pm

It’s on opposite classic Trek? Even a crap episode like “Who Mourns For Adonais” is better than Oprah. Heck, turning off the TV is better than watching Oprah!

Mac B. on December 22, 2009 at 4:26 pm

I’ve noticed that there’s CBC in your TV guide which is Canadian Broadcasting Company. I bet you don’t watch CBC neither since they’re further to the left than our main networks.

Matthew on December 22, 2009 at 4:35 pm

Debbie, I can’t see the video here in Israel. Teh message I get is that KIMMEL has chosen to block it here.

mk750 on December 22, 2009 at 6:33 pm

Hey, I noticed a good Star Trek flick on at the same time, sorry Oprah I’ll be too busy to watch again.

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cherry on January 5, 2010 at 6:01 am

If the world ever wanted to believe in how Oprah got where she is they would see that she used race in the very beginning to get her big breaks. She blackmailed her employers to push her ahead or she would cry racist. I still can’t get over her claim of giving away cars (Pontiac’s in the past VW’s soon), to her audience members. General Motors gave away the cars just as Volkswagen is going to be, not Oprah! To call her fertilizers is giving her too much credit, she is just a big phony but I guess that is what people are looking for these days, how about our congress and our president, phonies! But she has steamrolled the media into believing she cares. Well she does and the care is about the almighty dollar. Greed is what has driven her in the past and it still drives her now.

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