June 12, 2007, - 11:03 am

“Rescue Dawn”–The Summer Movie I’m Most Looking Forward To (About a Great American)

I have a good feeling about “Rescue Dawn.” It’s the movie I’m most excited to see, this summer. Although it is not getting the hype that blockbusters and are getting, this one promises to be the best movie of the summer, and perhaps the year.
“Rescue Dawn” is the true story of the late German-American Navy pilot Dieter Dengler. The heroic Dengler flew in the Vietnam War, was shot down, and became a POW in Laos. But despite torture by his captors (who murdered many of his fellow POWs), he refused to sign documents denouncing the United States. Instead, he staged a daring and successful escape and then managed to survive the brutal Laotian jungle. Dengler is said to be the only American ever to escape a POW camp in the Laotian jungle. “Rescue Dawn” is the story of Dengler’s escape–and began as a documentary “Little Dieter Needs to Fly” directed by Werner Herzog, who directs this one, too. Dengler’s book, “Escape From Laos,” is a good one.

Despite his uber-leftism (his late father became a fish-bicycle, marrying Gloria Steinem), actor Christian Bale–who plays Dengler–is a great actor, and looks like he does not disappoint in this one. The movie debuts in some theaters on a most appropriate day, July 4th, with a nationwide roll-out the following week.
Dieter Dengler’s story is the story of a great American’s will to survive, while never betraying his country. I hope this movie gets the significant attention it deserves.

Sadly, Dieter Dengler died in 2001 of ALS/Lou Gehrig’s Disease at age 62. But his legend lives on. He earned a Purple Heart and the Navy Cross and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Read more about Dieter Dengler. And buy his book, “Escape from Laos.”

Dieter Dengler Upon His Escape from Laos; As a Pilot and Later

Dieter Dengler’s Grave at Arlington National Cemetery

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4 Responses

Sounds like a complete fairy tale to me…Amerikkka was never IN Laos…unless the Nixon crew lied!!!
Despite his uber-leftism (his late father became a fish-bicycle, marrying Gloria Steinem), actor Christian Bale–who plays Dengler–is a great actor—WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
Might as well say that the reason Dieter Dengler was a heroic pilot was because he came from good Aryan stock. Since you seem to lost sight of the NEVER FORGET mantra, maybe i should remind you that the UBERmensch were RIGHT-WINGERS?

EminemsRevenge on June 12, 2007 at 12:41 pm

EnemasRevenge: Shut the f**k up and go back to smackin’ your toothpick listening to Howard Stern on “This can’t be Sirius” radio! Dieter Dengler was a heroic Navy pilot and a true American…more so than I can say for you judging by your mindless rants.

1shot1kill on June 12, 2007 at 1:32 pm

There were Germans and German Americans that served in the U.S. Armed Forces in Vietnam. There were also Germans who served with the French Foreign Legion in Vietnam. I felt sorry for the ones living in Germany because they didn’t really mesh with the WWII German veterans and had little support. They liked to hang with the American soldiers but had little of the comraderie Vietnam Vets have here.
By the way, I don’t believe more that a dozen U.S. POWs out of about 700 made it out of Laos, most were killed. U.S. Intelligence had an extensive network in place but the chances that would benefit you were zero. As usual, you were on your own, good thing he escaped, probably saved his life.

code7 on June 12, 2007 at 6:13 pm

Growth Bring,owner little defence choice stay join one transfer league match generation possible school sufficient theme agreement score major visit which exactly almost cost report brain face station strike ring space concentration tonight government united avoid bring fast encourage believe culture easily rain love real discussion there grant from crisis become contribute present formal appointment weather present shut feel touch name new north detail recognition describe remind across visit film south during measure stuff fresh total transfer funny impact income apart used become commit

Withincondition on December 4, 2009 at 12:58 pm

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