June 11, 2007, - 10:33 am

What’s My Prob With Women in the Military? . . .

. . . Stories like this:

Mom in Custody Dispute Allowed to Leave Military
Which comes first: duty to country or maternal obligation?
That was the dilemma that led to a New Hampshire National Guard soldier being declared a deserter when she refused to return to Iraq while in a custody dispute with her ex-husband. After months battling in the courts and with her commanders, Spc. Lisa Hayes has been allowed to leave the military.
Hayes, 32, turned herself in at Fort Dix in New Jersey on Tuesday with her daughter, Brystal Knight, 7, in tow after driving all night from Rindge, N.H. Army lawyers helped her renew a request for an early exit from the Guard because of a hardship, and an honorable discharge was granted within hours, her civilian lawyer, Linda Theroux, disclosed this weekend.

Would a man serving in the military get this kind of special treatment? And even if so, we can’t afford to have so many of these situations in our fighting forces.
There are 342,000 women in the U.S. military, 14% of them on active duty, and 25,000 of them serving in Iraq or Afghanistan. 130,000 of them are mothers of children, and of those 11% are single. This is very bad for those kids, because of stories like the one above and because they could lose their only parent.

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20 Responses

Spc. Hayes has some very serious personal issues that include, but are limited to, good judgement.
Married three times, two sets of children, and then decides to leave her daughter with her ex-husband and his his lover, who is supposed to be a stabilizing influence, yet the stabilizing influence ends up being criminally charged with battery. These are some serious red flags.
I am sure there are logical explanations (yes plural) for her issues, but why does our military need this kind of person? Knowing her situation (enlisted in 2003 when her child was three years old) why was she allowed to join? Yes, she may very well be good at what she does though the dysfunction in her life does not give me the warm fuzzies knowing she carries a weapon. That’s the micro take.
The macro take is that being a single parent in the military requires revisiting as an option. By the individual and by the military itself. This revisiting should include when both parents are serving at the same time, too.
Moreover, it sounds like we just need more people in the military. Support the Troops, Enlist! It will give the Troops currently serving more time to be at home with their families.

zyzzyg on June 11, 2007 at 11:41 am

I was told, and always thought, that if it didn’t come in the Seabag it isn’t Uncle Sam’s problem. Marines must go to legal for counseling prior to every deployment; a General Power of Attorney can be a family ending descision. Too bad, so sad.
Then again, it’s a chick; gotta fear the “discrimenation” factor.

Nuggler on June 11, 2007 at 11:50 am

There is a huge difference with being a Marine and being in the National Guard. If our leaders had actually planned this war instead of rushing into it, maybe we wouldn’t have to be sending off the National Guard for multiple tours of duty.

D*Rek on June 11, 2007 at 12:08 pm

Sorry D*Rek, you apparently don’t see the bigger picture (along with millions of others). We’re not, and never have been, in a war with Iraq, which is exactly how you people see this. What we ARE in is a war against islamic terrorists who are fighting very hard to destroy our way of life and our country with it. These animals are concentrated in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Suadi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, and Lebenon. They also are operating in Somalia, the Phillipines, Central and South America, Mexico, and the United States. Their goal is to utilize the MSM dupes to propel their crap into our lives on the evening “news” and showcase them as “freedom fighters”. They use any means, including strapping explosives to their children, to frighten the masses into doing their bidding. They will not stop until YOU, ME and anyone like us, has converted or permanently separated from their collective heads. You may not see the similarities between what is happening today and Hitler’s/Hirohito’s philosophy or Stalin’s master plan, but it is definitely their. We are all actively watching history repeat itself in the form of a new global threat. The only way to effectively end this is to employ overwhelming firepower, both military and economic. And it has to be employed soon. Instead of entering into skirmishes with our enemy, we should strike it decisively at its very heart – – the Middle East.

FreeAmerican on June 11, 2007 at 12:58 pm

We need to attack Saudi Arabia.

LoveAManInAUniform on June 11, 2007 at 2:03 pm

Now that you’ve gotten the fear mongering portion of the discussion out of the way, let’s look at some realties.
1. If we are indeed in a “war on terror”, then why didn’t we put all of our energy, money, and resources in going after the terrorists that attacked us on 9-11 (Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia, etc).
2. Yes, it is true that the bulk of the people in the middle east hate us and want to destroy us. However, they have no way of doing that. We were attacked on 9-11 by 19 people with box cutters and a plan. And while it hurt us, it in no way threatened our countries stability. The countries that hate us have weak army’s, and most of them have no Navy or Air Force to speak of. So how exactly are they going to come over here to, as you and so many other conservatives like to put it, destroy our country? And even if they are able to somehow get over here en mass, they would not only have to deal with our military, but thanks to our lax gun control laws there are enough weapons to arm every man, woman, and child in this country (several times over).
3. And please, stop comparing this conflict to World War 2. The enemy is nowhere near as dangerous, and the conflict is nowhere near as large.
4. Oh, and if you are going to go after the MSM, why don’t you take them to task for spending all their time and resources on Anna Nicole Smith and Paris Hilton rather than the war(s) we are in.

D*Rek on June 11, 2007 at 2:53 pm

D*Rek, all good points, dude. I’ve got no problem with the narrow focus you propose, because taken on face value, all are plausible. However, you have still missed the point. No sense in belaboring it. I mean no offense and appreciate your views. It’s just that so many people don’t see it until it hits them between the eyes. Stay alert!

FreeAmerican on June 11, 2007 at 3:02 pm

D*Rek brings up a damn good point you don’t address. We need to wipe out the Muzzies and soon before they overtake our country a la Hitler style. What about Saudi Arabia? Please tell me, Mr. Free American, why we can’t bomb the living HELL out of that Muzzie kingdom now and send them back to the stone age–they contributed MOST of the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11! And don’t tell me it’s because we need their oil. We import more oil a day from Mexico than we do any Mideast country. And once we invade and take that country over, we can take over the oil fields.
My problem with you people is that you adopt a position but don’t take it all the way. If you say this is a war like we fought against the Nazis and the Japs, then make it a total war: institute a draft, press every able-bodied man into service, and invade the hell out of the enemy. If you are a male whose never served in the army and are railing against Muzzies without ever having killed one, you’re a piece of sh*t coward who is no better than liberal sympathizers with the terrorists. Go after them yourself rather than hiding behind your pathetic blog, you wannabe Christian/wannabe conservative.
PS Debbie gets a free-ride because she’s a woman, and they shouldn’t fight wars.

reasoner101 on June 11, 2007 at 4:19 pm

What FreeAmerican said was, “war against islamic terrorists”. In your response, you quoted him as saying, “war on terror”. Reread the 2 quotes and you’ll see the problem that exists in properly defining this problem. FreeAmerican has it right – we’re fighting STRICTLY ADHERENT Islam, not some lunatic fringe.
You’re probably one of the uninformed majority who thinks that only Islamic fundamentalists want to see us dead or subjugated (I’m sure “dead” is their first choice), and that the moderates are on our side. What you need to know is that there’s no such thing as fundamentalist vs moderate. Islam is an on/off switch, and the fundis have selected the “on” position. The so-called moderates (who truly don’t want a war and would actually like to live in peace with us) aren’t really Muslims because they have chosen to ignore their god’s call to, at the very least hate us, but preferrably kill us.
When Allah told Mohamed (their belief – not mine) that he has chosen for you your religion and that religion is Islam, he meant everybody – not just Mo and his band of merry men. Therefore strict Mulsims believe it’s their duty to see that Allah’s wishes are carried out, which is why they are trying to rule the world. This in NOT politically motivated – it’s 100% religious, and we ALL need to understand that.

stevecanuck on June 11, 2007 at 5:41 pm

By your logic, there are no “true Christians” either because they choose to ignore selected pasages of the Bible. Last time I checked, there wasn’t a call from the clergy in this country to kill everyone that works on the Sabbath (as the Bible instructs), nor do they advocating killing a child who does not obey their parents (also in the Bible).
So tell me, what is your solution? Kill a third of the planets population?
I get the feeling that you’re one of the uninformed minority who thinks Iraq was behind 9-11 and posed a grave danger to us. Here’s an idea, why not instead of fearmongering with “they’re all going to kill us”, why don’t you respond to the 2nd point in my previous post (which basically states “who cares if they hate us if they can’t get to us en masse”).

D*Rek on June 11, 2007 at 6:55 pm

If you’re as patriotic as you claim, YOU SHOULD DELETE THIS POST!!!
Last year, while i was promoting my first novel and doing the background for the second, i was also taking care of a boy whose parents were BOTH serving in Iraq–and i don’t think for a moment his mother would have ever thought of doing something like that even though she had FOUR children stateside…and she still plans on making a career in the Army.
She joined in peace time and could have been one of the whining malcontents were are few in number over there, and while i was against Bush going into Iraq from jumpstreet, when you’re in a war you can’t hightail it out of there with your tail between your legs when you get punched in the mouth like the “great” Ronald Reagan did in Lebanon.
GW slipped when he said THIS was a crusade, but he was right about that, AND he also said the war on terror would be a LONG one, and everyone was gung-ho about it THEN. Surrender now and the only hope for Amerikkka to survive is to become COMPLETELY ISOLATIONIST, i.e., drop out of the world like China and Japan did before the colonialist brought them back into the world.

EminemsRevenge on June 11, 2007 at 7:24 pm

a You’re little off topic – women should serve in the billets that were designated for them when the military first started allowing women to join the military.
However in resonse to your comments;
1. If we are indeed in a “war on terror”, then why didn’t we put all of our energy, money, and resources in going after the terrorists that attacked us on 9-11 (Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia, etc).
Answer: Would you have supported arbitrary invasions of suspect nations? Me too.
That being said, Law enforcement and Intelligence agencies have been working tirelessly, since 9/11 thwarting terrorists plots to attack within the borders of the United States and US interests abroad. The United States is working with its allies to preempt the terrorists and have been very successful. Bin Laden may die of natural causes and never be captured. The Saudi Arabian royal family may never be destroyed by the terrorists they support…only time will tell. But just because you and I are not being made aware of the efforts of the US and its allies to capture terrorists or uncover damning evidence on nations that support terrorism does not mean it isn’t happening.
2. Yes, it is true that the bulk of the people in the middle east hate us and want to destroy us. However, they have no way of doing that. We were attacked on 9-11 by 19 people with box cutters and a plan. And while it hurt us, it in no way threatened our countries stability. The countries that hate us have weak army’s, and most of them have no Navy or Air Force to speak of. So how exactly are they going to come over here to, as you and so many other conservatives like to put it, destroy our country? And even if they are able to somehow get over here en mass, they would not only have to deal with our military, but thanks to our lax gun control laws there are enough weapons to arm every man, woman, and child in this country (several times over).
Answer: The US Government recognized that the enemy did not have a country, a formal army or formal navy but operated within the borders of countries that gave them safe haven ? like Afghanistan. The US Government recognized that these terrorists are receiving funding, equipment from other such countries ? like Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, and many others already mentioned. The US Government recognizes that a small group with a well devised plan can procure a nuclear device, smuggle it into the country and destroy a US City. The US Government recognizes that this small group, terrorists without borders, can establish sleeper cells within the borders of the United States and, as the attackers of 9/11 did so well, wait until all the parts are in place, the timing is right and then execute an attack against our water supply, our atomic reactors, or electric power stations??..in any case the US Government realizes all this, but sadly, so many Americans have yet to.
3. And please, stop comparing this conflict to World War 2. The enemy is nowhere near as dangerous, and the conflict is nowhere near as large.
Answer: Like folks are comparing the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan to Vietnam. Well, The overall threat to world peace from Islamic Terrorists is every bit as real as the threat Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan posed on the world. You need to stop hiding your head in the warmth of the sand and lift your head, open your eyes and objectively see what is happening.
4. Oh, and if you are going to go after the MSM, why don’t you take them to task for spending all their time and resources on Anna Nicole Smith and Paris Hilton rather than the war(s) we are in.
Answer: Mark Twain said it best; “It has become a sarcastic proverb that a thing must be true if you saw it in a newspaper. That is the opinion intelligent people have of that lying vehicle in a nutshell. But the trouble is that the stupid people–who constitute the grand overwhelming majority of this and all other nations–do believe and are molded and convinced by what they get out of a newspaper, and there is where the harm lies.

bucko on June 11, 2007 at 8:10 pm

Bucko gave you all the answers I was going to. Thanks Bucko.
As for there not being any true Christians – I DON’T CARE, because they don’t want to see me dead. Why do lefties always try to change the subject to Christianity when Islam and it’s dictates of death are being dicussed?
D*Rek, one quick question for you – Have you read the Qur’an?

stevecanuck on June 11, 2007 at 8:35 pm

“D*Rek, one quick question for you – Have you read the Qur’an?
Posted by: stevecanuck ”
Judging by what he’s saying, I don’t think he even read the Bible…

Jose on June 11, 2007 at 10:37 pm

Jose, Huh??? Got an actual thought there??? Didn’t think so.

stevecanuck on June 11, 2007 at 11:50 pm

To the long-winded poster above:
The argument: “But just because you and I are not being made aware of the efforts of the US and its allies to capture terrorists or uncover damning evidence on nations that support terrorism does not mean it isn’t happening” is riddled with logical fallacy. Just because we do not objectively know about efforts by the USG and its allies to capture terrorists does not, as you point out, mean that they are not happening… but that is not the logical equivalent of saying that just because we do not know about those efforts, they MUST be happening.
Why the hell did we invade Iraq rather than Saudi Arabia or Egypt or Yemen, the countries that contributed the terrorists that knocked down our beautiful buildings? I’ve served overseas and I’ve got down a couple of kills against the Muzzie enemy. I put my career on hold and I put my life on the line in order to fight back the forces of terrorism, extremism, and Muzzie-ideology. I was a line officer in a delapidated corps in a dry desert surrounded by idiots. But I took great pleasure in killing the enemy.
The real enemy, as I vainly tried to indicate above, is not Iraq/Afghanistan but SA/Egypt/Yemen. In these three countries, we know through intel that there are demonstrated linkages between the public and Muzzie terrorism. We know that their governments can’t govern worth shit, and that they are the furthest thing from democracy that exists. Why the hell isn’t anybody supporting the idea that we should, too, invade them and kill their leaders?
If you truly believe that this is a WWIII and we are fighting the next great Hitler/Jap enemy, or whatever, then HOW CAN YOU NOT ADVOCATE INVADING MORE COUNTRIES?? We did not stop by “just” retaking France and we were not content with “just” Iwo Jima. We went all the way. We did not stop until every Nazi, every Jap militarist, was either dead or incarcerated or subdued. So why aren’t any of you supporting the idea of more invasions against the Muzzies?
Either you are weak-kneed as the prospects of a national draft in which YOU will have to fight (although trust me fellas–killinig Muzzies ain’t so bad) or else you do not believe the ideas you espouse, in which case you are hypocrits. Either way, the war on terrorism doesn’t need you. And by “you” I’m not talking about leftist morons. They’re not even invited into this discussion. I’m talking about you guys, the ones who claim are patriotic, conservative, whatever, but don’t seem to go all the way. Remember what Jefferson said about the tree of liberty.

reasoner101 on June 12, 2007 at 5:32 am

ARMY= Ain’t Ready for Marines Yet.
(jist kiddin)
Seriously though…
Christianity has had this thing-several times- called REFORMATION. Thus, the “True Christian” argument is kaput.
As far as prosecuting the “war on terror”: Wings level…Cleared Hot… every clime and place.
Oh, almost forgot, something the “lefties” seem to overlook…if they (left) want to call it a war for oil, well they’re partially correct. For several scores, it has been a issue of national security to defend/secure our nations oil interests period.
Jew/Christian: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Muslim: Do unto others before they do unto you-unless you “feel” you have been insulted {which is worse than death} in which case justify your intellectual weakness and vapidness with the “will of God Almighty”, thus supporting the cyclic logic that you have no control of yourself because God has willed your actions. …and if that doesn’t work, create the impression that your just defending your “religion”, in which case, refer to the do unto other before they do unto you part. and repeat.
Clean your eastern home before you dirty my western house.

Nuggler on June 12, 2007 at 10:16 am

“Jose, Huh??? Got an actual thought there??? Didn’t think so.
Posted by: stevecanuck”
Read what I wrote again. I was talking TO you, ABOUT D*Rek. I was on your side. Sheesh.

Jose on June 12, 2007 at 5:35 pm

My sincerest apologies. I read the “he” as being me, not D*Rek (for some reason, I think of D*Rek as being female).
Sorry for the misunderstanding.

stevecanuck on June 13, 2007 at 7:49 pm

drek, June 11, 2007 06.55PM, “Kill a third of the world’s population”? No, just ten percent of twenty percent of the world’s population.

John Cunningham on June 16, 2007 at 8:00 am

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