June 5, 2007, - 10:52 am

Important Day in Anti-Jihad History: Six Day War Started 40 Years Ago, Today

On the morning of June 5, 1967, the Six Day War began. It is one of the most important battles in anti-Jihadist history and the War on Terrorism (which, here’s a clue, started well before 9/11). Israel’s victory in this war enabled it to reunify Jerusalem and capture Sinai, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and West Bank (none of which were then “Palestinian”).

Israel had no choice but to go to war, fighting it as a necessary pre-emptive attack on Egypt, whose leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser, announced he was going to attack Israel:

Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight.

That was in late May 1967, right after Nasser committed his own first strike on Israel:

On May 22, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping and all ships bound for Eilat. This blockade cut off Israel’s only supply route with Asia and stopped the flow of oil from its main supplier, Iran [DS: that was when Iran was run by the Shah, one of our friends and a relative good guy compared to what replaced him].

In April, just two months before, Syrian soldiers attacked Northern Israel, and a huge contingent of Syrian troops amassed on its border with Israel, signaling–and it’s leaders verbalizing–that it was ready to join Egypt’s war on Israel.
Israel repeatedly tried to negotiate peace with Egypt and its other Arab neighbors, but like today, they simply weren’t interested. As Nasser said, “The Arab people want to fight,” and that is exactly what they got . . . plus their asses handed to them.
Israel did not want to war with any other nations, but it’s neighboring Muslim leaders, like Jordan’s King Hussein, didn’t care. On June 5, Israeli leader Levi Eshkol sent word to King Hussein that he would not attack Jordan if it stayed out of it. But King Hussein chose to attack anyway. He’d just let his feelings be known in a treaty with Egypt:

The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel…to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations.

My favorite pictures from the Six Day War are these:

Israeli Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren Sounds the Shofar (Ram’s Horn) upon the Recapture of the Western Wall (the holiest site in Judaism)

Israeli Soldiers Recapture the Western Wall

Soldiers Post Israeli Flag on Fence upon Retaking “East” Jerusalem

Soldiers Post Israeli Flag on Jenin Police Station (June 8, 1967)

The Six Day War is important for many reasons:
* It resulted in the reunification of Jerusalem (which was re-captured on June 7, 1967–and which I’ll have more about, on Thursday, that 40th anniversary). Finally, Jews and other non-Muslims could pray at the holiest and most important of Jewish religious sites, the “Kotel Ha’Ma’aravi” (the Western Wall of the Jewish Temple, which had been abandoned and strewn with garbage under Jordanian/Palestinian occupation). Finally, Jordanian Muslims would stop drilling holes and urinating into Jewish graves that dotted East Jerusalem. Finally, Muslims would stop deliberately building hotels–like the Intercontinental Hotel in East Jerusalem–on top of Jewish graves.
* The Six Day War showed the Muslim world that Israel wasn’t going to take it anymore–the terrorist attacks (which began well before it reclaimed Jerusalem and the so-called “West Bank” in 1967). They defeated Muslims from several countries who supported, enabled, and participated in this war. Egypt was decimated. Israel showed the Jihadists that the West (Israel is “the West” in the Mid-East) would fight back . . . and win. The Islamic world was humbled, the way it should be today, but unfortunately isn’t. Today, Israel is doing self-containment–with Gaza, the West Bank, the fence, the Golan Heights giveaway talk–on behalf of its enemies.
* It was an important victory against anti-Semitism. Jews gained a respect in the world for fighting back and not embodying the wimpy, weak stereotype of bespectacled, limp intellectuals who made an easy punching bag. Israeli generals like Dayan, Rabin, and Sharon were tough . . . in those days. They won, not by giving land to the aggressors in exchange for a meaningless piece of paper and a photo op at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but by taking land back from aggressors who illegitimately occupied, attacked them from, and desecrated holy sites and graves from that land.
* Israel had brilliant military strategies and the will to win. Today, it has the will to lose and to negotiate land away. Israel could have beaten Hezbollah in last year’s war, but it chose a weak and uncreative strategy . . . and lost lives and its already-far-diminished 1967 luster. That’s because, as (my father) noted, its current Prime Minister, the incompetent and non-military Ehud Olmert, said,

We are tired of fighting, tired of being courageous, tired of victories, tired of defeating our enemies.

The country and its leader no longer have the will. And that’s the complete battle against Jihad and Islamism.
* It showed us–is still showing us– there is a double standard in operation to this day. The doctrine that “to the winner go the spoils of victory” simply doesn’t apply to the Jews or to Israel. Israel won the war. It defeated its warring, aggressive, Islamist neighbors. Yet, it is giving back the spoils of victory, piece by piece all the time, in exchange for meaningless pieces of paper, or even–as in the case of the absurd Gaza retreat–nothing at all, except Kassem rocket attacks on its people in working class neighborhoods, like Sderot.
Yes, times have changed. On June 8, 1967 Israeli soldiers were posting the Israeli flag over the police station in Jenin (see photo above). Today, they search house-to-house in an attempt to show civility against murderous terrorist thugs.
And unfortunately, the courageous, awesome 1967 victory in the Six Day War is now being decried in stark revisionist “history.” Last night, your tax-funded PBS a/k/a “Palestinian Broadcasting System” had a two-hour propaganda piece, filled with lamentations by has-been Muslim leaders and representatives . . . and a tiny few Israelis, many of them lefties, too.
The “objective” media representative providing commentary was Abdullah Schleifer. But Marc Schleifer–a Marxist Castro supporter and enabler who made many sojourns to Cuba–is an atheist Brooklyn-raised Jew who converted to Islam and edited “Palestine Today” in 1967 from the comfort of East Jerusalem, Jordan. He lives with his Muslim family, today, in Egypt. Yup, that’s PBS’ “objective media observer” for you.
Israel should never have gone to war against its neighbors who were already attacking it. Nope, despite their promises to wipe the country off the map, Israel should have just lied down and enjoyed it, say PBS and the many other Mainstream Media revisionists, today.
Yes, tragically, Israel’s tremendous 1967 victory over Islamists and anti-Semites–and America’s War on Terror–are now being transformed into defeat on the airwaves and beyond. Will we–like Israel did last summer and is doing now in its push to give the Golan Heights to terrorist Syria–continue to lose the war?
Will America be like the strong Israel of June 1967 or the psychologically weak Israel of June 2007? Right now, it’s the latter. Until–and IF–we wake up.

Read a great synopsis of the Six Day War by Mitchell Bard. The authoritative history of the Six Day War was written by the brilliant Michael Oren: “Six Days of War”. It’s good reading.
Of note, Ariel Cohen’s column on “The Lessons of the Six Day War” in today’s Washington Times. And today’s New York Post editorial:

June 5, 2007 — Forty years ago this morning, Israel launched a pre-emptive strike that decimated the Egyptian Air Force, destroying 300 planes and paving the way for the remarkable six-day victory on three fronts against the combined armies of five Arab states.
It was one of the most amazing military campaigns in history and it remade both the map and the political landscape of the Middle East. . . .
Despite the effort of revisionist historians to rewrite the events of that week, one thing is clear: The Jewish State went to war against an enemy openly pledged to its destruction.
Indeed, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser had promised his people that “the battle against Israel will be a general one, and our basic objective will be to destroy Israel.” Israel could not afford to wait until it was attacked, as both Egypt and Syria had massed troops and tanks along their borders.
Israel’s victory was staggering: It captured the Sinai and Gaza from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria and the entire West Bank and east Jerusalem. . . .
There is no denying that the war solidified Israel’s position, both militarily and politically. As Michael Oren, author of the war’s definitive history, recently wrote: “Israel concluded the war with its own troops in artillery range of every neighboring Arab capital – an achievement that convinced Arab leaders of the impossibility of destroying the Jewish State by conventional means.” [DS: Unfortunately, they’re now justifiably convinced that destruction will be done through empty “peace” treaties, birth rates, terrorism, and psychological warfare in the media.]
Meanwhile, what Israel made clear 40 years ago – and again in 1981, when it destroyed Saddam Hussein’s nuclear reactor – is that pre-emptive warfare is not only justified, but sometimes necessary in the name of self-defense.
That’s a lesson the rest of the world might want to heed these days.

Also, Bret Stephens’ column in today’s Wall Street Journal is such a must-read that I reprint most of it below:

On the morning of June 5, 1967, a fleet of low-flying Israeli jets surprised the Egyptian air force on the ground and destroyed it. This act of military pre-emption helped save Israel from what Iraq’s then-President Abdul Rahman Aref had called, only several days earlier, “our opportunity . . . to wipe Israel off the map.” Yet 40 years later Israel’s victory is widely seen as a Pyrrhic one — “a calamity for the Jewish state no less than for its neighbors,” according to a recent editorial in the Economist.
And the alternative was?
The Six Day War is supposed to be the great pivot on which the modern history of the Middle East hinges, the moment the Palestinian question came into focus and Israel went from being the David to the Goliath of the conflict. It’s a reading of history that has the convenience of offering a political prescription: Rewind to the status quo ante June 5, arrange a peace deal, and the problems that have arisen since more or less go away. Or so the thinking goes.
Yet the striking fact is that all of Israel’s peace agreements — with Egypt in 1979, with the Palestinians in 1993, with Jordan and Morocco in 1994 — were achieved in the wake of the war. The Jewish state had gained territory; the Arab states wanted it back. Whatever else might be said for the land-for-peace formula, it’s odd that the people who are its strongest advocates are usually the same ones who bemoan the apparent completeness of Israel’s victory in 1967.
Great events have a way not only of reshaping the outlook for the future but also our understanding of the past, usually in the service of clarity. “Why England Slept” was an apt question to ask of Britain in the mid-1930s, but it made sense only after Sept. 1, 1939. By contrast, the Six Day War laid a thick fog over what came before. Today, the pre-1967 period is remembered (not least by many Israelis) as a time when the country’s conscience was clear and respectable world opinion admired “plucky little Israel.” Yet these were the same years when Israel lived within what Abba Eban, its dovish foreign minister, called “Auschwitz borders,” with only nine miles separating the westernmost part of the West Bank from the Mediterranean Sea.
It is also often said today that the Six Day War humiliated the Arabs and propelled the region into future rounds of fighting. Yet President Aref of Iraq had prefaced his call to destroy Israel by describing the war as the Arabs’ chance “to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948.” It is said that the war inaugurated the era of modern terrorism, as the Arab world switched from a strategy of conventional confrontation with Israel to one of “unconventional” attacks. Yet hundreds of Israelis had already been killed in fedayeen raids in Israel’s first 19 years of existence.
It is said that the Palestinian movement was born from Israel’s occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. Yet the Palestine Liberation Organization was already in its third year of operations when the war began. It is said that Israel enjoyed international legitimacy so long as it lived behind recognized frontiers. Yet those frontiers were no less provisional before 1967 than they were after. Only after the Six Day War did the Green Line come to be seen as the “real” border.
Fog also surrounds memories of the immediate aftermath of the war. To read some recent accounts, a more sagacious Israel could have followed up its historic victory with peace overtures that would have spared everyone the bloody entanglements of its occupation of the Sinai, Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights. Or, failing that, it could have resisted the lure of building settlements in the territories in order not to complicate a land-for-peace transaction.
In fact, the Israeli cabinet agreed on June 19 to offer the Sinai to Egypt and the Golan to Syria in exchange for peace deals. In Khartoum that September, the Arab League declared “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it.” As for Jewish settlements, hardly any were built for years after the war: In 1972, for instance, only about 800 settlers had moved to the West Bank.
It’s true that the war caused Israel to lose friends abroad. “Le peuple juif, s?ªr de lui meme et dominateur” (“the Jewish people, sure of themselves and domineering”) was Charles de Gaulle’s memorable line in announcing, in November 1967, that France would no longer supply Israel militarily. Such were the Jewish state’s former friends. . . .
Then again, when the sun rose on June 5, 1967, Israel was a poor, desperately vulnerable country, which threw the dice on its own survival in the most audacious military strike of the 20th century. It is infinitely richer and more powerful today, sure in its alliance with the U.S. and capable of making concessions inconceivable 40 years ago. If these are the fruits of Israel’s “Pyrrhic Victory,” it needs more such of them.

AMEN. And . . . if only.

**** UPDATE: A great Six Day War compendium site is The Six Day War Project. Check it out!

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27 Responses

I clearly remember this event. The tremendous speed in which the Israeli Air Force overwhelmed the Arab Air Forces made a lasting impression on me. I count that as one of the reasons I made a career in the US Air Force.
This war is proof to me of this saying:
Peace through diplomacy, but backed by superior firepower.

pontotoc Bill on June 5, 2007 at 1:32 pm

I went to my usual place to buy Israeli stuff (http:// www. israelmilitary. com/) and could not find it there. So, where do I get the T-shirt?

zyzzyg on June 5, 2007 at 2:35 pm

That t-shirt is awesome!

Stealthkix on June 5, 2007 at 3:31 pm

Six days of war; 40 years of griping.

There is NO Santa Claus on June 5, 2007 at 3:42 pm

I too remember the six day war. The western press was 100% pro-Israel at the time. I even remember the Calgary Herald running a political cartoon featuring a very stereotypical King Fahd-like Arab on a flying carpet that was on fire and headed for the ground. How politically incorrect was that?!?!?!

stevecanuck on June 5, 2007 at 4:02 pm

Israel (and so many other countries)
I long for the days when you knew how to fight wars, and most of the Infidel world (except of course the Leftists) were behind you.
Next time it happens, make it final. Re-conquer Judea, Samaria, Gaza, Sinai, and if necessary, annex Damascus, Tyre and Sidon, and send all Muslims on a one way Haj.
Those who survive, that is.

Infidel Pride on June 5, 2007 at 4:48 pm

Even before political correctness and the pressure it was put against Israel was willing to relinquish teritories won in that war. Didn’t Abba Eban offer immediately after the war that in exchange for recognition Israel gives back the land it took?

Witch-king of Angmar on June 5, 2007 at 5:36 pm

To all my atheist friends i always tell them ol’ Adonai may not have CREATED the universe literally in six days, but He sure as hell kicked a lot of Arab ass in that time.

EminemsRevenge on June 5, 2007 at 5:49 pm

I was just feed the new corrected version of the 6 day war by a Trinity College Jewish Studies Professor. Apparently Israel wanted war and provoked it. Israel then went on to humilate the proud arab street which was a horrible thing to do. He also said that Israel misunderstood Arab leaders because Israel didn’t understand Arabic. So you see, even tenured Jewish professor see it’s just an evil jewish zionist conspiracy? (fyi: nobody in the case was buying it).

sandy on June 5, 2007 at 6:39 pm

I saw the PBS special on the Six-Day War and thought it was pretty good. I felt like Israel was portrayed in a fair light, but maybe I’m thinking that because I didn’t know much about the war in the first place.
I thought it was hilarious when the Muslim countries were telling their citizens they were achieving victory after victory, and then when they couldn’t keep the lie going any longer they accused the US and Britain of helping Israel. Israel somehow managed to record the president of Egypt talking with the Syrian (or was it Jordanian?) president about how exactly they should frame that lie.
Israel single-handedly handed the Arabs their asses to them and 40 years later those idiots still can’t stop whining about it.

Jose on June 5, 2007 at 6:59 pm

Still a little over my head. You should write “Jihadist vs. Isreal For Dummies.” Can you recommend a book that’ll tell the story of Isreal’s exodus and recapturing from the beginning?

CaptShady on June 5, 2007 at 7:32 pm

Debbie, first off mazel tov to us on The Six Day War. Although not yet born, I think we both helped the Israeli bullets fly str8. Anyway, I don’t see the Israelis as psycologically weak, which is the secular version of “they lost because they aren’t religious”. They lost because Islamist guerilla forces are a lot different than the incompetent regular armies of 1967. The Israelis are stronger than ever in every sense, and any regular Arab army will get taken apart next time, too.

Anonymous1 on June 5, 2007 at 7:32 pm

its amazing that 40 years later the arab still cant pick up there own garbage the jewish state should have pushed them in sand and talk peace later.

PNAMARBLE on June 5, 2007 at 8:08 pm

Dear Debbie;
” We are tired fighting, tired of being courageous, tired of victories, tired of defeating our enemies”.
Is Olmert an asshole, or what? The Israeli’s have got to get rid of this guy. Like right NOW!!
I want Israel to be extremely strong, extremely brave, and perfervid when it comes to defeating it’s enemies. I want Israel to take back Gaza, and the West Bank. I want other countries to be deathly afraid to attack Israel. I want Israel to live long, and prosper.

EJO on June 5, 2007 at 10:11 pm

Those muslims understand it when they get their nose broke. That’s all they understand.

steve ventry on June 6, 2007 at 12:12 am

Dear Debbie,
I watched the PBS program you referred to and
must say I did not walk away with the same sense
of outrage you seem to have. They set up the
situation very well and Israel’s preemptive
attack was both effective and justified in what
I saw. Certainly there was some balance from the
other side, but in most cases it supported the
fact that Israel was the only competent player
in the game. The lies the Arabs were telling
their people as their armies were being decimated
was quite telling. The fact that they were some
how able to carry on after the war with the big
lie unforetunately had negative repurcussions
that remain with us to this day.
I am with you that we (the west) don’t seem to
have the backbone that Israel showed in this
fight. We had it for a while after 911 but then
our memories start to fade and the appologist and
sympathizers start to have their day. It is hard
so think it, but if we are not willing to fight for our way of life, perhaps we don’t deserve it.
Yours truly

GW Bramhall on June 6, 2007 at 10:01 am

A couple of posts have raised an extremely important point. The fact that Arab “news” broadcasts in 67 and during the invasion of Iraq both described glorious victories against the crusader pig-dogs right up to the point where they could no longer lie about it proves one thing: Arab Muslims believe only what they want to. The truth has absolutely NOTHING to do with what they profess the facts to be. Any Muslim will happily tell you that Israel and Bush were behind 9/11. That’s just the way they are and that’s why they can NEVER be negotiated with.

stevecanuck on June 6, 2007 at 10:53 am

Debbie wrote:
“Syrian soldiers attacked Northern Israel, and a huge contingent of Syrian troops amassed on its border with Israel…”
Actually the correct word is massed, not amassed.
You are using an adjective as a verb.
Nice history lesson for those who don’t know why things are the way they are over there now.

Craig C on June 6, 2007 at 10:56 am

Debbie, I was in the middle of watching the Cubs come back against the Brewers and during an inning break saw that PBS was running the program on the six day war. I totally disagree with your usual assessment that the show was biased and pro-muslim. I think they did an outstanding job at illustrating the most convincing military victory of the 20th century. They also made the arabs (though not difficult to do) look like the buffoons that they were then, and remain today.
I just simply cannot see how you can claim that the show was anti-Isreali, although you rarely offer a positive review of anything. The show made it all the more clear to me what an astonishing victory the six day war was, and from my own perspective only…how the hand of G-d himself was the sheild of Isreal during the fight.
Interseting that the show did draw the conclusion that Moshe Dian was reluctant to enter Syria, but after getting over his reluctance came within 40 miles of taking Damascus. Most interesting was the idea that Isreal had gained more land than it could possibly manage..and thus the birth of the notion of land for peace. A bad idea. Historically, maybe the Isreali’s should have figured out a way to police a bigger territory.
The US, UN and current Isreali leadership all seem to be sold on the 1960’s idea of land for peace to this day. You make it sound as if this is a world policy taken to force the Isreali’s into submission. It is not the world’s opinion that is the problem. You are incorrect…it remains true that to the winner go the spoils. Isreal does not have to and should not give up anything. But beofre changing world opinion, I believe that the Isrealis; must come to believe this themselves.
I keep up on news from Isreal daily, and I find it interesting that the government cannot even find ways to encourage Jews to live in Jerusalem, and that within only a few years Arabs will outnumber Jews in Jerusalem. Outside of a minority of holdouts that choose to remain in the West bank, Isreali’s seem to want to give up the land in exchange for a peace that the muslims will NEVER come through with.
Stop complaning about how the rest of the world is pushing Isreal around. Isreal needs to get it’s own house in order first. Step one: Fire Ohlmert.

chucker on June 6, 2007 at 12:47 pm

It was 40 years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play and Israel’s six day war started on the same day (or close enough).

Norman Blitzer on June 6, 2007 at 1:49 pm

reasons why liberals can celebrate this anniversary:
israel was outnumbered. thats not fair.
the arabs were saying inappropriate things.
the arabs only disliked the jews for racist reasons.
the jews allowed and still allow plurality in their country, while the arabs destroy outsiders.
with the aswan dam and all their oil, the arabs had more money than the jews, so it was unfair.
I give up, most people today are just too stupid to see prima facia why it was perfectly sublime how these people rose up from the depths of dachau and kicked the living shit out of the arab thugs. with all their soviet toys they couldnt stop the supposedly genetically inferior bad eyes and weak feet of the sabras that were driving around in refitted shermans.
the only reason this is considered just a “jewish” victory and not a victory for all freedom fighters is because of cowardice on many sides. I think there is a dark side of jewish liberalism that is so ashamed for not lifting a finger in this conflict that tries to assuage their guilt by attacking the captive audience of Israel. Growing up around Detroit I experienced this first hand and saw the division between the golden calf jews and the freedom fighters.
The excuses were all that the israelis were religious fanatics coming around the shops recruiting for the IDF while the peace loving jews just wanted to stay away from “uniforms” and ” the military”. In other words they wanted somone else to do the dying.
Every ethnicity has their quislings and its not endemic to the semites, but its still just as disgusting to see.
Three cheers for the Israelis and their unending defense of their freedom! Three cheers for jews that left their livelihoods to fight instead of hiding in the west making Beatle’s records and ignoring their fellow jews’ being murdered!
Do I feel safer as an American knowing that there is a jewish sparta right in the middle of all of these arab dictatorships? Yes.
Do I owe a debt of gratitude for jews dying to protect freedom I enjoy and tie down hundreds of thousands of enemy resources? Yes.
Does it piss me off to no end that not a word is coming out of Washington DC thanking the IDF? Yes.
The State of Israel comprises less area than the tricounty area of Wayne, Macomb and Oakland counties in Michigan, but it has held the attention of the evil in the muslim world for 60 yrs. does that tell you something?!!

playertwo on June 6, 2007 at 2:56 pm

CaptShady, I can highly recommend two books on Israel’s history. Leon Uris, one of my favorite authors, wrote both “Exodus” and “The Haj,” giving both the Israeli point of view in the former and the Palestinian in the other. Leon Uris, an Irishman, I believe, has nothing whatsoever good to say about Britain’s role in the proceedings, and legitimately so, I believe. Both books are on my “frequently re-read” list. I never get tired of them. If you’re at all interested, he gives an Irish history lesson in yet another fabulous book, “Trinity.” I hope this helps some.

Hilltopbabe on June 6, 2007 at 3:11 pm

I remember the war only slightly. My parents did not watch the news very much back then, so neither did I. I do remember that a classmate and I had later wished that the Jews would fight in Viet Nam–not that we wanted the Jews to die–but that they had just kicked Arab butt in six days. We just wanted the US to win in Viet Nam and believed that the Jews could accomplish the job and do so in less time. Turns out we were right. Conservatives (even in their youth) are wiser than liberals in their best moments.
I quite agree with the writer(s) who said that Olmert must go. He is Israel’s McGovern (or any other extremist Democrat). The Israelis may soon have to take on Iran. They need someone with backbone who will not back off from a fight–someone who does not look at war as something to be avoided at all costs. (Not necessarily Olmert’s position.) Nor can they afford someone who is tired of war. Being tired of war will get them all killed.
Likewise, we cannot be tired of war. It is how we survive as a free people. We don’t start wars, but we have to finish them–and do so decisively.

Loser on June 6, 2007 at 5:12 pm

Israel is a terrorist state that needs to be neutralized for the safety of the rest of the planet.
Israel is not a friend of the United States. Remember the USS Liberty.
Number of Operations Iraq Freedom
and Enduring Freedom casualties
as confirmed by U.S. Central
Command: 3999

tjp on July 12, 2007 at 10:02 pm

Yes Israel is going to be here for ever. As G d promises this land for the Jews. Look into the bible it said from the Nile to Iraq this is the land of Israel. G d is Provider As a father to his children. You can t change what G d had given us because we are his favor peoples. He had given us the 5 books of Moses and we are really saved by him in life in and in wars and I want to say that Israel is a weapon in the back of the Arabs. All these Arabs lands surrounding Israel could ‘nt do a thing to win the 6 Days war. In the bible if you change a letter you are cursed by G d.

coco on June 4, 2014 at 4:18 pm

very good

i remember on September 18, 2014 at 7:13 am

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