May 31, 2007, - 3:06 pm

Abu Porno Wastes Your Tax $s to Indict Terrorist He Let Go of

We should not be surprised that President Bush has renominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. It’s already been established that in this Administration.
You gotta hand it to Abu Porno, though, for understanding the power of headlines and the uncritical thinking of the American people. Yesterday, Murphy–who allowed to (even sent him several warning signs to flee) and allows Chahine to continue to collect money from his Detroit-based restaurant chain while a fugitive in Lebanon (and give that money to Hezbollah)–announced that he filed additional tax evasion charges against Chahine.

U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy:

Don’t Let Terrorist-Enabler on the U.S. Court of Appeals

Big whoop. As I said, he allowed Chahine to flee the country after not paying $7 million in taxes on $20 million he gave to Hezbollah to continue its murderous terrorist machine. And he allows him to continue to live in style in Lebanon courtesy of American businesses that would normally be frozen by the IRS and the Justice Department. So who cares that he filed additional charges against Chahine that will never be faced?
There’s only one reason those charges were filed: to get Murphy favorable headlines and face time in the media, which make it look like this inept U.S. Attorney–who in the entire U.S.–actually look like he’s doing something against terrorists, instead of what he really does: hang out with them.
Murphy is desperate to look good in the eyes of the Senate Judiciary Committee, so that they’ll consider holding hearings on his nomination and hold favorable ones.
And he’s wasting your tax money and resources for these empty legal maneuvers to get headlines. In the end, the American people will NEVER get justice against Talal Chahine.
Because Stephen Murphy let the Hezbollah terrorist financier leave the country, free from any law enforcement interference.
Your tax dollars at “work.”

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One Response

All BushCo cares about is whether you went to Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Goldman Sachs, or any combination thereof, and you’re in the Muckety-muck Club. Goldman Sachs is running this damn world. Take a look at “private equity” these days if you want to see what they’re up to.

steve ventry on May 31, 2007 at 6:07 pm

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