December 9, 2009, - 11:57 am

The Policewomen of America’s Future . . . & the UK’s Present

By Debbie Schlussel

I always say that America to Britain is like Conservative Judaism to Reformed Judaism.  Both are watered down versions of something that in its purer form is good.  And one is just ten years behind the other in becoming even more watered down and farther from the real thing.

America is only a decade or two behind Britain in the categories of Muslim immigration, and–even sadder–giving in to Muslim intolerance.


Pander Bears: British Policewomen In Their New Islamo-Pander Gear

In a decade or two, or perhaps a few decades more, our policewomen in several localities will be just like these policewomen in Britain who have a new article of clothing added to their uniform.  Heck, our Homeland Security agents are already required to go through training instructing them not to enter a home where only a woman is present and to remove their shoes.  This ain’t far behind.

The West and its law enforcement authorities have to decide whether they are running an etiquette shop or actual law enforcement. They can’t have both. Sadly, they’ve indeed decided, there . . . and here.

Avon and Somerset Constabulary has begun to equip its female officers with a uniform issue hijab to wear when they enter a mosque.

The £13 headscarves are embroidered with the West Country force’s name and logo, and come in two colours — black for police officers and blue for community support officers. A spokeswoman insisted that they were not intended purely to cater for Muslim cultural sensibilities but were multi-faith.

Sure, they are.

“They are designed to be used in any place of worship and can be used to cover the head or the shoulders. For example, plain clothes officers could use them to cover their shoulders in a Catholic Church, or they can be used to cover the head in synagogues,” she said.

Yeah, any place of worship that’s a mosque. Puh-leeze. Orthodox Jews and Catholics don’t insist that women who are not of their faith cover their hair. It’s simply a lie to claim otherwise and invoke other religions in what is clearly Islamo-pander gear.

The scarves were however developed in a joint project with the Aklima Initiative, which focuses on working Muslim women, and the Mosque Initiative – both Islamic groups.

Yeah, sounds Jewish and Catholic to me.

Jackie Roberts, Assistant Chief Constable for Avon and Somerset, modelled the black headcovering for reporters yesterday, arranging its folds with the help of PCSO Nora Ndiaye, who modelled the blue version. They are among 15 women officers to have received the head coverings so far.

New phrase: Anti-supermodels.

Ms Roberts said that the scarves were intended to respect the cultural and religious practices of local communities.

Oy, make it stop. Enough fertilizer here to grow Central Park. PUH-LEEZE. This is being done to pander to Islam and Islam alone, period.

“This is a very positive addition to the Avon and Somerset uniform and one which I’m sure will be a welcome item for many of our officers,” she said.

Positive? Yeah, if you’re name is Mohammed and you want to assert Islamic supremacy. And–shocker!–Mohammed’s buds just love it.

Rashad Azami, imam and director of the Bath Islamic Society, said he was pleased with the move. ”This will go a long way in encouraging a trustful relationship between the police and the Muslim community,” he said.

Yeah, a long way in showing Muslims who the cowards are and who the puppetmasters (hint: they eat shawarmeh) are.

“The Avon and Somerset Constabulary has been working closely with the Muslim community in the area on many levels for the last few years. We have found their co-operation very helpful and hope this step will further strengthen the mutual relationship.”

But, wait, I thought the police said this was a “multi-cultural” thing for synagogues and Catholic churches?

It is not the force’s first foray into the minefield of cultural sensibilities. In 2006 the Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset had to apologise after it emerged that the force had used positive discrimination to try to increase the number of female and ethnic minority officers, randomly excluding 186 white male applicants during a recruitment drive on the grounds that they were already over-represented.

Hey, it sounds just like the New Haven Fire Department. I guess America isn’t a decade or two behind Britain. We’re right there.

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33 Responses

I hope you’re wrong about us being ten years behind this facade, but I’m constantly being humbled by how correct your assumptions and predictions are.

mark hammond on December 9, 2009 at 12:13 pm

Debbie – when do you think they will hand out yarmulkes to wear when the police are among Jews?

Jarhead on December 9, 2009 at 12:51 pm

I would think it would be an occupational hazard. Somebody could grab it in a hand to hand type of situation,
and bye bye oxygen habit.

cirrus1701 on December 9, 2009 at 1:05 pm

Jarhead asks, “when do you think they will hand out yarmulkes to wear when the police are among Jews?” They won’t because we don’t harass the police to do so.

For some 2,500 years, Jews have lived under the principle of “dina de’malkhuta dina”, which is Aramaic for “the law of the land is the law”. There’s nothing comparable under normative Islam which, apropos, attributes no legitimacy to secular, man-made laws.

Raymond in DC on December 9, 2009 at 1:13 pm

    Except that in every synagogue in America save reform “temples” there are signs asking visiting met to please wear one of the provided kippas while in the building. Women would be expected to be “Modestly” attired and in an Othodox synagogue that means no pants or at least something over them that covers the derriere. So while it is not law, it is already a cultural norm.

    mk750 on December 9, 2009 at 5:31 pm

This is just pandering to Muslims. The police exhibit no such sensitivity towards Christians and Jews. It just keeps getting to the point where we can’t scrape and bow before Islam fast enough.

And we’ll soon be reaching the point of the UK’s dhimmi submission very soon.

NormanF on December 9, 2009 at 1:15 pm

Raymond, not only that but G-d commanded Jews in exile to pray for the welfare of non-Jewish rulers and their adopted land. It was a major theological innovation in response to the Babylonian Exile. Before that, Judaism was thought of in henotheist terms – you could be true to G-d only in your own land. The disappearance of the ten northern tribes had a profound impact on the Jews and changed the way they related to G-d and to their various conquerors. Islam in contrast, has no such history of adaptation in the fact of defeat and it has nothing like the acceptance of foreign rule to which the Jews consented, except as a very temporary expedient. The Jews managed to accept the reality of life in Exile; Islam has yet to reach that kind of understanding with the non-Muslim world.

And it won’t happen as long as the non-Muslim world continues to assuage Muslim feelings of superiority over the infidel dhimmis.

NormanF on December 9, 2009 at 1:24 pm

Yes, your policewomen will soon have the honor or wearing the slave rag on their heads. Where are the feminists on this on in the U.K.? Do the male officers have to grow long beards before entering one of those hellish mosques? Will mandatory wudu need to be performed each day at the station?

Worry01 on December 9, 2009 at 1:35 pm

It never ceases to amaze me to what length we’ll go, to show “respect” for and happily accomodate the every desire of those that want us DEAD.

Spiffo on December 9, 2009 at 1:43 pm

At least the policewomen pictured are ugly enough.

#1 Vato on December 9, 2009 at 1:49 pm

I like the UK policewomen that were on the Benny Hill Show.

Rick on December 9, 2009 at 1:50 pm

I honestly don’t know why they bothered. First, when have any police officers been called to a mosque? They wouldn’t be allowed in to begin with so what is the point?? If by chance the police needed to go to a mosque it would be on the grounds that they were investigating some sort of terror threat and the shroud would be a hinderance to the officers wearing it. Women wouldn’t be allowed into the mosque to begin with so again, what is the point?
Are the women police officers mandated to wear this all the time, or only when they are going to be in a Muslim area of the city? I can just see it now…..I’m in pursuit of a terrorist after they bombed King’s station for the second time but I lost him because I had to stop and put on my hajib so not to offend.
This is absurd on many levels concidering Britain has had more Islamic terrorist attacks then we’ve had. But lets make sure we continue to kiss their barbaric asses anyway……As Debbie says PUH-LEEZE!!!!!!!

perception of truth on December 9, 2009 at 2:16 pm

Oh this is rich. The scarves can be used to cover their shoulders when they enter a Catholic Church. Um…..don’t their normal, everday uniforms already cover the shoulders??? I have never seen anyone from the Met wearing tank top on duty. What a crock. These ‘multifaith’ scarves are for one faith only.

SquareMileWife on December 9, 2009 at 4:18 pm

What a joke. The world has to cater to Muslims around the world. Hell even Al ‘Qaeda’ Roker sported a keffiyeh while interviewing military personal in Afghanistan. Maybe he will get mistaken for an enemy combatant.

CaliforniaScreaming on December 9, 2009 at 4:36 pm

Well the saying if you give a muzzy an inch, they will take your arm has truth in it eh? Personally I think we here will only take so much before the straw that breaks the camels back comes to bear, in spades.

Drakken on December 9, 2009 at 4:44 pm

“I always say that America to Britain is like Conservative Judaism to Reformed Judaism. Both are watered down versions of something that in its purer form is good. ”

Reform (not ReformED) readers will flock to your site because of this message.

Hector on December 9, 2009 at 5:51 pm

C’mon Deb, give these poor Brits a break. They’re just getting a jump start to when Muslims outnumber all other Brits and impose Sharia law due to unfettered immigration and demography. It’s only a matter of time until they officially change the name of their country to the United Islamic Kingdom (UIK).

I say, serves the Brits right for their bigoted, outrageous treatment of British Jews and hatred of Israel.

jayeeegee on December 9, 2009 at 5:51 pm

It serves Europe right that its cursing of Israel is leading to its own extinction. I won’t be around for its funeral and don’t look for me to shed tears when it finally happens!

NormanF on December 9, 2009 at 6:00 pm

Now don’t get all excited about this. When would UK police EVER have reason to go into a mosque? (Sarcasm off). If UK police DO go into mosques often enough to carry hijabs, its fine with me!

poetcomic1 on December 9, 2009 at 6:05 pm

All we really need is a good nuking. Take out, say, 4-5 billion, tops, and nobody will care anymore whether or not a woman demonstrates “modesty”. C’mon, folks – we can do it! 🙂

trout mask replica on December 9, 2009 at 7:40 pm

    We can always count on you to say something puerile here. Did you manage to get out of middle school, or did you do your social promotion through special ed?

    Worry01 on December 9, 2009 at 9:25 pm

A female officer entering a mosque would get no respect anyway. Wearing a head scarf serves no purpose even in that regard.

Greg on December 9, 2009 at 9:00 pm

Do you “tolerate” the KKK, Liberal man? Do you Liberals tolerate fascists? Why should we tolerate a religion that oppresses women? Don’t you support womens rights issues? Why do you Leftist hypocrites tolerate gender apartheid as practiced by Muslims?

The Shadow on December 9, 2009 at 9:18 pm

Do you actually read topics before commenting on them? The issue is why should a female police officer be forced to wear a religiously prescibed item while performing her professional duties? These policewoman are not not Moslems, nor are they attending purely social functions at these mosques. They would only show up on official business. What do you think would be the reaction in the U.K. if a Methodist church told the police that they objected to blacks unaccompanied by white officers entering their building? The first act is sexist and the second is racist. If someone chooses to affiliate with a reactionary religion such as Islam, that is their prerogative, but that does not give them the right to impose their rules and regulations on others who are not members of their faith, such as police offficers in the official capacity.

Worry01 on December 9, 2009 at 9:22 pm

backlash is coming! the leftist chamberlain like/obama/carters who appeased the racism islam stands for will soon pay and pay big as they squirm and deny they ever acted that way.

the muslims were once cleansed out of europe they will be again and even worse in other parts of the western world.

Bob S. on December 9, 2009 at 10:43 pm

the RCMP in canada allows turbans instead of sergeant preston hats

Bob S. on December 9, 2009 at 10:44 pm

Actually I think Orthodox Judaism today is no different then the Republican party. It is destruction at a slower rate.

The only reasons Jews have survived is because of G-d. Not because of Orthodox Judaism which today is a watered down version of the real thing. Orthodox Judaism lets women do what they want and actually blames men and think it is their responsibility to have children. Of course if there are children they give credit to the women of course. The Rabbi’s are nothing but an all boys network that hate all other men that aren’t part of their clique. I share an office with lawyers sadly and the lawyers outside of their clique love to just talk to some of the female accountants but not male ones.

adam on December 10, 2009 at 12:38 am

Something about certain clues in Adam’s response (his website is bogus) makes me want to disagree with it, but it is so sloppily worded, that I’m not sure what he’s even saying.

Hector on December 10, 2009 at 1:08 am

“Orthodox Jews and Catholics do not insist that women who are not of their faith cover their hair.” Isn’t it considered POLITE to do so, when ome enters a church or synagogue?

Miranda Rose Smith on December 10, 2009 at 1:54 am

It is a dangerous garment to wear. Especially dealing with a culture with so little respect for women. Hell I’ve seen men get in trouble with just long hair getting pulled hard and smashed into a dudes knee over and over. Not only did he get seriously hurt he lost a lot of hair in the aftermath. I have worn short hair for 23 years due my military and LE jobs. The forehead makes a nice additional fist in a clinch when fighting for survival.
I wonder if the cops over there are armed yet. Those morons used to have a special branch of the police wear pistols. Truncheons were the weapon of choice for the bobbies for years. During an armed robbery the bad guy got clean away before the Armed Police could respond.

Joe on December 10, 2009 at 2:05 am

The only reasons Jews have survived is because of G-d. Not because of Orthodox Judaism which today is a watered down version of the real thing. Orthodox Judaism lets women do what they want and actually blames men and think it is their responsibility to have children. Of course if there are children they give credit to the women of course. The Rabbi’s are nothing but an all boys network that hate all other men that aren’t part of their clique. I share an office with lawyers sadly and the lawyers outside of their clique love to just talk to some of the female accountants but not male ones.

adam on December 10, 2009 at 12:38 am


Rattletrap rhetoric.

You should step out of your cell every once in a while – if they let you.

Shy Guy on December 10, 2009 at 2:21 am

Something about certain clues in Adam’s response (his website is bogus)

Hector on December 10, 2009 at 1:08 am


It’s not bogus. He misspelled the URL. Here’s the correct one:

Analytical Adam’s Blog

Shy Guy on December 10, 2009 at 2:36 am

“The West and its law enforcement authorities have to decide whether they are running an etiquette shop or actual law enforcement.” (DS)

That was priceless! And true—

The Canadien on December 10, 2009 at 4:03 am

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