May 25, 2007, - 11:48 am

Taliban Collegian: Do We Need More Alien Students Like Syed Maaz Shah?

Another thing the illegal alien amnesty bill doesn’t do is reduce the number of foreign student aliens on student visas. Instead, that’s been expanded. But, as we know, many of the illegal aliens “lost” in the Great American Abyss are student visa violators and overstayers.
Student Visa Violators like Syed Maaz Shah, a Paki engineering student at the University of Texas at Dallas–a supporter of the Taliban terrorists, who was here on an expired student visa. Yesterday, Shah was convicted in Houston of federal firearms charges connected to paramilitary training that prepared Muslim men to fight U.S. troops overseas. He and other Muslim students here on student visas all participated in this plan to train to kill us while they’re here courtesy of our ludicrous, extreme hospitality.

Student Visas:

There’s No True Immigration Reform Without Better Tracking of These

Shah illegally fired an assult rifle during two “camping trips,” last year. These “camping trips”–translation necessary for ignoramuses, like radio talk show host Frank Beckmann and his producers–were really terrorist training camps . . . on U.S. soil–though, in this case, they were set up by federal informants.
Undercover officer Malik Mohamed (soon to need protective custody from his angry fellow co-religionists) testified that Shah, 19, expressed interest in taking part in jihad.
Oh, and by the way, the feds discovered Mr. Shah, when the FBI was investigating activity on property owned by the Islamic Society of Greater Houston in Willis, which is just north of Houston. He was Executive Secretary of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at the University of Texas-Dallas. Dallas’ CBS 11 found online messages left by Shah supporting the 9/11 attacks and praising Nazi Germany. (Watch the video.)
Check out his “motime” page.
From the Houston Chronicle:

After participating in firearms training staged by government informants last year at a campground north of Conroe, Shah was charged in a plot to fight for the terrorist organization overseas against U.S.-led forces. On secret recordings, he can be heard railing against the U.S. and quipping that his passport showed the face of a terrorist.
As a student-visa holder, the Pakistani, who attended the University of Texas at Dallas on a scholarship, was not allowed to have a firearm. . . .
Three Muslim students from Houston connected to the case remain in federal custody. Shiraz Syed Qazi, 26, was sentenced last week to 10 months in prison for unlawful possession of a firearm.
His cousin, Adnan Mirza, faces three firearms charges, in addition to a charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States by making donations to the Taliban. The 30-year-old Pakistani, who also was here on a student visa, is scheduled for trial in October.
Kobie Williams, 34, who pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge last year, is to be sentenced in October.

Question: Who paid for Shah’s scholarship? Was it Texas and American taxpayers? Very likely.
Shah faces up to 20 years in prison and will be sentenced Sept. 14th. Will he face tough Texas justice? Or liberal O.J.-style leniency?
Let’s hope he gets the max. And hope that immigration authorities deport him when he gets out, instead of freeing him back into the Great American Abyss.
Don’t forget, we can’t address the burgeoning illegal alien problem, until we get a handle on the student visa program and severely shrink it. There are many more Syed Maaz Shah’s whom we’ve lost track of and will never find, while they plot and train to kill Americans.
Unfortunately, under Bush and his friend, Saudi King Abdullah, the student visa program is only expanding.

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13 Responses

Let’s hope he gets the max. And hope that immigration authorities deport him when he gets out, instead of freeing him back into the Great American Abyss.
actually, how about cutting him loose in the desert?
we’re going shooting this weekend and a live muzzslime target is always a treat.

muhammedfuckspigs on May 25, 2007 at 6:01 pm

Maybe if there were more qualified American students, universities would not be admitting and giving scholarships to foreign students.

Eponimo on May 25, 2007 at 6:46 pm

The student visas should be properly screened. We should be harder on issuing passports to muslim students. We should check their backgrounds. Why does the government offer them scholarships? I am an international student. When I came here, I paid out-of-state tuition. There is nothing wrong with that. I came here for a better education, and being a non-american, it was okay for me to pay the tuition international students pay.
If most (if not all) terrorists tend to be muslim, maybe we should consider racial profiling.

markccu on May 25, 2007 at 9:39 pm

Saw this on another board. Looks like Ramos-Compean Part 2. Tracy Lembke is turning her OPR agents into criminal prosecuting robots.
The Arrest and Prosecution of Officer Robert S. Rhodes
Officer Robert S. Rhodes
United States Customs and Border Protection, 17-Year Veteran
Port of Buffalo, New York . Rainbow Bridge Station (Primary Line)
Date and Time of Incident: July 21, 2004, 11:15 pm CBP Officer Robert Rhodes reported for duty at 3:41 pm for an eight-hour shift. Security Alert Level: .Yellow,. indicating a significant threat of terrorist activity. While on duty at his post at the US-Canadian border, Officer Rhodes was assisting another Officer in a drug arrest at the pedestrian/bus terminal at 11:14 pm when he was directed to detain and question three Chinese females who appeared to be waiting on the pedestrian walkway (US side) for the drug suspect.
CBPbulletins listed China as a .Nation of Interest. for terrorist and smuggling activities. He called for backup on his radio, and also activated the internal alert system for the station prior to approaching the three women. As soon as Officer Rhodes made eye contact with the individuals and directed them to come over to him, they fled at full speed, pursued by 14 CBP Officers. Officer Rhodes grabbed Zhao Yan, who punched, kicked and scratched Officer Rhodes in her attempts to break free. Despite carrying a duty issue Glock 9mm, Rhodes chose instead to use his non-lethal pepper spray to subdue the suspect. Three other Officers came to Rhodes. aid two minutes after his initial encounter with Zhao Yan. Officer Emmett Russell took Zhao Yan down to the ground and Officer Amina Zinnerman attempted to handcuff the suspect behind her back. Zhao Yan resisted Officers Zinnerman and Russell and reached under her body, into her handbag and exposed
the film in her camera despite being repeatedly told by armed Officers not to reach into her handbag for fear that she had a weapon. Once Zhao Yan was satisfied that the film was exposed, she stopped resisting and allowed herself to be handcuffed. Officers Zinnerman and Russell testified unequivocally that Zhao Yan resisted them. The other two women were apprehended and came with the officers without further resistance.
Zhao Yan was taken to the holding cell at the facility, and her eyes were
washed out by Officers Zinnerman and McKeon. It was learned that her visa had expired and she was an .overstay.. She was permitted to use her cell phone. It is unknown to this day who she called. However, within a half hour of the phone call, she was given her belongings, including her expired visa and camera, and released unguarded to paramedics to be taken to a nearby hospital. Two Special Federal Agents from ICE-OPR were dispatched to the Rainbow Bridge, and a
bizarre and peculiar investigation began that involved the taking of statements from every officer on the scene except Officer Robert Rhodes. The investigation was bizarre in that the OPR officers were only interested in evidence against Rhodes. The ample exculpatory evidence was curiously ignored. Officers working that night who tried to make statements supporting Rhodes. actions were not only dissuaded from giving such statements, they were subjected to negative treatment by supervisors at the highest levels, and have since either successfully transferred out of CBP, or are still awaiting Homeland Security.s approval for such transfers to other federal agencies.
Remarkably, Officers Zinnerman and Russell ended up giving variously
inconsistent statements against Rhodes and claimed that while Zhao Yan was lying prone, he forcefully grabbed her by the hair and smashed her head against the ground and forcefully kneed Zhao Yan in the head while Rhodes himself was kneeling at her head. Within a day, Rhodes was arrested. Secretary of State Colin Powell and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge apologized to China for the .horrible incident. and promised the Chinese Government that the .Rhodes matter. would
be given the highest priority. China had been denied Favored Nation Trading Status on the grounds of China.s poor human rights record. China claimed that what happened at the Rainbow Bridge showed that the United States .was the barbaric nation, not China.. Before the investigation was even nearly complete, and without any input from Rhodes, Secretary Ridge told Lan Lijun, Charge d.Affaires of the Chinese Embassy, that Rhodes. actions were .totally unacceptable..
United States Attorney Michael Battle publicly stated that he would see to it that Robert Rhodes was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Within three (3) days, a grand jury was convened and Robert Rhodes was indicted. Remarkably, Battle assigned at least three Asst. US Attorneys as a matter of record to prosecute Rhodes, including Chief Litigator Martin Littlefield. A cadre of law clerks, paralegals and technical staff were assigned to the case as well. Organized crime and RICO prosecutions get fewer resources devoted to them than the Robert Rhodes case. Rhodes retained attorney Steven M. Cohen from Lorenzo & Cohen in Buffalo, New York to defend him. He advised Cohen that there was nothing to worry about since the struggle with Zhao Yan took place under a surveillance camera that would quickly vindicate and exonerate him. Cohen immediately sent letters to Supervisors of Customs and Border Protection and to the Port of Buffalo and demanded that they preserve and provide copies of the videotapes. After more
than a month, Cohen was advised that of the twenty-eight (28) cameras on the Rainbow Bridge, the only one that was not working was the camera under which the incident with Zhao Yan took place. Cohen demanded copies of all of the videotapes, and found one camera that recorded the other two women fleeing and separating, and being chased down by CBP Officers. Other cameras showed Zhao Yan taking photographs at 11:08 pm in a .No Photo Zone. prior to the incident.
Despite the fact that Zhao Yan went to great lengths to expose the film in her camera, and that she was taking photos of what was discovered to be a defective and unguarded stroller gate which would be of great interest to smugglers, the camera and its exposed film were returned to Zhao Yan after she made the telephone call.
The union was directed by management that they could not speak with Rhodes or Cohen without a federal attorney present, citing an obscure provision concerning arrested criminal defendants and the limitations of contact by CBP officers, which union representatives of course were. All of the witnesses were prohibited from speaking with Rhodes. defense team, first by official notification, and later by intimidation once the union.s national office finally sent a letter complaining of this prohibition.
Shortly before the incident, the FBI publicly alerted the media and all
Homeland Security agencies that they were investigating a Communist China based terrorist plot that was to take place in Boston, making the Rainbow Bridge a likely crossing spot for Chinese terrorists.
One month prior to the trial, despite a relatively lackluster resume, Battle was surprisingly promoted by Attorney General John Ashcroft to the prestigious position of Director of the Office of United States Attorneys in Washington, DC. At trial, the medical testimony by all physicians, even those hired by the prosecution, had to concede that Zhao Yan was not seriously injured. She had no broken bones and only minor abrasions and bruises from Emmett Russell.s initial
takedown of the suspect. The testimony of the physicians . including the
prosecution.s physicians . supported the determination of Cohen.s use-of-force expert Michael Levine that if Rhodes had indeed grabbed Zhao Yan.s hair while she was prone and smashed her head against the pavement, her nose would have
been broken. Her nose was in fact completely uninjured. The physicians all testified that even the most delicate orbital bones around the eyes were completely intact. Other than the abrasions and bruises from Emmett Russell.s initial takedown, Zhao Yan.s face suffered only from the temporary swelling and redness associated with the use of the pepper spray. Michael Levine testified that no significant force could have been generated by Rhodes for a knee strike while he
was down on one or both knees. Indeed, there was a demonstration in the courtroom that the jury was urged to duplicate during its deliberations showing unequivocally that even a trained martial artist could not generate any measure of real force on a knee strike while down on one or both knees. Other than the pepper spray which is considered a .soft technique,. there was and is no credible
evidence that Rhodes used anything other than mild force against Zhao Yan to subdue her. Despite testimony from the prosecution.s witnesses themselves that the level of force Rhodes used was well within the use-of force continuum applicable to federal law enforcement, the prosecution nevertheless maintained throughout the trial that Robert Rhodes used deadly physical force against ZhaoYan. Zhao Yan herself maintained that she was beaten by all three officers, not
any one in particular. Rhodes was the only officer charged.
Zhao Yan claimed alternatively that she was in the United States to
purchase clothes, timber for a furniture making business, and fitness equipment.
At trial, she stuck to the timber story. On cross examination, Rhodes. defense attorney revealed that Zhao Yan knew nothing at all about timber. Even the throngs of Chinese Nationals who came to court on a regular basis throughout the 3-week trial stopped coming once Zhao Yan.s inconsistencies were revealed, and once the video was played that showed her two accomplices running away. It took the jury less than three hours to find Rhodes not guilty. Rhodes was suspended from his job without pay the day of his arrest. When he was interviewed by The Dept. of Homeland Security to get his job back after the acquittal, the interviewers assigned were none other than the ICE-OPR agents that arrested him. Rather than the typical 45 minute interview, Rhodes was
subjected to a 20 hour grilling over the course of 3 days where he was berated and advised to withdraw his application for reinstatement. After the second day, he brought his lawyer who was not allowed in the interview room and was forced to remain in the waiting room outside. His lawyer attempted to listen to what was going on in the interview room, and OPR supervisor Agent Robert Tevens bodily expelled Mr. Cohen from the building and attempted to have Mr. Cohen disbarred
by complaint to the Attorney Grievance Committee for attempting to listen to the interview. Rhodes refused to withdraw his application, and was later officially terminated. He had to sell his house and still owes the majority of legal fees that totaled $182,000. Prior to becoming a Customs and Border Protection Officer, Rhodes was a federal corrections officer. Having been a law enforcement officer his entire adult life, he has been unable to secure employment in that field due to
his age, and his termination from CBP for use of excessive force.

rivfedup on May 25, 2007 at 11:32 pm

I lived up there from ’81 to ’03, back and forth across the border a million times. The Border Guard stories down south and now this story up there. Something just ain’t right. I’m back in Philadelphia, do I really live in The Cradle of Liberty?

John Cunningham on May 26, 2007 at 8:10 am

Reading rivfedup’s comment I forgot what I originally wanted to say. Can’t we put a bar code on the foreheads of these ‘students’?

John Cunningham on May 26, 2007 at 8:14 am

Student Visas, all visas I guess, are still issued by the Department of State, right.
Wasn’t DHS either ICE/CIS/CBP take that over?
I thought that way they could check the backgrounds and give a law enforcement or at least a less liberal ‘diplomatic’ spin on the process. The terrorist all had, at one time, valid visas issued by the State Department.

CallofDuty on May 26, 2007 at 10:21 am

I am tired of the Democrat/Communists lies! Is there any difference? Any alien with a little knowledge of medicine who can sneak into the United States passes himself off as a doctor and becomes an instant millionaire. We are told Americans can not become doctors. That is 100% bull!!! Only about 1/3 of the straight A students who apply to medical schools are admitted. The American Medical Association and the government conspire to restrict the number of doctors and keep wages high.

Burt on May 26, 2007 at 11:06 am

Given that our U’s are turning one by one into breeding grounds of radicalism…we need to be extra careful of student visas. We need to make sure that we aren’t taking people from hostile/rogue regions or with a hostile/rogue faith.
Why import it here?

Highrise on May 26, 2007 at 4:55 pm

From DS article:
…These “camping trips”–translation necessary for ignoramuses, like radio talk show host Frank Beckmann and his producers–were really terrorist training camps . . . on U.S. soil–though, in this case, they were set up by federal informants.
I hope Beckmann begins to wake up on this. He seems to be against the illegal immigration amnesty legislation, but I have heard far too much of his pandering to the islamists on his program. I wish he would have you on his program to discuss your recent article “unspinning” the propagandists’ headlines about the of American muslim open support of islamic terrorism (which RUSH LIMBAUGH touted as so compelling).
Hello Frank? Hello?
Meet Your “Moderate,” “American” Muslim Neighbors: New Study Shows U.S. Muslims Are Extremists
Reality check–no, on second thought, Frank Beckmann will probably have Osama Siblani on next week to say how “we should all fight to end the occupation,” while he again justifies rioting muslim youth thugs in Europe.

BB on May 26, 2007 at 8:29 pm

Out of all the crap I’ve put up with in 25+ years on Federal Law Enforcement, this one still tops the list. I’ve lost count of how many of these “students” I’ve encountered and arrested for being out of status or having overstayed their visas, not to mention those I’ve found in jail for a myriad of crimes. There’s never been any true control over this…the prospective freeloader gets a student visa, applies to “Hard-On U”, gets accepted and is given an I-20AB and is admitted. Trouble is, once they’re in, there’s no guarantee they’ll show up. There’s no tracking, there’s no safeguard, nothing. I’ve also visited many colleges and universities to enlist the assistance of their Deans of Foreign Students and, in some instances, have been met with contempt. Their tune changes, however, when you simply inform them that a full, investigatory memorandum will be forwarded to CIS in Washington and their I-20AB issuing authority will be suspended or revoked until they get with the program. The beltway will send out cases for investigation regarding students they’ve lost on the radar; only problem is their last contact was 4 or 5 years ago. Is there a problem here?
Regarding the comment made by “Eponimo”, when it comes to scholarships, the adage of “Money talks, bullshit walks!” holds true to form. I remember when I was in school back in the mid 70’s I couldn’t get a scholarship or financial aid because they said my mom (a widow at the time making barely enough to support herself) made too much. How funny, being that I submitted tons of paperwork showing I was paying my own way through, not a dime from her. Ironically, they let tons of Arab and Iranian pukes in whose oil-rich sheik dads probably donated a couple of million to the school and they didn’t pay a red cent for anything. Most of those turds drove around in brand new Porsches, Cadillacs, Corvettes; had wads of mad money to spend in the nightclubs, and attracted the bimbo chicks because they kept them in nice clothes, jewelry, and hills of blow. This has been going on long before 9/11 came along but nobody gave a damn because it wasn’t an issue.
As long as the “ICE Princess” is still at the helm, this ship is tanking.

1shot1kill on May 29, 2007 at 9:11 am

The funny thing is that after all these years we realize, at least some of us, the nonsense the hype the media and the government have been using to keep us under control with fear at the end it is through people like these who’s issues are mostly nonsense that we loose all out rights. You can joke about it but there’s not much to laugh about cause at the end we were caught off our guard and they have yet again continued to strip us of our freedoms.

JJ on December 15, 2009 at 1:44 am

Thanks for your concern with preventing terrorism and crime, however, I knew Maaz, he was no Taliban. Feel free to visit him in detention and talk to him to see for yourself.

Bob Jetts on March 31, 2013 at 7:03 pm

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