May 23, 2007, - 4:34 am

Meet Your “Moderate,” “American” Muslim Neighbors: New Study Shows U.S. Muslims Are Extremists

For almost six years, we’ve heard the constant chorus: “Muslims in America are different.”
On 9/11, we were told that American Muslims would never commit the attacks like those perpetrated upon 3,000 Americans by 19 foreign Arab Muslims in our midst. The 19 men were different than Muslims in America, because they “hijacked their religion,” we were told.
On 7/7, we were told that European Muslims are different. We were told that American Muslims would never try to blow up subways and train stations here, unlike those in London who did it . . . twice, and those in Madrid who killed far more on their trains.

Poll of American Muslims: Islam is Hazardous to America

We were told–and continue to be told–that American Muslims would never continuously riot in the streets, burning hundreds of cars a day, as they’ve been doing throughout France, going on 3 years, and violently attacking and injuring more than a dozen police per day. American Muslims are different, we’re told. They’re far more assimilated, far more successfuly financially (as if jihad and Islamism are motivated by finances, not an extremist religion).
Younger Muslims–born and/or raised in America–are more “Westernized” we’ve been didactically informed. They would never do such a thing. They’ve watched “The Simpsons” and grown up with Christina Aguilera. Therefore, they’d never want to blow a fellow American up, we’ve been instructed.
Since 9/11, we’ve been subject to a virtual echo chamber from the conventional wisdom-ites: that Muslims in America different from their pan-jihadist brothers and sisters around the world–that somehow their American experience is far different, even though their mosques and imams and korans and hadiths preach the same hate against us.
Well, now we’ve come to find out that Muslims in America are not so different from their co-religionists around the world. In fact, their viewpoints are pretty much the same as that of their religious counterparts around the world, and getting more extreme with age and American upbringing.
The message of the just-released is clear (if you can get beyond the biased press coverage and headlines): America hasn’t moderated Islam or its adherents. Islam has made America Muslim residents more extreme, just as with its European counterparts. Wealth and education and opportunity and freedom have done nothing to moderate them.
The title of the study is deceptive: “Muslim Americans: Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream.” But while the study shows that most Muslims in America are, indeed, middle-class, they are anything but “Mainstream.” That is, unless the mainstream is referring to the mainstream of Islam around the world and not the mainstream of American values.
Islamists, like , president of the extremist , consulted with Pew in conducting this study. But, even with the cosmetics, the numbers and opinions should disturb you. Without the cosmetics, the real numbers are far worse.
The numbers are not news to me, because I’ve been warning you for years that this is exactly what the American Muslim street is thinking. Now there’s statistical proof. Here are the notable results (and, remember, since people lie in polls, the real statistics are likely a lot worse):
American Muslims Support Homicide Bombings
* More than one in four Muslims (or 26%), aged 18-29, said “Suicide Bombing is Justified.” 2% percent of them say it can often be justified, 13% say sometimes, and 11% say rarely. Add to that, the 5% don’t know/refused to answer this easy, instinctive question, and it’s even worse–for a total of 31%–almost a third of young American Muslims, who support homicide bombings. This younger group of Muslims is the most radical, the study found, and it’s the largest group of Muslims in America. It is also the future of “America’s” Islam.
* 12% of foreign-born Arab Muslims said that “Suicide Bombing Can be Justified Often/Sometimes.” That’s more than one in ten. 10% of them don’t know/refused to answer. That’s a total of 22% who apparently support homicide bombings. That’s more than one in five and almost one in four. Yup, if you meet an Arab Muslim on the streets of America, it’s a likely one in four chance he/she supports homicide bombings.
* 8% of all U.S. Muslims said suicide bombing is justified. Add to that the 9% that don’t know/refused to answer, and you get 17%, almost 1 in 5 American Muslims. For all foreign-born U.S. Muslims, 9% support suicide bombings–plus 9% refusing to answer, and it’s 18%. For all native-born U.S. Muslims, it’s 8% who support the bombings, plus 5% who refused to respond–for a total of 13%. Yup, being born and raised in the U.S. isn’t the moderating force it’s cracked up to be . . . if you’re raised in the Islamic faith.
American Muslims Support Al-Qaeda
So much for the Muslim propaganda slogans about Al-Qaeda not representing Islam and “hijacking the religion.” A significant portion of America’s Muslims support the group, and it’s growing:
* More than one in four American Muslims, aged 18-29, support Al-Qaeda. 7% outright viewed it favorably, plus 19% don’t know/refused to answer–for a total of 26%. Yup, more than one in four young Muslims in America supports Qaeda.
* One third of American Muslims age thirty or more support Al-Qaeda. 4% support the group outright, plus the 29% that refused to answer, for a total of 33%. If you can’t answer an outright no to this question, you support Al-Qaeda.
* Of all American Muslims, only 58% have a very unfavorable view of Al-Qaeda. 5% of American Muslims admitted to viewing Qaeda favorably and 27% refused to answer or claimed they didn’t know. Hmmm . . . 32% or about 1/3 of all American Muslims either openly liking Al-Qaeda or not wanting us to know what they really think (which means they like Qaeda, too).
Muslims Don’t Consider Themselves as Americans
* Among those under 30, only one in four–25%–consider themselves Americans first. 60% consider themselves Muslim first, 10% say “both equally,” and 5% don’t know. Age 30 and over, only 30% say they consider themselves American first, with 41% considering themselves Muslim first. Among total Muslims, 47% think of themselves as Muslim first, not American.
* Only 43% of all American Muslims said “Muslims coming to the U.S. today should adopt American Customs.” Among native-born American Muslims, that number drops to 37%.
Most American Muslims Don’t Believe Al-Qaeda Perpetrated 9/11 Attacks
Apparently, American Muslims want it both ways. Many of them cheer Al-Qaeda on, yet claim they don’t believe Qaeda perpetrated the 9/11 attacks:
* Only 40% of American Muslims believe Arabs carried out the 9/11 attacks. 28% don’t believe it, with 32% refusing to answer/don’t know. That’s a total of 60% who claim it wasn’t Qaeda. Among American-born Muslims, it’s hardly better. 48% believe Arabs did 9/11. 31% don’t believe it, and 21% refuse to answer/don’t know, for a total of 52% not believing Arabs committed the attacks.
And there are other serious implications:
The study says that 65% of Muslims are still foreign-born, mostly from the Middle East. Why are we allowing–why have we allowed–so many of those who hate us into this country to spread their hate and reproduce it in large families?
The study shows that even from 2000-2007, 18% of Muslims are still immigrants–significantly up from the 1980s. Why–after 9/11–are we letting one in five Muslims in America in from countries and a religion that hate us? It isn’t news to me. But it should be disturbing, nonetheless, that we have a policy of affirmative-action immigration for the religion of 19 hijackers and assorted worldwide beheaders, homicide bombers, and rioters.
But, predictably, this extremism and its implications and suggestions for our immigration policy, for our student visa policy, for other policies that should keep more Muslims out of America is ignored by the press.
Instead, they pretend–as do the makers of this study at Pew who call American Muslims “Mostly Mainstream”–that the study shows Muslims to be “just like us.”
The National Public Radio headline: “Pew Study Sees Muslim Americans Assimilating.”
Since when is one in four members of a religion supports homicide bombings in America a sign of “assimilation”?
Perhaps when the homicide bomber grew up learning who Paris Hilton is on FOX News and CNN and seeing the latest Spiderman movie. And, while his classmates shop at the Gap for the latest fashions, he’s there to find hoodie under which to camouflage the explosive belt.

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68 Responses

I wonder if this is how things started back in Germany 50 or so odd years ago. I wonder if they were started by people like you. someone should check your ancestory??
Well thank you so much for showing everyone just how evil are the muslims. THANKS TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU WE CAN ALL BE SAFE. I believe there were MANY PEOPLE LIKE YOU BACK 50 YEARS AGO IN GERMANY THAT DID SIMILIAR THINGS. And because of that horror( holocaust) that took place seems to me the germans are still paying for there evil deeds oh wait its the muslims that are paying for it. Hmm seems to me like you are upset with the wrong people. Its pretty sad you love HATE so much.
Posted by: av at May 23, 2007 03:31 AM

av on May 23, 2007 at 5:40 am

Calm down little Muhammad . . .
Debbie is not persuading anyone to hate, she is simply reporting facts about other people that have answered questions shedding light on their hatred.
Debbie is not advocating killing these people, she is advocating a change in immigration policy that brings people into this country that hate and want to kill the people in it.
As shown by the responses to the poll questions, she has a right to express concern regarding the matter.
Muslims don’t have a very good track record on human rights issues. These are facts. If those facts bother you, the speak out against the verses in the Qur’an that instruct members of that cult to kill people that reject the cult of Islam.
This is not rocket science.
No reason to get upset. Just stop inspiring people to kill people that disagree with you.
So far, the only people showing any hatred here are the ones that express sympathy for murderers – and you.

TruthIsTranquil on May 23, 2007 at 6:40 am

YOU misunderstand history and are in a state of denial.. Traditional anti-Semitism did not result from polls that said Jews supported violence. Go read your bible again. You politically correct types make me sick…. Open your eyes already will ya?

lonewolf on May 23, 2007 at 6:41 am

My apologies i was not referring to this poll or this article i am referring to the whole column and the things she writes. No wonder many here are “gun_ho” about doing somethin about these muslims because she fosters hate. However i will concede there is much violence in the muslim worlds BARNONE. I could argue that it may have more to do with poverty and corruption then religion. AND THUS WHY BLINDLY LABEL EVERYONE FOR THE ACTIONS OF THE FEW??
At any rate it seems to me that the agenda here is clearly one of hate.
“Debbie is not persuading anyone to hate,”
Thats one thing i never understand about extremist (on either side of the coin) they always come at you with this “oh we dont hate….”
I guess when she says that men women and children including future childeren died are all terrorist in the recent attack is not hate????
here is the direct quote
“8 terrorists and their family members–ie., future terrorists, terrorists in training (the boys), and past, present, and future terrorist-baby-making machines (the girls and women) died in the Israeli strikes on HAMAS”

av on May 23, 2007 at 8:06 am

Recall, that after 9/11 immigration and travel for visits from the Arab/Muslim world was severly curtailed, … except for individuals from Saudi Arabia. (I think Kuwait and Bahrain were exempted, too.)
Well, good grief, 15 of the 19 9/11 highjackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia, and lest we forget the guy calling the shots is Saudi Arabian, too.
This is all part of the failed ‘Bush Doctrine’ and the inconsistent application of going after terrorists and the people who support them.
I remain cynical of Pres Bush.

zyzzyg on May 23, 2007 at 8:45 am

So let’s set the record straight.
Do YOU support al-qaeda?
Do You support/jusitfy any suicide bombings?
Do You consider yourself an American first?
A simple yes or no please, just like the MSM survey. Then you can expound on each question afterwards.
Respond so we may see where in lies the truth with YOU.

LAMadDog on May 23, 2007 at 8:59 am

Deb, I posted how our lax immigration system and ‘diversity training’ for the masses is destroying our nation.
If people in this country are not here to be Americans, they need to be escorted out and soon.
Europe is beseiged with non-Europeans eliminating European culture. Iraq is nothing but three groups – none claiming to be Iraqis first.
We have a very large part of our nation not only refusing to become American, but openly and with hostility trying to tear the United States down.

Hank Dagny on May 23, 2007 at 9:21 am

AV said: “I could argue that it may have more to do with poverty and corruption then religion.”
Hey pal, that is but one of many intellectually vacant arguments self hating liberals ALWAYS use. Must I remind you that Atta and his fellow murderers were living the “high life” prior to their rampage. Furthermore, Bin Laden is a rich guy, not some poor camel driver stuck in the Saudi desert. Despite your “stop the hating” tirade, the day could come that you will lose your head to these animals. Your message of peace, love and understanding will fall on deaf ears. Also, I was hating these devils before I ever heard of Debbie or this site. Assuming you are an American, it is sad to know that so many of you will go without a whimper.

Southernops on May 23, 2007 at 9:48 am

Terrorists are not poor. They have streams of money be funneled to them from Muslims living in Canada,The US,Europe,Australia and in most cases their own Mosques/Islamic charities. Violence in the Middle East and Islamic Africa occurs because of the death cult called Islam. It has nothing to do with poverty at all.
What are the Kurds,Sunni and Shia fighting in Iraq over?
What are Sunni and Shia umbrella groups bombing the hell out of each other over in Lebanon for?
Why Somalia still in chaos?
Why is genocide occurring in Sudan?
Islam and Arab Supremacy. The people in Sudan have been so brainwashed by Islam that they are fighting over which group of people is more Arab in ancestry than the other.
If anybody knows the history of Islam then they know that Sunni and Shi’a have been fighting since Islam’s inception (1400 years ago). By the looks of things, Islam is set on a course for Mutually Assured Destruction via the Sunni-Shi’a conflict all over the world. I just hope the process speeds up.

the_don on May 23, 2007 at 10:21 am

Islam, like any other cult, is not a religion per se…it is a way of life. Therefore, its adherents’ only allegiance is to the cult. islam, like any other cult, teaches its adherents what to think; what to say; what to eat; how to act; how to dress; whom to take as friends and associate with; to be intolerant of all dissent.
You can transplant a muzlum from anywhere on Earth and put it another country and its beliefs do not change. It still adheres to the cult and its tenets it was weaned on.
Click the link below to hear Steve Malzberg speaking with a typical “moderate” muzlum who engages in typical muzlum double-talk while discussing this Pew Research study. Click on the May 22, 2007 show – Hour 1.

Thee_Bruno on May 23, 2007 at 10:25 am

To AV: You deny that Islam is a danger to non Islamics? Guess you need a refresher course on the history of Islam. Try this site:

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 10:49 am

To Thee_Bruno
It doesn’t help the cause for you to misspell the word Muslim. I prefer calling them Islamics.
But pointing out their actions and threats should be what we do to warn the world, not purposefully misspelling words.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 10:52 am

Craig C,
You spell it the way you want, and I’ll spell it the way I want. OK?!
I purposely spell it that way as a way of derisively describing them and their cult. However, you can spell it any way you want but it doesn’t change their behavior.
So spare me your bleeding-heart bullshit.

Thee_Bruno on May 23, 2007 at 11:07 am

Hopefully someday you will grow up.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 11:17 am

I guess you can also publish a poll that would show 25 percent of Christian Americans are in favor of carpet-bombing Fallujah. Then there’s the always predictable 25 percent of Christian Americans who are in favor of a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Iran.
And then again, in the Bible, the Lord tells Samuel to tell Saul to attack the Amalekites, destroy their villages, kill all them (men, women, and children), the proceed to their fields, and kill all their farm animals.
If you’re going to paint one religion with a broad brush, let’s do it to all of them, Debbie.
BTW, since when does “did not respond” become part of “favors”??? Talk about twisting the poll facts!
You know, there really is another side to the story.

paolo on May 23, 2007 at 11:17 am

American Jews don’t run around crashing planes into buildings and cutting off people’s heads.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 11:19 am

The title of the study is deceptive: “Muslim Americans: Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream.” But while the study shows that most Muslims in America are, indeed, middle-class, they are anything but “Mainstream.” That is, unless the mainstream is referring to the mainstream of Islam around the world and not the mainstream of American values.

Instead, they pretend–as do the makers of this study at Pew who call American Muslims “Mostly Mainstream”–that the study shows Muslims to be “just like us.”
The National Public Radio headline: “Pew Study Sees Muslim Americans Assimilating.”
Since when is one in four members of a religion supports homicide bombings in America a sign of “assimilation”?

CatHerder on May 23, 2007 at 11:20 am

Just remember, it only takes a very small percentage of any group to cause the rest to be vilified. If those who are not extremists will not control their own, they will get blamed. That’s just the way it is.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 11:23 am

Craig C,
You’re quite correct that a small part of any group can cause the rest to be vilified. But when you say the rest “will get blamed” if they “will not control their own,” you are expecting too much.
Consider blacks, for example. In numbers they are much overrepresented in violent crime statistics, in prisons, in gangs, in drug dealing, in pimping, etc. Would you expect the majority of blacks who DON’T ever get into any of these things and are just honest, hard-working citizens, to “control their own”? How exactly would they be able to do that? The ordinary law-abiding black has nothing to do with such miscreants; he has his own job, his own home and his own family to be concerned about.
I presume it is the same with most Muslims. I haven’t known many Muslims but I have worked with a few, who were doctors. Generally speaking they were just like other people, no better and no worse, they had their faults and their good qualities too.
Obviously the fact that many other Muslims make the news by their brutal, vicious and murderous activities makes the whole religion look bad, and yes, on the whole it looks bad to me too. But I don’t really see what the decent ones can do about that, or how they can “control their own.”

Niall on May 23, 2007 at 11:47 am

These Islamofascists need to be removed from our country root and branch!! They need to be rounded up and put in camps to be watched or deported immediately. These measures will not be seen as extreme when a nuclear bomb wipes out one or more American cities sometime in the near future!
When this attack finally happens, what will we do then?!!

jim on May 23, 2007 at 11:51 am

Craig C = muzlum apologist
Craig C = Sympathizes with Fort Dix Six
Craig C = Imam at Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman’s mosque in Jersey City
Craig C = muzlum poster on this blog who uses other handles
Craig C = muzlum poster who criticizes all other religions except islam

Thee_Bruno on May 23, 2007 at 12:05 pm

Aside from those many Mohammedans who refused to take part in this poll, one has to assume that the “error” exceeds merely the “margin of error”: Mohammedans who live in lands of the Infidels, and still controlled by Infidels, will naturally lie to any poll-taker about their opinions in only one direction. No Mohammedan would claim to support, say, the imposition of Sharia, or terrorist acts against Infidels, if he did not do so. But many Mohammedans could deny supporting terrorism (as we Infidels understand the term, as opposed to how Mohammedans define it), and a world-wide Caliphate, and the imposition of Shari’a, even if they most certainly did. This too must be taken into account.
Also, to read this poll, go to the raw data, which is pg 81 onwards of the poll in the PDF referenced above. Check out, in particular, their views on whether it’s okay for Muslims to marry non-Muslims (somewhat vague, since Muslims don’t object to that as long as the conversions of the non-Muslims in the deals accompany the marriage), their views on the Quran (word of God – 86%, to be taken literally – 50%), want mosques to express views on social and political questions – 43%, only one true way to interpret the teachings of Islam – 33%. 94% believe in Prophet Mohammed – which is sinister for Infidels, given Mohammed’s history and what that implies, while 91% believe in the Day of Judgement, which in Islam means that all Infidels enter Hellfire.
Cheerful reading. And the State Department has a position called senior advisor for Muslim engagement (and they aren’t talking about marriages here) in their European and Eurasian affairs department – a Kashmiri Mohammedanette by the name of Farah Pandith. Her job – convincing Muslims – particularly the restive Mohammedan losers in Europe that the US is the best place in the world for Mohammedans.
Just what we need more of. Sigh!

Infidel Pride on May 23, 2007 at 12:15 pm

Time to deport ’em or mort ’em.
I vote for the latter.

muhammedfuckspigs on May 23, 2007 at 12:23 pm

Genocide is occurring in Sudan because:
1. Don Cheadle, Forrest Whitaker, and Hugo Chavez have not hooked up to make a movie about it. Hugo-baby is too busy making movies about successful revolutions (e.g. Haiti)
2. Clearly not enough concerts promoting the fact that “it’s happening” (get it).
3. Al Gore is still prepping his slide show. He is too busy flying his G-IV to meetings in disparate places from his gazillion square foot compound in Tennessee. In his off-time, he is busy buying offset credits to make him feel good. I believe this is the liberal manifestation of confession.
4. The media is too busy attacking Bush, and anyone who is opposed to making illegal, legal. Once we get a liberal err Democrat in the Whitehouse, we can concentrate on what is really important; i.e. global warming, deforestation, Darfur, Cicada invasion, Hillary’s Dress size, Bill’s brain, whether the Whitehouse should be painted pink or black or rainbow, and Brittany’s latest love interest. As soon as the column inches are freed up for those important things, life will magically be fixed.

Mark L. Jackson on May 23, 2007 at 12:30 pm

Do YOU support al-qaeda?
Do You support/jusitfy any suicide bombings?
Do You consider yourself an American first?
This isnt about SPELLING/grammer get off that people its a blog/comment not a thesis paper.
This wasnt about supporting or not supporting groups.
My comment had to do with 1 person(Deb) and the hate they have with a group (muslims, democrats, etc..). Which is evident in her blogs/comments. The comments left here validate my original post that this is about hate.
Furthermore dont want to turn this into left right thing but she is different from others rightist (rush, sean, foxnews, etc..) because
they may feel the same way as Deb but they dont blanket a whole religion/race. (at least not that i know of they all use inuendos.) It seems she is on a personal mission to spew hate.
My post wasnt about any of those things however i will be glad to answer these questions. First i like to point out that none of these questions are in depth for example what does it mean “An American first” it may be different to different people.
Do YOU support al-qaeda?
Do You support/jusitfy any suicide bombings?
Do You consider yourself an American first?
k now of each question I definitely dont support al-qaeda/taliban. however i do symapathize/support with ppl that fight for injustice and NO al-qaeda/taliban is not among them
Do You support/jusitfy any suicide bombings?
this is the most tricky question in my opinion suffice it to say I DONT SUPPORT ANY KIND OF BOMBINGS SUICIDE OR OTHERWISE here in the U.S.
Do You consider yourself an American first?
I dont want to get into too much on the last one but i guess since i said NO, NO to the first two questions i am a “shoe in” for a YES on this one. oh but wait since i am against hate and dont like what ppl like Deb represent or want to do then i guess according to her and ppl here i am not.
BTW i dont understand the arguement about liberals/democrats not for fighting terrorism or sympathizers or watever labels that get used. Let me get this straight are you guys saying that if we were attacked that liberals/democrats wont die??
No clinton comments/reference please but i believe Republican (rightwing as u can get) was in power both in white house and congress for at least 9 months prior to 911.

av on May 23, 2007 at 12:59 pm

In response to Niall, it’s not so much a matter of the moderate majority “controlling” the extremists within their community, but having less tollerance for their behavior and not circling the wagons around “their” s.o.b’s. It’s an unwritten rule among Muslims not to take the side of infidels against one of their own.

Nite Rider on May 23, 2007 at 1:00 pm

OH one more thing all i have read from these posts/comments are the problem no solution. not to say that i have one.
oh yes there is the one carpet/nuke bomb them deport them kill them, etc.. LIKE I SAID NO SOLUTION JUST HATE. btw how do you guys propose to carry out these solutions.

av on May 23, 2007 at 1:05 pm

Ah Yes. Someone surfaces with some of the most brutal things that the Children of Israel were commanded to do in the Old Testament. However, that was also the custom of ALL armies at that time…leave no survivors. Period. Because in about 200 years or so, they could regrow a sizeable military force and come knocking on your door….again.
Let me clue you in on something…There has been a great reform to that and his name is Jesus Christ. There has been no such reform in the Islamic world. Their predilection for bloodletting remains to this day. Their scriptures are unchanged. If a person claims to be an adherent to a religion that is defined by a sacred text of some sort, and the “sacred text” instructs them to kill unbelievers, then you better believe that those who consider themselves honest hearted (and murderous) will participate.
If there are any moderate muslims…what do you think that they are going to do when told that they must “kill the unbeliever”? If they refuse, they will be killed by their co-religionists. Therefore, they will also participate if they claim to be in fact Islamic.
Of the many wars being fought on the globe right now, every one of them you can name has one thing in common. Islam trying to take over. Period. It is a political movement with a slight structure of religiosity to it.
Pure religion is this: Help the widow and orphan, show Love to others. Not to spread your point of view by the tip of the bayonet or bomb blast.

reflector on May 23, 2007 at 2:02 pm

First, Paolo:
There is no rational comparison between the Bible and the Koran. In the Old Testament, the Hebrews were commanded to wipe out specific groups of people because of their wicked ways — i.e. because they were EVIL. In the Quran, Muslims are commanded to kill everyone ON THE EARTH who doesn’t want to be Muslim. The sole exception in the Quran is Christians and Jews who willingly submit to dhimmi status, which means they can’t teach their religion to their own children or rebuild their churches or have any of the rights accorded Muslims. The Jewish religion was founded by Moses, who led his people out of a land where they suffered injustice. The Christian religion was founded by Jesus, who willingly gave himself up to an unjust punishment to show people the way to salvation and reconciliation with God. Islam was founded by an opportunistic, unjust warlord who married a widow for her money, killed Jews for political advantage, gathered an army to raid innocent merchants’ caravans, exercised his vengeance on people who disagreed with him, extolled the virtue of lying to non-Muslims, practiced polygamy and pedophilia, and created the concept of perpetual war against the world. Judaism and Christianity both elevate humans (at least the ones who take the Bible to heart) by emphasizing the specialness of human life and the importance of an individual relationship with God. Islam treats humans as lowly pawns who are nothing more than tools for killing other people. Judaism and Christianity have historically spread through talking, reason and the examples of martyrs (the real kind). Islam has only spread through violent destruction of other cultures, led by its “martyrs” (Muslim code for blood-thirsty murderers who are too stupid to not get killed in the blast). Other than that, yeah, all religions are the same.
Now, to AV: What Debbie is promoting is not hatred, it’s called righteous anger. Big difference. You want solutions? How about this: Translate the Quran into every language in the world and FORCE Muslims to read every word of it. If the average Muslim could read the Quran, which is read in Arabic in mosques, the ideas it contains are so repugnant and opposed to basic human nature that probably a majority would see it for the hateful tripe that it is and walk away. The truth could set them free.
And last, Deb: Keep it up. You’re one of the few people keeping an eye on these home terrorists. Twenty-nine percent don’t know or have no opinion about whether they support al-Qaida? Anyone want to buy a bridge?

mechmorph on May 23, 2007 at 2:31 pm


CAPTAIN BOYCOTT on May 23, 2007 at 2:40 pm

GREAT IDEA about translating and required reading.

av on May 23, 2007 at 2:42 pm

Time to play cowboys and muzzslimes.
This time it’s shitskins instead of redskins.
Oh well, WTF.

muhammedfuckspigs on May 23, 2007 at 2:49 pm

Bruno, Bruno, Bruno…”Interpreting CHADS” is a Democrat tactic to create the illusion that they can actually win an election based on the articulation of ideologies.

soundbyte on May 23, 2007 at 2:52 pm

…and by the way…I spell it thusly…moooselem.

soundbyte on May 23, 2007 at 2:53 pm

I used to spell muzlum as “mooselim” but Debbie took offense at that and scolded me. However, that was about a year or so ago.

Thee_Bruno on May 23, 2007 at 3:43 pm

what many of you forgot, one basic tenet of Muslim religion. If it furthers or helps Islam, it is permissible to lie. You can lie to an infidel anytime and anywhere.
guess what, the pew polsters were infidels and I would suggest that many of the responses from muslims that said they were against suicide bombers and that 9/11 hijackers weren’t terrorists were actually lies told to further Islam. In actuality I’d wager the numbers in favor of suicide bombers is far greater than what was told to the pew.

scomf732 on May 23, 2007 at 4:35 pm

You say Islam is “a political movement with a slight structure of religiosity to it.”
No, that’s exactly backwards. It’s a RELIGIOUS movement. PERIOD. They’re trying to take over the world beacause, and ONLY because, their god has told them to. They believe that every word in the qur’an is from God verbatim, and they’re trying to do as he says.
It really is that simple.

stevecanuck on May 23, 2007 at 5:16 pm

It was great to hear Rush quote you word for word on a good part of this very article today. He was very careful to cite you as his source.
His biggest points were:
*that you have nailed this exactly right on and
*the MSM headlines are totally spinning the data to make it appear that quite the opposite is true.
I am not a Rush 24/7 subscriber or I would send you the transcript–but check it if you didn’t hear the broadcast.
Great work Debbie.

BB on May 23, 2007 at 5:48 pm

Wow–the self-righteous smugness around here is truly overwhelming. Christians and Jews are virtuous, Muslims are evil.
BTW, polygamy has been practiced by Jews and Christians, as well as Muslims. For those of you neocon wackos who can read, you’ll find references to this is something called the “Old Testament” and any good history of the Mormons. BTW, the Pope also allowed polygamy after the 100 years war as a way of getting the population back up after European men managed to kill each other off.
Of course, we’re perfectly virtuous when we bomb civilians from 30,000 feet.
Or, when we rape and torture at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere.
Or, when we napalm villages in Vietnam.
Or, when we massacre unarmed Muslim prisoners by the thousands in the Crusades.
Yup–when we Christians and Jews do it, it’s virtuous and motivated by God!!!
I have known many, many American Muslims. They are almost always hard working, sincere people. If you want to talk about their religion with them, they oblige, but they have no interest in converting the rest of us to their beliefs.

paolo on May 23, 2007 at 6:36 pm

You are not qualified to comment on me, or any other Conservative commentator, as you obviously didn’t bother to click my name and see my blog. Please youngling, get counseling before you go out in the real world.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 6:58 pm

Thanx for the input. But using Blacks (Afican Americans?) as an example does fit within the framework of what I speak. The reason there are so many Blacks in US jails is because of lack of control over them when they were children. This stems mostly from the propensity of that group to have unrestricted sexual encounters with people they do not intend on staying with. Additionally, the lack of using birth control contributes largely to their out of wedlock children situation. The children created under such circumstances are not taken care of properly, and do not receive the necessary guidance to lead responsible lives. Hence, they get into trouble with the law. So again that is virtually identical to what I said about the Islamics. Those who are being anti-social need to be controlled by their own.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 7:08 pm

One more thing. Blacks don’t generally run around killing non blacks. Most of the violence and other crimes committed by blacks in the US are against other Blacks.
Statistically irrefutable.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 7:11 pm

I agree with your sentiments. The unfortunate part of this whole scary scenario is that the Left (PC) in our country still don’t understand the gravity of the situation.
Just today John Edwards called the War on Terror “just a bumper sticker phrase of the Republicans”. That’s as scary to me as the Islamics themselves.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 7:14 pm

It’s on his main page today
RUSH: I was preparing for this program last night and spinning through the news, kept seeing all these news stories on this Pew study about how moderate Muslims in America are. I ignored it because the instincts just took over. I got a collection here of headlines to illustrate things that I saw last night, and these headlines seem to present a uniform picture of the good assimilating moderate American Muslim. My experience with the Drive-By Media is that once one of them reports something, they all pick up on it, the same theme — I just don’t trust it. So I got in here today and I really wasn’t going to pay much attention to this, and I read a piece by Debbie Schlussel at her blog,, and she starts out this way. She says, “For almost six years, we’ve heard the constant chorus: ‘Muslims in America are different.’ On 9/11, we were told that American Muslims would never commit the attacks like those perpetrated upon 3,000 Americans by 19 foreign Arab Muslims in our midst. The 19 men were different than Muslims in America, because they ‘hijacked their religion,’ we were told. On 7/7, we were told that European Muslims are different. We were told that American Muslims would never try to blow up subways and train stations here, unlike those in London who did it Ö twice, and those in Madrid who killed far more on their trains. We were told — and continue to be told — that American Muslims would never continuously riot in the streets, burning hundreds of cars a day, as they’ve been doing throughout France, going on 3 years, and violently attacking and injuring more than a dozen police per day. American Muslims are different, we’re told. They’re far more assimilated, far more successful financially,” blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
“Well, now we’ve come to find out that Muslims in America are not so different from their co-religionists around the world. In fact, their viewpoints are pretty much the same as that of their religious counterparts around the world, and getting more extreme with age and American upbringing. The message of the just-released Pew Research Center study on ‘Muslim Americans’ is clear (if you can get beyond the biased press coverage and headlines): America hasn’t moderated Islam or its adherents. Islam has made America Muslim residents more extreme, just as with its European counterparts. Wealth and education and opportunity and freedom have done nothing to moderate them.” Here are some of the details from this survey. If you only read the headline, and you didn’t read deep in any of these stories, this might come as a surprise to you. “More than one in four Muslims (or 26%), aged 18-29, said ‘Suicide Bombing is Justified.'”
Now, lets run the numbers. What do we have, two and a half million Muslims in America, living here, break it down, whatever percentage of them are between 18 and 29, then take 26% of that. You’re talking about a significant number of people in the demographic group that do take action like this around the world. “Two percent of them say it can often be justified, 13% say sometimes, and 11% say rarely.” So let’s add it up, 26 and 2 is 28, so 31% think to one degree or another, suicide bombing is justified. If you add to that the 5% that don’t know or refuse to answer, it’s even worse. So almost a third of young American Muslims who support in one way or another homicide bombings according to the Pew poll. “12% of foreign-born Arab Muslims said that ‘Suicide Bombing Can be Justified Often/Sometimes.’ That’s more than one in ten. 10% of them don’t know/refused to answer. That’s a total of 22% who apparently support homicide bombings. That’s more than one in five and almost one in four.” Yet the headlines all last night on this story were, “Muslims assimilating in America. Muslims are moderate.”
“Eight percent of all U.S. Muslims said suicide bombing is justified. Add to that the 9% that don’t know/refused to answer, and you get 17%, almost 1 in 5 American Muslims,” support suicide bombings. It goes even further. We’ve heard for a long time that American Muslims, that Al-Qaeda doesn’t represent Islam, and Al-Qaeda’s hijacked the religion. “More than one in four American Muslims, aged 18-29, support Al-Qaeda. 7% outright viewed it favorably, plus 19% don’t know/refused to answer–for a total of 26%. Yup, more than one in four young Muslims in America supports Qaeda. One third of American Muslims age thirty or more support Al-Qaeda. 4% support the group outright, plus the 29% that refused to answer, for a total of 33%. If you can’t answer an outright no to this question, you support Al-Qaeda. Of all American Muslims, only 58% have a very unfavorable view of Al-Qaeda.” Well, okay, fine, but 42% do.
Now, as I say, I’m not surprised by this. None of this surprises me. The point that I wish to make is the headlines that heralded all of this, and let me just share some of them with you, thanks to the people at Ace of Spades headquarters at Pajamas Media, I guess. USA Today poll: “Most Muslims seek to adopt American lifestyle.” And then they give supporting quotes. Voice of America poll: “US Muslims feel post-9/11 backlash, despite moderate outlook.” New York Times and their International Herald Tribune: “Muslims assimilate better in US than Europe, poll finds.” Medialine: “Pew poll shows American Muslims believe solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict is possible.” Chicago Tribune: “US Muslims more content, assimilated than those abroad.” The Pew polling organization itself headlined their own story with, “Muslim Americans: middle class and mostly mainstream.” USA Today’s blog headline: “Muslim Americans overwhelmingly Democratic but conservative on many issues.” And the Detroit News: “Survey: Muslims largely assimilated in United States.” Yet we have significant numbers of them who say they support Al-Qaeda, that they support suicide bombings, they support other types of violence. So why these headlines? Because the Drive-By Media, in concert with the Democrat Party, cannot permit the American people to agree with George Bush or to understand that Bush is right about the threat that we face from Islamofascists.

Infidel Pride on May 23, 2007 at 7:17 pm

Infidel Pride
Excellent analysis!!
As I have posted on my blog, there is really no such thing as a “moderate muslim”. If a person is following the Islamic faith as written in their stupid book, that follower is NOT ALLOWED to stray from the teachings of Muhammad. To be “moderate” is to violate the teachings of Muhammad is a violation of the faith.
I know numerous Muslims personally. Are they minding their P’s & Q’s? Yes. For now.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 7:21 pm

Mark L. Jackson
Great satire!! Gotta love it.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 7:23 pm

Pointing to bad behavior of the past that is no longer the agenda of those who committed such behavior in no way justifies what the Islamic extremists are doing in today’s world.
And your Islamic friends? Well, just wait and see.

Craig C on May 23, 2007 at 7:34 pm

Every country seems to think their ‘own’ muslims are different. The British thought that too.

Silvester on May 23, 2007 at 8:44 pm

Thanks Infidel Pride for posting the transcript and the link. (I looked for a link posting at about 5:30 earlier and they still had yesterday’s home page up).
Debbie, when Rush is using your work this way–you are breaking through!!! I hope we start to see you on TV some more soon too. Notice in the last paragraph of the transcript–it is just like you have been saying about all these phony headlines and truth-denying spin stories!!!! Rush made that point quite well. I’m sure more listeners heard about you and your site on Rush today than will watch all tonight’s evening talk shows combined.

BB on May 23, 2007 at 8:50 pm

Solving the immigration problem or “winning” in Iraq (or accomplishing anything else beneficial to the U.S.) is not likely when our “govt.” is owned by private individuals who are not very concerned about the sovereignty, safety or strength of our country. Their motives / reasons for opposing Islamofascists are different from those held by true patriots. Our govt. is owned by the same people who own the Federal Reserve. They control the dollar and virtually every important arena (gold; credit; insurance; shipping/transportation; energy/oil, etc.) and plainly, whether the citizens of the US thrive is not of much concern to them. If it was, the southern border, using one obvious example, would be the site of a virtually impenetrable barrier that was in the process of being erected with alacrity. Instead, we are witness to govt. abetment of what is obviously an invasion on a few different fronts.

wesley123 on May 23, 2007 at 8:58 pm

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