June 19, 2005, - 12:36 pm

Happy Father’s Day, Dad!

By Debbie Schlussel
In “honor” of Father’s Day, ABC News has a ludicrous story about wannabe Hollywood actors who “find themselves” through “Fathers’ Voices” and “fathering themselves.” Huh? It’s really just another liberal pop psychology attempt to trash men and denigrate fathers–like the rest of Hollywood has been doing for decades. “A lot of the world’s instability, on personal and global levels, is caused by men’s misguided ideas of masculinity,” said Greg Sanders, creator of the ironically titled solo show, “Not About My Father.” Whatever.
These guys are just future Hollywood “Dads of Dubious Distinction,” an excellent compilation–by Detroit Free Press features editor John Smyntek–of why many of us were lucky enough to be born not to the wealth, fame, and mansions of liberal, bizarro Hollywood, but to normal, regular red state American families headed by a father who knows and lives the meaning of the word.
I’m lucky my Dad is not one of these Hollywood “Dads,” but a real, devoted, mainstream American Dad who served his country and loves his family. The Greek Philosopher, Epicurus, said, “Of all the things that wisdom provides to help one live one’s entire life in happiness, the greatest by far is friendship.” Thanks for being my greatest friend, Dad, and Happy Father’s Day!

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One Response

happy father’s day!

tom on June 19, 2005 at 7:53 pm

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