May 21, 2007, - 12:55 pm

Israel vs. HAMAS Terrorists: A Study in Headlines

Yesterday, Israel struck back at HAMAS terrorists who are repeatedly shelling Israeli homes, businesses, schools, streets, and people with deadly rockets. The whole Israeli city of Sderot was evacuated because of the deadly HAMAS rockets.
8 terrorists and their family members–ie., future terrorists, terrorists in training (the boys), and past, present, and future terrorist-baby-making machines (the girls and women) died in the Israeli strikes on HAMAS. The hit was on the home of HAMAS “lawmaker” and terrorist Khalil Al-Haya.
So, here’s a check of the papers I read, this morning. As we all know, many people just read the headlines and move on. They don’t bother to read the articles and blurbs.
Headline from The Detroit Newsistan:

Israeli Missile Kills 8 in Gaza Home

(No mention of HAMAS and that the “Home” and the “8 in Gaza” are HAMAS terrorists in the headline and you don’t find these facts out until the middle of the article.)
Headline from the Islamist-occupied Detroit Free Press:

Israeli Missile Hits Politician’s Home

(Again, must read the article to discover the “Politician” is a HAMAS terrorist.)
And finally, the only intellectually honest headline of the day on this story, from USA Today:

8 Die in Israeli Strike on Hamas Target in Gaza

Even this one could have indicated that the strike was in retaliation for terrorists targeting an entire city full of innocent civilians. But its clearly far more truthful than the others.
You can tell a lot about a newspaper’s agenda by the headlines its news editors choose to put over news articles few actually reads. The Detroit Newsistan and the Detroit Free Press news editors have an agenda. And it’s to portray Israel in the worst light possible.
And that’s the prism through which you must read all of their headlines, articles, and blurbs. Or, better yet, don’t read them at all.

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26 Responses

If they want to be vague, but accurate (HA!) in their Headline titling, they should replace the name “Hamas” with the much simpler “Terrorists”. Not only would that be accurate and direct, but it would also get the curious to read on to find out which of the Infidel/Israeli/Freedom-hating Terrorists it was this time.

Kelly A. on May 21, 2007 at 1:23 pm

[8 terrorists and their family members–ie., future terrorists, terrorists in training (the boys), and past, present, and future terrorist-baby-making machines (the girls and women) died in the Israeli strikes on HAMAS. One of them was HAMAS “lawmaker” and terrorist Khalil Al-Haya.]
WRONG! Khalil Al-Haya was not killed:
And Al-Haya’s house may not have been the actual target (
“Israel claims house not target
A spokeswoman for the Israel Defense Forces said the airstrike targeted a cell of five militants who were standing on the street near Hayya’s house and not the house itself.”
As for the “Headline stuff”, it’s just about splitting hairs. Debbie, what’s more important is your lack of sympathy for the deaths of innocent Palestinian women and children.

Norman Blitzer on May 21, 2007 at 2:01 pm

“As for the “Headline stuff”, it’s just about splitting hairs. Debbie, what’s more important is your lack of sympathy for the deaths of innocent Palestinian women and children.” You mean the same people who are rocketing Sderot every day?
My sympathy quotient for the vile Palestinians ended on 9/11/01. They are the ones who danced in the streets and passed out sweets when news of the WTC attacks occurred. If Gaza were carpet bombed into oblivion I would not shed a tear. Unfortunately with the cowardly Olmerde government still clinging to power in Israel, that is unlikely to happen.

Ripper on May 21, 2007 at 2:28 pm

Since when were terrorists branded as politicians? Well, to a certain extent, politicians and arab terrorists don’t really differ that much in many regards but thats besides the point. The only matter that slightly distincts between these P.A. ” politicians” and OBL is at least they are not hinding in a cave somewhere. But that doesn’t make them any more brave or courageous than him. I guess according to the Detroit Snooze and to the rest of the media news outlets, the nazis and the soviets would have been mere militants defending their political cause. After all, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the other dictators were only politicians. We should have been more restraint and let nazism prevailed. German civilians were unintentionally killed in U.S. air raids. The deficiently conscientious media that we have would have been up in arms about it then.
And to Norman Blitzer: Israelis try to aviod civilian casualities when operating their air strikes but its not always possible when your brown kaffiyeh friends being the cowards that they are hide among civilians, particulary women and children. As usual, you wouldn’t know about it because the media would never debunk to you. So take that into account and get the facts straight before you rush to incriminate the Israelis. And get a clue of who your enemies are instead of sympathizing with the devil.

Jew Chick on May 21, 2007 at 2:52 pm

If there’s one species of muzzie vermin more foul than the rest of the lot, it’s the Pali.
Male or female, adult or juvenile.
Fuck ’em and good riddance.

muhammedfuckspigs on May 21, 2007 at 2:54 pm

Equal to the Palestinian vermin are the misguided individuals that sympathize with them.

PHEDUPP on May 21, 2007 at 3:13 pm

To get to the Nazis a lot of Germans got wasted. We’re better at targeting today. The only problem with surgically precise targeting is they expect you to be on target everytime. We’re working on it.

John Cunningham on May 21, 2007 at 4:27 pm

Norman Blitzer, you STUPID FOOL — Israel is defending itself and taking extreme measures to AVOID civilian casualties. This is not easy when cowardly pussy boy Muslims hide in their women’s skirts and in their babies’ diapers.
Debbie, the Koranimals have murdered a woman in Sderot. Her car was hit by a Kassam. I guess now the Jew hating media will no longer be able to say the Kassams are harmless. But I’m sure they will figure out some way to spin it so that the Norman Blitzer’s of the world can bleed their hearts over the poor Palis.

AmericanJewess on May 21, 2007 at 5:03 pm

To Norman Blitzer who said ” Debbie, what’s more important is your lack of sympathy for the deaths of innocent Palestinian women and children. ”
You, like most bleeding hearts seem to have this notion that the US and Israeli armed forces indiscriminately blow up anything in their path.
People like you will wail over the deaths of all involved in an incident like this, but will turn a blind eye to abject terrorism such as occurs every day in Israel. The culture of the middle east terrorist is one of indiscriminate killing. They don’t care who they kill – only that they can kill and the more the better. They indoctrinate men, women and children to strap on the “cordite belt” and take out anyone and everyone they can. 40, 50, 60 truely innocent civilian deaths at a time, and you and your kind turn a blind eye to it. When a military force on a defensive mission takes out a terrorist and their families happen to be there, you’re ready to decry the whole western world.
Maybe you should spend some time visitng random pizza houses in Israel and see if you still feel the same way when some 12 year old kid comes in and goes “BOOM” on you, or go visit a town that’s eating rocket attacks on civilians?
Ever experience a rocket or mortar attack, Norman? If you’re interested, maybe I can have my husband come on here and elcuidate you- he survived many of them while he was on airbases during his 3 TOD’s in Vietnam.
I hate cognitive dissonance like the MSM produces and the gurgling regurgiation from the leftist zombies that follow, them produce. How about, if you REALLY care about those palestinian women and children, the you start pushing to make their “religion of peace” change their 11th century values and reasoning to something that’s got a thousand years of so more enlightenment to it.
Nah.. of course we can’t mess with their choice to try to impose their religion and 7th century social norms on them.. we just have to bend over to accomodate them.

Mistress_Dee on May 21, 2007 at 6:31 pm

Debbie, if I were your headline writer, this one would be “Israeli Missile with Happy Ending” over “Another One Bites the Dust” theme music. Am I hired?

Anonymous1 on May 21, 2007 at 7:27 pm

The only sympathy i feel is for those Muslim children. They were born to stupid parents and into a brainwashed backwards society. Aside from that I’m very happy at whats going on in the Muslim World (namely Lebanon). Sunni and Shi’a radicals are warring against each other. Personally, I think we should declare victory,pull out Iraq and let the two sides dish it out there too because it will cause a chain reaction in the Muslim world. It may not be the most honorable thing to do or the most moral thing to do but it certainly is one the smartest.The Iraqi government and military is incompetent, incapable and ineffective at best. We got the ball rolling. I see the collapse of the Muslim world coming ..should Iran openly intervene in any future Sunni-Shi’a wide scale conflicts. The best way to defeat two enemies is to let them take each other out.

the_don on May 21, 2007 at 8:54 pm

AmericanJewess, you are a STUPID FOOL, and HIGHLY ILLITERATE. Quote my last post exactly where I criticize Israel’s missile strikes on Gaza. Next time take your STUPID HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS before you post.
Mistress_Dee posted:
[You, like most bleeding hearts seem to have this notion that the US and Israeli armed forces indiscriminately blow up anything in their path.]
Never stated such.
[People like you will wail over the deaths of all involved in an incident like this, but will turn a blind eye to abject terrorism such as occurs every day in Israel.]
Nope, not true in the slightest. It’s a terrible thing when children are killed in war, no matter on which side. I wish more people would feel the same way.

Norman Blitzer on May 21, 2007 at 9:17 pm

One wonders why these “newspapers” are co-opted to terrorists sympathizing islamists. The fact of their islamic rear end kissing is plain to see for all.

BB on May 21, 2007 at 10:30 pm

Norman, do you have Alzheimer’s too? Nowhere in your post do you criticize the strikes on Israel — but you do take a swipe at Debbie, basically calling her a heartless bitch who cares nothing for the loss of innocent life in “Palestine.” Where exactly do you express concern for the loss of innocent life in ISRAEL?
Norman, if you are a gay boy, the Islamists will torture and kill you. If you have a woman, the Islamists will take her from you, rape her, maybe cut off her clitoris, and put her in a black bag. Same for your daughters, if you have any. Don’t be a fool, Norman. Wake up.

AmericanJewess on May 22, 2007 at 2:26 am

AmericanJewess posted:
“Where exactly do you express concern for the loss of innocent life in ISRAEL?”
If a Hamas supporter had created a post mocking the deaths of Jewish women and children then I would be on his ass too. As a wise Golda Meir said:
“We can forgive you for killing our sons. But we will never forgive you for making us kill yours.”
Understand the spirit of that statement, and stop acting like a stupid, spoiled brat, AmericanJewess.

Norman Blitzer on May 22, 2007 at 3:23 am

A spoiled brat? Oooooh!! Such a clever insult! There is nothing “spoiled” or “brattish” about any of my views. You, on the other hand, demonstrate your foolishness and idiocy at every turn. At least my insults have basis in reality. “If a Hamas supporter . . . I would . . . (bla bla bla” give me a break. Do you, in fact, seek out “Hamas supporters” in your real or cyber circles and defend innocent victims in Israel? Something tells me that YOU DO NOT. Something tells me that you natter on incessantly about the evils of Israel and the purity of Palis, wherever you go, in whichever company you find yourself.
Taking a second look at your surname, I’m going to hazard a guess that you are a Jewish boy. Hmmm. More reasons to be concerned. Someone hasn’t been doing his history homework. Hint: they won’t be nice to you just because you betray your people.

AmericanJewess on May 22, 2007 at 4:23 am

To Norman Blitzer:
You talk about “splitting hairs” but you take this little diversionary, phrase that’s intended to impart some vague sense of “bad… bad…”:
“A spokeswoman for the Israel Defense Forces said the airstrike targeted a cell of five militants who were standing on the street near Hayya’s house and not the house itself.”
and throw it out there. The implication from this, in true MSM fashion is to imply ineptitude on the part of the attacking forces and that they spread far more damaage than intended. Do you know that, for example, an F16D using smart weapons (LG) is capable of taking out a target that consists of a spread out group of people (on the move or on the run) with extreme precision? But if they’re standing next to a building, the building is going to be damaged.
This kind of remark is just another tacit way to leave the “reasonability” challenged walking away with another embedded impression of malice and ineptitude on the part of the military. Always find a way to blame the US or Israel first, right.
Again, you cannot see the distinction between a military objective and random terror targets , sticking your head in the sand over the terrorist’s action in abject denial.
That kind of moral relativism is what makes the entire war on terror- from a US perspective, from an Israeli perspective, from whatever perspective only that much harder to fight.
Loss of lives are tragic in any situation- especially children. However, place some situational consideration around reality and not let your bleeding heart, head in the sand cognitive dissonance direct you continually to the same emotional conclusions.

Mistress_Dee on May 22, 2007 at 6:57 am

AmericanJewess yapped:
[A spoiled brat? Oooooh!! Such a clever insult! There is nothing “spoiled” or “brattish” about any of my views.]
You forgot “stupid” as in the manner in which you choose to express your views is stupid.
As you know, Debbie originally posted that terrorist and HAMAS lawmaker, Khalil Al-Haya, was one of the people killed in the bombing of his house (the record has since been set straight). The reason why I included that bit of info from was to show that Israel wasn’t even aiming to get a bigwig like Al-Haya, so why be happy with the deaths of women and children (according to the blog entry) who weren’t even targets?
[Always find a way to blame the US or Israel first, right.]
Personally, I’ve never done so. As for the rest of your comment, you accuse me of being an ostrich, but you make yourself look like an ass. Just read what’s there and nothing more.

Norman Blitzer on May 22, 2007 at 11:14 am

Norman Blitzer:
Fine- read what’s there. several palastinians got killed in a directed airstrike against a military target in retaliation for the Palestinians launching indiscriminate rocket attacks against civilians. A certain level of rational thinking applies based on FACTS… civilians who are randomly attacked are not intentionally going in harm’s way.
Terrorist cowards who surround themselves with their women and children, either for safety by thinking others are too moral to attack them because of it, or because they can use it for political milage if the other’s aren’t, are the cowards who put their own innocents at risk for a reprehensible reason.
The IDF was making a surgical, considered tactical strike to eliminate the SOURCE of the rockets landing on civilians. So who’s the Ass, Norman? You really do have your head stuck in the sand if you just take the biased view of the news’ presentation. Or is “just read what’s there and nothing more” your way of saying “Ooops! I need some way to defend my own cognitive dissonance” ??

Mistress_Dee on May 22, 2007 at 5:32 pm

People, QUIT WASTING YOUR TIME ARGUING WITH PEOPLE LIKE NORMAN BLITZER. Call the muslims what they are, murderous barbarians who’ve never gotten along with anyone in the history of mankind. Christopher Columbus and other SAILED AROUND THE DAMN WORLD trying to avoid those bastards! We know who the enemy is, and people who SPLIT HAIRS are mad, forget them. Mother Nature doesn’t reward “tolerance” or “moderation”, IT IS US OR THEM.

steve ventry on May 22, 2007 at 6:41 pm

“If they stare, just let them burn their eyes on you moving. And if they shout, don’t let it change a thing that you’re doing.”

steve ventry on May 22, 2007 at 6:48 pm

I neither criticized Israel’s strikes in Gaza, nor did I fault Israel for the loss of innocent life due to collateral damage. The ONLY THING I criticized was Debbie’s callousness to the loss of INNOCENT life.
I’m getting ready to see the finals of American Idol.
Try to have a pleasant evening and a good night, MD.

Norman Blitzer on May 22, 2007 at 7:29 pm

“8 terrorists and their family members–ie., future terrorists, terrorists in training (the boys), and past, present, and future terrorist-baby-making machines (the girls and women) died in the Israeli strikes on HAMAS”
You know Debbie, by your logic one can make the argument that there are no innocent civilians in Israel since all people are required to serve in the military, therefore all people inside Israel are “military targets”. Of course, a rational person would never say that a child is a legitimate target.

D*Rek on May 22, 2007 at 7:45 pm

D*rek and others, you are all liberal imbecils.
I think Debbie would agree with the God-ordained statement that all Muzzies, including Pali scum, deserve to die–whether 60 years old or 6 months old. Who are the true infidels? And her supporters would agree with her. The Republican party is too helpless with internal politics to engage in such a measure, however. They, along with people whose only “resistance” is commenting on blogs, are the real cowards.
People, stop bitching on a website about the Muzzie takeover of the West if you are not willing to fight back. Every century of our God-given nation’s history is a century of darkening the pale white skin of Christian America.
That’s probably why I joined the army.

reasoner101 on May 22, 2007 at 9:34 pm

D*Rek posted:
[Of course, a rational person would never say that a child is a legitimate target.]
Finally, someone who gets it.
And yes, I totally condemn HAMAS’s indiscriminate strikes against Israel if it needs to be spelt out for anyone.
As for you right-wingers, read reasoner101’s comment above. Is that the type of person you want to be?

Norman Blitzer on May 22, 2007 at 10:26 pm

Well thank you so much for showing everyone just how evil are the muslims. THANKS TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU WE CAN ALL BE SAFE. I believe there were MANY PEOPLE LIKE YOU BACK 50 YEARS AGO IN GERMANY THAT DID SIMILIAR THINGS. And because of that horror( holocaust) that took place seems to me the germans are still paying for there evil deeds oh wait its the muslims that are paying for it. Hmm seems to me like you are upset with the wrong people. Its pretty sad you love HATE so much.

av on May 23, 2007 at 3:31 am

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