May 15, 2007, - 1:43 pm

Rev. Jerry Falwell, RIP: Patriot, Founded Important Anti-Islamist Political Movement

Sad news today that Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority and Liberty University, died this morning at age 73.
Jerry Falwell was a patriot and loved America. He loved its Judeo-Christian values, and he did his best to preserve them. And contrary to the constant, unfair vilification by liberal Jewish figures, Jerry Falwell loved the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Dr. Falwell helped inspire thousands of Christian tourists to visit and donate money to Israel, when it was in the worst economic doldrums of two Intifadas (Muslim uprisings). I met and heard him speak at a small dinner in 2000 and enjoyed it immensely. He was a vital part of the Reagan Revolution.

Rev. Jerry Falwell, Rest In Peace

I didn’t agree with everything Jerry Falwell said–like his statement that America was at fault for 9/11 because of declining morals, etc.–a statement for which he quickly and thoroughly apologized. (We could have been the most moral country in the world, and 9/11 would have happened anyway.) And I didn’t care for his all-too-tight association with pan-Islamist money-launderer and Jack Abramoff co-conspirator Grover Norquist.
But Falwell was a very important man because he galvanized America’s Evangelical Christians to get involved in politics and take back the country. That’s important because it will be one of the things–if anything works–that stops Muslims from taking over and transforming the nation: the strong Christian traditions our country maintains and that Falwell helped protect by establishing one of the most momentous political movements of our time.
Additionally, overall, Falwell–among few others–understood the danger that Islam (and improperly projecting it onto our Judeo-Christian heritage) poses to America, well before 9/11. From my :

Last week, the Rev. Jerry Falwell told, a religion website, that when it comes to applying for federal funds under President Bush’s proposed faith-based initiatives program, “Islam should be out the door before they knock. … The Moslem faith teaches hate.”
Falwell was swiftly attacked by Muslim groups and was forced to apologize, explaining to USA Today that he meant that any group that is anti-Semitic, racist or in any way bigoted should be disqualified from the funds. He clearly told Beliefnet, “I think that when persons are clearly bigoted towards other persons in the human family, they should be disqualified from funds.”
But my experience with President Bush’s star Muslim recipient of the proposed funds — Imam Hassan Qazwini, religious leader of Detroit’s Islamic Center of America mosque — illustrates that Falwell was right.
When he held his January press conference announcing the issuance of an executive order for the faith-based funds, President Bush featured Qazwini front and center, among the 35 religious leaders on stage with him. He introduced Qazwini, the only Muslim and Michigan’s only religious representative at the White House press conference, as “my friend from Michigan.” According to the Detroit Free Press, Qazwini met with Bush in Texas in December “to advise him on formulating the pair of executive orders issued” for federal funding of faith-based initiatives. Qazwini’s mosque will certainly be a major recipient of the funds.
But Qazwini’s receipt of tax-funds, let alone his close friendship with Bush and attendance at the White House, should disturb all Americans. When I attended Qazwini’s mosque on Nov. 15, 1998, it was one of the most frightening, hate-filled occasions I’ve ever experienced. On that day, at Qazwini’s invitation, the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan spoke to the mosque’s congregants and was received with a hero’s welcome. Qazwini and Osama Siblani, editor of the Arab-American News, introduced Farrakhan as “our dear brother,” “a freedom fighter,” and “a man of courage and sacrifice.”
Farrakhan’s same old anti-Semitic, anti-White canards were no surprise. It was the cheers and fervor of Qazwini and his congregation that were so chilling. Watching the audience of more than 1,000 Arab-American and Black Muslims who surrounded me in the mosque rising up and hatefully screaming about “the Jews, the Jews,” I realized how my grandparents must have felt in Nazi Germany.
During his hour-long rant, Farrakhan spouted his usual pap claiming the Jews control the U.S. government, saying that the “core message” of his speech was “the evil power of the ‘Zionists.’ … [They are] forces of evil.”
But, clearly, “Zionists” was his euphemism for the Jews. He shouted out Jewish-sounding surnames of Clinton administration cabinet members and asked the crowd, “Rubin, who is he? Cohen, who is he?” The audience stood up and — in an angry frenzy — shouted, “A Jew, a Jew!” (Actually, former Secretary of Defense William Cohen is not Jewish. He’s a Unitarian.)
Farrakhan denounced the Jews as “forces of evil. … We should perform a jihad (holy war). [They are] frightened, and we must frighten them even more.” This garnered thunderous applause and cheers from Qazwini and his congregants. He continued to describe Jews as “these people in positions of power with a Satanic mentality … [who] deceive us.” More cheers and applause from Qazwini and the crowd. . . .
If Qazwini’s Islamic Center of America is any indication — and it certainly seems to be — of the behavior of Islamic recipients of federal funds for faith-based initiatives, Falwell is right. They should be ineligible for taxpayer-funded means of spewing such hate. . . .
While the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council both denounced Falwell’s comments, neither they nor Bush’s “friend from Michigan,” Imam Qazwini, ever denounced Farrakhan’s bigoted, hateful comments. And President Bush’s strong ties to Qazwini are troubling, especially with the advent of federal funding of faith-based initiatives — and Qazwini as Bush’s star recipient of them.

Yes, Jerry Falwell was right. And he will be missed. He may be gone, but his contribution to maintaining decency and morality in America will be here for a long time. As will the Evangelical political movement he founded.
Rev. Jerry Falwell, Rest In Peace.
**** UPDATE: Reader David writes:

Reports are that Dr. Jerry Prevo from Anchorage, Alaska, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Liberty University will take over the church and university.

**** UPDATE: Even though I’m not a Christian, I like Rev. John Hagee of the Cornerstone Church of San Antonio, Texas, whom I think is a good replacement to emerge as the spokesman for the new generation of Evangelicals in America.

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35 Responses

When Falwell founded Moral Majority it was not popular and considered risky for religious figures to become involved in politics. He was a pioneer in the re-involvement of Christian people in American politics and culture. Yes, rest in peace to Jerry Falwell, a fine American and dedicated servant of God.
Did you place the article about illegit children below this article on purpose? I guess the pioneer has passed away, but the work goes on….

chucker on May 15, 2007 at 2:24 pm

“He may be gone, but his contribution to maintaining decency and morality in America will be here for a long time”
This man had no decency whatsoever. Just two days after 9-11 he went on national TV to put the blame squarely where it belonged, on the “Pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians, ACLU, and People for the American Way”. Yeah, that was real decent of him.
There are many people among the religious right to look up to. He was not one of them.

D*Rek on May 15, 2007 at 2:38 pm

May G-D bless Rev. Falwell for standing up for the truth. May he set as a great example and role model for our leaders to take on his stance. Though Debbie, I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with you on Rev.Falwell’s statements on 9/11 and the demoralization of America. America as well as Europe has suffered a repercussion of a big moral meltdown due to the unwarrent industrialization of pornography,unlimited free sex ( or “safe sex”),legalization of abortion ( though partial birth abortion has been eradicated)etc. which all somehow collorates with Jihad agaist the West. Whether the islamists would have attacked us regardless to the prevalent decadency in America, we can’t be certain; however being that the fundamental islamists excoriate sexual deviancy( and hypocritically so since polygamy and pedophilia is practised in their regime. Mohammed can attest to that lol) and have been openly attacking us for it. Though their views and feelings towards us may not have changed, I believe had we have been more sexually restraint and more G-D fearing as a society, the moslems wouldn’t have been so bold to attack us. This doesn’t justify them for flying aircrafts into our skyscrapers whatsoever. Nor does it legitimize the global actrocities they carry out against their non-muslim( and even muslim) neighboors.Bear in mind that chastity is one of the values they highly respect and conserve which is why their women wear a full body covering garment( I don’t necessarly agree with their philosophy but I can understand why the mullahs don’t approve of their women publicly cavorting around in whore chic wannabe Britney Spears costumes either). And no, the 9/11 attacks had nothing to do with our foreign policy as the bleeding taliban kiss up liberals would at least try to have you believe.

Jew Chick on May 15, 2007 at 2:47 pm

He was a great man. He really, truly was.
Jerry Falwell was a controversial figure, like any man who stands for his convictions. But, unlike many political and religious figures who spoke out, he was an honest man who truly practiced what he preached.
America really needs more people like Jerry Falwell who spoke up and didn’t try to be PC. Love him or hate him, he stood for his beliefs.
RIP Rev. Falwell

Jeff_W on May 15, 2007 at 2:49 pm

In his comments about 9/11, he sounded like Dinseh D’Souza. It was unforgivable.

Ripper on May 15, 2007 at 2:52 pm

Acknowledging that death is an enemy and is only rarely a good thing (e.g. in the case of jihadists), let me say that I saddened for the bereaved in the Falwell family and the members of the Liberty University and T.R. Baptist Church communities.
I visited Liberty in the mid-80s (on the way to DC to a pro-Contra rally). We were housed and fed there. I will always be grateful for the support we received.
With that said, in his last years, I believe that Jerry’s political and financial priorities tended to overshadow his quest for sound doctrine. He may not have compromised on the political side (to his credit), but he surely compromised on the theological side.
In the end, Jerry is “asleep in Christ” and with Job he will see his redeemer on the earth on the event of his resurrection. His work is done.

bleechers on May 15, 2007 at 3:05 pm

It’s a rare day that I check this site before checking the news. I’m shocked and saddened by Rev. Falwell’s passing. Rev. Falwell connected millions of American Christians with Israel and the Old Testament. That connection has played a big role in helping Israel survive. Today, too many Jews are afraid to speak out to defend Israel for fear of alienating their longtime leftwing peers. Without the Christian friends Jerry Falwell helped us find, Jews and Israel might be much more lonely and isolated today.
In the end, Deb, you are correct to note that Jerry Fawell wasn’t the perfect or necessarily the ideal friend of Israel and the Jews. I doubt he theologically accepted us. That always troubled me, but it never caused me to dislike him or fail to appreciate the good things he did. He told his followers to love Jews and Israel unconditionally, and THAT is 95% of anything we could have ever wanted or asked for.

There is NO Santa Claus on May 15, 2007 at 3:14 pm

If intolerance is a great moral value, then Jerry Falwell was a great moral leader. I truly believe the death of any person diminishes all of us, and I can rejoice that the Rev. Mr. Falwell is now in God’s nearer presence. I would be a hypocrite if I were to say that America is a better place for the Rev. Mr. Falwell’s ministry. No place, no people are better for being intolerant. I pray for the Rev. Mr. Falwell, as I would hope he does for me, that in God’s nearer presence he come to realize that each and every person is a witness to the grace and power of God and that the mighty sacrament between the Creator and the Created nourishes and replenishes all of us.

On The Mark on May 15, 2007 at 4:36 pm

Jerry Falwell:
“I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say ‘you helped this happen.'”
Louis Farrakhan (as reported by Debbie):
“During his hour-long rant, Farrakhan spouted his usual pap claiming the Jews control the U.S. government, saying that the “core message” of his speech was ‘the evil power of the ‘Zionists.’ … [They are] forces of evil.'”
As you can see, a bigot is a bigot, no matter if it’s Falwell or Farrakhan. It’s quite hypocritical to praise one and condemn the other.

Norman Blitzer on May 15, 2007 at 5:35 pm

Actually Debbie, according to CNN, Falwell recanted his appology a few weeks ago.
And even if we discount that statement, he has said many more hateful and bigoted things over the years like: ?AIDS is not just God’s punishment for homosexuals; it is God’s punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals? and ?If you’re not a born-again Christian, you’re a failure as a human being?
Just because you happen to agree with his particular brand of Bigotry doesn’t change the fact that he was a Bigot.

D*Rek on May 15, 2007 at 7:09 pm

Great tribute to a reat man DS. I agree with your sentiments and those of some of your posters here.
Those who equate Falwell with Farrakhan are obscuring the issues–Falwell didn’t hate anybody–like Farrakhan with his rants of Jews’ “gutter religion.” (what an a__!) Falwell always made sure to say that believed that his greatest joy and calling in life was to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ–and in the New Testament–this message was to be “to the Jew first, and then to the gentile” (Romans 1:16).
Real Christians by the virture of Holy Spirit “DNA imprinting on their souls”–LOVE the Jewish people and will always treat them thusly. Falwell certainly demonstrated this trait and taught it as well.

BB on May 15, 2007 at 7:33 pm

So how exactly did I lie about your views? I was responding your response to the comparison between Farrakhan and Fallwell and how one is a bigot and the other one isn’t. I gave other examples of his bigotry (Aids is caused by homosexuals and that if you’re nore a born-again Christain that you’re a failure).
And frankly Debbie, I don’t have to lie about your views to make my points.

D*Rek on May 15, 2007 at 7:40 pm

Jerry Falwell deserves 100% marks for being a patriot, a politically active and obstinate Christian (I mean that in a good way), a friend of the Jewish people and the State of Israel, and for being 100% against the new Nazis-the Muslims.
I liked the guy-he will be missed.
Jerry-I hope you’re enjoying your more thorough and complete Catholic Catechism now.

The Canadien on May 15, 2007 at 8:19 pm

“So how exactly did I lie about your views?”
You said:
“Just because you happen to [AGREE] with his particular brand of Bigotry”
As Deb said:
Get a clue, D*Rek.

Jose on May 15, 2007 at 10:23 pm

Well said – I think your summary of Rev. Falwell’s immense contribution is excellent.
Pastor Hagee is a wonderful choice. I have seen what he does and his support of Israel is unmatched IMO. He recognizes and speaks forcefully about the Islamic threat.
Rev. Falwell RIP

CarpeDiem on May 15, 2007 at 10:45 pm

debbie, you’d better go ahead and shut down your blog if you mostly agree with ‘ol jerry:
“It appears that America’s anti-Biblical feminist movement is at last dying, thank God, and is possibly being replaced by a Christ-centered men’s movement which may become the foundation for a desperately needed national spiritual awakening.”
o well, i sure did enjoy voting, equal pay, and my non-domestic career. shucks.

jenni on May 15, 2007 at 11:24 pm

I also must disagree with you about the late Rev. Jerry Falwell. He did many good things that you listed but he also said the following “The Anti-Christ is probably going to be an adult male Jew” to put it in context he explained it on fox news Bill O’Reilly from 1999.
He reasoned as do many evangelicals that since Jesus was a Religious Jewish male than his counter/opposite would be too. Hmm that’s just great. I bet I misinterpreted that huh? Also no matter what you think or say, Evangelicals especially Southern Baptists would love nothing better than for all Jews to convert to Christianity. Read one of the previous posters comments:
Falwell always made sure to say that believed that his greatest joy and calling in life was to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ–and in the New Testament–this message was to be “to the Jew first, and then to the gentile” (Romans 1:16). Real Christians by the virtue of Holy Spirit “DNA imprinting on their souls”–LOVE the Jewish people and will always treat them thusly. Falwell certainly demonstrated this trait and taught it as well.
Posted by: BB at May 15, 2007 07:33 PM
Finally Evangelicals, as do many Christians believe that you can attain the Kingdom of Heaven only through the acceptance as Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord. So I guess I’m out, what about you Debbie?

OneIrishJew on May 16, 2007 at 1:21 am

OneIrishJew, so what if Falwell thought that the “anti-Christ” would be a Jewish male? If the anti-Christ is synonymous with someone opposed to biblical values, well, that description would fit a lot of our Jewish boys working as attorneys for the ACLU! If it must be a religious Jewish male, well, there’s always those Israel-hating Satmar hasidim. I’m not a Christian so don’t believe in the anti-Christ thing to begin with, but just looking at it from Falwell’s perspective, I can see why he’d say that.
Yes, Evangelicals dream of the conversion of the Jews. So what? I think they worship a false God, which I’m sure would be an offensive thing for them to hear me say. But I appreciate their friendship and I extend mine. If we can be respectful about our differences and supportive of each other in those goals and values we share, that’s a good thing. It is good enough for me that many evangelicals have stated they will not try to proselytize Jews.

AmericanJewess on May 16, 2007 at 3:07 am

Falwell wasn’t bigotted enough. He was a very nice man, I admired him. But, Christians churches are destroying America by flooding us with 3rd world peasants. Christians are too naive to notice the high birth rates and non-assimilation of non-westerners.

steve ventry on May 16, 2007 at 4:58 am

Jews worship a False God? As in Jesus’ Father? You’re kidding right? Jews are God’s chosen people, their faith and endurance and the fact that they have been displaced all around the world until recently (1948) and they still are a people with a culture and a language and worship the same God of the Bible, (as in the Christian Old Testament) to this day proves God keeps his promises. Look it up. The Jews are God’s to protect and to bring to Him. There is such a thing as a what they call a ‘Completed Jew’ or ‘Messianic Jew’. There is nothing false about it. If it werent for the Jews, (and a Jewish Savior) there would be no Christians.

Mizz Jodee on May 16, 2007 at 8:44 am

“debbie, you’d better go ahead and shut down your blog if you mostly agree with ‘ol jerry:
“It appears that America’s anti-Biblical feminist movement is at last dying, thank God, and is possibly being replaced by a Christ-centered men’s movement which may become the foundation for a desperately needed national spiritual awakening.”
o well, i sure did enjoy voting, equal pay, and my non-domestic career. shucks. ”
Because, obviously, these rights women enjoy don’t exist in Christian nations…
(sarcasm by the way)

Jose on May 16, 2007 at 10:10 am

I do not care to live in a theocracy, whatever the religion underlying the state may be. I seldom see the USA moving in that direction, so it has never been a practical concern to me. However, when we have a minister of the Rev. Mr. Falwell’s nature, that is, one anxious to blur the line between Church and state, I do have a great concern for the Church. In the end, a Church : state relationship does far more damage to the Church than it does to the state. The Church becomes a mere organ of the state. The tension between Church and state is valuable. My faith informs me, for example, that I must be opposed to state-sanctioned executions. I take that as a tenant of faith. However, I live in Texas, a place where a substantial majority, although a declining majority, whole-heartedly support executions. In fact, they seem to enjoy them. Our immediate past governor certainly did, even joking about them. But, if I am called as a juror in a capital case, I have to say that the fact that execution is a possible sentence might mean that I cannot necessarily decide the case solely on the basis of the facts and evidence presented at trial. The state can then rightfully excuse me, with some limitations, but I have improved the judicial process. The fact that I have a faith committment makes me a better citizen, and the fact that I am a good citizen makes me a better adherent to Biblical teachings. I am not sure that would be possible without that dynamic tension. In a theocracy, all of these types of decisions are made for me, and I suffer as a consequence. I am neither as faithful nor as good a citizen. Were people like the Revs. Messrs. Falwell and Robertson to get their way and the line between Church and state erodes, we would all suffer. I see little beneficial legacy left by the Rev. Mr. Falwell for us as a nation.

On The Mark on May 16, 2007 at 10:30 am

“Because, obviously, these rights women enjoy don’t exist in Christian nations…”
Well, based on a statement made to USA Today, I’m pretty sure Falwell didn’t really care about the rights women enjoy:
“I do not believe the homosexual community deserves minority status. One’s misbehavior does not qualify him or her for minority status. Blacks, Hispanics, women, etc., are God-ordained minorities who do indeed deserve minority status.”
Since we all know there are actually more women than men in the world, i can go ahead and assume Falwell was not referring to sheer numbers of population. so we’re going to have to go with the following definition(from; the other definitons all referred to size of population, which clearly doesn’t apply here):
“A group having little power or representation relative to other groups within a society.”
what happens to women and black people when they have little power or representation? see U.S. history prior to 1900, please.

jenni on May 16, 2007 at 11:25 am

Debbie, I have to majorly disagree with you on this one, at least when it comes to Falwell vs. the Jews (Falwell and the Muslims is another story). I have always found the recent “marriage” of evangelicals to the cause of Israel and the Jews troubling.
In all honesty, the only reason evangelicals so suddenly “love the Jews” is twofold: 1) They (OK in this case rightly) see the Islamic Revolution as a major threat and know that Israel is a force that can keep it in check (or that at least takes it more seriously than most nations)
2) They are hoping that by keeping Israel as a Jewish nation it will hasten their Second Coming of Jesus and all that stuff.
Thinking of Falwell’s and all the statements of a lot of these evangelicals back in the 1980’s about the Jews (even the 1999 statement that “OneIrishJew” noted), they are in reality almost as anti-Semitic as Farrakhan or the Nazis. I only say “almost” because A) their words are not as crude as Farrakhan’s and B) they do not do physical anti-Semitic actions like beat up rabbis, etc.
Thinking Falwell and is ilk to be a friend of the Jews is just as short-sighted as all the wrong things ICE, etc. does that you rightly point out.

hairymon on May 16, 2007 at 11:40 am

Dear Debbie,
I fully support your column on the Rev. Doctor Falwell. He was a true American patriot and he loved God. He saw the embodiment of God in Jesus Christ. That’s all I will say about that.
As to a number of folks writing in to criticize your column, I have to say this. I have seldom seen or read such stupid, inane, illogical, sloppy thinkers in my entire life. Educate yourselves before you shoot your mouths off!

jim on May 16, 2007 at 11:45 am

“I do not believe the homosexual community deserves minority status. One’s misbehavior does not qualify him or her for minority status. Blacks, Hispanics, women, etc., are God-ordained minorities who do indeed deserve minority status.”
I think by making a point to exclude homosexuals from minority STATUS, he clearly meant that “blacks, hispanics, women, etc…” should be given the same rights as white males(by calling women minorities, he meant that they historically have had little “power and representation”, which is true). So in other words, he supported women rights…

Jose on May 16, 2007 at 12:22 pm

Maybe I should offer a better explanation. He’s saying one can’t be discriminatory towards homosexuals because that person only disapproves of their sexual activities, which is one aspect of themselves, and is something they choose to do. While, on the other hand, it’s wrong for people to discriminate against “blacks, hispanics, women, etc…” solely based on their race and sex, because that’s what they are and they can’t change it(God-given, in other words).
It’s basically an argument of hate the sin not the sinner, get it?

Jose on May 16, 2007 at 12:36 pm

I read with great delight that you’re exposing how right Jerry Falwell was about certain individuals within the Islamic faith that should not be eligible for any faith-based funding. I’m sure you will be sent a lot of negative mail by a lot of people for exposing this mosque in Detroit for what it really is a place of Jewish and Zionist hatred and white hatred. I’m glad you wrote your column and I trust you continue to write such good columns. This was a very good column and I hope a lot of people read it and ponder especially President George Bush, how he can call his friend from Michigan when his friend from Michigan allows someone like Louis Farrakhan to come up on the stage and spout out all kinds of hatred speech against Jews and others in government. May God have mercy on this country and continue to protect us so that we remain a Judeo-Christian country!

Joseph M. Gates on May 16, 2007 at 2:20 pm

It always saddens me when I see people, even supposed Christians, thinking that anti-Semitism, racism and sexism are Christian ideas. They aren’t and never have been. And before anyone starts spouting about this or that historical event, country, society, glass ceiling or whatever, let me point out that even Jesus said there would be many who called themselves his followers but who didn’t know him. Anyone who doesn’t act like a Christian is not a Christian, period, no matter what he calls himself or where he goes on Sunday mornings. “There is no more Jew nor Greek, nor male nor female, for you are all one in Christ” — that’s the real deal. Jesus was a Jew. His family was Jewish. His friends and apostles were all Jewish. Not a one of them ever instructed anyone to stop being Jewish. Any so-called Christian who doesn’t honor and love the Jews like brothers is spitting on the very Savior he claims to follow. That said, Falwell was a decent, not perfect, but decent guy. His comment after 9/11 may have been overstated, but I think I see his point, which was if we weren’t such a morally weak society, we would have dealt with the terrorists long ago the way President Jefferson dealt with the Barbary Pirates (also Muslims).

mechmorph on May 16, 2007 at 3:04 pm

JMG – “May God have mercy on this country and continue to protect us so that we remain a Judeo-Christian country!”
My sentiments exactly!
Thanks, Debbie for a very fitting tribute.

CapeConservative on May 16, 2007 at 9:38 pm

“JMG – “May God have mercy on this country and continue to protect us so that we remain a Judeo-Christian country!””
I don’t know about the “Judeo” part. Less than 10% of American Jews attend any worship service and yet they seem to lead the way in nearly every organization that seeks to tear down the traditional values. Let me see, NARAL, ACLU, PAW etc…. Polls show they support things like partial birth abortion, gay mariage and other so called “progressive” ideologies by overwhelming majorities.
It’s my opinion that a significant % of American Jews are elitist and have a general distain for us gentiles. I think they are at best disrespectful of Christians and at worst bigotted. I could fill several pages with quotes from prominent Jews that reflect this or easier yet, just watch television and movies. Is there a conspiracy? I don’t think so. Are many Jews guilty of being biggoted and intolerant just like the rest of us. I DO think so. It’s their prominent position in society that makes this so damaging. Radio host Mark Levin calls them “Hollywood Jews”.
I can tell you this. I feel like I am under constant attack by this subset of Jews. Many Christians feel this way and it pisses them off. I think it’s legitimate criticism and cannot be dismissed by labeling the accuser (in this case me) of being an anti semite. I think American Jews are long overdue for a little introspection on how they treat the society that has accepted them as their own.
What have you Jews who read Deb’s column have to say about this?
Fire Away, but please spare me any ignorant name calling.

Samoyed on May 17, 2007 at 5:37 am

Mel Gibson appologized for his anti-semetic tirade and he had an excuse of being drunk. Does he get a free pass too?

Avatar on May 17, 2007 at 6:43 pm

Samoyed, the people running and destroying western civ do tend to be jewish, but they also tend to be gentile. Jews and gentiles run everything because we’re superior, the historical record is irrefutable. People who deny it can’t handle the truth. I think it’s stupid to distinguish jews from gentiles, we should all be considered “white”, and we’d better realize quickly that we have no other allies in the world and that all the other races WANT us to become extinct.

steve ventry on May 17, 2007 at 7:09 pm

Gibsonís tirade was typical of a person who is drunk. The things they normally hold inside because they know these thing are wrong or inappropriate can get spewed out. I’m more interested in whether Gibson treats Jews in his employ with respect than what he says when he is wasted. As far as I know he has does not have a record of being a bigot.
So “yes” I give him a pass only because he apologized sincerely unlike the Rabbi here in Woodbridge VA who said of the “Passion”: “It’s anti Semitic and all a myth anyway”. Gee, thanks for the tolerance Rabbi.
Regarding Jews and Gentile both being white… I don’t really care about appearance. I care about shared values. Jews are in general very intelligent but polls show they have very different values. I just don’t feel they respect mine and in fact tear them down. Remember, this is a subset of Jews I am speaking of, certainly not all.

Samoyed on May 21, 2007 at 10:28 pm

Dear Debbie,
I think that the long hundreds (thousands?) years of mutual hatred are contributing immensely to the fact of mutual rejection existing between Jews and Christians, demonstratively staying on the opposite edges of an abyssus abyssum. It has been said a lot enough concerning Christian views and behavior, that contributed to the problem. What about Jews? – Three things contribute the most (please be patient with my comments, since my comments are comments of a friend and not a foe, but a friend, much concerned about future – of Jews and Christians alike):
1) Continuous loud statements that Jews are elected.
> Elected by whom? And who of independent witnesses may – and under the strictest oath – confirm it? And – how are feeling the other people when pointed about their divine inferiority to the Jews?
2) Vitriolically negative comments against Yegoshua Ga-Nozry, a fellow Jew.
> As you see and say yourself, it is not in the interests of Jews to undermine Christianity that is more than enough undermined already by Muslims.
And – last but not least –
3) The closed (for anybody else) club, where, even if non-Jew is present, he/she may feel every minute of conversation, that is just passing by, around, but not touching him/her, that he/she is an alien.
Can you please start a series of articles that will (hopefully) work out some fresh mind in the heads of your colleagues and will make at least part of them to re-think their position against non-violent aliens?

MarcAurelio on January 12, 2008 at 11:31 pm

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