November 30, 2009, - 1:43 pm

Why the Swiss Anti-Minaret Vote is Important: Muslim Edifice Complex on Viagra, Size Matters

By Debbie Schlussel

In 2006, I noted that Swiss–normally uber-socialists–voted to make it much tougher for aliens to get into the country and get asylum, and also voted for reforms making it tougher for aliens to get government assistance and benefits.  With a growing Muslim illegal alien population, I thought:  finally, these chocolate-, watch- and secret-bank-account-producing Nazi-enablers get it.


Size Matters:

USA’s Largest Mosque’s Minarets Are Telling You, “Mine is Bigger Than Yours”

And over the weekend, they “got it” again, voting to ban minarets, the towers that come on many mosques, from Switzerland.  I’m all for it.  This isn’t about zoning or airspace or Muslim eyesores piercing the sky.  It’s far more important than that.

To understand why it was important for the Swiss to do what we in America simply don’t have the guts to, you must understand what the minarets symbolize and why they are there.  It’s epitomized in the phrase “allahu akbar.”  The phrase does not mean–as has been repeatedly reported–that allah is great.  It means “allah is the greatest” or “allah is the greater,” as in greater than the Christian and Jewish G-ds and that of any other religion.

And the minarets on mosques are the architectural version of that.  They establish Muslim supremacy.  Minarets make a mosque higher than any building surrounding it, higher than any church, higher than any synagogue, higher than any Buddhist temple.  And that’s the point of the minaret.  There is no other function other than the loud announcement of Islamic supremacy that consciously betray the smarmy Muslim pretense of “co-existence” BS and “interfaith” blah-blah-blah.  Muslims have this thing for towers. Remember how they took down two of ours in New York? They chose those for the same reason they use minarets to establish their dominance. Size matters. And these faux modesty-obsessed Muslims are actually really more obsessed with sexual and phallic symbols than any other organized modern religion.

With today’s technology employed by Muslims, they can no longer use the excuse that they need tall towers to spread their Muslim call to prayer at 5:00 a.m. in the morning.  Not that science would support better audio for sounds uttered a higher altitudes.  It doesn’t. There’s a reason there are Islamic crescents atop every minaret, and it’s the same reason for the minaret in the first place: to establish Islam’s tower over all else that surrounds it.

The minarets are sky pollution, plain and simple.  Muslims want you to know that unlike other buildings, their house of worship is on perpetual viagra, higher in the sky than anything.  It’s the ultimate Edifice Complex.

Take Dearbornistan, for instance.

When Dearbornistan’s Islamic Center of America–the largest mosque in North America and a hotbed of Hezbollah in America–was built, it was built far taller, especially with its twin minarets, than any of the churches on either side of it, and even the senior citizens’ high rise apartment building in the vicinity.  This was done deliberately–to establish Islamic supremacy.  It’s a statement:  “We are taller than all of you, we are higher up spiritually and in every other way.”  Iran and Shi’ite backers financed the place in order to make it so.  There’s a reason it dominates the landscape of Dearbornistan’s Ford Road.  The Muslims have conquered Henry Ford’s vision of Dearbornistan, their minarets towering higher than any smokestacks from the dying Ford factories.

And that’s what the minarets are about on the mosques in Switzerland and the mosques in Toledo, Ohio.  It’s an arrogance and a smugness in bricks and stucco.  But it’s not just that.  It’s a loud architectural scream that Islam has invaded and wants to assert its supremacy all over the land.

The Swiss heard that scream and smacked it down.  When. Will. America?


BTW, I don’t mean this as any sort of praise for the Swiss.  Their neutrality in World War II was a fraud, a fiction, a myth.  They helped the Nazis, turned over Jews to them, and refused to provide Jews asylum the way they have done with so many Muslims today (which is why they have the minaret prob in the first place).  And the Swiss snatched Jewish bank accounts and helped the Nazis to Jewish money, as well.  They are not to be admired or emulated, except on these latest few votes.

On this, at least, they do get it.  Sort of.  They banned minarets, but what about the extremist Muslims who are now 5% of their population and growing. ?  What will they do to stop this population from taking over and asserting its extremism upon them?  Looks like not much . . . until it’s too late.

And by the way, while the minaret ban passed with an overwhelming 58% majority voting for it, that means that 42% opposed it.  With Muslim birth rates and immigration, that will soon change.  So this is really a temporary victory only.

Still, it’s nice to see someone fighting the jihadist invasion of their country . . . while they still can.

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58 Responses

Ordinary Swiss do get it. The Islamopandering elites in their country don’t. Europe is on the road to civilizational suicide as a result of its surrender to Islam. It may be too little too late. But even symbolic defiance of the enemy matters. At least some people there are saying they want to do something to stop it. We can only hope the rest of Europe and America wakes the heck up and follows suit, too.

NormanF on November 30, 2009 at 2:37 pm

just to let yo know the word “Allah” is Arabic for God not for anything else, it’s for the Christians God and the Jews God. I could tell u this by experience what ever Arabic words Muslims say Arab Christians say the same thing and “Allah Hu Akbar” is one of them. It all means the same, and just like the Christian and Jews they all believe that God is greater then anything in the world.

lisa tote on November 30, 2009 at 2:50 pm

    “…just to let yo know the word “Allah” is Arabic for God not for anything else, it’s for the Christians God and the Jews God”

    And the difference between their god and the jews and christians was that submitting ‘infidels’ was their singular contribution to world history, and made them the quintessential ‘colonizers’ and submitters of all. In fact slavery continues with his teachings to this day. You might look into the youtube videos of such as Francis Bok, freed sudanese slave of islam, or the others who have
    as ‘abd’ or ‘black’ slaves represented 1400 yrs of mohammadan enslavement of everyone.
    And team Islam mostly stole their scriptures- their god apparently ran out of material so he plagerized from the Torah and Talmud, for the large part. Then he changed the stories so they didn’t but represent the basis of his ‘submit them all’ and kill those who don’t.

    No… not the same G-d
    By a longshot.

    Mark Goldberg on November 30, 2009 at 6:05 pm

    Then why did the Malaysian (muslim) government ban Christians from using “Allah” in their bible and other publications, lest they offend the superior muslim god?

    You might want to take your argument up with the Malaysian islamic scholars, before you lecture us.

    Willi on December 3, 2009 at 10:19 pm

      The delusion of the Malasian Government is not our fault. They think that Allah is our God..they are simply wrong, as much as anyone else thinks it.

      Kafur on June 18, 2013 at 1:38 pm

    “Allah” is NOT another name for the God of Christians and Jews. He has many names, but “Allah” is NOT one of them. “Allah” is a corruption of the name “Alilliah” which was a name of none of the many stone effigies that were worshipped in Mohammed’s day. Mohammed simply chose this “God” and decided that this was the “GREATEST” of the we get !Aliah is the greatest” (Allahu Ackbar).

    Another point is that the God of the Christians and Jews is a God of love, whilst Allah is a God of fear, lust and demands. Even the “Paradise” this “God” promises is a sexual place offering 78 virgins and many little boys per man..and not much is given to women because women will mostly be in the Q’ is undeniable my deluded friend.

    Kafur on June 18, 2013 at 1:34 pm


      “Allah” is NOT another name for the God of Christians and Jews. He has many names, but “Allah” is NOT one of them. “Allah” is a corruption of the name “Alilliah” which was a name of one of the many stone effigies that were worshipped in Mohammed’s day. Mohammed simply chose this “God” and decided that this was the “GREATEST” of the we get !Aliah is the greatest” (Allahu Ackbar).

      Another point is that the God of the Christians and Jews is a God of love, whilst Allah is a God of fear, lust and demands. Even the “Paradise” this “God” promises is a sexual place offering 78 virgins and many little boys per man..and not much is given to women because women will mostly be in the Q’ is undeniable my deluded friend.

      Kafur on June 18, 2013 at 1:34 pm

      Kafur on June 18, 2013 at 1:46 pm

Are you aware that the Swiss continue to write very large contracts with Iran for natural gas projects and purchases? As weak as the sanctions are on Iran, Switzerland ignores them.

It was nice of the Swiss people to stand up against Islam, but I’m not in too much of a hurry to praise them.

There is NO Santa Claus on November 30, 2009 at 2:56 pm

Well good for the Swiss! In my native Austria, they are doing the same thing, but are more under the radar about it.
As far as I am concerned I would go one further, burn them to the bloody ground.

Drakken on November 30, 2009 at 3:08 pm

    Drakken – and make sure you lock inside all of the terrorists and muzzies before the fire begins. How can you tell terrorists and muzzies apart? You can’t, all you need to look for are people with rags on their heads and their butts in the air. That’s close enough for me.

    Jarhead on December 1, 2009 at 10:48 am

just to let yo know the word “Allah” is Arabic for God not for anything else, it’s for the Christians God and the Jews God. I could tell u this by experience what ever Arabic words Muslims say Arab Christians say the same thing and “Allah Hu Akbar” is one of them. It all means the same, and just like the Christian and Jews they all believe that God is greater then anything in the world.

lisa tote on November 30, 2009 at 2:50 pm


You say “tomato”

and I say “tomahto”.

Shy Guy on November 30, 2009 at 3:27 pm

Just a note, i was driving through Ohio on I-75 this weekend, I saw this huge Mosque,On each side was a Mianret, Funny thing when I saw them they looked like 2 missles.
maybe Debbies got it wrong, Maybe its missle envy?

Peanuts envy on November 30, 2009 at 3:29 pm

Anytime Muslims want to build a Mosque, they should be asked if the Arab countries will allow a non-Muslim house of worship of the same size to be built, and if not, widely publicze this and ask why not, so that there will be enough community refusal to allow for the ‘supremeacist’ Mosque.

This should, however, be accompanied by a counter-offer to allow Mosques to be built that are just as high as non-Muslim hoses of worship.

exdemexlib on November 30, 2009 at 3:31 pm

Debbie has yet again twisted a basic news item into something for whatever questionable hate-promoting agenda she is following.

The vote, that only just made it it in Switzerland was more for the normally socially-conservative Swiss a concern that their idealic skyline would be altered and that they would disturbed by hearing the “call to prayer” of a religion that they do not follow. Both reasons are to a degree both logical and valid.

Like the political score pointing that is common in the US, Debbie in attempting to make a difference when there is not is not only blatantly obvious but equally pathetic. As a commenter put it, the there is no “out God is greater” in Islam as Debbie’s supposive expertise on Islam should have taught her, but as one of the three Abrahamic religions, it is the same God of her own Jewish faith.

Thus, any criticism of the shape or height of minarets or the size of Mosques is not only moot, but she is in fact insulting her own faith in the desire to produce great eddifaces in the name of and on behalf of man’s worship for our commonly shared God.

Some point-scoring for agenda’s backfire.

Solkhar on November 30, 2009 at 3:37 pm

    Hello Solkhar, how’s that stolen money going, still enough left to be able to maintain your taqqiya writing, hookah puffing and coffee-shop lounging lifestyle?

    See the Sheik banned you

    Sad after all those taqqiya posts, so many lies all wasted.

    Bat doo-doo on November 30, 2009 at 6:20 pm

The Abrahamic G-d does not preach human sacrifice, mass murder and the subjugation and enslavement of others. I must have missed it somewhere where Islam has never done all of the above. Perhaps in some alternate universe it hasn’t. But in the here and now it threatens to erase all the values it took the world centuries to painfully acquire. Despite whatever our politically correct world pretends, there is still evil. We can deny it but it exists.

NormanF on November 30, 2009 at 3:46 pm

I would love to see were “human sacrifice” is practiced in Islam, because it does not. As for the subjugation and enslavements of others, the acts of “man” in the name of religion or culture has troubled this planet from the day they started walking upon it – and Islam has neither the domination of it in the past or now.

Reality bites both ways.

[Solkhar is a Muslim with an interesting past, who has been banned by our friend Sheikyermami. We’re banning him in solidarity with SYM and also b/c he’s just a liar. Read here to find out why:

Solkhar on November 30, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    LOL, Werner Reiman was pissed off because I named him for the bigot and kahanist radical that he is.

    What is pretty low is not only his at contemptuous personal attack and lies as some form of revenge for point out his identity, but that the assumption of this blog that a known hate-blogger who hides behind blogspot’s policies and a banner that says his blog is humorous – is obviously a good source of information.

    I think pettiness has its limits.

    _Solkhar on December 2, 2009 at 7:06 pm





    Kafur on June 18, 2013 at 2:01 pm

Allahu akbar, the war cry of the soldiers of allah means ‘our god is greater’- it doesn’t mean ‘our god is Abrahamic’ or good, just greater.

Malaysia forbids the Christians to use the word “allah” in their textbooks. The Mohammedans know very well that Allah is not God, they just don’t want you to know it. It could hamper their da’awa efforts. And spreading Islam is all that matters.

Click on the Solkhar aka Dom “Hussein” Huntman Expose’ , its worth it, the guy is quite a fruitcake. He himself is a petty criminal and a revert to Islam. His mother went to jail for a scam for which the solkhar troll was the main beneficiary. In the second link you can compare solkhars looks with those of psycho killer Hasan Malik, the similarity is eerie, almost like twins.

sheik yer'mami on November 30, 2009 at 6:01 pm

Although unfortunately the Swiss elites opposed this.

Little Al on November 30, 2009 at 6:30 pm

I have heard of Debbie Schlussel but never read anything of hers until now. Of course I will never read anything of hers again since she is a racist moron.
So Muslims build minarets just to show their superiority eh?
Got any proof of that other than from your own twisted mind? Since they have had minarets for centuries in their own countries who, pray tell, were they trying to impress? I suppose you could say the same thing about Catholics. After all, they build those big cathedrals. (I guess they must be trying to oppress the protestants huh?)
And to the morons who agree with her there are Christians in Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon & they can practice their religion freely. Oh and for those of you who think that Islam should be banned in America we have a little thing in this country called “freedom of religion.” Maybe you have heard of it.

Richard on November 30, 2009 at 6:53 pm

Little Al, and all the bleeding heart human rights organizations want it overturned. Who cares what the vox populi think? Never mind the complete absence of religious freedom in the Islamic World. We mustn’t infringe on their “right” to build minarets even as they deny non-Muslims any rights in their home countries. With them, its a one-street and those who should be supporting human rights side not with the victims but with those want to take away their human rights!

Its just sick.

NormanF on November 30, 2009 at 6:56 pm

Richard, I guess every one who knows something about Islam is a “racist moron.” Christians in the Arab World have mostly immigrated to the West. There is no freedom of religion and even if you’re a Muslim, you’re not allowed to think for yourself. The dominant trend in the Muslim World is sheer fanaticism and conformity, not reason and dissent. For instance, Israel publishes more books and articles in a year than the Arab World produces in a single decade. Apart from the oil, I defy any one to name me one Islamic contribution to the welfare of humanity, The assassin and the jihadist are not what people consider to be gifts. We have freedom of religion in this country but it doesn’t mean every thing goes – especially from people who hate the country and wish to inflict on it and its people the greatest harm. Yes, we must stop them.

If that makes me and Debbie “racist morons” then I guess she and I are in good company indeed.

NormanF on November 30, 2009 at 7:06 pm

Trap ‘n’ zap all the mosquerats
and convert into a tavern called
the Allahak Bar.

demonneant on November 30, 2009 at 7:16 pm

Re: “Minarets make a mosque higher than any building surrounding it, higher than any church, higher than any synagogue, higher than any Buddhist temple. And that’s the point of the minaret.”

I gues that’s why the Taliban were obsessed with bringing down those old Buddhist monuments in Afghanistan.


“Taliban government in Afghanistan has succeeded in destroying Buddhist monuments that have stood for sixteen centuries. Despite opposition from all corners of the world, from Western-style governments to people within their own Islamic faith, the Taliban have ruined 175-foot monuments that were hewn into Afghan mountain cliffs at the beginning of the Common Era. Those opposed to the Taliban actions protested that they were destroying ancient religious symbols that have meant so much to Buddhists over the centuries.”

Bob S. on November 30, 2009 at 7:22 pm

Norman F, I think you misunderstood my comment. I agree with Debbie; I was criticizing the elites for opposing the restrictions on minarets. My comment is above my name, not below it.

Little Al on November 30, 2009 at 7:28 pm

Richard that’s the is the freedom of religion the muslim preaches and enforces!

they deserve exactly the same amount of freedom of religion here that they give others in all the countries they ‘invaded’ and now are ‘occupying’ to use 2 words you leftist “morons” repeatedly also apply against anyone in the world EXCEPT MUSLIMS.

Bob S. on November 30, 2009 at 7:32 pm

In France, it is claimed that Muslims make up 10% of the population, the same as 10 years ago. That’s a blatant lie. The French government will not include religious questions in the census. Most Muslim “leaders” in France will tell you it’s actually north of 15%. In Paris, 40% of the under 25’s are Muslim.

The most worrisome practice is “fetching” whereby a young Muslim is married not a another European Muslim, but to one from the old country (often a cousin). That practice tends to really accelerate population growth. So, instead of two European Muslims producing 3 or 4 children, you now have two European and two “foreign” Muslims producing 6 to 8. Repeat that every 20 years, and you can see where this ends up.

adam on November 30, 2009 at 7:40 pm

    It is true that there are areas in Paris that look more like Africa than France. The French have sold their birthright and they have yet to come to terms with their own lies.

    Curiously, in the referendum in Switzerland it was also the French cantons that voted for the minarets. These people are insane.

    Their logic is equally maddening:

    After the carbeques in France that torched 10000 cars, 1000 businesses and billions in damage, I spoke with a Frenchman who told me that its all good for business, because all these people would have to buy new cars and build new businesses etc.

    Words fail me….

    Are they too dumb to understand that we all pay collectively for the damage and the terror by the Mohammedan invaders?

    sheik yer'mami on December 1, 2009 at 5:17 am

Richard writes, “Since they have had minarets for centuries in their own countries who, pray tell, were they trying to impress? I suppose you could say the same thing about Catholics.”

Wherever Islam conquered, it had to contend with the presence of the newly subdued populations, who were everywhere put under restriction, and those restrictions were intended to confirm their subordinate status. Under the precedent setting 7th century pact of Umar, for example, the unbelievers had to accept a variety of strictures, including the following:

– We shall not build in our cities or in their vicinity any new monasteries, churches, hermitages, or monks cells. We shall not restore, by night or by day, any of them that have fallen into ruin or which are located in the Muslims’ quarters.
– We shall not hold public religious ceremonies. We shall not seek to proselytize anyone. We shall not prevent any of our kin from embracing Islam if they so desire.
– We shall not display our crosses or our books anywhere in the Muslims’ thoroughfare or in their marketplaces. We shall only beat our clappers in our churches very quietly. We shall not raise our voices when reciting the services in our churches, nor when in the presence of Muslims.
– We shall not build our homes higher than theirs [those of the Muslims].

Of course, over time such restrictions were enforced to a greater or lesser extent, but they make clear how Muslims feel about us “infidels” and what they see as our proper place.

Raymond in DC on November 30, 2009 at 8:01 pm

There’s another matter which is unreported in most of the media. Most of the major Swiss feminist organizations supported the minaret ban. They see the minarets as symbols of Islamic misogyny.

chsw on November 30, 2009 at 8:25 pm

1. Allah is NOT God.
2. Banning mosques is no more insensitive than banning swastikas.
3. I’ve read their book — Islam is not nice. Islam has plans for us.
4. I do pray for anyone caught up in Islam. We do them no good service by patronizing their slave-masters.

Mack Hall on November 30, 2009 at 9:26 pm

Bravo, Swiss people! This is the best news I have heard in years. islam belongs to the trash can of mankind.

IndianTiger on November 30, 2009 at 9:37 pm

Now to outlaw mosques and muslim immigration.. <>

Thinking One on November 30, 2009 at 10:24 pm

The Christian God is a merciful tolerant God. Christianity teaches the ten commandants.

lllh on November 30, 2009 at 11:28 pm

It is our patriotic duty to hasten the depletion of oil while simultaneously developing alternative energy solutions which will then NOT be shared with the barbarians. In this way, we shall voice the last jubilant ululation. Thus speaks Sheik Yerbouti!

baseboru on November 30, 2009 at 11:59 pm

For Richard, the ignorant:

“The subject peoples,” i.e., the dhimmis, says that same manual of Islamic law that I cited above, must “pay the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya)” and “are distinguished from Muslims in dress, wearing a wide cloth belt (zunnar); are not greeted with ‘as-Salamu ‘alaykum’ [the traditional Muslim greeting, ‘Peace be with you’]; must keep to the side of the street; may not build higher than or as high as the Muslims’ buildings, though if they acquire a tall house, it is not razed; are forbidden to openly display wine or pork…recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals or feastdays; and are forbidden to build new churches.” (‘Umdat al-Salik, o11.3, 5).

Shy Guy on December 1, 2009 at 12:22 am

An attribute of these islamic types – they dont take no for an answer, you knock them down and they bounce straight back up like those skittle things.
The Bloomberg report quotes Farhad Afshar (president of Coordination of Islamic Organizations in Switzerland)as saying: “I don’t rule out that Muslim communities in Switzerland will go to court against this referendum, most probably in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, Muslims in Switzerland won’t feel welcome after this referendum.”
They dont care what we in the West think, they dont care that we dont want islam in our Western countries. They dont think like us. lf it were me and l was knowing no one in my new country wanted me there ld be feeling a little lost and unwelcome. lts immaterial to them how we in the West feel about the increasing muslim presence.
No one in the West is serious about the islamic menace yet.
And they keep coming.

the human flies on December 1, 2009 at 12:38 am

They are truly the maggots of our world. They are the number one menace of civilized man and have been for centuries. The open contempt they display, these young men-shemales they spawn, are worthy of spam in hell.

What all the general public should know out there is that any that I’ve had the dis- pleasure of meeting in the joint have been bitches. Straight up. The obvious product of being raised in families with twisted cowardly fathers, retarded moms. They instigate fights, get beaten down, whine and snitch to the c/o’

Joe on December 1, 2009 at 1:04 am

Time to clean up muslims mosques in canada and usa too.
I live in Toronto ont belive be muslims have mosques
every in the city.Too many and they teach hate.Make
all mosques a strip club.

mtom on December 1, 2009 at 10:28 am

Build churches or temples on top of the foundations like they’ve done in the middle east for centuries.

Joe on December 1, 2009 at 11:26 am

This issue is in a very real sense the heart of the arab-Israeli issue. See this story from Israel National News.

ZACK613 on December 1, 2009 at 12:24 pm

Introducing the Mosque Clock. No home should be without one.

(How much you wanna bet these are 2 nice Jewish boys from Golders Green?)

Shy Guy on December 1, 2009 at 1:08 pm

While this vote was good in and of itself, the Swiss are still jerks. They are one of a few countries in Europe where it is illegal for Jews to perform ritual slaughter (Schechita) and I believe they have seriously considered outlawing circumcision.

I_AM_ME on December 1, 2009 at 4:27 pm

Debbie, thanks for another great article on Islam. I learned a little about mosques (it makes complete sense) and a little about the Islamic battle cry.

PDMac60 on December 2, 2009 at 10:01 am

First of all, Ford posted a PROFIT for its last quarter.
Yes, I know that Henry Ford was supposed to be The Governor of America under Hitler’s plan for Global domination and that the Nazi’s used slave labour to manufacture Ford trucks in Germany during the war.

However, most of those in Dearborn, that destroyed the property values of my cousins house and forced her to move to Ann Arbour, do pay taxes.

So who cares if they work at FOMOCO as long as they make the cars with quality?

However, when it comes to Minarets, please get the story straight. They are not ‘rockets’. The Palestinians also think that they are rockets. If anyone looks at a Church Steeple and squints their eyes, they can easily make the steeple to look like one of those rockets from a 1950’s mission to Mars or Venus movie.

The fact is, Minarets are modeled after Air Traffic Control towers at your local International Airport. One has to understand that when man (or woman) thousands of years ago, went to sleep, they dreamt, and saw things in the future.

In fact Mohammed even stated that he saw the Jewish Temple in his sleep. OF COURSE HE SAW THE JEWISH TEMPLE, he worked for JEWISH MERCHANTS! IF he had worked for Chinese merchants he would have dreamt that he saw the Great Wall of China.

So we know that he saw it in his sleep, what else did he see in his sleep? Did he see an airport? Was God a frequent flyer?

I know that if I was asleep 1500 years ago and I saw an airport, I would probably try to recreate it to share it with others. This was also done in South America by the Naszca tribes when they woke up.

Then there is the fact that there is some guy in the tower calling out to come and land. Let us also notice that the Mosque itself HAS NO SEATING, because, after all, you cannot park an airplane in a hanger that is full of chairs!

I know that if I was given a virtual tour of an airport in my sleep hundreds of years ago, and I had some control over my society, then, I would most probably try to share the miraculous things I saw.

This is not specific just to the Muslims, many people slept and dreamt in the past and they all reported seeing things.
Ezekiel described the undercarriage of an airplane that he saw in his sleep. Even Maimonide’s commentator, stated in his writings that once when he was in the desert he heard men screaming in Italian that they were being attacked by something called ‘The Monte’, who was, no doubt General Montgomery chasing the Italians out of Egypt. However, when he made his mystical observations, it was when the English language was not yet invented, but Italian was prevalent in the Mediterranean region.

So a Mosque is, in fact an AIRPORT without a runway. Makes sense when you think about 9/11.

LJ: Mosques are modeled after airports and air traffic control towers? Hilarious. How many airports and air traffic control towers were there in the 7th century? DS

Lumberjohn on December 2, 2009 at 11:53 am

That islamic center is beautiful. Just because it is big it does not mean we are trying to “show off” we have a hug community and we would all like to be together on holy nights. THE BIGGER THE BETTER ;)… STOP HATING

LuLu on December 2, 2009 at 10:46 pm

What all of you are saying here is to execute another Holocaust with the Muslims as victims this time

Anti_Racists on December 4, 2009 at 1:29 am

Swiss leader calls for Jewish cemetery ban
December 3, 2009
BERLIN (JTA) — A mainstream Swiss political leader is calling for a ban on separate Muslim and Jewish cemeteries.

Christophe Darbellay, president of the Christian Democratic People’s Party of Switzerland, made the statement in a television interview Tuesday, two days after Swiss voters passed an initiative to ban minarets.

The anti-minaret initiative came from the opposition ultra-conservative Swiss People’s Party and other right-wing political organizations. Critics say Darbellay is starting a “crusade” to attract voters by proposing similarly xenophobic measures.

Mainstream politicians and religious leaders across Europe have reacted with dismay to the anti-minaret vote.

According to the Swiss online daily Tagesanzeiger, Darbellay also wants to ban the wearing of burkas, head-to-toe veils worn by some fundamentalist Muslim women.

Darbellay reportedly said that existing cemeteries would not be affected by a ban, but that there should be no separate cemeteries in the future.

The Swiss People’s Party called for crackdowns on expressions of Muslim fundamentalism in 2006. Observers said the demand for separate cemeteries is an escalation.

David on December 8, 2009 at 7:11 pm

This is ridiculous. Whoever this Debbie Schlussel is needs to get her facts straight or just shutup. It’s very sad that some of you people agree with her, since it’s BS. In her twisted words:

“‘allahu akbar.’ The phrase does not mean–as has been repeatedly reported–that allah is great. It means ‘allah is the greatest’ or ‘allah is the greater,’ as in greater than the Christian and Jewish G-ds and that of any other religion.”

If she knew what she was talking about, she would know that “Allahu Akbar” does mean Allah is the Greatest, BUT Allah is simply the Arabic word for God. What do you expect Arabs to call God? Did you think that the word “God” is universal? NOT EVERYONE SPEAKS ENGLISH; DIFFERENT LANGUAGES HAVE DIFFERENT WORDS FOR “GOD”. Any Christian or Jew would agree that God is the greatest. Please post a reply if you disagree. Something else that Debbie is incredibly wrong about:

“Minarets make a mosque higher than any building surrounding it, higher than any church, higher than any synagogue, higher than any Buddhist temple. And that’s the point of the minaret.”

Ehm, that is NOT the point of the minaret. Minarets were historically used to sound the call to prayer, but as Debbie helpfully pointed out, we have technology these days. Minarets are simply for the sake of architecture, and if people choose to build them, it is for them to decide the design of their mosque. I’m not sure what Debbie believes in, but if she believes in freedom of religion like all patriotic Americans such as myself do, she wouldn’t be making such a deal of minarets. But of course, she is just another hate-mongerer looking to make some cash.

Jordan on September 16, 2011 at 4:27 pm


“Allah” is NOT another name for the God of Christians and Jews. He has many names, but “Allah” is NOT one of them. “Allah” is a corruption of the name “Alilliah” which was a name of one of the many stone effigies that were worshipped in Mohammed’s day. Mohammed simply chose this “God” and decided that this was the “GREATEST” of the we get “Aliliah is the greatest” (Allahu Ackbar).

Another point is that the God of the Christians and Jews is a God of love, whilst Allah is a God of fear, lust and demands. Even the “Paradise” this “God” promises is a sexual place offering 78 virgins and many little boys per man..and not much is given to women because women will mostly be in the Q’ is undeniable my deluded friend.

Kafur on June 18, 2013 at 1:34 pm

Kafur on June 18, 2013 at 1:43 pm

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