November 24, 2009, - 12:47 pm

Don’t Vote For Kelly Ayotte: GOP Candidate Helped Illegal Aliens

By Debbie Schlussel

Today’s USA Today cover has a picture of New Hampshire U.S. Senate Seat candidate Kelly Ayotte . . . along with her Mr. Mom hubby taking care of the kiddies, which is sad in and of itself.  (Dude surrendered his man card at the door.)  The article is about at-risk Democrats on the defense from Republican candidates in the 2010 mid-term elections.  But Ayotte is exactly the kind of Republican we DON’T need.


The Republican Ayotte–who refuses to take hubby Joe Daley’s name–is mildly attractive and claims to be a conservative in her campaign seeking Judd Gregg’s U.S. Senate Seat.  Don’t believe the hype.

As I noted back in 2005, Ayotte, New Hampshire’s Attorney General, was typically spineless and aided and abetted the illegal alien invasion.  She was one of those mostly liberal local and state politicians who refused to enforce immigration laws and stopped police from doing so.  Ayotte forbade state police from enforcing trespassing laws against illegal aliens and using them to take the aliens off the street.

New Hampshire’s cowardly attorney general Kelly Ayotte refused to appeal trespassing charges against illegal immigrants. The charges were used by local police chiefs frustrated by zero federal enforcement of immigration laws by [then Homeland Security chief Michael] Chertoff. Ayotte also instructed New Hampshire police chiefs not to use the trespassing laws to take undocumented workers off the street. Remember Ayotte’s wimpishness in any of her future runs for office.

Ayotte is now presenting herself as a conservative and tea party style candidate. That’s baloney. She’s a career politician who did the wrong things while in office. Don’t give her a chance to repeat those wrong things in the U.S. Senate.

Kelly Ayotte is part of the problem, not the solution. Oh, and if she fails in the Republican primary, maybe her five-year-old daughter Katherine and two-year-old son will finally have a mom . . . a mom whose name isn’t Joe.

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22 Responses

A new party is needed.

CaliforniaScreaming on November 24, 2009 at 1:04 pm

Welcome to the new democratic strategy, if the district happens to be conservative then we’ll send in some of our plants to infiltrate as republicans. Then if that doesn’t work we use acorn to steal the election with fraudulent ballots, if that doesn’t work we’ll create a scandal and run them out of offfice. Republicans never stand up for their own anyway. This has been the game plan since the Clinton administration and its working briliantly because too many Americans are too stupid to read between the lines and see these poeple for what they are. They snookered us with both Bushs’ 1 & 2 now I hear they’re preparing Jeb Bush for a run to really drag us down the gutter.

seahawker on November 24, 2009 at 2:57 pm

Any woman who refuses to take her husbands name is not a true conservative.

Oscar on November 24, 2009 at 3:29 pm

For someone with a law degree like Ms. Schlussel I find the shallowness and pettiness alarming. While I am not a single issue voter, I too am appalled by those who would thrust amnesty upon us all. Illegal means illegal.

Yet sometimes a shallow reading of ones words or works leads to misinformation and somewhat character assassination.

For instance when Ms. Schlussel says, “She’s a career politician…” Did anyone attempt to find out that Kelly Ayotte has never run for political office? Ever! She was appointed to be the first woman attorney general in the state of NH.

Secondly wouldn’t we as conservatives be the first to point out that Attorney General is not, and should never be a political office?

And as someone with a law degree should know that attorneys are bound to uphold the laws of their particular state. And sometimes knowing the make-up of higher courts may lead an attorney general to “not appeal” and further waste taxpayer money.

I do not know all the reasons that went into Ms. Ayotte deciding not to appeal such a case, but I am wise enough and conservative enough to know that sometimes an attorney general may have to push or not push cases of which I fundamentally disagree with… because they are bound to uphold the laws of which they may disagree with.

In the end I can only tell you that Kelly Ayotte is more conservative then 90% of the sitting senators and I guarantee would never ever vote for amnesty. I can also tell you that most of NH also does not know how conservative she is…thus the lead she has in the polls. And besides a conservative blog, I would just as well like to keep it like that. For once I’d love for us to win a moderate to liberal state with a stealth conservative canidate.

J: You are clearly her campaign worker, husband, lover, or close friend. Your apologism for this selfish fraud, Kelly Ayotte, is absurd. She is not “against illegal immigrants,” which is the point of this post. When it came to her taking a stand, she stood on their side and against cops and immigration law.

She’s been in office for at least four years. Now, she wants another six. Yes, that’s a career. How she got there–whether elected or appointed–is a distinction without a difference.

And she’s clearly not “pro-family.” At least not pro- her own family. You cannot be an effective U.S. Senator and a mom, period. It’s never happened. She has two young kids but is so selfish and cares so little about their welfare, she’s running for the U.S. Senate. That’s all we need to know. If that’s conservative, who needs liberals? If she cares so little about her own kids, imagine how much she’ll care about total stranger constituents. As in, not much. DS

James on November 24, 2009 at 4:00 pm

James…. conservatives don’t have to lie about and hide their beliefs. The other side has to because few would buy what they’re actually doing because they cannot be forthright about them. If Republicans have to do what the other side does, they will never regain power in this country. And that goes double for all the Baby Mama politicians running in the GOP.

NormanF on November 24, 2009 at 4:10 pm

Norman… don’t know about others, but Kelly is not lying about or hiding her beliefs. She typically gets upset that so many think her moderate like Snowe or Collins when she is both a social and fiscal conservative. But from a consultant viewpoint I think she would be vilified in the NH press if they knew she is more in line with Demint then Snowe. But if you meet her, she’s not hiding anything.

James on November 24, 2009 at 4:31 pm

James, I don’t recall where the states don’t have to uphold federal law. A country that can’t keep its borders secure doesn’t have much of a future. Oh yes – the states are expected to raise taxes to pay for an uber-expensive new entitlement. For our national security – nothing.

NormanF on November 24, 2009 at 4:57 pm

James sounds like a plant on this thread, straight from the DNC.

FrankLaughter on November 24, 2009 at 5:23 pm

James: If Kelly is conservative, how do you explain her soft spot for illegal aliens?

lexi on November 24, 2009 at 5:34 pm

Lexi…I don’t know of a soft spot on illegal aliens. In fact I know she is against illegal immigration, for closing up the borders, and against any kind of amnesty. That’s what I know.

Why she did not appeal a case as an appointed attorney general…I do not know. Perhaps cost, perhaps knowing the make-up of the appeals court, etc… I do know that NH does not have the same illegal problems that southern border states have.

My real point is that as attorney general I know of other cases that she pursued that were against her beliefs, but the law of the state. And I don’t think pulling out one court case tells me anything about any attorney who is sworn to uphold the law.

But issue by issue this is what she believes in her heart:

For school prayer
Against gay marriage
For states rights
For tax cuts
Against big government
Against illegal immigrants and opposes amnesty
Pro free markets
Strong on defense believes terrorism is war not a police matter
Tough on crime – made NH one of safest states as AG
Against Health care
Against the Stimulus
Against TARP
Against cap & trade
Against card check

If she’s not conservative then I’m not sure anyone qualifies!

J: You are clearly her campaign worker, husband, lover, or close friend. Your apologism for this selfish fraud, Kelly Ayotte, is absurd. She is not “against illegal immigrants,” which is the point of this post. When it came to her taking a stand, she stood on their side and against cops and immigration law.

And she’s clearly not “pro-family.” At least not pro- her own family. You cannot be an effective U.S. Senator and a mom, period. It’s never happened. She has two young kids but is so selfish and cares so little about their welfare, she’s running for the U.S. Senate. That’s all we need to know. If that’s conservative, who needs liberals? If she cares so little about her own kids, imagine how much she’ll care about total stranger constituents. As in, not much. DS

James on November 24, 2009 at 6:02 pm

She really needs to change her name. To minimally offer proof that she is socially conservative.

rickster on November 24, 2009 at 6:21 pm

Unless James is really Kelly Ayotte herself.

Little Al on November 24, 2009 at 6:57 pm

What’s so bad about not taking his last name? Shouldn’t that be at the bottom of the list of why you shouldn’t vote for her?

Nak on November 24, 2009 at 9:58 pm

I know this is a bit off topic, but I don’t understand something (and I’m not being snide, I genuinely don’t get it) – Debbie, you talk all the time about how spectacular your dad was. How do you square that with the idea that Dads shouldn’t be the ones caring for the kids? What, in your opinion, IS the role of a father?

H: Wow, if you have to ask, you really don’t get it. The role of a father is to be a provider and a role model in kids’ lives. It’s not to be Mr. Mom or the primary caretaker. Anyone who thinks that Kelly Ayotte’s husband should be raising 2- and 5-year-olds, while she’s away in Washington, might as well change their name to Gloria Steinem. DS

hellcat on November 25, 2009 at 11:48 am

She won’t win because among other things, she violated the grassroots’ trust when she failed to prosecute massive voter fraud, pedophelia and coverup, and campaign fraud when she could have done so easily.

She instead went after other Republicans who are real conservatives.

Nope Kelly is not going to win the primary… that’s the ‘word’ from the inside.
She’s no friend of ours.

Insider on November 25, 2009 at 11:50 am

She will not get my vote. She is a liar and i dont like her facist agenda. She has shown to care more about illegals than she does the residents of NH, dont forget the sick ones she fought so determinately against when they wanted to smoke or eat their pot. Im also not sure having NH’s top cop in senate is going to serve us well. This is a lady that felt the need to go after poeple giving manicures without a license, what a waste of recources, what good is she gonna do in senate besides get herself a fat paycheck.

Patrick on December 8, 2009 at 6:57 pm

Kelly Ayottes husband Joe is a war vet. In addition to having flown combat missions in the A10, he’s still a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force Reserve. He’s not a Mr. Mom, he runs his own landscaping and snow plow business. His wife stood by him while he served in the Air Force, now he’ll stand by her while she serves in the Senate.

As for Kelly by 40 she was the NH State Attorney General, and successfully prosecuted a case resulting in the death penalty for a cop killer. She’s also the first NH AG to argue a case before the supreme court, she won that one too. With her resume she could write her own ticket at any law firm in the country.

The sad truth is that if you’re uncomfortable with people like Kelly or her husband, it’s because by comparison you don’t measure up. If you can’t be successful, attack people who are.

Michael on January 16, 2010 at 11:19 pm

I will help out Hodes in the race, but Ayotte is kind of sexy. She could turn a lot of heads which could make her a tough candidate to pick. The GOP is getting smart at picking candidates with sex appeal VS the better more experienced candidate.

ObamaFan2010 on January 27, 2010 at 6:28 pm

I hope she is as socially conservative as you folks say because that won’t sell in NH. When I worked with the Democrats for Ted Kennedy’s senate seat, I was angered by the fact most voters didn’t know Scott Brown supports torture. He sounded like a civil union supporter, who wasn’t in favor of gay marriages, but seemed to at least respect his state’s decision. His refusal though to treat woman who were raped to allow them to have emergency contraception troubled me. He backed it up by saying a lot of hospitals in Mass are Catholic and wouldn’t do such a procedure. Time will tell if he is a social moderate.

NH voters like libertarian elements like protecting the 2nd ammendment, no sales tax, but if Ayotte comes across with views similar to Sarah Palin, Hodes will be able to rip her apart.

She has good looks and when interviewed Ayotte doesn’t seem annoying the way Palin is, but there has to be some questions she needs to answer.

ObamaFan2010 on January 27, 2010 at 6:36 pm

I don’t CARE if it was JUST a failure to appeal a case. When called upon to fight for our rights as a sovereign nation with REAL immigration laws and REAL illegal alien PROBLEMS, she WILLINGLY & KNOWINGLY FAILED TO ACT. Somebody in New Hampshire should reply to this & tell like-minded individuals WHO is the alternative & HOW to send campaign contributions to that person.

I_Know_Enough on August 27, 2010 at 2:50 pm

Ayotte is an idiot who cannot be trusted by the left, right or in between.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Conservative writer Debbie Schlussel, KingCast agree: “Don’t vote for Kelly Ayotte for U.S. Senate, she is a flip-flop, inept Joe Arpaio toady.”

Original story here, with videos.

Cross Post: Firedoglake, Phoenix New Times.

As you can see in the top video, and in this video from a Facebook-advertised open rally, Kelly Ayotte and Karen Thoman are complete tools who hate the First Amendment.

As you can see in this video from the Nashua, NH GOP rally, Kelly Ayotte and racist Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio had nothing to say when I reminded them that Kelly Ayotte flip-flopped on her As I noted in this post, Conservative political writer Debbie Schlussel warned 2 years ago “Don’t vote for Kelly Ayotte.”
Ayotte also instructed New Hampshire police chiefs not to use the trespassing laws to take undocumented workers off the street. Remember Ayotte’s wimpishness in any of her future runs for office.

Ayotte is now presenting herself as a conservative and tea party style candidate. That’s baloney. She’s a career politician who did the wrong things while in office. Don’t give her a chance to repeat those wrong things in the U.S. Senate.

But like the paid GOP toady she is, she flip-flopped and now basically supports similar activities and a reign of terror imposed by Arpaio, who has paid $40,000 to American Citizen Nick Babcock for four (4) wrongful arrests occasioned because he works for Arpaio opponent Dan Saban, also suspiciously arrested on a prior election eve. Given Ayotte’s history with me as NAACP Legal Chair (she and her buddy, fired Jaffrey Police Chief Martin Dunn lost trying to jail me for writing a Civil Rights Demand Letter), Kelly Ayotte probably supports these unlawful arrests as well, anything to get in office and abuse power.

Note to anyone who supports Kelly Ayotte: You’re voting for an idiot GOP sockpuppet who will flim-flam and flip-flop her way into any office she can find, even violating her own promise to finish her term as NH AG, where she had a horrible record on Civil Rights and big business, as documented.

Related: The Nefarious relationship between Kelly Ayotte and Joe Arpaio.

KingCast on September 27, 2010 at 10:30 pm

The only one I’m not going to vote for is Barack Obama. Enough is enough.

Joe Jimenez on August 29, 2012 at 12:05 am

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