April 30, 2007, - 2:23 pm

On George Tenet

Like many of you, I watched the George Tenet interview, last night, on CBS’ “60 Minutes.”
I’ve never been a fan of Tenet. He was way too friendly with Yasser Arafat. His agents gave American-funded weapons to the Palestinians and trained them in how to use them. This was ostensibly to provide Arafat’s Palestinian Authority with a police force. But if you are the head of America’s premier intelligence agency, and you cannot predict the obvious–that those guns will be used to commit terrorism en masse (and that is exactly what happened with both the police and the “Tanzim,” of which many PA police were members)–then you have no biz being in the intelligence biz.
But not only was he in that biz, he headed it. And he was the architect of that policy. He has the blood on his hands of all of the victims of those Palestinian terrorist murderers he armed and trained, courtesy of our tax dollars.

George Tenet-afat Says: Buy My BS Book

(Artwork by David Lunde/Lundesigns)

Tenet’s arming of the Palestinians and helping them perpetrate their terror is key to the predicament in which Israel is right now–the withdrawal from Gaza, the demoralization of its people, etc., etc., etc. His “intelligence” was a big part of assurances for and follow up from the failed Oslo Accords.
Tenet’s “leadership” in the “intelligence” community went downhill from there. So that’s the jaundiced eye through which I see all that is Tenet.
Now, there is the Tenet book, his last attempt at respect and riches and the reclamation of a positive reputation he rightfully lost long ago. President Bush is to blame for a lot of that which is Tenet. He kept Tenet on, despite Tenet’s policy of arming and training Palestinian terrorists and despite many other failures. And he kept giving Tenet the kosher seal of job approval. We’ve heard that before and since: “Tenet, er . . . Brownie, you’re doing a heckuva job.”
In his book, though not mentioned last night on “60 Minutes,” Tenet blames the Iraq War on–who else?–the JOOOOOOOOS. Yup, that’s right–the tenets of Tenet (and all others so establishmently inclined): If at first you don’t succeed, try blaming the Jews. And . . . When in doubt, blame Israel. Tenet maintains that the reason we went into Iraq was to protect Israel.
It’s the same myth that far-left anti-war activists and protesters love to spread: blame Israel for the war in Iraq. But the fact remains: Israel did not want the U.S. to go to war with Iraq. Israel always maintained, at the time, that it’s greatest security threat was not Saddam (who barely hit the country with SCUDS and killed almost no-one there during the Gulf War), but Palestinian terrorists from within its borders and in the Palestinian Authority.
In addition, Israel knew all along that the War in Iraq would only be a losing situation for the nation. In order to get limp, ineffective support from our “ally” Arab buds throughout the Mid-East, the U.S./President Bush promised that if they supported our effort in Iraq, he would force Israel to give up more to the Palestinian terrorists, which it did. Ergo, the Gaza withdrawal and likely more to come (in exchange for nothing but more terrorism against Israel).
Third, Israel has known for the last couple of years that its newest biggest threats are now Iran with its nuclear weapons and Hezbollah on its borders. A Saddamless Iraq run by Shi’ites can only serve to strengthen both of those and Syria. Israel has no interest in a Shi’ite revival, a Shi’ite crescent spanning above it from Iran to Iraq to Syria to Lebanon. Yet, that is what our war in Iraq enabled.
And finally, there is that Islamofascist “democracy” drive that our entry into Iraq and establishment of “democratic” elections of extremists inspired throughout the Islamofascist world. It served only to embolden Israel’s enemies. It gained Hezbollah electoral power in Lebanon to the north. It gave the same to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to the West. And, worst of all, it put HAMAS in power within and around.
So, please, Mr. “Intelligence”–Mr. Tenet–how could our entry into Iraq possibly be to “protect” Israel? Tenet doesn’t say. Because he can’t.
Then, there is the Tenet/Scott Pelley interview, last night. It’s hard to watch an interview with any objectivity when you detest the interviewer far more than any of his subjects. And that’s the case with the generally detestable Pelley, who hates America with the best of ’em at the Eye Network.
So it was with that in mind that I watched Tenet. The first half of Tenet’s interview was actually good.

(Cartoon by Mike Thompson, Detroit Free Press, for USA Today)

The best quote was his comment about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), the 9/11 mastermind and chief of Bin Laden’s operational planning. Pelley asked Tenet, what did KSM say when you captured him? Would he talk?
Tenet: “He said, ‘I’ll talk to you after I go to New York and get my lawyer.'”
When Pelley pressured Tenet on whether torture was used on KSM and other Islamic terrorists, Tenet responded: “This is not a clinical experiment. It might be to you guys [in the media]. But 3,000 Americans were murdered. . . . They had all kinds of terrorist attacks planned. . . . They would kill you and me 30 times over before they would talk.”
Well, I agree with Tenet 100% on that. But his dumping on Richard Perle, on Bush, and on Israel and on everyone other than himself–despite his own large failures–just to sell a book is simply absurd. And who can forget his own history of enabling terrorists a la Arafat.
It makes his own professed concern about KSM now seem phony. And it is. You can’t arm and train (and enable) Islamic terrorists (ie., Arafat et al) over there, while you recognize and try to prevent the mass murder they want commit over here.

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7 Responses

Dear Debbie;
While reading the first three articles on your Blog today I couldn’t help screaming multiple obscenities at my computer screen. That’s when I wasn’t loudly soliloquizing.
I’m not going to go into any detail on my thoughts because it would take to long. But I do want to say thank you for the education. I wish Mr. Bush, and Condi Rice would read your Blog. I’d love to see you on your own TV show to.

EJO on April 30, 2007 at 3:57 pm

The mere mention of Tenet’s name makes my blood boil.
Remember the “Tenet cease-fire”? After 9/11, Tenet claimed that he had personally negotiated a “cease fire” between Israel and the PA. For almost 9 months, George Tenet kept insisting to the media that he had successfully obtained a promise from Yasir Arafat to end violence against Israel. Yet the facts showed that violent attacks by Arabs continued unabated.
Israel did its best to abide by the agreement, absorbing attack after attack while the muderers were praised in PA media. Any fool could tell that Arafat wasn’t fulfilling any promise Tenet claimed. Finally, on March 27, 2002, 30 Jews died at the Passover Massacre. Nobody talked about the “Tenet cease-fire” after that.
I remember! I’ll bet you remember too.

There is NO Santa Claus on April 30, 2007 at 4:02 pm

Ahhh, George Tenet. I agree with most of what you say here, Deb, with one teensy caveat…like any other government functionary, Tenet doesn’t originate these policies..he implements them and follows orders from the president.
As far as the US going to war against Iraq for Israel, that’s some real irony, since since it was really a war to protect Bush’s pals, the Saudis and the Persian Gulf sheikdoms.
And that’s the the same reason we continue to pay
jirzyah to the Palestinians..because it curries favor with the Saudis and the Emirates, who are known to be very generous to retired politicians who see things their way. Ask Mr. Bill or Jimmy Carter.

Freedom Fighter on April 30, 2007 at 4:34 pm

Ahhh, George Tenet. I agree with most of what you say here, Deb, with one teensy caveat…like any other government functionary, Tenet doesn’t originate these policies..he implements them and follows orders from the president.
As far as the US going to war against Iraq for Israel, that’s some real irony, since since it was really a war to protect Bush’s pals, the Saudis and the Persian Gulf sheikdoms.
And that’s the the same reason we continue to pay
jirzyah to the Palestinians..because it curries favor with the Saudis and the Emirates, who are known to be very generous to retired politicians who see things their way. Ask Mr. Bill or Jimmy Carter.

Freedom Fighter on April 30, 2007 at 4:35 pm

One of the reasons I like this blog is that your perspective is always different than mainstream media.
It’s really tough to determine which lunatic is running the asylum. Cheney, per Tenet was determined that we were going to war in Iraq on 9/12, while Tenet per your article is providing arms to the enemy (assuming you put the PA in the terrorist class…which I do).
The way this country is managed is enough to give anyone a life threatening headache. I can hardly wait until Bonzo Bush bids farewell to all of us from the White House…only 600 or so days left! If we could only have a consistent, intelligent leader…..

chucker on April 30, 2007 at 4:42 pm

If tenet were a general he’d lead from the rear. What a slime ball. This is the type of guy that would take credit for someone else’s success and as he did, blame any mistakes on everybody else. Man-up and take responsibility for what you do/did. No one should buy his book and everyone who knows the real deal should take him to task for all his failures as you do Debbie. Also, it’s not just Tenet, it is a complete failure from the top down. When the inmates run the asylum what can you expect. The thing that got me really pissed off is that Tenet hinted the War was to protect Israel, WTF? When in doubt blame the Jews for everything.

OneIrishJew on April 30, 2007 at 11:39 pm

Though I , like many who read your articles, am a very strong believer in freedom of speech, I think it should become law, that if you join the FBI or CIA, you must agree to never write about anything you uncover during your tenure in these agencies. We have “son of sam” laws that prevent criminals from making $$ from their crimes by writing about them. There is a compelling state interest to prevent government employees who take oaths to protect our consitution, to not profit from what they become privy only because of their position.
When all is said and done, and Bush is tending to the design of his presidential library and bookings on the lecture circuit consume his calender, and President Mrs William Clinton creates a new Department of Islam Relations, he too will find time to write his memoirs and he too will try to distance himself from the grave errors committed in this war. It will be amusing watching all of them scurry to book publishers, Rice, Cheney, Mueller. Watch how no one will take any responsibility for this mess. We will develop migraine headaches trying to keep track of all the finger pointing.
Although I am curious to know how these fools arrived at their egregious decisions, I will not, to just satisfy a curioisity, by a single freakin’ book that any of them write.

Leave Iraq Now on May 1, 2007 at 10:22 am

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