April 17, 2007, - 8:29 pm

“Random” Washington Post Online Cover Photo from VTech

Hmmm . . . I’m sure of all the thousands of students at the memorial mourning the dead at Virginia Tech’s convocation, today, the Washington Post took this and chose this particular one at random for its cover shot at its website, WashingtonPost.com. Just a random photo, right? I mean, I’m sure this objective mainstream media outlet would nevah evah have an agenda . . . .
Thanks to Mark’s Soap Box for the tip.

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70 Responses

Why does this picture anger you so? Is it because you were dead wrong about the shootings being about jihad?
And I know you are being sarcastic, but just in case some of your regulars here fail to detect your sarcasm, of course this isn’t a random photo that they chose. They obviously felt that this picture best expressed the sadness that the students at VT are feeling.
NOTE: Check out the two students on their cellphones in the picture. Just chatting away like nothing happened. How rude. They must be Muslim. They look Muslim to me. Probably plotting jihad.

mginelsa on April 17, 2007 at 8:48 pm

You just don’t recognize appeasement do you?

colin5656 on April 17, 2007 at 8:58 pm

of course the post deliberately depicted muslim students. they did this because they feared that fearmongers like you would appropriate this tragedy for political purposes and recast it as a muslim v. west incident as opposed to a horrific act of senseless violence.
the Post wanted to make sure people were acutely aware of the fact that virginia tech serves a broad a diverse student population and lashing out against a particular ethnic group would be senseless because this tragedy does not belong exclusively to non-muslims or non-asians (there were, after all, asians who were killed in the shootings and not just white americans).

Vijay Raghavan on April 17, 2007 at 9:02 pm

Debbie some of the people that respond to your blog must think we are all morons, who would not detect your sarcasm..lol and to the person who thinks we only have a “half” of brain, self rightousness is very unbecoming!! and to reply to mginelsa, the comment about the two students who are on their cells phones, maybe they are speaking to family memebers who wanted to know their kids where alive, maybe you should not ASSume.

melly on April 17, 2007 at 9:25 pm

Get with it, people. The shootings were a horror. But this photo is politically correct crap. Open your eyes and your mind, if you can. There were a hundred other photos available to choose from.

Happiness Pursuer on April 17, 2007 at 9:26 pm

“Debbie some of the people that respond to your blog must think we are all morons, who would not detect your sarcasm..lol and to the person who thinks we only have a “half” of brain, self rightousness is very unbecoming!! and to reply to mginelsa, the comment about the two students who are on their cells phones, maybe they are speaking to family memebers who wanted to know their kids where alive, maybe you should not ASSume.
Posted by: mellyDebbie some of the people that respond to your blog must think we are all morons, who would not detect your sarcasm..lol and to the person who thinks we only have a “half” of brain, self rightousness is very unbecoming!! and to reply to mginelsa, the comment about the two students who are on their cells phones, maybe they are speaking to family memebers who wanted to know their kids where alive, maybe you should not ASSume.
Oh Melly, Melly, Melly,
But how can you be sure?! They jihadists are everywhere! (you catching on to MY sarcasm, yet?)
And yes, I do realize that the picture is probably an attempt at appeasement, but who wouldn’t try to appease the Muslim community after such baseless fearmongering?
This shooting is about a kid angry at “rich kids”, “debauchery”, and “deceitful charlatans”. In his own words, mind you.
You were all stone cold wrong.

mginelsa on April 17, 2007 at 9:36 pm

Want to talk about cynicism? Let’s talk how student Jamal Al-Barghouti cynically compared this massacre to Isarael’s treatment of so-called Palestinians. Moreover, young Barghouti is related to terrorist Marwan Barghouti, as Debbbie noted.
Although Debbie didn’t cite this portion of the Baltimore Sun article, here’s more evidence of Barghouti’s cynical manipulation of this tragedy and CNN’s complicity:
On CNN, the earliest on-scene pictures and words were provided by Jamal Albarghouti, a Virginia Tech graduate student from the West Bank. His cell phone pictures of police charging Norris Hall as shots rang out were broadcast and streamed over and over throughout the day.
By dinnertime, CNN was featuring Albarghouti standing on campus, microphone in hand, reporting from the scene as he talked with anchorman Wolf Blitzer, who was in the cable channel’s Washington newsroom.
“Let’s face it, right now, his material is still the best of the day in terms of capturing on video what took place there,” Nancy Lane, CNN’s vice president of domestic news, said last night.

northernvirginiastan on April 17, 2007 at 10:21 pm

Anyone notice there are no Asians in the pic? Asian as in Korean, Chinese, Japanese.
Looking at that pic makes you think VTU is 95% white, and 5% Muslim.

Mark L. Jackson on April 17, 2007 at 10:22 pm

vijay (or “jason nelson”),
An insult like yours can’t go unanswered.
WaPo doesn’t “fear” “fearmongers”:
They have contempt for people who ask hard questions based on facts, questions that create doubt where they had enjoyed undisputed authority.
Debbie and those who back her up are not “appropriating this tragedy for political purposes”:
We are analyzing – as finely as possible – exactly how a mass murder is represented, and misrepresented, by one of the world’s most reputed newspapers.
“Appropriate” suggests we’re taking something that doesn’t belong to us, that belonged to someone else. They only thing we’re “appropriating” here is bragging rights on who’s most tenaciously seeking truth.
“Tragedy” – like “appropriate” it’s another word that postmodernism has attempted to castrate. You intend “tragedy” to say, “Back off, leave the people to their grief, let the healing begin.” We intend tragedy to say, NEVER AGAIN!
Every freethinking lover of truth, freedom, and tolerance has an obligation – given that murder is *consistently* committed in the United States by Muslims against non-Muslims (because they are non-Muslim) – to vigorously interrogate every aspect of a murder rampage.
“Senseless” is a piece of condescension spoken by someone who lives sheltered from the harsh troubles of the real political world. (What’s that tinkle I hear? Oh, that’s your teacup shaking in it’s saucer – so sorry to disturb you!)
Who cares to whom “this tragedy” “belongs”? 1) it’s in the public sphere, and 2) if anything, it’s an American tragedy. We all have to deal with it. Debbie’s tearing up some virtual ground showing the rest of the world her way – imho one of the best ways – to do that.
Listen, VJ, I’ve read Edwards Said’s Covering Islam (his study of Western mainstream media coverage of Islam). I know how badly the generations of students influenced by him feel that their deconstructively critical hour has arrived. I can see its influence in whatever or whoever shaped your way of looking at the world. But that spaghetti just doesn’t stick to these walls.

Jeremiah on April 17, 2007 at 10:32 pm

People like myself or debbie or anyone else that is not asleep at the wheel are not full of hate. There are people who appease and will blame everyone but themselves. I am still not sure what this kid was, or what his religion was, but either way he was a terrorist, and with that said if you want to debate appeasement please bring it on

melly on April 17, 2007 at 11:12 pm

They are rotating their cover pictures every so often. I’ve seen two or three other pictures this evening — one showed some blondes and some Asian students — one shows a young man and woman, heads bowed at the candelight vigil. They have a whole slideshow of pictures from the memorial, and the pictures look just like the kids on the campus.
Gosh, there are enough things wrong without having to see insult when none is intended. It’s just a picture.

S.Ingram on April 17, 2007 at 11:16 pm

Well WinterBear,
Sayyid Qutb was a conservative too who was appalled by our liberal “debauchery”. Those infidels dancing the jitterbug in 1948 sure were appalling to him. Is he one of our base as well?
“Qutb concluded that major aspects of American life were “primitive” and shocking. His experiences in the U.S. partly formed the impetus for his rejection of Western values and his move towards radicalism upon returning to Egypt. Resigning from the civil service, he joined the Muslim Brotherhood in the early 1950s[11] and became editor-in-chief of the Brothers’ weekly Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin, and later head of the propaganda section, as well as an appointed member of the Working Committee and of the Guidance Council, the highest branch in the Brotherhood.” [12]

Minnie Mouse on April 17, 2007 at 11:18 pm

Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, is not a conservative. He is an anarchist and anti-industrial neo-Luddite.

FreethinkerNY on April 17, 2007 at 11:29 pm

Beautifully said!! Let us be outraged first and foremost. In this situation,to grieve without anger and outrage just seems unnatural!! Anger and outrage are good!! They wake up people to take action!!
And when you loose a loved one, the grief always comes.
Hey Debbie, how come I didn’t see pictures like this one when 9/11 happened?

Theawakenedone on April 18, 2007 at 12:01 am

I’m still not buying the idea that he was a muslim. Korean muslims are as rare as a God-fearing liberal but Korean Stalinists are not.

KimSoong on April 18, 2007 at 1:32 am

Thanks, awakened one! I spent years and paid thousands of $ for my postmodern education. Time to put it to work. 🙂

Jeremiah on April 18, 2007 at 1:57 am

I don’t know if this guy was Muslim or not. But I did want to make one comment about “it’s just a picture”. There is no such thing as “just a picture” in the MSM. IMO that is just plain naive. Pictures are as “editorial” and maybe more so then any written word(s) used. As much as EVERYONE is saying we shouldn’t be using this tragedy at this point towards politics almost EVERYONE is already doing it.

AlturaCt on April 18, 2007 at 2:12 am

“Looking at that pic makes you think VTU is 95% white”
Boy that would by awful wouldn’t it? We sure wouldn’t want anything to be mostly white.

AlturaCt on April 18, 2007 at 2:16 am

this message goes out to those who think terrorism had a role in this.
especially melly, you have no idea what you’re saying… i’m not sure if you have korean friends but let’s say you don’t… how many times in a week do you ever hear about a korean either car jacking, raping, or burglarizing? and how many non asians do this stuff? melly i have no idead if you’re white but you probably are just based off of your comment… don’t forget that in america, most crimes were done by white people… and if you come out and say thats due to the lack of koreans being in the states that bs… there are so many korean americans and so many korean students that live in america, but do we go around shooting people? no… if anything we’re the ones workin our asses off in school to become some doctor or just owning businesses…. and for anyone to say that korean men have temper problems to jealousy… that’s anyone. everyone has anger inside of them… yes it is very sad that this happened but if you have no idea about the korean culture you have no room to talk… unless you have been raised up as a korean or lived there you have no idea how we are brought up… the shooter was depressed and was even confirmed to be a loner… and even i am guilty of leaving people out which i will no longer do…being left behind is no reason to go shooting people but think about the medication that he was taking think about his emotions boiling inside…. and that is why anti-depressants are prescribed because it is a drug that contains chemicals… the outcome you just never know… and it’s not like everyones body is the same, we all have a chemical imbalance except some more than others…

dds718 on April 18, 2007 at 2:27 am

Michelle Malkin says it well in “Wanted: A Culture of Self-Defense”:
“Instead of teaching students to defend their beliefs, American educators shield them from vigorous intellectual debate. Instead of encouraging autonomy, our higher institutions of learning stoke passivity and conflict-avoidance.”
Listen to what most of the “pro-Debbie” commenters are saying: We want to scrutinize everything – *everything* – under the sun about what this guy did and why. We don’t ignore details like those you provide. But our first priority is to glean any details that would implicate the killer, directly or indirectly, in a contemporary American culture (or rather lack of culture) that feeds on every manner of idiotic personal detial — from which finger Bill Clintn’s prick resembles to what Britney’s wearing or not wearing when she’s out on the town. If your first priority is to sympathize with the victims and grieve, go light a candle. No one’s stopping you.
Since you and people like you have decided you don’t want to take a cue from Ms. Schlussel, have decided you don’t want to shine a light into areas where the MSM, college administrators, most government officials and religious leaders don’t want to shine a light — here, chiefly: Islam and civil violence (murder, FGM, arson, bombing, etc.); the rights of gun ownership and self-defense; and the tone and language of public discussion of this VT massacre — since you don’t want to examine any of these, then could you at least acknowledge their potential merits (even if you don’t agree with an empasis on them)?

Jeremiah on April 18, 2007 at 4:14 am

I’m still not buying the idea that he was a muslim. Korean muslims are as rare as a God-fearing liberal but Korean Stalinists are not.
Posted by: KimSoong [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 18, 2007 01:32 AM
I don’t believe in doG. Hell, the character is an idea created by the church to oppress the masses. And yes, I’m being politically incorrect called God doG.

KOAJaps on April 18, 2007 at 5:24 am

I can only assume that your sarcastic point is that, given that about half of the students at Virginia Tech are from China or India, the media has deliberately chosen a photo which shows less Indians or Asians than there actually are there, proportionally.

Goblin on April 18, 2007 at 6:45 am

To all the Useful Idiots here defending this picture — you realize, don’t you, that if the shooter HAD been a Palestinian jihadi, these veiled chickadees wouldn’t be hanging their heads in sorrow over the victims — they’d be across the street holding anti-Israel placards and giving interviews in which they try to educate the viewer about the “root causes” of the violence . . .
Perk up those neurons and dendrites, liberal America, that is, IF YOU CAN, if you have any brain cells left.

AmericanJewess on April 18, 2007 at 7:12 am

Separate even in grief. What are they studying at one of America’s premier technological institutions?

BabybuddhaInOhio on April 18, 2007 at 8:40 am

Try a little thinking with a clear mind.
(1) The truth is a beautiful thing.
(2) The picture in question is a distortion of the truth.
(3) The picture does nothing to convey the true picture of the grieving at the school.
(4) The shooter was mentally sick and has been for a long time.
(5) His sickness was tolerated. This inaction did him no good. It eventually resulted in mass murder.
The list goes on, but you can fill it in, according to your own beliefs. But if/when you do, see if you find truth in your thoughts and not prejudice. Truth is absolute. It comes across the same to everyone.

Happiness Pursuer on April 18, 2007 at 9:06 am

i think there’s a serious problem in this country when people hate muslims so much that they can’t stand to see them expressing emotion or solidarity with americans. you all are like some demented maiden aunt with her hand on her cheek. “o MY, i am just SO offended by these pictures of muslims! how DARE they presume to feel emotion!” give me a break. i thought liberals had a strong handle on whack-job conspiracy theories, but the last post..about how this picture doesn’t represent the truth….come on. the post didn’t find some muslims burning an american flag, force them to attend this vigil instead, and then snap their picture. as for the lack of asians in the photos, that’s easily explained. backlash. if i was an asian at that school, i wouldn’t leave my room for fear of retaliation.
the crazy thing about all of this, is that you people honestly believe that muslims cause more deaths and trouble than any other group of people on earth. i have no idea if you’ve checked crime stats lately, but each and every one of you is about a MILLION times more likely to by killed by a family member than a terrorist. really, go research this. i’m sure you won’t, because any evidence that most americans aren’t being murdered by muslim terrorists would really upset you, but at least i can say i attempted to show you the error of your ways.

jenni on April 18, 2007 at 9:44 am

American Jewess,
Exactly what I was thinking!! Were was a picture like this when 9/11 happened? Maybe someone has one somewhere but I didn’t see it.
Happiness Pursuer,
I always thought that truth was absolute but people have argued with me that the truth depends on your viewpoint and life experiences.
I still think it’s absolute. Either there was 9/11 or there wasn’t! Either there was a Holocaust or there wasn’t! Facts are not open to interpretation.

Theawakenedone on April 18, 2007 at 9:50 am

Facts are truth. But truth transends the facts. Truth opens your heart and mind to the realities of life and nature. It can be good and it can be evil. Usually not at the same time. It is beyond an individual’s point of view and their life experiences. That is what makes it the truth. There is much truth in what happened at Virginia Tech, but not in how it is portrayed by the media.

Happiness Pursuer on April 18, 2007 at 11:05 am

I think a good caption for this picture is:
“Leila, Sohaila, Aisha, and Fatima practice their ‘bereaved’ look.”

AmericanJewess on April 18, 2007 at 11:38 am

AmericanJewess, are you proud now for trying to make a joke about individuals that have been involved in a horrific incident and who likely feel a fear and sadness that you should hope you never feel even a small part of?
On other matters, there have been a multitude of photos going around EVERY news website, some of which are certain to contain Muslim individuals grieving. To suggest this is media manipulation is, for one, to suggest the obvious. Almost all media, especially American, is manipulated in some way. But to say it’s any way out of the ordinary is unfounded.
I’m very interested: have any of the people posting on this website propagating fear of Muslims and other immigrants, including its proprietor, ever actually personally been threatened by one of these “evil others”?

clarkslick on April 18, 2007 at 12:45 pm

American Jewess,
I pity you.

mginelsa on April 18, 2007 at 1:01 pm

Every freethinking lover of truth, freedom, and tolerance has an obligation – given that murder is *consistently* committed in the United States by Muslims against non-Muslims (because they are non-Muslim) – to vigorously interrogate every aspect of a murder rampage.
Here are a few more murder rampages you can dissect:
-Killeen, Texas: George Hennard shoots 43, kills 23
-San Ysidro, California: James Huberty, kills 21, injures 19
-Austin, Texas: Charles Whitman, kills 16, injures 31
-Littleton, Colorado: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, kills 13
-Camden, New Jersey: Howard Unruh, kills 13
-Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania: George Banks, kills 13
-Atlanta, Georgia: Mark Barton, kills 9, injures 12
-Jacksonville, Florida: James Pough, kills 11
Everyone of them a Christian-hating Muslim.

mginelsa on April 18, 2007 at 2:01 pm

Your sarcasm is wasted. I said “consistently” not “exclusively”. Are the killings you point to massacres? Of course. Yet there is a consistent record of Muslims who, out of a sense of loyalty to Islam, target others. That is the issue being pressed here.
That a degraded and compromised culture (which in many ways describes contemporary (multicultural) America) gives rise to non-Muslim mass murderers is of course a concern too. If your point is that American Muslims are really “just like everybody else”, then you need to show bona fide evidence that they are successfully purging their religion of hateful indoctrination and incitement to violence.
If American Muslims, you and/or appeasers of militant Islam had any balls, you’d be doing that, but it’s a helluva lot easier to point fingers at those of us who are driving this issue, rather than to go into the mosque and “drive out the monehy-changers”.
Oh, wait!!! Islam doesn’t have a tradition of prophets who enrich and renew it. Sorry, I was thinking in terms of that old-time Judeo-Christianity. The only way people like you and Ismail Ax could ever take that away from me is when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands. And since you have a demonstrated penchant for that, that’s another reason why gun ownership rights are important too….

Jeremiah on April 18, 2007 at 2:50 pm

Clarkslick, you bumbling fool, I live in Jerusalem. I ride the bus. I eat in cafes. I go to the outdoor market. I go to school.
Six blocks from my home, an elderly woman was murdered, her throat slashed, by her Palestinian gardener of 20 years, whom she frequently gave money to. One block from my home is small courtyard by a hotel, in which a young woman was slashed by a Palestinian last year. She lived, thank G-d.
I have known people who were here yesterday, gone today, because they chose the wrong bus or the wrong cafe.
So don’t talk to me about my lack of experience with terror; I live in the real world. Wake up, little fella — they’re comin’ to your town.

AmericanJewess on April 18, 2007 at 3:45 pm

I think a good caption for this picture is:
“Leila, Sohaila, Aisha, and Fatima practice their ‘bereaved’ look.”
Americanjewess.. How pathetic is that comment!!!
You would whine if you did’nt witness any muslims showing any grief in this tragedy. Yet you still whinge when they do grieve.

sue-me on April 18, 2007 at 4:06 pm


davidlanham on April 18, 2007 at 4:26 pm

So Americanjewess, you can feel terror and others can’t? That’s as conceited as you appear to feel these Muslims at VT are. If you live in Jerusalem, why in the world are you on an American blog spreading hate for Muslims when the majority of the world has no where near the level of conflict with Muslims as you say you do?
“Wake up, little fella — they’re comin’ to your town.” –
I’m sorry, but that statement loses any credibility for further debate.

clarkslick on April 18, 2007 at 4:33 pm

Informing gullible Americans about the true nature of Islam is not hatemongering. We are raised to embrace the values of democracy, freedom, and in particular, religious freedom, and that leaves us vulnerable to evil, expansionist ideologies that masquerade as religion.
Muslims are by far the greatest victims of Islam, but until they break free of it, they are a potential danger to the rest of us. The good Muslims I know are those who have left Islam. Try this website:
There is no other religion that holds as a central tenet the belief that it is moral to murder an entire group of people. The Jews have never imposed themselves on others, and even the atrocities committed in the name of Christianity occurred centuries ago by people who clearly ignored the teachings of their leader. Not so with Islam. Learn about it.
Some people, particularly the young, judge others based on how “nice” they are; wise people judge others based on more substantial evidence that is not linked to emotions. Look at Islam’s track record in history. Then look at today. Is there a single Islamic country that is not guilty of civil rights abuses? In fact, many Islamic countries could be said to live in a perpetual state of civil rights abuse. What does that tell you about this “religion”?
If you truly care about your Muslim friends, help them to get free.
And now, I’ve saved the best for last. You stated, “. . .the majority of the world has no where near the level of conflict with Muslims as you say you do?” You have a short memory, and you also don’t appear to read the news. Think about it.

AmericanJewess on April 18, 2007 at 4:59 pm

AmericanJewess: Thank you for stating the truth. Your comments about Islam are brilliant. We need more people like you. People who perceive reality instead of indulging in wishful thinking.

FreethinkerNY on April 18, 2007 at 5:43 pm

“If you truly care about your Muslim friends, help them to get free.”
The Muslim women in this picture ARE free — they’re in the United States, the freest country on earth, getting the kind of college education they would probably be BANNED from getting at home.
But you don’t want their picture to be in the paper. Why? Because they’re Muslim. That’s it; no other reason.
You can stop acting like you care about the well-being of Muslims, AmericanJewess. Just drop the pretense and be as racist as you want to be. You’ll be a lot more comfortable that way.

The Bobster on April 18, 2007 at 5:46 pm

Great, Debbie. “ISLAM IS A SCHOOL OF THOUGHT, JUST LIKE NAZISM.” That should be put up on billboards all across the free world as a warning to all people who believe in human rights and free thought.

FreethinkerNY on April 18, 2007 at 6:12 pm

Sorry, D*Rek
Islam is alone in advocating a mission in which the main objective of Muslims is to either convert or subvert the entire world to Islam. You’ll find copious references to that in the Quran and Sunnah. It is also a ‘total explanation of life’, and covers everything – from how one prays to what one wears, how one cleans oneself, et al.
The large-scale presence of Muslims within Infidel lands has already made the lives of the indigenous Infidels, and Infidel immigrants as well, far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than they would have been without such a large-scale Muslim presence.
Nothing like it exists in any other religion. Not Christianity. Not Judaism. Not Buddhism. Not Confucianism. Not Hinduism. Not Shintoism.

Infidel Pride on April 18, 2007 at 8:32 pm

One more thing:
Choices for Infidels in Islamic lands:
a. Conversion
b. Submission/Second Class status
c. Death
Just imagine what might have happened had that been the policy of South Africa’s Apartheid or Ian Smith’s Rhodesian regime, where all that there was was segregation.

Infidel Pride on April 18, 2007 at 8:40 pm

I’m sorry “Infidel Pride”, but you are mistaken. Regarding the point you make about the “large-scale presence of Muslims making the lives of Infidels difficult”, you can substitue Muslims for any other religious group and your statement still rings true. The issuse isn’t one of Muslims vs Infidels, rather it is people of one school of thought vs people of another.
If you need an example, look at how the vast majority of Christians treat gay people. Christians subscribe to a “school of thought” and they use it to make the lives of “infidels” more unpleasant. And while violent incidents in this example are rare, there are many ways to make someones life unpleasant that doesn’t invole physcial attacks.

D*Rek on April 18, 2007 at 8:44 pm

To the Bobster
Talking about Race, if instead of Aryan Nation, you were looking for something like Arab nation, that would be Islam. You pray towards Mecca, the Quran is only sacred in Arabic, you recite the shehada in Arabic to convert, you accept Arabs as the best of peoples b’cos Mohammed was one, you wear Arabic clothing, women don the jilbabs/hijabs, Islam supplants any native religion anywhere else – be it Judaism in Israel, Orthodox Christianity in Kosovo, Hiduism in India, Buddhism in Thailand, et al. Oh, and Black Muslims in Sudan, and Kurds in Iraq are less Muslim than Arabs in those countries, precisely b’cos they aren’t Arabs.
No parody that you try and paint American Jewess or Debbie with can exceed the reality of how the Arabs treat non Arabs – Muslim or Infidel.

Infidel Pride on April 18, 2007 at 8:47 pm

The issuse isn’t one of Muslims vs Infidels, rather it is people of one school of thought vs people of another. – D*Rek
Sure it is. Look at every country that has Muslims, and any other population. Do Muslims get along well with Jews in Israel? Orthodox Christians in Serbia? Copts in Egypt? Asyyrians in Iraq? Hindus in Bangladesh or India? Christians or Hindus in Indonesia?
You think this is universal? I’ve not heard of Shintos and Buddhists at odds with each other in Japan. Of Buddhists and Christians at odds in Korea. Of Buddhists and Hindus at odds in Nepal. Of Catholics and Protestants at odds in Europe. Of Christians and Jews at odds in the US.
Islam has closer resemblances to Communism and Nazism than it does to mainstream religions. If you doubt it, read the Quran and Sunnah, and compare those with Kommunist Manifesto or Mein Kamph. You’ll see the parallels.

Infidel Pride on April 18, 2007 at 8:52 pm

You are so wrong about the large-scale presence of Muslims not making life difficult. It does.
Muslims are the only group that make it difficult for non Muslims. No other group of people knows how to stir the pot quite like the Muslims.
What is one group of people that is constantly being discussed? What other group of people is in the news constantly asking for special treatment? We’ve had many examples of this in the past few months here and overseas.
How many conflicts in the world today involve Muslims? How many conflicts do not involve Muslims?
And if you did substitute Muslims with another group,your statement would not hold true.

TheAwakenedOne on April 18, 2007 at 9:43 pm

This is sorta off topic at this point, but Kaczynski couldn’t possibly be thought of as an “extreme leftist”. His manifesto was as much about hating liberals as it was about environmentalism.

TubeSteak on April 18, 2007 at 10:51 pm

Here’s food for thought. Are the Muslims grieving over the slain students or the shooter? When a ridiculous picture is paraded, as truth, one has to meet it head on with ridicule.
The MSM wallows (def. http://www.answers.com/topic/wallow) in propaganda, appeasement, apologism, falsehoods, misdirection, redefinition, the rewriting of history and outright lies. What is their motivation? I see three:
The order doesn’t matter, to them, as long as the goals are met.
Cho Seung Hui is not the bad ass as he portrayed himself to be. He massacred unarmed innocents, unaware of his evil or his plan. He didn’t face anyone who had a weapon. He, a criminal, chose to attack those who he knew would be unarmed and then corwardly chose to end his life when the authorities were closing in. Rot in Hell, monkey boy. I’m glad you’re dead. It’s nobody else’s fault for your sick mind. It’s your fault. You’re to blame.

Roland Hall on April 18, 2007 at 11:40 pm

Infidel Pride-
“You think this is universal? I’ve not heard of Shintos and Buddhists at odds with each other in Japan. Of Buddhists and Christians at odds in Korea. Of Buddhists and Hindus at odds in Nepal. Of Catholics and Protestants at odds in Europe. Of Christians and Jews at odds in the US.”
You’ve not heard of Catholics and Protestants at odds in Europe? Ever heard of Ireland?

turtle on April 19, 2007 at 12:47 am

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