April 17, 2007, - 1:05 pm
Virginia Tech Shooter Had “Ismail” Written on Arm
The Chicago Tribune reports that Virginia Tech University massacre perpetrator, Cho Seung-Hui,
died with the words “Ismail Ax” in red ink on one of his arms.
Hmmm . . . Ismail–the Arabic name for Ishmael–considered the father of all Arabs and a very important figure in Islam.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, right? Doesn’t mean anything. Right.
Maybe “Ismail Ax” is the name of a friend of his. Or maybe he wanted to remind himself to buy an Ax for his friend Ismail for next Ramadan. Or I’m sure we’ll hear some other similarly absurd “explanation.” We’ll see.
Tags: Cho Seung-Hui, Debbie Schlussel, Had "Ismail" Written, Ismail Ax, Ramadan, Shooter, the Chicago Tribune, Virginia Tech, Virginia Tech University
You probably already know this, but in James Fennimore Cooperís story ìThe Prairie,î the settler Ishmael Bush, who is attempting to escape from civilization, sets out across the prairie with two key tools, a gun and an axe. Each has a symbolic meaning. The axe ó which can either kill or provide shelter ó stands for both creation and destruction. Given that the VT killer was an English major, might this be the likely meaning of the words on his arm? Just my two cents.
Kevin Griffel on April 18, 2007 at 9:22 am