November 9, 2009, - 3:52 pm

Die Schlussel in Der Spiegel

By Debbie Schlussel

So, I was quoted by Germany’s Der Spiegel on Islamic terrorist Nidal Malik Hasan, perpetrator of the Fort Hood massacre, an Islamic terrorist attack.  I can understand everything but the last sentence, since I don’t speak German.  I know that “Mondsichel” is a crescent moon, the symbol of Islam



“Er ist ein Muslim”, so begann der Moderator Bill O’Reilly die Hauptabendsendung des TV-Senders Fox News mit bebender Stimme – als erkläre das automatisch ein Motiv. “Das hat man ja kommen sehen”, schrieb die konservative Kolumnistin Debbie Schlussel in ihrem Blog. “Noch so ein loyaler, moderater, amerikanischer Muslim.” Darunter bildete sie zur Illustration die islamische Mondsichel ab.

As readers know, I don’t exactly have a great love for the Germans, even though I still have cousins (descendants of Polish Jewish Holocaust survivors, who stayed there after the war) who live there (my cousin Nick’s Bar Mitzvah was in his native Munich, a few years ago).  My grandparents were survivors of the Holocaust, and they were lucky enough to survive their last camp, in Bergen Belsen, Germany, where my mother was born.

And sadly, the progeny of the old Nazis are embracing the new Nazis, Muslims.

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28 Responses

I think its “Die” Schlussel since you are a woman.

MK: Thanks. Like I said, I don’t speak German. DS

MK750 on November 9, 2009 at 4:11 pm

“Among them was starting to illustrate the Islamic crescent”.
~my German is lousy, but that is what I make of it…..

#1 Vato on November 9, 2009 at 4:28 pm

Should be a 3rd party running.

The Take the Gloves off Party.

Main platforum
We will use nuclear weapons against any country that harbors Islamists/preachs and/or attacks any western country. And if internment camps or extradition are needed it will be used.

Bob S. on November 9, 2009 at 4:38 pm

A rough translation from the original German goes like this:

“He is a Moslem ”, presenter Bill O’Reilly began the main evening broadcast of the Fox News Channel with a shaking voice – its an assumed motive. “One saw this coming”, wrote the conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel in her blog. “Still isn’t a loyal, moderate, American Moslem.” Under it she revealed the illustration of the symbol of Islam – the crescent.”

In other words, Islam explains the alpha and the omega of terrorism. You don’t really need anything to complicated to understand why terrorists happen to be Muslim. They are the real and present danger.

NormanF on November 9, 2009 at 4:45 pm

This is a rough translation:

“He is a Muslim,” said the presenter Bill O’Reilly, the main evening broadcast of the TV channel Fox News, in a trembling voice, began – as the automatically declare a motive. “That is indeed what we have come to see.” conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel wrote on her blog. Shocker: Man Who Shot Up Ft. Hood Soldiers Was Muslim (and a “Loyal” Muslim U.S. Soldier)she illustrated it with an Islamic crescent.

mark hammond on November 9, 2009 at 4:56 pm

On further inspection, the tone of the article was typically cynically left wing:

He is a Muslim,” said the presenter Bill O’Reilly, on the main evening broadcast of the TV channel Fox News, in a trembling voice, as if that automatically declared a motive. “That indeed we’ve come to see” The conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel wrote on her blog: “He Was Muslim and a “Loyal” Muslim American” she illustrated it with an Islamic crescent.

MH: Yes, I agree–typical attack on those who expose Hasan’s Islamo-fascism. DS

mark hammond on November 9, 2009 at 5:30 pm

    Germany has a pretty horrid situation with their Muslim Turks, so that article’s tone is not only churlishly condescending, but hypocritical. Also, our lovely Der Spiegel seems to ignore Major Hasan’s past conduct. It would actually be irrational and obtuse not to think that a religious motivation might be behind the attack.

    Worry01 on November 10, 2009 at 4:35 am

Loyal Americans don’t mow down fellow loyal Americans in cold blood. Quite a few people don’t seem to understand Hasan is a traitor who deserves to be executed for disloyalty and treachery. The Constitution has a precise definition of treason and Hasan fits it to a T.

NormanF on November 9, 2009 at 5:39 pm

foxnews reports cia says he sent emails to alquaida associates!

how will they get out of that? cnn has NOT mentioned this on their site

Bob S. on November 9, 2009 at 6:40 pm

BobS, Hasan was effectively an Al Qaeda agent inside the US military. Incredibly, our government takes no notice of this fact. He was in contact with Islamists the world over. Yet no one seemed to care that he was a national security risk and act accordingly. For that inaction, 14 Americans paid with their lives and over 30 were wounded. Its an act of war, not a tragedy and not a crime. It was an attack upon America!

NormanF on November 9, 2009 at 7:30 pm

“I don’t exactly have a great love for the Germans…”

Believe me, there are quite a few Germans who have high esteem for you, more than you may imagine.

I tried to translate a part of the article of Der Spiegel. I’m a native German speaker although my active skills in English are lousy.

(…) All TV channels started quickly showing the same black and white portrait photograph of Hasan. It is taken from his personal file at the “Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress” where he was as a specialist for “disaster and preventive psychiatry” on file. In the photo, he smiled slightly in a forced way at the camera.

“Another loyal, moderate American Muslim”

What let the officer and medical doctor who usually care for his by war traumatized fellow soldiers to cause the worst blood-bath which ever happened on a US-base? An act which US-president Barack Obama called in a spontanous declaration “horrific”?

Bevor the facts became even clear, the speculations and sweeping judgements flourished. A lot of commentators pounced quickly on Hasan’s name and the – during the evening disclosed – fact, that he’s a muslim.

“He is a muslim”, presenter Bill O’Reilly began the main evening broadcast of the Fox News Channel in a trembling voice – as if this would explain automatically a motive. “Ah, you knew this was coming”, wrote the conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel in her blog. “Yup, another loyal, moderate American Muslim”. To illustrate that she showed the islamic crescent moon below.

This atmosphere was stimulated by reports that Hasan made remarks on radical islamic websites. (…)

Daniel Pipes made an accurate assessment on this kind of mainstream media journalism. See: “Sudden Jihad or ‘Inordinate Stress’ at Ft. Hood?”

MartinT on November 9, 2009 at 8:37 pm

I find it amazing that an Army general will not use the word “terrorist”. I look forward to the day when he has healed, and they put him up for trial. I do hope they use a firing squad. As it turns out, the FBI & CIA have had their eyes on this guy for quite some time now. They are so obsessed with political correctness, they lacked the testicular fortitude to take assertive action. Janet-Planet Napolitano wants to now’ ensure that fellow muslims in the military are not discriminated against’. Sad that brave Americans had to die because some liberal faction in our misguided government wants to kiss the ass of Islamic terrorists. Beginning to see how & why we interned Japanese during WWII????

#1 Vato on November 9, 2009 at 8:49 pm

Her remarks against “Germans” disqualifies Ms. Schlussel. Having relatives in Germany, she should know better.

Karl Wurz on November 9, 2009 at 10:24 pm

“Hate site” MEMRI, “distorts” Islam . . . NOT!

yonason on November 9, 2009 at 10:44 pm

link missing in last comment, sorry, it should be…

Ma href=”“>”Hate site” MEMRI, “distorts” Islam . . . NOT!

yonason on November 9, 2009 at 10:46 pm

“Yet no one seemed to care that he was a national security risk and act accordingly. For that inaction, 14 Americans paid with their lives and over 30 were wounded. Its an act of war, not a tragedy and not a crime. It was an attack upon America!

NormanF on November 9, 2009 at 7:30 pm”

I agree. I also think it was an act of treason for those who knew of his statements and behavior not to do anything about him and to allow him to continue to “counsel” veterans. These heroes who suffered enough overseas were then forced to go here in America to a Muslim terrorist for their post-traumatic stress. That is true torture and a very cruel thing to put our veterans through.

JM on November 9, 2009 at 11:49 pm

I wish the Lame Stream Media would stop using the words “alleged shooter”. I guess the victims are “allegedly dead”.

JulieJ on November 10, 2009 at 10:49 am

Now we hear that ptsd is like a virus,and can be caught by talking to people that have it.Unreal!!

JOE on November 10, 2009 at 11:01 am

Terrorist or Not a Terrorist

It doesn’t matter. He’ll be tried, convicted and punished for multiple murders.

Justice will be as swift as to which degree the military bows to political correctness. If they buy the psychobabble then it’ll be a long messy courts martial.

Sam Adams on November 10, 2009 at 3:39 pm

Suggestion: You can use Google Language Service to translate almost anything. The translation of this German says:
“He is a Muslim, “said the presenter Bill O’Reilly, the main evening broadcast of the TV channel Fox News, in a trembling voice, began – as the automatically declare a motive. “That has indeed come to see you,” wrote the conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel on her blog. “Even as a loyal, moderate, an American Muslim.” Among them was starting to illustrate the Islamic crescent.”

Nelson on November 10, 2009 at 4:52 pm

“As readers know, I don’t exactly have a great love for the Germans”

Weird, since you are obviously of german descent yourself.

Zaza on November 11, 2009 at 5:35 am

“Noch bevor die Fakten klar waren, blühten die Spekulationen -”

What the Spiegel was saying about you Debbie was that you were one out of the many media pundits making blurting out speculations before all the facts were in. that jumping the gun like this, whether you turn out to be right or not, is not proper journalism. One has to read the entire article in Der Spiegel to get the proper context.

I personally do like like Islam but then neither do I like any institutionalized religion. There are Muslims who I know here in Europe who are about as religious as Attila the Hun. Their main interest is business and leading mainly secular lives. So jumping to conclusions, or at least creating the appearance of doing so about all Muslims doesn’t always look smart.

Huis on March 9, 2010 at 3:12 pm

    CORRECTION: I personally do not like Islam as a religion.

    Huis on March 9, 2010 at 3:14 pm

I wish you had an editing function for comments.

Huis on March 9, 2010 at 3:15 pm

blah, blah, blah… Debbie Schlussel… blah, blah blah…

Panhandle on March 16, 2012 at 3:49 pm

Germans always did enjoy being told what to do, so it’s no surprise that they would kowtow to political correctness. By now they really should have realized where their instincts are likely to carry them.

Frankz on October 13, 2012 at 8:35 am

PS: That’s called a Freudian slip Hans, just in case you’re not as smart as you think you are.

Frankz on October 13, 2012 at 9:39 am

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