November 8, 2009, - 12:17 pm

Free Meals Today for US Military Vets, Soldiers @ McCormick & Schmick’s

By Debbie Schlussel

***  UPDATE:  MORE Free Meals, Stuff for Veterans, Current U.S. Military Personnel on Veterans Day – Click Here! ***

To my readers who are serving or have served in the U.S. military, today (Sunday), you can have a free meal on the house at McCormick & Schmick’s, which is celebrating Veteran’s Day early.


McCormick & Schmick’s. For the 11th year in a row, the 87 locations in 25 states are offering free entrees to veterans on Sunday. The chain also requests military ID and highly recommends reservations. The promotion is on Sunday instead of Veterans Day, “because it allows vets to bring their families who might not be available during the week,” CEO Bill Freeman says.

There are other deals–free items or discounts, later this week, for current and past U.S. military personnel at Applebee’s, Krispy Kreme, Golden Corrall, Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Outback Steakhouse.

But before you applaud these businesses for giving free stuff to those who served, remember that it is good business. A military man or vet who eats at McCormick & Schmick’s or Applebee’s will get to eat free, but he might bring friends and family, who’ll be paying. And in these tough times, it’s smart business to fill empty seats, as less Americans eat out.

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6 Responses

Good business all around. Particularly when the government seems determined to allow the death of American soldiers to protect the illusion of diversity. Diversity to a Muslim means separateness from American society, not inclusion. The more Muslim they are, the more likely they are to see other Americans as different and evil. But this seems OK as long as we can keep the casuality count down to 40 or so.

pat on November 8, 2009 at 12:47 pm

Any kosher venues?


chsw on November 8, 2009 at 1:30 pm

Miss Schlussel:

Thank you for alerting me to this.

I knew about Golden Corral, because I ate a Veterans Day meal at the golden Corral in Vernal, Utah a few years ago.

The free Veterans Day meal at Applebees was announced on the FACEBOOK web site a couple of days ago.

But, I’ve never heard of McCormick and Schmick’s.

Then again, I rarely even leave my room, and haven’t much interest in restaurants, theatres, public events, et cetera.

Unfortunately, I just now returned from eating chow in the mess hall, so I am FULL!

As for Pat’s comment about Muslims and diversity, I am absolutely furious at what I just heard on the radio.

General Casey, the Army’s top general, in a television interview says we shouldn’t condemn Islam for the actions of Nidal Malik Hasan.

Since Nidal Malik Hasan clearly and openly acted as a Jihadist in support of and in sympathy with Al Qaeda and Taliban military operations, then our domestic combat military casualties at Fort Hood, Texas are entitled to be awarded the Purple Heart Medal, and our domestic combat civilian casualties at Fort Hood, Texas merit award of the Defense of Freedom Medal.

In addition, several individuals rate combat awards of at least a Bronze Star Medal, and probably a Silver Star Medal, plus award of the Combat Medic Badge and the Close Combat Badge.

In fact, as a result of that domestic combat action, those soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas may now wear their unit insignia on the right shoulder of their uniform, a status symbol indicating combat experience while assigned to that unit.

However, it is VERY possible, indeed, even quite probable, that misguided “political correctness” by career bureaucrats will prevent these awards being granted.

So, I think it behooves us to begin NOW to pressure Congress and the Department of Defense to grant those merited combat awards.

By the way, I was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, where I was a Scout for the Seventh Cavalry.

Again, thank you for thinking of me and e-mailing that notice.

John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Washington, D.C. 20011-8400

John Robert Mallernee on November 8, 2009 at 1:52 pm

Free Meals Today for US Military Vets, Soldiers @ McCormick & Schmick’s

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