April 13, 2007, - 9:56 am

The Black Imus: Will Damon Wayans Get Imus-ized over Blonde “Crackers” “Taste Better” Ad?

As I was thinking what would be the equivalent of a Black entertainer saying the equivalent of what Don Imus said, I remembered the ads that ran for two months on BET, last year, starring Damon Wayans. A close friend complained about them to me, last summer.
Wayans, who hosted the 2006 BET Awards, did an ad, entitled “Back to My Roots,” promoting the BET Awards show. With a bunch of scantily-clad, buxom White blonde chicks surrounding him, Wayans slaps one of them on her butt, remarking, “Things taste better on a Cracker” (at the very end of the ad). Hint: He wasn’t referring to Saltines.

Damon Wayans: “Things Taste Better on a Cracker

As a fake-blonde like those in the ad, should I be “scarred for life” a la the whining Scarlet Knights women’s basketball team at Rutgers. Will Damon Wayans lose everything–all his comedy, acting, and hosting gigs–for his racist comments against White women and implying that they are all “hos”? His comment in this disgusting ad was despicable.
Don’t hold your breath. There is only one difference between Don Imus and Damon Wayans (they are especially similar in their unfunniness): Don Imus is a White man. And Whites don’t enjoy full free speech, as dictated by the new thought police Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Airhead Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and White liberal America.
Instead of being up in arms like they were over Imus’ comments, Blacks all over the internet just loved Wayans comment about “Crackers,” laughing effusively about it, calling it “Hilarious! . . . LMAOOO [Laugh My Ass Off Off Off]” Haha funny, just like Imus’ comments. The creator of the ad, E. B. Dixon, Jr.–a Black man–bragged about it on his MySpace page.
And despite the offensive, racist ad, Queen Oprah–who, yesterday, featured the Rutgers womens basketball team on her show–still gave an exclusive invite and starring role to Wayans in her “Legends Ball.” Apparently, to Oprah, “Nappy-headed Hos”–not okay. But say “Crackers” about white chicks–and you’re a “Legend.”
We must begin to address why prominent Black Americans can get away with saying the most racist, most anti-Semitic, most bigoted statements–and get away with it, unscratched, while White Americans lose everything over it.
As George Orwell observed, all the animals in the barnyard are equal. But some are more equal than others.
Since we constantly hear cries and shouts about the lack of “equality in America” from minority activists, but they really don’t want true equality. They want to be able to continue for hate and bad behavior from their people to go unaddressed, while the same coming from a White guy, like Imus, draws a vastly overreactive punishment.
And that’s why we’ll never have true equality in America. Just watch the Damon Wayans “Back to My Roots” video, and you’ll see that’s definitely the case.
George Jefferson will always be “enlightened” and accepted for saying what, today, Archie Bunker would be a “racist” for saying (and would lose everything).

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27 Responses

I’m old enough to remember watching Muhamed Ali talk about “beating whitey” on TV. His reward – universal love and lighting the olympic torch.

stevecanuck on April 13, 2007 at 10:49 am

This is how blacks attack white men. They don’t have the means to do it any other way.

davidlanham on April 13, 2007 at 10:59 am

Another blistering example of double-standard brought to you by J.A.M.F., directed by Shabazz and all that jizz, er jazz. I find the Wayans clan as funny as a phone call from my ex. I caught enough snips of their “comedy” to leave no doubt in my mind as to which orifice bore them. Yessir!; it’s OK to have the brutha surrounded by the prized white poon but try that with a white guy surrounded by buxom black beauties and watch the mushroom cloud go up. It’s perfectly fine for these self-appointed “positive images of the black man” to exploit their women by calling them ho’s and bitches but the Cracka’ better not go there! What hypocritical bullshit!
They want respect…they don’t even respect themselves or their race.

1shot1kill on April 13, 2007 at 11:08 am

The “bleach-blondes” aside… they’re in it for the money, prostituting their dignity. The commercial, which I didn’t have to see to comment on, is a very clear example of how far the double-standard pendulum has swung. As is true in anything of this nature, people who do this will ride it until the water gets too rough. Unfortunately, the backlash from all this is going to give all the minority racist hate-mongers what they want: an uncompromising divide that may become permanent. As someone who is not black, I see this whole phenomenon as an indictment of the Black community at large. It’s just another example of how this community supports the wrong role models, spokespersons, etc., setting back advancements again, as opposed to enhancing or enlightening. When are the real, competent, intelligent Black role models going to put a stop to this? Frankly, it’s no different than the so called “peaceful” Islamists: blame everyone but your own for your troubles. Take some accountability for yourselves or you deserve everything you get!

FreeAmerican on April 13, 2007 at 11:14 am

davidlanham—IF we “attack” white men we go to jail quiker than you can recite your Klan oath!!!
i remember my sister whupping some whiteboy’s ass in junior high and he went on to be captain on the JV football team in high school, so let’s face it…whiteboys not only can’t jump, they can’t FIGHT either.
Speaking of Archie Bunker…one of the most memorable episodes was when he was reflecting on being a racist, and like O’reilly, he didn’t consider himself a racist. With tears in his voice he said that was the way he grew up…that’s the way his father taught him.
Imus is only the tip of the iceberg, and personally i don’t think he should have lost his job over a JOKE…but the best thing to come out of this was seeing Brother Malik Shabazz calling that white girl wannabe a POLITICAL PROSTITUTE>
Japanese in internment camps, “slopeheads” in the Korean War and the “gooks” of the Viet Nam era—ANY Asian with a sense of decency would realise that their Amerikkklan brethren wouldn’t mind final solutionizing THEM too.
There has been a paucity of Black leadership ever since the dream got shot down in 1968, it’s great to see Brother Shabazz step up to the plate…it’s refreshing to see Black men mad as hell and not willing to take it any more, especially NOW that it’s evident the ballot doesn’t work anymore [if it ever did].

EminemsRevenge on April 13, 2007 at 11:29 am

reverse racism…two wrongs don’t make a right America. Either we will
a.)continue to except double and triple standards
b.)choose today to end this nonsense
c.)everyone (including blacks,gays,Muslims,Latinos)can grow some balls and grow a thick skin
America so hypersensitive as the result of PC.

the_don on April 13, 2007 at 11:51 am

Malik Shabazz is an incompetent racist and so anyone else who identifies with that New Black Panther Party ilk. Its 2007 not 1957 or 1967…he and that ideology is obsolete.

the_don on April 13, 2007 at 11:55 am

The_don don’t realise that Amerikkka wants to reinstate Dred Scott…THAT has been evident from back in the daze of Gerald Ford!!!

EminemsRevenge on April 13, 2007 at 11:57 am

To EminemsRevenge, it sounds like your sister was a pretty tough guy.

Rich B on April 13, 2007 at 12:53 pm

Hey everyone, I just noticed this but, I would recommend that no one pay any attention to the person using the moniker “EnemasRevenge”(sic). I can tell by the writing that this person is European, and probably not a U.S. citizen. The dialogue, attitude and content are overtly EU in nature. Oh, and the EU is the new Caliphate! What losers….

FreeAmerican on April 13, 2007 at 2:37 pm

FreeAmerican, you are too stupid to live.
As a European and proud citizen of the mighty European Union, I’m here to tell you that there is nothing even vaguely European about EminemsRevenge’s “dialogue” as you so stupidly put it.
He is clearly white though, I’ll give you that much

The Purple Cow on April 13, 2007 at 3:21 pm

Well RE: the European thing…maybe they should check out what this limey has to say:
Guess i gotta be white because i can write well…when i want to of course??? Or is it because i may have read a hitroy book or two?

EminemsRevenge on April 13, 2007 at 6:47 pm

I love it, this string is on fire, finally something to write home about. EminemsRevenge takes the stage, where is TheePrunejuice when is not wanted? I am surprised no one mentioned that Julie Myers husband was confirmed as the new US Attorney for somewhere in the midwest. That guy is one bad -ss lawyer. Top of his class at Harvard, clerked for an appellate judge and a Supreme Court Judge, as well as Chief of the Staff at DHS. That is no chump change to bring to the table in the Ozarks or whereever he is going. Also, I can’t believe that no one commented on the Turks: 1) Don’t support us in our war in Iraq 2) Screw with our best comrades in arms- the Kurds 3) Try to walk in when we are manning the wall at the Alamo. Some little piece of trivia I learned as an infantryman- Turkish girls have pre-marital anal sex so there future husbands can hang their sheets. Put that in the ataboy/turk column.

code7 on April 13, 2007 at 8:48 pm

Although blacks are 12% of the population in reality it is just 2% of the blacks that commit 50% of the murders and a greater percentage of other crimes. Consider: black females – 6%. Blacks from zero yrs. to 12yrs. and black males from 50-100 years commit an infinitesimal percentage of the crimes. Therefore we are left with two percent. If we eliminate crimes committed by this two percent from the U.S. statistics our country compares very favorably with all Western countries. Fact — blacks kill 7 times more than whites kill. Fact — blacks kill whites 20 times more than whites kill blacks. Fact — blacks mug or commit group crime against whites 50 times more than whites commit against blacks. Fact — blacks rape white women 2000 (yes 2000) times more than whites rape black women. In New York City, about 300 white women are raped by blacks every year BUT there has not been a black woman raped by a white male in anybodyĆ­s memory (going back over 20 yrs.) Consider: Al Sharpton had to go upstate New York to find a hoax and that was over 10 years. ago.

Jovent on April 15, 2007 at 6:47 am

Although blacks are 12% of the population in reality it is just 2% of the blacks that commit 50% of the murders and a greater percentage of other crimes. Consider: black females – 6%. Blacks from zero yrs. to 12yrs. and black males from 50-100 years commit an infinitesimal percentage of the crimes. Therefore we are left with two percent. If we eliminate crimes committed by this two percent from the U.S. statistics our country compares very favorably with all Western countries. Fact — blacks kill 7 times more than whites kill. Fact — blacks kill whites 20 times more than whites kill blacks. Fact — blacks mug or commit group crime against whites 50 times more than whites commit against blacks. Fact — blacks rape white women 2000 (yes 2000) times more than whites rape black women. In New York City, about 300 white women are raped by blacks every year BUT there has not been a black woman raped by a white male in anybody?s memory (going back over 20 yrs.) Consider: Al Sharpton had to go upstate New York to find a hoax and that was over 10 years. ago.

Jovent on April 15, 2007 at 6:48 am

“The commercial, which I didn’t have to see to comment on…”
The Conservative American paradigm in a nutshell.

The Purple Cow on April 15, 2007 at 1:35 pm

Why is Wayans wearing 1960’s-style cricket gear?
What’s the joke I’m not getting?

The Purple Cow on April 15, 2007 at 1:45 pm

Seriously who wrote this book ?????????
Debbie in the link you provided (below) someone suggested/ thought you wrote that book.
Here are some other links where it was also thought you wrote this book

sue-me on April 15, 2007 at 6:55 pm

how confused you are. You call yourself ‘EminemsRevenge’ because you think whites stole something from you. Whites were making music before your people figured out how to nail 2 boards together. No one questions the contribution of blacks, but whites created 90+ percent of this civilization, including your shirt, your pants, your baseball cap, your language, and your religion, so get over Elvis and Eminem.
And, as far as white guys not ‘jumping’; wouldn’t that prove an uncomfortable thesis? I mean, white men have lost their careers agreeing with your premise. btw, I fight just fine.
And, Archie Bunker? I really care what the self-hating Carroll O’Conner thought. In fact, All In The Family was one of the key propaganda shows on which I was raised. It took 25 years to de-program all the liberal bullshit I was taught by tv.
And, I guess you refer to Michelle Malkin? She’s supposed to be upset by the racism of whites? A Filipino? Who has a country named for her race? Like all the other Asians? Do you expect whites to apologize to Japanese racists, Chinese racists, Korean racists, etc, etc…or just to the Filipino racists?
Lastly, as far as these black militants go, I support them. I think you should be racist because it makes you strong. I just want to be like you, so spare me your false outrage.

davidlanham on April 15, 2007 at 7:35 pm

I wonder if the poor litle RuttGirls still think they have been scarred for life compared to the trama inflicted on the Duke Lacrosse team and the Virginia Tech students.

Bob E Sherman on April 17, 2007 at 8:54 am

Wow….all the responses are very cerebral here, however, i am fairly confident you all are on drugs, or need to be…

Captain Cook on July 8, 2014 at 10:41 am

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