April 9, 2007, - 12:37 pm

Update: First Dubai Ports; Now Dow Chemical and Carlyle Group

The Dubai Ports sale to America’s AIG finally went through a few weeks ago. So, thankfully, the United Arab Emirates is now out of the American ports operation biz.
Unfortunately, two more disturbing developments are in the making involving Arab and Muslim nations owning important parts of American infrastructure.
First, there is the bid to buy Dow Chemical. Reuters reports that the key bidders involve the usual anti-American suspects from the Gulf:

LONDON (Reuters) – A consortium of Middle Eastern investors and American buyout firms is preparing a $50 billion approach for Dow Chemical Co. (DOW.N: Quote, Profile , Research) in what could be the world’s biggest ever leveraged buyout, a paper said on Sunday.
Quoting sources close to the deal, The Sunday Express, a UK tabloid paper, said a financing package has been put in place for a break-up bid of between $52 to $58 a share and an approach valuing the company at least $50 billion could come by the end of this week.
Dow’s shares closed up 35 cents at $44.47 on the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday.
At least half of the capital is being provided by investors from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman, with the rest contributed by a number of U.S. buyout firms including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR.UL: Quote, Profile , Research), it said.

Then, there is the $1.8 billion sale of the Carlyle Group’s aerospace units, Standard Aero Holdings, Inc. and Landmark Aviation–which have some top secret plane and aerospace technology–to state-owned/run Dubai Aerospace Enterprise Ltd. (Carlyle was previously the joint investment venture between George H.W. Bush, members of his former Administration, and the Bin Laden family.)
The question is whether the Committee on Foreign Investments in the U.S. (CFIUS) in the Department of Treasury (the committee also includes do-nothing DHS chief Michael Chertoff) allows the Dow and Carlyle sales to go through. That was the problem with the Dubai Ports deal. The OFAC didn’t really scrutinize the deal.
Will they fully examine the deals, this time?
Don’t bet on it. America is for sale to the highest–and often most detestable–bidder.

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One Response

We saw this same kind of national security interest sellout during the Klinton regime when they transferred the approval process for sensitive technology transfers from the State Department to Ron Brown’s Commerce Department.
The Bush family is in up to it’s neck in these deals (as well as the Klintons) and stands to make a lot of money from them. Bush (and their lap dog media buddy, Rush Limbaugh) tried to ram the Dubai Ports deal through without any examination and they’ll try to do the same with this. If it wasn’t for the outrage from real Americans, that deal would’ve happened.
Let’s see how the following people treat this potential travesty:
1. President Bush
2. Rush Limbaugh
3. Hillary Clinton
4. Bill Clinton.
And, should this Dow deal go through, the acquiring parties are going to break up Dow – as what happens in Leveraged Buyouts (LBO’s) – then what’ll happen to our chemical producing capabilities, as well as R&D capabilities.
It’s ironic how the scuzlums hate the infidel, but LOVE our money.

Thee_Bruno on April 9, 2007 at 2:19 pm

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