March 28, 2006, - 11:20 am

Good News: Positive Aftermath of Dubai Ports Deal Cancellation

The cancellation of the (including 6 major ones) has resulted in a lot of positives, including Americans getting enraged about foreign control of important infrastructure.
Now, there are two more dividends:
* A consortium, including Wall Street investment bank Goldman Sachs, Inc., is considering bidding for British port operation Associated British Ports Holdings, PLC a/k/a “AB Ports.”
While AB Ports is not Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. (the British company Dubai Ports World was acquiring in order to control our ports), ABPorts owns Amports, which runs automotive terminals at U.S. ports in Maryland, California, Georgia, and Florida.
Unfortunately, the consortium with Goldman Sachs is not entirely American. Italso includes a Canadian retirement fund and a Singaporte government fund. But those countries are allies which did NOT help Al-Qaeda terrorists, and don’t exercise and against Jews, Israelis, etc.
It’s a start.
* The Bush Administration has withdrawn its nomination of David Sanborn to run the U.S. Maritime Administration.
Sanborn was Dubai Ports World’s Director of Operations for Europe and Latin America. A guy with those kinds of connections (and who might return to that position after the Bush Presidency is over) should be kept away from the maritime position. There are a lot of unanswered questions about Sanborn’s involvement in the initial rubber stamp of the failed DP World U.S. ports deal.

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One Response

We went from a terrorist country operasting our ports to communists?
Get on this story Debbie, the mainstream media isn’t

KOAJaps on March 31, 2006 at 2:48 am

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